
Chapter 1686: Acts of Humanity

For Nephis, the world was still stark and sharp, devoid of subtlety. Her emotions were still subdued, and mostly missing. It had not been long since the battle with Condemnation - if their desperate escape could even be called a battle - and so, she had not recovered from the annihilating pain of burning her soul to ash yet.

She had been in Godgrave just yesterday. Back then, they had waited on the steps of the Nameless Temple for a long time for its master to come and take them back to the waking world. Nephis could have carried her warriors across the threshold of realms herself, but the tentative agreement with the Lord of Shadows was preventing her from placing a tether in the vicinity of his Citadel.

In the end, the mysterious Saint walked out of the darkness and silently brought the Fire Keepers, the three Sleepers, and herself away from the Dream Realm, one at a time. She suspected that he could carry more than one person across realms - Nephis herself could carry seven other Saints, or more than a hundred mundane people - but Shadow kept his secrets close to his chest, as always.

She had been idly curious where his tether in the waking world would be. Saints usually had an established base there, most within the well-guarded walls of their clan's compound.

Nephts herself, as well as the Fire Keepers, operated from the former manor of the Immortal Flame clan.

It was a bit of a contentious topic, actually, because the elders of Valor wanted them to reside within the great clan's stronghold in NQSC - officially, for safety reasons, but truthfully to control them better.

But the relationship between the Fire Keepers and the rest of Valor forces was generally a bit awkward, not the least because of the sixth month the survivors of the Forgotten Shore had spent hiding in the Dream Realm to avoid the fallout of Cassie's conflict with the great clan. It had only been resolved after Nephis returned and agreed to become Anvil's adopted daughter.

In any case... there were no independent Saints, really. Everyone either had a Legacy clan supporting them or worked for the government. So, Nephis was understandably curious about where the Lord of Shadows tethered himself in the waking world.

Was it a secret compound in NQSC? An unassuming residential building? A stronghold of a minor Legacy clan in one of the other Quadrants? The remains of an abandoned government facility, perhaps?

She had idly imagined all kinds of places, thinking that they might hint to his real background.

Curiously enough, though, the tether of the Lord of Shadows was carelessly placed in the middle of an empty street in the outskirts of NQSC. The outskirts were much more desolate now than they had been before, with many people having left for the Dream Realm. There were many abandoned areas like this one, where there was hardly any foot traffic.

While unconventional, the placement of the tether seemed to be dictated by nothing except for pure convenience, which had not told her anything at all.

Nephis had been the last one to be brought over. The Lord of Shadows did not waste any time on saying goodbyes, nodding at her curtly before dissolving into the darkness.

Just like that, her expedition to Godgrave was over.

There were a lot of things she had to do after that. Nephis said her goodbyes to the three Sleepers and sent them off to the Academy - since they had never managed to anchor themselves in the Dream Realm, they would have to request the help of a Saint, pass through one of the Dream Gates, or wait for the next winter solstice to complete their Awakening.

She would have offered her help, but considering Tamar's allegiance to the Song Domain, having her anchor in Bastion was not an option.

The Fire Keepers either returned to the Immortal Flame manor or went straight back to the Ivory Tower, They needed some rest.

As for Nephis herself…

She made her way to the compound of Clan Valor. Then, it was a whirlwind of briefings and reports, as well as a lot of waiting. Luckily, Cassle was there to help her manage the most tedious parts.

It was not until the morning of the next day that Nephis had a chance to rest and recover. She ate a late breakfast, took a long shower, and put on some mundane clothes. Going through the motions.

It was a bit annoying. Everything not having to do with furthering her goal was, in her current state.

Eventually, she ended up making an appointment with her therapist.

Nephis had been assigned a psychological counsellor after returning from her Second Nightmare, and was seeing one periodically to this day.

Of course, it was a bit of a farcical affair.

She believed that there was some benefit to receiving counselling - gods knew, her mental state was far from untroubled. It had been especially bad after the Second Nightmare, and would turn cold and emotionless every time she overused her Aspect. Nephis... was concerned about losing the sight of her humanity, which was the reason she had agreed to therapy.

However, it wasn't hard to guess that her assigned therapist was making regular reports about everything she said during their sessions, At first, the reports had gone to the government.

After Nephis Joined Clan Valor, her initial counsellor was suddenly unavailable, and referred her to a colleague. The new counsellor was unmistakably making detailed reports to the elders of the Great Clan.

So, it was a charade. Nephis pretended not to know and continued to visit the therapist to nurture the feeling of false control Clan Valor had regarding her.

