
Chapter 1680: Spirit of Light

The unconscious Sleeper slowly opened her eyes, staring at Nephis with a dazed look. She smiled reassuringly and rose, picking up her sword again.

There was not much time left. The enemies were approaching.

Towering above the three of them - Nephis and the two teenage girls - the Lord of Shadows said coldly:

"It's sweet that you promised to save them. But how are you going to do it? Once we start fighting with those abominations, a single shockwave will be enough to finish these two off."

Nephis climbed out of the pit and helped the girl she had healed up. Tamar followed.

'Good question.’

There was no time to run away, because the asuras were faster than them. Flying away wasn't an option, either, because they would be perfect targets in the air. One toss of a diamond weapon, and there would be no escape.

Even if Nephis could evade, she had to carry at least one of the Sleepers, and neither of the girls would survive the crushing pressure of such maneuvers,

She considered countless strategies in a single second and looked up at the Lord of Shadows,

"You take them and retreat. I'll hold the enemy off, and then join you."

He remained silent for a moment, and then said flatly:

"I refuse."

Nephis blinked.


She had not expected that answer.


The shadow demon bent down, bringing his onyx helmet level to her face. The darkness nestling inside it was deep and impenetrable.

"You might be fine dying for these Sleepers, Changing Star. But I am not fine with you dying."

One of his onyx claws pointed at her.

"You still owe me a favor, remember? Wouldn't I be cheated if you died before repaying me?"

Nephis tilted her head.

At that moment... she thought that she felt a hint of desire from the Lord of Shadows. Some people's longing was like a spark, some people's longing was like flame. His, though... to her, it felt like a towering pyre that dwarfed everything around.

As it turned out, the Lord of Shadows was a man of dire passion behind that cold exterior.

She couldn't make out the details of what exactly he yearned for, but his unwillingness to see her dead - before she made good on her promise, at least seemed rather sincere.

It looked like the favor he intended to ask from her was not simple.

A moment later, his soul was shrouded in darkness once again, and she couldn't feel anything.

Nephis sighed.

"What do you propose, then?"

The Lord of Shadows lingered for a moment.

Then, he scratched his horned head, the onyx claws scraping piercingly against the surface of his helmet.

Finally, he sighed.

"I'll take them to the Nameless Temple and return. You... stay alive while I'm gone."

Wasn't that basically what she had suggested?

Nephis raised an eyebrow.

"How long will it take you to make it back to the Citadel and return, Lord Shadow?"

He raised one of his four hands and bent a few fingers, then answered evenly:

"...About six seconds."

She stared at him silently.

Then... she stared some more.


"You could make a trip from the Citadel to here in three seconds, this whole time? Why did we fight our way here through the jungle, then?"

Usually, Nephis had to make an effort to put emotions Into her naturally deadpan voice. But now, she was actually struggling to maintain composure and make it sound calm!

It was an extremely rare occurrence.

The Lord of Shadows shrugged indifferently.

"It would have consumed too much of my essence. Carrying these Sleepers is fine, but you... are too heavy of a burden."

Nephis stared at him silently for a moment, then glanced down involuntarily.

Her body was lithe and slender, like it had always been.



The Lord of Shadows remained silent for a moment, too, then added suddenly, his cold tone suspiciously close to sounding a tiny bit rushed:

"Because you are a Transcendent. Your soul is too vast and powerful, that was what I meant."

He took a step forward and placed two of his four hands on the shoulders of the speechless Sleepers.

"Anyway... time is of the essence... so, I'd better go."

A moment later, the three of them dissolved into shadows, leaving Nephis alone in the small clearing.

'A spatial movement Ability.’

She remained motionless for a second, then looked at herself again.

A quiet mumble could be heard:

"...Did I gain muscle?"

Sure, she was not as delicate and pretty as Cassie. And not as elegant and graceful as Seishan. But Nephis was pretty confident in her figure... granted, it wasn't as generous as Effie's...

‘What am I even thinking about?'

Just at that moment, the jungle around her exploded, and seven ghastly golems lunged at her from all sides, the world groaning in agony from the violent force of their passing.

Nephis was still looking down.

Before they could reach her, though, her body exploded with a brilliant radiance, and their towering figures were consumed by blinding light.


Nephis had transformed into a spirit of light.

In that state, her graceful body seemed to be woven out of immaculate white radiance. That radiance contained an unfathomable ocean of furious flame instead of flesh and bone, and was a beautiful vessel for her fiery, titanic soul.

