
Chapter 1710: Daring Escape

The Chalice Knight resembled a human wearing a tattered suit of ancient armor that had turned green from rust. He towered at around two and a half meters of height, but seemed even taller because of the deer antlers attached to his closed helmet. The rusty helmet itself was fashioned to resemble the snout of a snarling beast, with deep darkness nestling in the crack of its visor.

There was moss growing here and there on the battered armor, and a ragged cloak, too weathered to retain any color, hanging from his shoulders like a torn banner.

The creature was holding a frightening battleaxe in his hand, its blade large and heavy enough to easily split a human in two.

The Huntsman... was like a dead knight that had crawled from under the roots of the forest that had claimed an ancient battlefield, ghastly and imposing enough to make Rain shudder.

Worse than that, the dark crack of his visor was already staring directly at her.

Her souls seemed to squirm under that gaze.


Rain nocked another arrow on the string and prepared to draw her bow...

But before she could, the Huntsman had already reached the base of the tree that served as her sniper nest.

His dreadful battleaxe rose and fell. That dreadful strike was enough to make the mighty trunk of the ancient tree explode into a hurricane of splinters, obliterating a whole swath of it.

But, a moment later...

A sharp arrow fell from above and lodged itself into his knee. It struck precisely at the narrow gap between the bottom of the abominations's cuisse and the top of his poleyn — which were the armor elements responsible for protecting one's thigh and knee, respectively.

A pretty decent shot, considering the situation.

But Rain did not have any time to celebrate, because the tree was already toppling... and she was falling with it.

After a moment of weightlessness, the rope tied around her chest drew taut, and she found herself flying through the air.

If there was one thing her teacher had told her, it was that one should always leave themselves a path of retreat. Rain had never considered that climbing a tree would protect her from an Awakened Demon, so she naturally prepared a way to escape.

In this case, that way was swinging on a rope and flying between the trunks of terribly tall trees at breakneck speed. She had not carried a sizable length of silk rope all the way here in vain, at least.

As the wind whistled in her ears, Rain thought:

'This is going to hurt...'

Struggling to control her body, she spun at the last moment and used her legs to dissipate the shock of colliding with another tree at great speed. The other end of the rope was tied around one of its highest branches, which allowed her to swing like a pendulum... well, a badly designed pendulum, maybe.

She did not break her neck or crack her skull, which was a relief, but her feet were in agony. Ignoring it, Rain immediately cut the rope with her dagger and plummeted down, landing softly on the frozen ground.

There, leaning against the trunk of the tree, two things were waiting for her: her javelin, and another arrow.

Sheathing the dagger in one smooth motion, Rain grabbed the arrow and spun around, already drawing the bow.

The Huntsman was barreling toward her, so fast that it was hard to track his movements...

But still, he wasn't faster than her arrow.

With her mind clear, she could sense the movements of her enemy. So, she did not aim at where the abomination was, but at where it would be.

Another arrow pierced the air, striking at his other knee.

Sadly, this time, Rain's aim was a few millimeters off. The precious arrowhead struck the edge of the Huntsman's cuisse and shattered, only managing to slice some moss off the rusty green metal.

The Huntsman was an Awakened Demon, while the arrowheads of Rain's arrows were made from the bones of Awakened abominations.

Theoretically, the demon's armor and the arrowheads were of the same Rank... but she herself was not. Strangely enough, that made her arrows weaker than the rusty green metal.

It had something to do with essence, laws governing the world, and will. Rain wasn't entirely clear on the details, but what it meant in practice was that she had to strike at the cracks of the abomination's armor... which she had failed to do, this time.

She did not waste time lamenting the mistake.

Grabbing the javelin, Rain... spun, and ran away.

She ran as fast as she could.

What bravery? What courage? There was no such thing on the battlefield, only strength and weakness, life and death.

In normal circumstances, outrunning an Awakened Demon would have been impossible, but there was currently an arrowhead lodged in one of his knees. It didn't matter that such a small wound was not at all dangerous for a creature of his Rank and Class — a joint was a joint, and if there was something disrupting the joint's function, even a demon would be slowed down.

Rain had specifically fashioned the arrowheads in a way that would make removing them nearly impossible, unless the victim wanted to take a sizable chunk of flesh out with them. So even if the shaft of the arrow was broken, the damage still remained.

Granted, it would have been much better if both of the Huntsman's knees were hurt.

Because, now...