That said, even a charade could be useful sometimes.

There were many useful things she had learned from the counsellors while they were learning falsehood from her.

For example... the act of wearing mundane clothes. Nephis would have been comfortable never dismissing her armor Memories, but it was these small acts of human behavior that tethered her to humanity.

She was also often encouraged to participate in mundane leisure activities and communicate with ordinary people more. There were other small things she had learned to do, as well. Nephis found these tasks a bit tedious, but beneficial to the state of her soul.

It was also good to her current endeavor of mastering the Knowledge of Passion. She tended to spend all her time in the company of a certain kind of people - Awakened warriors, and elite ones at that. Their passions burned bright, but were usually colored with similar hues.

Experiencing a wide range of human hopes and aspirations was bound to help her understand that elusive branch of her Aspect Legacy better.

And so... Nephis listened to her counsellor well.

Which was why she arrived at the quaint café in a remote part of Bastion feeling very uncomfortable in a light summer dress.

Comments 26

  1. Online Offline
    A whole f#cking chapter wasted on bullshit like that transcended battle arts one. G3 is really trying hard to increase word count
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  2. Online Offline
    Wait, I just thought about it. Imagine if Nephis will fall in love with both Sunless and Lord of Shadows, and then her face when she will learn the truth.
    Edit: well not really her face but rather what she will think in her head.
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    1. Offline
      It'd be mongrel all over again. I think effie wass the one who told neph abt mongrel and sunny right? Imagine 8f it's her again who does the reveal. That'd be hilarious
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  3. Offline
    oh gods the innuendos. the after effects of neph's nova has the opposite intended effect in front of sunny.

    also, this explains why sunny hasn't used any memories up till now. he didn't create an excessive amount of memories, but only some attuned to channeling his abilities. makes sense, makes sense
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    1. Online Offline
      Yes I agree, I really like the fact that as soon as I have some question, G3 gives explanetion in next few chapters. Thank you G3 for giving explanation for mortals like me, I very appreciate it.
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  4. Offline
    1689: Satisfactory Answer.

    Nephis was surprised to see a plece of cake in front of her. The cake was placed on a beautiful porcelain plate, and even had a fresh cherry on top… it was not like she had never seen one before, but desserts weren't exactly a mainstay of her diet.

    «Right. It's a cafe, as well.»

    She picked up a small silver spoon and tasted the cake, simply to not seem impolite.

    «I wonder if he is really capable of forging a Memory that would not lose to those created by Valor… huh… wait… why is it so tasty?»

    Placing the spoon down, she looked at the handsome shopkeeper and remained silent for a moment. Eventually, Nephis said:

    «It seems that you have already recognized me, Master Sunless. I'll be straight, then… I need a Memory forged, and a potent one at that. Saint Cassia informed me that you are a talented enchanter who is only unknown because you prefer to keep your talents hidden. I can understand why, and it even makes things easier. But are you really good enough to satisfy the needs of someone as powerful as me?»

    The young enchanter looked at her, a strange expression appearing on his charming face for a moment.

    Was he, perhaps, stumped by her question and felt insecure about his talent? Creating a Memory for one of the most renowned Saints in the world was not an easy task, after all.

    Master Sunless coughed and briefly looked away. Seeing that subtly bashful expression of his… made Nephis understand why this cafe was so famous. Needless to say, it was probably not because of desserts.

    [Cassie… what the hell?]

    Cassie's pleasant voice resounded in her head a moment later:


    Nephis kept her expression neutral.

    [Why is this enchanter you found so… so…]

    Cassie answered innocently:

    [So what?]

    Nephis sighed.

    […Never mind.]

    It was a silly question, anyway. She had just been startled a little.

    Master Sunless, meanwhile, seemed to find his confidence again and answered with a faint smile:

    «I can promise that you'll be satisfied, Lady Nephis.»

    His eye suddenly twitched, for some reason. The poor man must have been nervous… Nephis knew that meeting her had that effect on many people.

    The enchanter continued in the same pleasant tone:

    «…Let me rephrase that. What I mean to say is that the Memories I create are top-notch. That said, can I ask you a question?»

    Nephis wanted to answer that he could, but suddenly found herself unable to.

    That was because, at some point in time, another bite of the delicious cake found its way into her mouth. She didn't even notice how.

    It was very strange.

    «Is my blood sugar low? Yeah. That must be it.»

    Pulling the spoon out of her mouth slowly, she nodded with a deadpan expression.

