
Chapter 1707: The Fine Nuances of Demon Hunting

The stars shone brightly in the cold black sky. Sitting on a wide tree branch, Rain studied them silently, surrounded by darkness.

'It's strange.’

Some of the stars looked familiar, but she couldn't recognize any constellations. The alien sky of the Dream Realm was different from that of Earth, but worse than that, it was both fickle and unreliable. The stars shining upon the Song Domain were different from those illuminating the Sword Domain, and even various regions of the two kingdoms did not share the same heaven.

Some places did not even have a sun, while others were bathed in the light of many moons.

Astronomers were probably going crazy...

"Why are you still awake? Sleep. You'll need all your strength tomorrow."

Her teacher's voice resounded softly from the darkness, making Rain sigh.

He was right. She had climbed the enormous tree and tied herself to the branch in order to rest, but now that there was nothing else left to do...

"I can't sleep."

Sleep was escaping her.

Her teacher chuckled.


Rain remained silent for a while. Was she nervous? She couldn't tell.

They had spent a lot of time preparing for this hunt. From searching for suitable prey and learning all that could be learned about it to coming up with plans and contingencies, studying the terrain, and preparing all the necessary equipment. The process was only different from all the previous hunts because it had been so extensive.

She was supposed to kill an Awakened Demon this time, after all.

So, Rain did feel a little nervous... frightened, even. But at the same time, she was a little excited. Not only because successfully slaying the demon would finally allow her to grasp the key of Awakening, which she had been trying to do for many years, but also because of the challenge itself.

She always felt a pleasant rush of adrenaline when facing appaling abominations in battle. To be strong, to be able to protect herself and other people - that was what she wanted, and why she had accepted the ominous shadow's offer to be her teacher.

Rain smiled.

"What is there to be nervous about? It's just an Awakened Demon."

Her teacher laughed in the darkness.

"Fair enough."

There was a bit of silence, and then Rain asked against her better Judgment:

"Teacher, what was the first Awakened Demon you fought like?"

The darkness spoke in a tone of nostalgia:

"Oh, that guy? Ah... as tall as a house, covered in a carapace of impregnable steel armor, with claws strong enough to crush diamonds and a pair of razor-sharp scythes in place of hands. A really charming fellow."

Rain raised an eyebrow. Was such a creature really worth feeling nostalgic about?

"So, how did you kill it?"

Her teacher laughed.

"Let's see... that was before my Awakening, when I was not much stronger than you. So I summoned a Corrupted Devil and pitted them against each other. At least I think it was a Corrupted Devil truth be told, I still have no idea what that thing was, even all these years later. It sure was unforgettably creepy, though."

He paused for a moment, and then added with a sigh:

"And then I acted as bait while my partner finished the wounded demon off."

Rain opened her eyes wide, stunned. She wasn't even sure what shocked her more the fact that her teacher had apparently been able to summon Corrupted Devils before Awakening, or that he used to have a partner.

Who would partner up with that insufferable bastard? Were they crazy?

She hesitated for a moment, then asked curiously:

"Where's your partner now, teacher?"

The darkness remained silent for a while, this time.

Then, he said in a carefree tone:

"Well, I imagine she's in a beautiful heavenly palace, looking down upon us mortals."

His tone was carefree, but for the first time, Rain could feel a hint of a strange emotion in it.

What did he mean?

If her teacher was a dark deity, then could his partner be a celestial deity? No - gods were dead, as were all the lesser divinities. Only Nightmare Creatures remained.

So, then... was his partner dead? Was that what he meant?

Right, it made sense. Her teacher had once admitted to being thousands of years old, so anyone who had fought by his side before his Awakening would have been dead for a very, very long time.

Rain sighed, suddenly feeling pity for her poor teacher. Wishing to distract him from unpleasant memories, she asked:

"But how did you manage to summon a Terror to fight that demon?”

He chuckled.

"By setting the demon's boss on fire. Now, enough talking. Go to sleep."