She really did not know if she would be able to escape his axe long enough to accomplish her goal.

'Run... run!'

Gritting her teeth, Rain did the unthinkable... she tossed away her bow. That was a terrible loss — not because he was afraid to lose it, but because the quiver of arrows she had hidden up ahead would be useless without it. But she had to sacrifice something, and her javelin seemed much more useful in a battle against such a large foe.

As for her sword... well, her teacher had given it to her. She would never discard it.

She felt incredibly lucky about leaving her coat and armor on the outskirts of the forest.

'Run, goddamn you!'

Rain did not have eyes on the back of her head, but she could feel the ground trembling, and hear the branches snapping behind her. In fact, the Huntsman was barreling directly through the trees, snapping the mighty trunks like matches. It was as though an unstoppable, inescapable behemoth was pursuing her, getting closer and closer. He was already no more than a dozen meters away.

A dozen meters... ten meters... six meters...

Rain's heart was beating wildly in her chest.

But then, finally, the trees receded, and she escaped into a vast open space.

That... was where she had wanted to fight the demon.

'Be more prepared. Control the battlefield, know the terrain, learn about the enemy. Take the initiative and don't make any mistakes. Have a clear mind and deadly resolve.'

That was the recipe for winning a battle against a demon... any battle, really.

So, this was the battlefield that Rain had chosen.

The open space in front of her was a swamp that hid in the depths of the forest.

Currently, it was frozen over, the treacherous depths encased in a layer of ice. The ice was covered by a thin carpet of snow.

Rain was light enough to walk on the ice without falling under its surface.

The Huntsman, though...

With his frightening size, heavy armor, and dreadful battleaxe, he was going to have a bit of a problem.

Feeling death approaching her from behind, Rain did not waste a single moment and stepped onto the hidden ice.

Comments 32

  1. Online Offline
    Very little time has passed since the release of Predator: Prey.
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  2. Offline
    Rain was ready to step on the ice when something inside her screamed

    Guys please forgive me. I hate myself ohno

    I read it as creamed💀💀💀💀
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  3. Offline
    1711: On Thin Ice.

    Rain was ready to step on the ice when something inside her screamed. Perhaps it was because of the subtle change in the sounds behind her, or perhaps it was because of the change in the currents of the wind.

    Perhaps she had subconsciously noticed the shadow moving unnaturally around her.

    In any case, she didn't hesitate even for a split second before throwing her body down. An experienced warrior did not alloy themselves to be ruled by instinct, but they also never ignored it.

    A warrior's instinct was the result of countless hours of training and rich battle experience, after all. Blood, sweat, and tears went into honing it into a life-saving tool.

    Rain dodged, and in the next moment, her side was pierced by a flash of blinding pain.

    She spun in the air and crashed into the ice, throwing herself into a roll. A moment later, Rain was already on her feet, sliding back as she held the javelin between herself and the enemy.

    A muffled groan escaped from her lips.

    The Huntsman was spinning his grotesque battleaxe, a few drops of blood marring its heavy green blade.

    «Damn it.»

    Rain briefly glanced down to assess the damage. It wasn't anything serious — the axe barely grazed her, leaving a long cut across her ribs. But if she had been even a little bit slower, it would have split her open like a log.

    «More stitching…»

    It was a little absurd, but she was more upset about having to mend her bodysuit than about receiving a wound. Her body was much more resilient than the threadbare bodysuit, after all.

    «You bastard…»

    As soon as the words left her mouth, the demon took a step forward.

    Suddenly, they were surrounded by silence. The Huntsman entered the vast clearing, his armored boot sinking into the snow. Simultaneously, Rain backed away from his towering figure.

    They were like a fearsome predator and its powerless prey, the predator preparing for a lethal lunge, the prey raising its quills in a vain hope to save itself. The heavy javelin usually gave Rain confidence, but in front of the dreadful master of frozen forest, it seemed a fragile willow branch.

    «Come on, come closer.»

    She needed to lure him into the depths of the swamp.

    But, to Rain's outrage, the abomination halted after barely stepping on the ice. The darkness nestling in his helmet moved mockingly, and he raised the axe, pointing it at her.

    «Curse you!»

    The demon was just as smart as she was. So, fhe seemed to have easily recognized the threat that a thin layer of ice hiding the treacherous swamp posed to him.

    Rain had expected as much.

    She smiled darkly and continued backing away, increasing the distance between them with each passing moment.