    Master Sunless hesitated for a moment.

    «You are a princess of the Great Clan Valor. Surely, the renowned forgemasters of your clan have no shortage of powerful Memories they've created. Why come to me?»

    Nephis shrugged, not seeing a reason to hide the truth.

    «It is precisely because you are not a forgemaster of Clan Valor.»

    The young man seemed to have a keen mind. He understood what she meant instantly, and leaned back with a hint of amusement gleaming in the depths of his onyx eyes.

    «I see.»

    Master Sunless remained silent for a few moments, thinking about something. Finally, he asked:

    «What kind of Memory do you wish to commission?»

    Nephis answered in an even tone:

    «A sword.»

    She needed a sword.

    The one she wielded, Kinslayer… was a beautiful weapon. It was an immensely powerful weapon, as well, and one that suited her well. Nephis had slain numerous Nightmare Creatures with its sharp edge, and had won countless battles while wielding it.

    But Anvil of Valor had branded the Kinslayer, and so, it did not really belong to her anymore.

    She wasn't foolish enough to try cutting the King of Swords down with one of his own blades.

    This time, the charming enchanter remained silent for a while, studying her face with a strange intensity.

    Nephis could feel his desires faintly… they were subdued, as if something was obscuring them, but she discerned a volatile mixture of hopes smoldering beautifully somewhere deep in his soul.

    It reminded her of the King of Swords, a little, maybe because both of them were spellsmiths.

    It vaguely reminded her of someone else, as well…

    In any case, Master Sunless seemed to be sincere enough, and held no malice toward her. On the contrary, he appeared to have been inspired by her… a little bit too much.

    Inwardly, Nephis was surprised.

    «Is he… smitten by me?»

    She couldn't be sure, but something like that would not be an unfamiliar situation. Being a Saint meant having a strong effect on people, and it was especially true for her.

    That said, at least Master Sunless had enough decorum and composure to hide his feelings. They didn't seem to be of the distasteful kind, either, although there was such an element, as well. Of course, there was.

    «He's a healthy man, after all.»

    Accustomed to such things, Nephis did not hold it against him.

    In fact… she might have felt a tiny bit… pleased with that reaction.

    «It seems my soul is recovering faster, this time?»

    Feeling anything was already a good sign.

    Eventually, Master Sunless spoke:

    «If that is the case, then there are three ways for me to make a sword for you, Lady Nephis.«

    She tilted her head slightly.


    He nodded.

    «The first way is the most straightforward. I can take an already existing Memory and alter it to fit your needs. That method is the easiest, but also the most limited.»

    Nephis raised an eyebrow.

    Cassie had not told her that Master Sunless was proficient enough to alter Memories granted to Awakened by the Spell, not just create his own. Even among the enchanters of Valor, that was a rare skill… in fact, he didn't know anyone except for Anvil himself who was capable of that feat.

    And the young enchanter called it the easiest.

    The charming young man, meanwhile, continued:

    «The second way is to create a Memory from scratch. That would take longer, and would require me to use both suitably potent materials and soul shards of a high Rank. Of course, the result would be much more lethal. Your current weapon, the Kinslayer… I am confident that I can forge something just as deadly, given enough time.»

    Nephis was impressed. Her sword was a Transcendent Memory of the Seventh Tier, and an exceptionally powerful one at that. Strangely enough, it was as powerful as many Supreme weapons were… but, of course, Master Sunless would not know that. While the name of her sword and its Rank were well known, very few people had detailed information about it.

    It was more or less a military secret.

    Still, it was quite remarkable for an Ascended to be confident in creating a top-tier Transcendent weapon.

    It seemed that he was supremely competent in his craft.

    Being one herself, Nephis liked competent people.

    «What is the third way?»

    He smiled softly.

    «The third way is the longest, and the hardest as well. It would require a lot of effort… from both of us, actually, not just from me. We will also have to spend a lot of time together. But if I succeed, the resulting Memory will be truly powerful.»

    Nephis took a sip of cold water, suddenly feeling invigorated.

    She lingered for a moment, then asked evenly.

    «How powerful, exactly?»

    Master Sunless looked at her seriously, his smile dimming.

    After a short pause, he said with a hint of sober ambition in his pleasantly melodious voice:

    «…Powerful enough to kill a god, I'd say.»
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    1. Offline
      1690: A Blade to Slay the Gods.

      Understandably, Nephis seemed doubtful of Sunny's outrageous claim. She looked at him silently for a few moments, then raised an eyebrow.