"The... the demon's boss? Do demons have bosses?”

Full of confusion, Rain let out a long sigh and closed her eyes.

The tree branch was swaying slightly under her, which was... a bit calming.

Just before she slipped into the embrace of sleep, a sudden thought surfaced in her drowsy mind.

‘Wait... if he killed that demon with a partner... then why the hell is he making me hunt this demon alone?!'

Her anxious dreams were cold and restless.


In the morning, Rain untied the rope fastening her to the branch and carefully climbed down. Soon enough, she reached the ground, standing on the outskirts of a vast forest of dead trees.

Ravenheart was so far away that the mountain chain was merely a dark line on the horizon. There was no ash around, and although the frozen ground was covered in frost, there was no snow either.

This was the place where the Awakened Demon she was intedning to kill dwelled.

Humanity had conquered a vast area in the Dream Realm, but that did not mean that the two Domains were entirely safe. In fact, safety was a fleeting illusion here - apart from the Citadels and their immediate vicinity, the wilds were still ruled by the Nightmare Creatures. Humans had only really started to encroach on their reign after the advent of the Dream Gates four years ago, building roads and expanding their settlements.

In that regard, the current era was very much like the dawn of the legendary Age of Heroes, when mortal champions battled against countless abominations to help the nascent human civilization survive and spread.

Of course, modern humans had no gods to guide them. They only had Queen Song, the King of Swords... and the Nightmare Spell.

...Well, in Rain's case, she also had an oddball of a shadow showing her the way.

While she was checking her weapons in the dim twilight of the early dawn, her teacher asked calmly:

"What makes demons so dangerous? Their strength? Their speed? Their resilience?"

Rain shook her head.

"No. It's their intelligence. Beasts and monsters might be stronger, faster, and much more resilient than me, but they are also not too bright. A demon, however, is as intelligent as me... it might even outsmart me, if I'm not careful."

Her teacher emerged from her shadow and nodded.

"So, how do you kill a demon?”

She counted her arrows while answering:

"By being more prepared. By controlling the battlefield, knowing the terrain, and learning about the enemy in advance. By taking initiative and not making any mistakes. By having a clear mind and deadly resolve."

He smiled.

"No one is perfect. Mistakes happen whether you want to or not... so what are you going to do if you do make a mistake?"

Rain stared at him for a moment, then returned the smile defiantly.

"Curse you bitterly while I die?"

Her teacher laughed.

"Go on and try dying. See what happens..."

She stared at him for a bit, then shook her head.

"Fine, Since teacher insists, I won't die."

He nodded with a smile.

"Good. Now go and kill that demon.”

Comments 28

  1. Offline
    I like Rain training chapters more cheerful
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  2. Offline
    Who did sunny dance with?
    Where did they dance?
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    1. Online Offline
      Well Nephis, obviously. Don't quite remember where and when, though..
      Some event hosted by Valor or something
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      1. Offline
        That ball they went to after Neph&Co cake back from the shore Nightmare

        I think :p
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    2. Offline
      Also, when he said he is the best dancer, he means through Shadow Dance.
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  3. Offline
    1708: The Huntsman.

    Rain had taken off her winter coat, her light armor, and even her military jacket, leaving only the henley and the wool vest on. No amount of armor was going to protect her from the Awakened Demon, so she wanted her movements to be as agile and unobstructed as possible. It seemed a little poetic, as if she was proclaiming that there would be no retreat, only victory… or death.

    It was also a bit funny. Awakened warriors were often shown preparing mentally for battle while donning their armor, but she was doing the same while taking it off. Such was the pitiful life of a mundane hunter.

    The preparations had long been complete, the traps were laid. All Rain had to do was venture into the depths of the forest and face the demon.

    Taking a deep breath, she went through a series of stretching exercises. She had always been nimble, but after years of training under the sinister shadow, her flexible body was like that of a snake… no, a gymnast. A very graceful, limber gymnast! That was a much better mental image.