She was like a brilliant star that had taken the form of a human,

The moisture permeating the humid air instantly evaporated. The rotten leaves blanketing the ground turned to ash. The remains of the dead tree blackened and caught fire, being consumed at startling speed.

But the speed with which the mystical wood was being consumed by the white flame was nothing when compared to the speed with which Nephis moved.

Unconstrained by the limitations of mundane flesh, her power exploded.

The whole clearing was flooded with blinding light, and the towering figures of the asuras dissolved in that light. They weren't destroyed, but the red moss covering their cracked armor was immediately incinerated. The mummified flesh within the stone carapaces blackened and smoldered.

The seven diamond weapon fell in unison, but Nephis effortlessly danced out of the way.

Almost at the same time...

She was suddenly in front of one of the abominations, her radiant fist brushing lightly against its stone breastplate.

The massive creature was thrown back. The armor on its chest cracked and melted, and the thick armor plate on its back exploded, shards of stone turning into molten rain as they fell to the ground.

The world was stark and clear, awash in annihilating pain.

'Three more seconds...'

Nephis wondered how many of these Nightmare Creatures she would be able to kill before the Lord of Shadows returned.

Comments 38

  1. Offline
    hey where's that comment about sunny's weaving? i was writing a paragraph for that, man cheerful
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    1. Offline
      Oh I will post it when new chapter on this ranobes.top will be published, it's just I thought, I want more people to see my frustration but just for you bro:

      Honestly this last two chapters for was just painfull reminder of a question "Why the fck Sunny even have sorcery?". He can craft really cool stuff but the question where is it? What cool stuff he crafted in this 5 years? And honestly I'm starting to understand that thre is literally nothing really good or cool in Weaving or at least we didn't see any of it. Memories? what exactly good about memories that they are better than average runic sorcery stuff? Especially since everyone can learn runic Sorcery. Echoes takes to much time to build + we still don't have information how exactly make them, and does it even worth to spend so much time to creat only 1 Echo? You can't use Weave in battle, cus it takes to much concetration and soul essence to use it. Spell? yeah cool, one small issue it was made by Diety, every God or Diety can do reality manipulation stuff with their sorcery, its not that much of a feat. I just wrote my frustration, because we know nothing about Weaving and other sorcery limits or rules, even though it first appeared litteraly +1000 chapters ago.
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      1. Offline
        Then i will reply later as well then 🤣 no guarantees on its coherence tho
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  2. Online Offline
    I was thinking the 3rd Sovereign might be sacred rank somehow idk just a feeling and it can be wrong
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    1. Offline
      it could also be that song and valor are around early to mid stage sovereign then after they're put in their place, a quasi/half-step sacred comes in to ruin sunny's fun
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      1. Online Offline
        You know divine rank is not the end of it. Cause daemons are much stronger than them as Ariel made a literal citadel or grave from divine rank beast or you can say holy. Then we have gods who are maybe of similar power range or some are higher. I believe forgotten god in void will be much higher rank than God and then their are void beings. Sigh 😔
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        1. Offline
          Well Ariel made a litteral dimension, out of corpses and soul of Unholy Titan not beast
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          1. Online Offline
            You took beast as literal core buddy I mean as an animal or being. I say them mostly as beast not their core they have.
            ex: if I had said divine monster you had said the same thing but I am denoting them as literal monster
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            1. Offline
              Oh sorry it's just being confusing sometimes, thx for clarification
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        2. Offline
          i know, but i'm thinking that if sunny DOES fave early to mid stage sovereign Song and Valor, then he'd wanna take a break so i only hope he draws a Quasi sacred afterwards, just a HOPE ya know
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  3. Online Offline
    1683: Dark Deity.

    A Cursed Tyrant…

    Nephis felt an unfamiliar emotion that she couldn't quite describe. Awe perhaps? Or maybe hatred.

    The pure flames of her soul roared, surging restlessly in the presence of the harrowing adversary.

    Cursed Nightmare Creatures were… the epitome of terror. Each of them was equal to what a Sacred being would have been — not that there were any of those around. Nevertheless, Sacred beings held a special meaning for humanity.

    That was because of what the steps of the Path of Ascension meant, at least as far as humans theorized.

    If the Path of Ascension was the road to divinity, then each step brought those treading it closer to godhood. Transcendence was the step of breaking away from the limits of the mundane. Supremacy was the act of asserting one's power over the world, thus establishing the foundation of their future apotheosis.

    But it was the next step, which no Awakened of their world had taken before, that signified truly attaining the qualities of the divine. A Sacred being was already a deity, albeit a lesser one.

    The same could be said about a Cursed being. The Cursed Tyrant, Condemnation, could very well be called a deity, A profane deity of abyssal Corruption.