      «But you are merely an Ascended… forgive me for being blunt. How can an Ascended create something that powerful?»

      Sunny could see how she would question his ability to keep such a promise. However, he meant what he had said. Because he had been thinking of a way to achieve something like that for a long, long time.

      He lingered for a moment, then sighed.

      «It's easier than you think… not that any random Ascended would be able to, of course. But my way of creating Memories is rather unique, so I can do more than most. It… would be easier for me to show you. Would you mind following me?»

      Nephis did not move, looking at him intently.

      «I don't mind following, Master Sunless. But not yet.»

      He frowned a little.

      «Not yet?»

      She nodded slowly, her face still and motionless. Her voice sounded even:

      «Yes, I…»

      Nephis paused for a moment, then added stoically:

      «Haven't finished my cake yet.»

      Sunny thought that he had heard her wrong.


      He blinked. But Nephis ignored his confused stare, picked up her spoon elegantly, and turned her attention to the piece of cherry cake.

      She ate it unhurriedly, maintaining a composed expression. He couldn't tell if she enjoyed the taste or was simply reluctant to waste food. A couple of minutes later, Nephis put her spoon down, wiped her lips with a napkin, and nodded courteously.

      «Thank you. How much do I owe you?»

      Sunny slowly shook his head.

      «No, no. It's… on the house.»

      What was going on in that head of hers? They had been talking about killing gods, and then paused… for cake?

      Not that Sunny was complaining.

      In fact, he would have enjoyed watching her eat an entire cake instead of just a small piece, if she wanted to.

      Ten cakes, even… although that would be a bit costly…

      «Shall we go, then?»

      He stood up and guided her to the basement of the Marvelous Mimic. Unlike the day he had led Telle of White Feather to retrieve the [Belated Apology], though, Sunny headed for the back of the boutique.

      Nephis followed him, looking around with a hint of curiosity. He explained helpfully:

      «This is the Memory Boutique part of the Brilliant Emporium. As you might know, I don't advertise my ability to craft Memories, so most of the customers think of me as a merchant with a wide network of connections. They peruse our inventory here or commission us to search for a Memory that fits a set of custom parameters.»

      Nephis nodded.

      «The interior is very tasteful. It suits you well.»


      Sunny was not sure what she meant, but smiled in appreciation.

      «Thank you. Most customers only ever see the boutique, but it's actually just the front side of the business. My workshop is beyond that door over there. And beyond this door is where I keep valuable materials.»

      As Sunny was opening the door, Nephis asked in her usual even tone:

      «Can I ask why you are so reluctant to reveal your talent, Master Sunless?»

      He lingered for a moment.

      «You certainly can. There are many reasons, but mainly… I just don't like the great clans. Please don't take offense, Lady Nephis.»

      She smiled faintly.

      «I won't.»

      Sunny led her into the material storage, which was a vast hall drowning in darkness, with only a few lanterns illuminating its expanse. The lanterns were there for Aiko, who sometimes assisted him in crafting.

      Nephis paused at the entrance.

      The material storage was very different from the refined shopfront. The atmosphere here was cold and ominous… sinister, even. That was because it was full of monstrous remains, most of them belonging to truly harrowing Nightmare Creatures.

      There were grotesque bones, hollowed-out carapaces of vile abominations, and odd artifacts of all kinds. The remains of the Winter Beast were here. Shards of frozen shadows were here, too, among other trophies Sunny had collected in the past four years.

      He walked to the middle of the vast underground storage and turned to Nephis, pointing around.

      «A powerful Memory has to be crafted from potent materials — otherwise, it won't survive the burden of its own enchantments. The remains of Nightmare Creatures are the most easily accessible source of such materials, albeit not the only source.»

      Nephis looked around with subdued interest.

      «…Have you chanced upon the remains of an Unholy abomination, then? Is that what gives you the confidence to claim that you can forge a godslaying sword?»

      Sunny smiled and shook his head.

      «No. Actually, what I wanted to show you is not the materials, but rather the storage itself. Have you noticed how large it is?»

      Nephis nodded slowly, prompting Sunny to smile.

      «Saint Cassia must have informed you that my shop is actually an Ascended Devil. In fact, the volume of its interior… seems a bit too vast, doesn't it?»

      She lingered for a bit, then shrugged.

      «It is hard to say without knowing what creature you killed to receive this Echo. But yes, I would have expected it to be much smaller. Dimensional storage Memories of the Ascended Rank are usually much more modest.»

      Sunny pointed at himself.