    Still, she had to be careful when going all out. Her mundane flesh was lagging behind her skill and training, so it was easy to damage.

    «What are you, a ballerina?»

    Rain glared at her teacher silently.

    «Didn't you once tell me that you're the best dancer in the world… two worlds, even? So who's the ballerina?»

    He coughed.

    «Well, uh… if your teacher said it, then it's true! There was this one time I danced with a princess at a ball, and immediately after, she dragged me into a private room. No, wait… or was it me who dragged her into a private room? In any case, the two of us ended up in a private room!»

    Her teacher smiled wistfully.

    «And let me tell you, what happened in that room… ah, it was nothing short of life-changing…»

    Rain stared at him for a moment, then pretended to be sick.

    «Old pervert…»

    He was offended.

    «Who are you calling old?! No, wait, who are you calling a pervert?!»

    She did not deign to answer, shaking her head silently. At the same time, though… Rain noticed that her previous nervousness was almost entirely gone. She felt calm and ready, as if her teacher's familiar nonsense could magically make any situation, no matter how dire, seem mundane and ordinary as well.

    Rain took a deep breath and checked her weapons one last time.

    She had already stringed her bow, Her quiver was full of arrows — she had made the arrows herself, tashioning the arrowheads from the bones of Awakened abominations. Her Javelin was ready to be used, while her dagger was freshly sharpened.

    Finally, there was her sword. She drew the tachi from the scabbard and studied its blade.

    At that moment, her teacher suddenly spoke:

    «Wait a moment. For this hunt… I'll lend you something better.»

    He walked closer, and then bent down, reaching for the shadow of her sword.

    In the next moment, something strange happened. Her teacher's hand seemed to reach into the ground and pull the shadow off it. Suddenly, her tachi didn't have a shadow anymore… however, there was an identical tachi in his hand, only made entirely of lusterless black steel.

    Rain looked at it, suddenly feeling a cold chill run down her spine.

    The black tachi… seemed sharp enough to cut the world in half, like a blade made of pure killing intent. It was as if she was looking at death itself.

    And that eerie sword was tossed at her carelessly a moment later.


    Rain scrambled to catch it and grasped the black hilt, It was strange… despite the overwhelming feeling of cold and dark power the black sword emanated, it felt exactly like her own in the hand. The weight, the balance, even the tactile feeling of the leather ito.

    She looked at her teacher silently.

    It was easy to forget because of how easygoing and immature he was… but her teacher was immensely powerful. Actually, she didn't even know how powerful he was, exactly. It was only in moments like this one that Rain was reminded of the fact.

    Pulling out a sword worthy of being wielded by a Saint out of nowhere? No matter how shocking, that was exactly the kind of thing her teacher would do.

    She carefully sheathed the black tachi, making sure that it didn't slice the scabbard apart.

    «This sword seems too powerful to be wielded by a mundane human. You didn't forget that I can't control my essence, did you?»

    Her teacher shrugged.

    «That's alright. It's infused with mine.»

    Rain nodded, then collected the things she was going to leave behind and placed them in a nook between the roots of the old tree, to be retreated later. Her original sword went atop the neat pile.

    She stood up, looked into the depth of the forest, and started walking.

    As she did, her teacher spoke:

    «That sword should be able to cut the flesh of an Awakened Demon even in your hands, Still, don't rely on it too much, Remember… the sword is just a tool, You are the weapon, You are the one who has to kill the enemy, not your sword.»

    Rain nodded calmly.

    «I remember.»

    She cleared her mind of all distractions, focusing solely on the hunt.

    The demon she was going to kill… was called the Huntsman, quite Ironically. That was what the people in Ravenheart called him, but actually, the creature's proper name was Chalice Knight.

    The reason why Rain and her teacher had chosen hìm was precisely because there was a lot of information to be learned about the Chalice Knights. These abominations were not independent Nightmare Creatures, after all rather, they had been mid-rank minions of a Fallen Titan.