    Demons were intelligent, but they were also absolutely crazy, like all Nightmare Creatures were. She could allow herself to walk away from the battle if she wanted to. But could the Huntsman allow a human soul to escape from his clutches?

    She didn't think so.

    And indeed, out there on the shore of the frozen swamp, the demon's fingers twitched. He stared at her silently, making Rain's skin crawl, and then let out a frenzied growl.

    Coming from inside the Huntsman's helmet, which was shaped to resemble the snarling snout of a beast, his growl sounded more than a little bit menacing.

    Rain's mouth was suddenly dry.

    «…Really? Wow, Come get me, then.»

    The demon struck the ground with his axe, sending a tremor through it, and then took another step.

    An echoing, melodious sound resounded from below them as the cover of ice started to crack.

    She prepared herself.

    In the next moment, the Huntsman lunged forward with stunning speed. The wind howled as his massive body tore through it, the terrible axe rising to deliver a fatal strike.

    It all happened very fast.

    As the demon was advancing, his foot fell through the ice, and in the next moment, he plummeted down. Black water and pieces of ice flew into the air as if there was an explosion, and Rain felt the swamp tremble.

    Cold drops pelted her face.

    Of course, water alone was not going to slow the Huntsman down.

    A human would have been rendered helpless by the need to struggle against its weight, but an Awakened Demon was powerful enough to shrug such a burden off without any effort. At that distance from the shore, the water was only to the Huntsman's waist, so he continued moving forward after a momentary delay.

    But, still…

    It wasn't a lake or a river. There was no ground under his feet, only the treacherous mass of the ancient swamp. Although the abominations managed to prevent himself from sinking… for now… its speed still dropped.

    More than that, the moment he fell through the Ice, Rain was already moving.

    And before the Huntsman could regain his bearing, the heavy tip of her Javelin had already crashed Into his helmet.

    She did not get greedy with that attack. Greed was the third most common cause of death among experienced fighters, following directly behind arrogance and bad luck. After delivering a strong blow to the demon's face, Rain immediately pulled back and jumped away.

    And just in time a split second later, his axe whistled past the spot where she had stood before, colliding with the ice and splitting it.

    The attack was much too fast for her to perceive and react in time. If Rain had not anticipated the danger and disengaged in advance, she would have died.

    Her side burned with cold pain, but that pain only made her mind sharper. Her heart was beating steadily, pumping blood throughout her body. Her muscles seemed to have come alive, making her body light and alert, brimming with energy.

    It was a state of absolute focus and awareness, so heightened that it couldn't last for too long.

    «Let's see which one of us is the real demon…»

    Brandishing her javelin, Rain grinned and escaped the cracking ice, already searching for a way to deliver another blow to the frenzied abomination.
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      1712: Icebreaker.

      Less than a minute later, a vast swath of the frozen swamp had turned into a ravaged scene of devastation. The pure white snow was washed away, the ice was broken and shattered, its shards floating in the black water like dirty glass. The water itself was restless, boiling and rippling from the furious movements of the Huntsman and the escaping gas.

      The swamp was trying to swallow the frenzied abomination, but was getting battered by him instead. The demon would sink deeper from time to time, but then tear himself from the insidious embrace of the marsh… even though that struggle allowed Rain to survive so far, it was not enough to grant her victory.

      She was breathing laboriously.

      Rain had continued to retreat deeper into the swamp, and the demon continued to pursue her like a demented executioner. She had delivered more than a dozen strikes to him, but none dealt any serious damage — even when her javelin pierced the cracks of the Huntsman's armor, it felt as if she was trying to cut wet fur. Rain did do some damage to the hidden flesh of the demon, but not nearly enough to matter.

      At the same time, her own body was not faring well, She had not been cut by the dreadful battleaxe again, so there was little blood… relatively speaking… however, there were bruises. In fact, after being tossed around by the furlous power of the demon's blows, Rain felt like her entire body was one glant bruise, by now.

      And that was even considering that she fought as cautiously and cowardly as she could.

      The Huntsman had much longer limbs, and his battleaxe had much more reach than the black sword her teacher had given her. So, even if Rain was willing to risk clashing with the abomination face-to-face despite being slower and weaker than him, he would have held a great advantage.

      Stories like to speak about exalted skill and unbreakable resolve, but in a real fight, the outcome was often decided by the most mundane of things. Reach trumped skill, and weight definitely trumped will.