      «But, you see, this dimensional storage is a bit unique. Because its volume does not depend on the creature's Rank and Class, but rather on the potency of the creature's master's soul. Which, in this case, would be my soul.»

      Nephis remained silent for a moment.

      «It seems that you have an unusually potent soul, then.»

      He chuckled, causing a small smile to appear on her lips.

      «Thank you for the compliment. That is not the point, though.»

      She frowned, then suddenly pierced him with an intense gaze.

      «Do you mean to say…»

      Sunny nodded.

      «Indeed. It is not impossible for me to create a Memory that is bound to its wielder's soul, and is thus as powerful as the wielder is. You strike me as someone who will continue to grow stronger, Lady Nephis. So, it is not impossible for your sword to become sharp enough to slay a god, one day.»

      Sunny was being a little dishonest… but only a little.

      In truth, his ambition was not to replicate the enchantments of the Covetous Coffer. What he was after, and had been trying to achieve for a while now, was to replicate the [Bound] trait of the Onyx Mantle, which was responsible for that Attribute of his being as potent as his soul was.

      The reason for that was the shift in his perception of power, and his views of Memories, after becoming Transcendent. Sunny had long realized that truly powerful beings did not pursue greater power from the weapons they wielded and the tools they used — because they themselves were the power. The weapons and the tools were only meant to channel their own strength, not be a source of external might.

      And yet, it had always been the opposite for Sunny. He had made himself into a lethal warrior, yes, but most of his victories came from cleverly using the enchantments of his powerful Memories, which he could utilize better than other Awakened due to his eyes having been altered by Blood Weave.

      Being banished from the Spell, he had lost most of these Memories. That had shown him, in a rather cruel manner, the difference between internal and external power.

      So, even though Sunny could craft himself a diverse arsenal of potent Memories, he had not done so. Because he was powerful enough to not need it, and did not wish to be led astray by excessive reliance on undeserved strength. He would rather achieve such strength himself.

      That way, he would be following in the footsteps of those who were truly divine.

      So, the only Memories Sunny wanted to craft for himself were those that would help him channel his own power better, or provide simple convenience. He also wanted these Memories to be able to keep up with his progress.

      Therefore… he had to master the [Bound] enchantment.

      The problem was that forging a Memory that possessed such a trait was not easy, since it had to be intricately tied to one's very soul.

      …But it would be different if Nephis and her soul flame, as well as the Crown of Dawn, were there to help him.
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      1. Offline
        I got curious all of s sudden. Can Nephis heal herself after losing her virginity and become virgin again? Like infinite tight poosay for Sunny.

        I'm tweaking i know, don't diss tho
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        2. Offline
          This is like the epitome of down bad.
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        3. Offline
          А мне стала интересна когда это произайдет там будет кровь или пламя?
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        4. Offline
          4 up votes, 4 down votes. Balanced as all things should be. I applaud you for achieving balance.
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          1. Offline
            I actually wanted to both up and down vote that post, but it's impossible. Turns out that was the answer
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          2. Offline
            Todos os comentários no Ranobes buscam essa média na verdade
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        5. Online Offline
          MTL Ancestor
          Your brain appears to be completely lobotomized.
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        6. Online Offline
          This one already succumbed to Void's corruption, we can't save him anymore.
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        7. Offline
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        8. Offline
          this is genuinely insane
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        9. Offline
          Единственный стоящий вопрос по Роману
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        10. Offline
          Bruh that's so irrelevant that it threw me off guard 😭😭 we didn't even get the relationship and u thinking about that??? 💀💀
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        11. Offline
          *BONK* To horny jail u go 3
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      2. Offline
        Thank you as always :)

        Damn that’s actually quite terrifying trying to create items that are yourself now that’s an aspiration!!! It makes me wonder if Anvil has done something similar since he is very much a crafter
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  5. Offline
    Hey, nice weather we're havin eh?
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  6. Offline
    A stronghold of a minor Legacy clan in one of the other Quadrants?

    It's funny that they still call them "Quadrants" despite there being only 3 of them left.
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  7. Online Offline
    For the chapter 1688:
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  8. Offline
    I've read chapter 1578: when Sunny spoke with his future self, he said he couldnt sense a human body and we know Saint Sunny can send his shadow and they will act as him, said shadow cant be sense such as when Neph was in front of Lord of Shadow. Did Sunny went to the pyramid to let one of his shadow there ?

    Btw I tought about something else: we know his domain is released around his citadel, could he has done the same in the Estuary even if it's not a Citadel ?
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