    And so, in a sense…

    Today was the first time Nephis would face a god In battle.

    But not the last.

    —— —— ——

    Time seemed to slow down as Condemnation rose from beneath the ruins. The gargantuan shape of the ancient fiend was still hidden behind the layers of collapsing soil and crumbling buildings, but it was already like a towering mountain. The quaking earth, the scale of it all… seemed more like a natural process than the movements of a living being.

    Or rather, unnatural.

    Witnessing the sleeping giant wake from its slumber, Nephis could finally guess how this ancient city had been destroyed, and why it had fallen despite the dire might of its defenders. The warriors that wielded the dreadful power of the sorcerous exosuits and the sublime diamond weapons, the asuras… had perished when the Cursed Tyrant descended upon their city like a cataclysm.

    Even their impossible strength had not been enough to save this land, which was now a forgotten ruin. One of many similar ruins swallowed by the jungle.

    Such was the caliber of enemies the civilization of Godgrave had faced before extinction.

    It certainly made one wonder…

    If the same fate awalted the civilization of the waking world — the last human civilization.

    America had already been lost to the advent of a Category Five Gate, Antarctica to the Chain of Nightmares. Humans were migrating to the Dream Realm now… but what would happen if a Cursed Tyrant was attracted by the smell of human souls and attacked Bastion? Or Ravenheart?

    How long would the Great Clans last if the true horrors of the Dream Realm abandoned the Death Zones to roam its vast expanse freely?

    Safety… was an illusion.

    The waking world was dying, but the Dream Realm was a death trap as well. Of that, Nephis was certain.

    Which was why the Sovereigns had to be eliminated.

    Not because they had killed her father. Not because they had sent assassins after her and turned her childhood into a cruel nightmare. Not because they had brought the Immortal Flame clan to ruin… although Nephis would lie if she said that none of that mattered.

    It was not even because of the countless lives lost because of their schemes in Antarctica.

    The reason… was that the Sovereigns were not up to the task. They were incompetent, strangling humanity's power in pursuit of misguided reasons. Ki Song, Anvil, Asterion — none of the three was wise enough, determined enough. And desperate enough.

    Their achievements were great, and they might have thought that their cynical tyranny was for the greater good. But they were not someone who could defeat the Nightmare Spell.

    That said, to have a chance to defeat them and bring about change…

    Nephis had to survive the meeting with this Corrupted Tyrant first.

    She gritted her teeth.

    «There is no escape…»

    A Cursed Tyrant was like a deity, and a deity could exert great power upon the world. The ruins of this ancient city were Condemnation's territory, and so, its will here was like a law here.

    If it didn't want to let the two Saints leave, they wouldn't be able to leave. Nephis and the Lord of Shadows had already witnessed how space itself was preventing them from escaping into the jungle.

    What other option was there?

    If they couldn't escape, they had to fight. But defeating a Corrupted Tyrant in battle was not something either of them was capable of… even surviving a single attack by the profane being was questionable.

    The gap was too great.

    Nephis glanced at the Lord of Shadows and asked, her clear voice resounding in the roar of the quaking earth:

    «That spatial Ability of yours… can you escape?»

    He shook his head.

    «Not this time… not this time…»

    It sounded as if this was not his first time encountering a Cursed Nightmare Creature.

    Just what kind of life had he led?

    Nephis took a deep breath.

    …Or rather, she mimicked the familiar motions of taking a deep breath. The radiant spirit did not have lungs, after all, and neither needed nor was capable of breathing. It was simply a vessel containing a vast ocean of flame.

    She had been prepared to unleash her full Transformation if things went south.

    However… the current situation was way worse than even her worst prediction. Even if she did allow the spirit form to dissolve, releasing the ocean of flame contained within its brilliant figure, she wouldn't be able to contend against the Cursed Tyrant.

    «No other choice, then.»

    Well… it couldn't be helped. She had managed to come closer than usual to fully saturating her soul cores this time around, already.

    The important part was to make the sacrifice count.

    Watching a vague figure reveal itself from beneath the mountain of flowing soil, Nephis glanced at the approaching asuras and said evenly:

    «Hold back these creatures, then. I'll… create an opportunity for the two of us to escape.»

    Surrounded by radiant light, Nephis concentrated for a moment…

    And reached into her incandescent soul.
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      1684: Pure Agony.

      They could not escape, but they also could not fight the Cursed Tyrant.

      In that situation, the only way out Nephis saw was to create a momentary lapse in the Tyrant's concentration.