    The Titan's territory used to be about a hundred kilometers away from this forest. Coincidentally, it lay between Ravenheart and one of the other large cities of the Song Domain, preventing the construction of a convenient road. A year or so ago, Song Seishan had battled the Titan and destroyed it, obliterating most of its minions in the process and scattering the rest.

    Rain remembered that event well because there had been a series of missions issued by the town hall in the aftermath of the battle, all having to do with hunting down the remnant abominations. She wasn't quite strong enough to challenge them, but many Awakened cohorts were. So, the surviving minions of the slain Titan had been swiftly eradicated.

    All except for one Chalice Knight who had found his way into this forest. Despite the fact that the abomination had lost its monstrous steed, thus becoming much weaker, he still managed to decimate several cohorts that ventured into the forest to kill him.

    Perhaps there was something special about this particular demon, or perhaps the Awakened warriors had come unprepared. In any case, they were forced to retreat, and the oddly fearsome Chalice Knight earned a foreboding nickname, the Huntsman.

    Rain did not consider herself to be stronger than the Awakened fighters who had tried to slay the creature in the past. However, she was definitely much more cautious and prepared than they had been.

    So, she was going to hunt the Huntsman.

    Once she did, her essence would Awaken, and she would be able to start forming a soul core.

    And once her soul core was formed… then, finally, she would be stronger.
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  4. Offline
    King of Karum
    why only 1 chap?
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    1. Online Offline
      there is going to be 3 next time
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      1. Offline
        King of Karum
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      2. Offline
        Umh, no? There's one yesterday, three today so two more to release later. Or am i too sleep deprived to remember correctly
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        1. Online Offline
          well this guy wrote this comment before chapter 1708 was posted by Pro100zver25, so I assumed that he was talking about why there is only chapter 1707, so I answered there is going to be 3 more 1708, 1709, 1710.
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    2. Offline
      today 3 chapter
      the next 2 will be released in 3-5 hours
      check the discord server fiy
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  5. Offline
    can someone remind me about which awakened demon sunny is talking about?
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      from the opening chapters, which destroyed the slaver caravan
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      1. Offline
        Wasn't that an awakened tyrant killed by some unknown thingy when sunny slept on the altar? I don't recall any burning nor him having a partner that finished it off.
        Might be something from forgotten shore ig, considering burning its boss and stuff
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        1. Offline
          hell 2011

          Forgotten Shore, there was a mind controlling tree. The Tree initially had a guardian that Sunny and Co killed.

          Sunny also found the Vile Theiving Bird's egg in that tree.
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    2. Offline
      Sunny, Neph, Cassia was on forgotten shore and stopped on demonic tree with Crab guard. They set fire to a tree to evoke the terror of the dark sea.
      I think that this awakened demon
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    3. Offline
      Lucius Dantas
      Ele tá falando sobre o demônio carapaça que eles mataram na árvore devoradora de almas durante a costa esquecida. Eles queimaram a árvore devorada pra distrair ele e depois atraíram outra criatura do pesadelo do mar negro pra enfraquecer ele.
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  6. Offline
    I wonder what her flaw will be. It would be really funny if she could only lie, though that would be really inconvenient.
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    1. Online Offline
      Well if my memory is right, only Spell gives flaw as soon as person passes 1st Nightmare. And people who do normal progresion gets flaw only when they Transcend.
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      1. Offline
        They get their flaw when they awaken their Aspect, which can happen whenever after awakening, if I remember correctly
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        1. Online Offline
          Knowing limits and Flaws of your own Aspect is a key to Transcendence
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          1. Offline
            Isn't transcendence about finding a connection with the world? Like was alluded with Tyris, i.e. the grass bends near her, the sun seems brighter near her and other, it isn't really about the aspect and it's flaws - no more than any other step on the path to divinity.
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            1. Online Offline
              Ask Ananke idk
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  7. Offline
    hell 2011
    I like rain sidestory.
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    1. Offline
      King of Karum
      yup the interaction are so nice.
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