      It was the abomination's profane will that was preventing them from reaching the jungle. If that will was weakened, even for a few moments, a path to freedom would be theirs to take.

      Nephis had no hope of killing the evil deity, and no confidence to face it in a prolonged battle. However… she was pretty sure that she could at least hurt it.

      She knew pain better than most. She knew how hard it was to keep calm and steady when your body and soul were being blackened by flame. How it felt to burn alive.

      Anyone's will would be shaken by that agony.

      But her adversary this time was a Cursed Tyrant. Not any flame would be able to hurt it, and her usual attacks were woefully insufficient.

      So, she had to give it her all.

      …Which required time.

      The Lord of Shadows had to buy her that time.

      As the pursuing asuras closed in on them, he glanced at her briefly.

      Then, he sighed and let go of his black odachi.

      The tenebrous sword fell to the ground, but rippled like liquid in the air. She thought that she saw a glimmer of serpentine scales.

      A moment later, the odachi turned into a torrent of shadows, and then coalesced into a human form… that of a woman, both her clothes and skin perfectly black, her hair like a waterfall of silken darkness. She was standing with her back to Nephis, so her face was hidden from view. And yet, it felt like the mysterious woman was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

      More than that… her presence was that of a Transcendent.

      A moment ago, there were two Saints facing the Great Beasts.

      Now, there were three.

      Pulling another sword out of the darkness, the Lord of Shadows lunged at the ghastly asuras without wasting any time. The black woman followed, moving with dire speed and indescribable grace.

      They clashed with the abominations a split second later.

      Sadly, Nephis could not observe their battle.

      She was reaching into her soul.

      The blinding light emanated by her radiant figure grew even more intense, its heat more unbearable, The vines and moss covering the ruins around her turned to ash, revealing ancient stone structures, The weathered stone started to melt.

      «It's going to hurt…»

      Her goal was to cause the Cursed being pain, but to achieve it, she had to withstand her own share of agony.

      As something too harrowing to witness and too appaling to see slowly revealed itself from beneath the collapsing soil, Nephis steeled her will… and ignited her soul.

      It was different from summoning soul flame or activating her Abilities. What she was doing was a derivative skill of her Aspect, something she had always been capable of, but only truly learned how to do in Twilight.

      Instead of merely burning soul essence, she was burning her very soul.

      But, unlike the crude way she had done so in Twilight, Nephis was doing it in a much more refined and controlled manner now.

      With each moment, her soul cores grew weaker, and her counter of soul fragments plummeted with dire speed. Each soul fragment she sacrificed turned into a torrent of immolating flame.

      That incandescent inferno grew and grew, the terrifying power contained within it reaching a truly chilling scale.

      Nephis could detonate a soul core to produce a tremendous explosion, But an explosion was a wild thing.., it spread in all directions, annihilating everything in Its path. Such a calamity could obliterate a vast number of enemies, both weak and strong.

      To deal a wound to someone as strong as a Cursed Tyrant, however, such a dispersed tool of destruction was sulted poorly. She needed something much more concentrated, targeted, and controlled.

      Consumed by a harrowing agony, Nephis endured the feeling of her soul being burned to ash, and slowly raised a radiant hand.

      In front of her, the Lord of Shadows and the mysterious Saint he had summoned were drowning in the tide of Great Beasts.

      She concentrated deeply, and whispered several Names, shaping them into a verse. Channeling that verse put a terrible strain on her mind, her burning soul, and even her brilliant vessel.

      The Name of the Fire to control the flames.

      The Name of the wind to fan them.

      These two were easier.

      The other two…

      Nephis trembled as she uttered a terrible word.

      It was the Name of Destruction.

      The Name of Destruction to greatly enhance the destructive force of her soul flame.

      And finally, the last one…

      Perhaps the most important one.

      She smiled darkly.


      The True Name of the Cursed deity, the hint to which had been so generously provided to her by the Spell.

      To bind the devastating flame to the ancient fiend, and bind the fiend to the flame.

      Names were a powerful thing.

      And so, Nephis called flame and destruction upon the Tyrant, using her own soul as fuel.

      In the next moment, a perfectly white ray of concentrated flame shot off her palm, connecting it to the terrible shape of the rising giant many kilometers away. Its arrival was instantaneous. Its passing burned the world itself, leaving a scar on it.

      Even though it consisted of flame, it seemed like a ray of pure white light.

      That light bit into the flesh of Condemnation, slicing it apart like a sharp blade. Terrible burns were left in its wake.

      And just as Nephis was drowning in terrible agony…

      The Cursed Tyrant convulsed, its mind pierced by unbearable pain.

      An indescribable, deafening, harrowing sound shook the world. It was a sound that would drive a mundane person…, no, even an Awakened, a Master, a weaker Saint… mad from simply hearing it.

      Condemnation was screaming.


      Nephis swayed, her radiance dimming. Her Transformation was dismissed, and she once again turned into a human. The white tunic she had been wearing was singed and burned, barely holding in place.

      «Right… I should summon the rest of my armor…»

      But she was momentarily dazed, paying the price for burning away a part of her soul.

      Nephis had told the Lord of Shadows to run, but found herself unable to follow her own advice.

      Before she could do anything, though, two strong arms grabbed her. Raising her unceremoniously, he dashed away without saying a word. The onyx surface of his armor was smooth and cool to the touch.

      «Am… am I… being carried?»

      She was stunned.

      When had something like that ever happened to her?

      «Grab a hold of yourself, princess!»

      Despite the situation, his voice sounded as cold and arrogant as always. Maybe even a little colder than usual.

      She closed her eyes for a moment, then summoned the rest of her armor.

      By the time it weaved itself from sparks of light, the Lord of Shadows let go of her, and they ran toward the edge of the ruins together.

      The echoes of the Cursed Tyrant's pained howi were still traveling across the Hollows when they escaped into the Jungle, leaving the forgotten city behind.

      Just like that, their one-on-one expedition into the Hollows was over.

      —— —— ——

      A few hours later, Nephis was sitting on the steps of the Nameless Temple.

      The world… was mercilessly stark, black and white, with no place left for feeling or compromise.

      As it always happened after she overused her Aspect, her emotions were dampened and weak, almost gone. Her heart was cold.

      Or maybe it was so impossibly scorching that it felt cold.

      She was tired, but couldn't feel the tiredness.

      One could not remember pain, but remembering having suffered pain was all too easy.

      Raising a hand, she allowed a soft radiance to ignite under her skin and stared at it silently.

      «It still hurts.»

      Good. That was good. Nephis knew that she had not truly lost herself as long as she could still feel the pain, and fear it.

      She signed.

      It was time to return.

      The Fire Keepers had already gathered in front of her, ready to depart. The three Sleepers were also there, looking around with awe and amazement. Even Tamar, the Legacy girl, was subdued by the solemn atmosphere of the dark temple.

      The master of the temple, meanwhile, had not come to see them off. Only his Echo was watching.

      The Lord of Shadows…

      Such a mysterious man.

      Nephis tilted her head a little, remembering how he behaved in the forgotten ruin. Not during the battle… but before it.

      Surprisingly enough, the cold warrior seemed to have a lot of interest in history, almost like an explorer. That was a side of him she had not seen before.

      Which was understandable, considering that they didn't know each other too well.


      At that moment, her indifferent eyes glinted slightly.

      She thought back to their first meeting, when he challenged her to a duel.

      The style he used once belonged to her family — naturally, Nephis had asked the Lord of Shadows who taught that style to him.

      And what had he answered?

      Her lips parted.

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      1. Offline
        Thank you as always :)

        Damn damn the drama the sacrifice the romance I love it!!! I couldn’t have asked for better that was amazing Sunny swooping I’m at the last moment and Nephis shock truly a great romantic scene
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  4. Offline
    get ready all
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    1. Online Offline
      I'm ready! 8
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  5. Offline
    Chapters released
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  6. Offline
    So they both have a high chance of losing themselves when using their abilities. Neph would lose herself due to the purity of her soul, erasing everything about her while essentially leaving a living, breathing nova without a personality, while sunny would lose himself in the depths of his shadows leaving an amorphous shadow creature that stalks the shade
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    1. Offline
      She almost did in Twilight, when she exploded her soul. She became almost emotionless for a few days.
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  7. Offline
    She considered countless strategies in a single second and looked up at the Lord of Shadows,

    "You take them and retreat. I'll hold the enemy off, and then join you."
    He remained silent for a moment, and then said flatly:

    "I refuse."

    Nephis blinked.


    She had not expected that answer.
    bet that made all the BS he had and has to go through cus of the lack of fate a lot more berable ehh
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  8. Offline
    Man we are now facing cursed level, we skipped Great Titan
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    1. Offline
      I think the correct thing would be, we are escaping from a cursed level.
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  9. Offline
    Nephis: Condemnation! what

    Sunny: Damnation! want
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  10. Offline
    Cursed Tyrant: Awakes
    Sunny: I swear to the fking Dead and Forgotten Gods, I never ever going to go save someone again in my entire future fking life.
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