      Well, perhaps it was different for the Awakened, whose power refused to obey common sense. But for someone like Rain, having a longer weapon meant emerging victorious more often than not.

      Which was why she did not draw her sword yet, relying instead on the heavy javelin.

      «It's alright…»

      Her javelin was crafted from the same material as her arrows, and it was not as if a mundane human could not leave a scratch on the body of an Awakened abomination — in fact, it was entirely possible to slay one, just a bit hard.

      Things would have been different if Rain was facing a Fallen Nightmare Creature, but then again, she would have never allowed herself to end up in such a situation. Her teacher tasked her with slaying an Awakened Demon precisely because it was not Impossible for her to succeed.

      It was just that…

      The Huntsman had proven to be much tougher than she had anticipated. Rain had expected to be powerless against his armor, but even when she managed to bypass it, the result was minimal. It as a though there was another layer of protection hiding behind the suit of rusted green armor.

      Something had to change.

      The demon was just as domineering and frightening as before, his movements just as foreboding… Rain, on the other hand, was starting to feel tired. Not only did she have to attack and dodge the terrible axe, but she also had to be careful about the ice — if she fell under it, then she would die from her own trap.

      And with more and more of the ice ending up shattered, staying away from the black swamp was becoming more and more difficult.

      Her lungs felt like they were on fire. And not only because she was pushing her resilient body too far — the air reeked, as well, full of foul gasses released when the ice encasing the swamp was broken.

      Something had to change soon…

      Luckily, a change was coming up.

      Not too far behind her, and drawing closer with each frenetic sequence of offense and retreat, was a twisted tree. The tree itself did not mean anything, but the fact that it stood in the middle of a swamp meant that there was enough soll there to support its roots.

      There was a tiny Island underneath the tree, which could save Rain, or doom her.

      «To hell with it.»

      Rain was about to take another step back, but then paused and stood her ground instead. Her body tensed like a powerful spring, and surged with strength. From her feet to her thighs, through her core to her shoulder, and finally into her arm — a powerful force was transferred and multiplied, and as Rain's torso turned, her arm flew forward like a whip.

      She let go of the javelin.

      The heavy weapon flashed through frigid air, dove under the Huntsman's axe, and plunged deeply into the crack on his rusty breastplate.

      The power of her throw was dire enough to give the demon a momentary pause.

      …Using that short moment, Rain turned around and dashed toward the distant tree. She knew that the abomination would follow… but it was slowed down by the swamp, sinking deeper the deeper they ventured into it. By now, the dirty water was already above the Huntsman's waist, and his speed had dropped significantly.

      Rain ran to the tiny island, pursued by the sound of breaking ice and surging water.

      There was just barely enough time.

      Reaching the tree, she ignored the quiver of arrows hidden beneath its branches — without a bow, they were all but useless now. Instead, she grabbed something else… a bottle of hard liquor her teacher had procured somewhere the day she turned twenty. Currently, there was a length of cloth dangling from the mouth of the bottle.

      His voice suddenly resounded from the shadows:

      «W-wait… what are you doing, ungrateful brat? That's my most expensive bottle, you know!»

      Rain ignored the startled voice and produced a brass lighter. She wasn't fond of drinking, anyway… no, really, what had he been thinking, gifting a young girl alcohol? What kind of attitude was that for a teacher?

      Had her teacher been a delinquent in his youth?

      Igniting the cloth, Rain stood up and swiftly turned around.

      The Huntsman was barreling toward her like a frenzied icebreaker. He had long torn her javelin from his chest and snapped it in two, leaving the broken pieces far behind.

      For a moment, her heart ached for her trusty weapon.

      Then, Rain gritted her teeth and tossed the bottle at the demon.

      «Catch this, you rusty piece of…»

      The Huntsman did not even bother to move his axe, swiping the bottle away with his gauntlet.

      Of course, It shattered instantly, spilling burning alcohol all over his towering figure.

      The flammable cocktail was not going to damage an Awakened Demon.

      But that stench in the air…

      There was a lot of gas trapped beneath the ice, and currently, all of it had been released, surrounding the abomination like an invisible cloud.

      And when the bottle shattered, the cloud instantly turned into a sea of raging flame.

      Of course, Rain did not see any of it, because she was already diving behind the twisted tree.
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  4. Offline
    I'm pretty sure there is high chance of rain getting shadow lineage or aspect as well. Now she isn't truly awakened but she feels familiarity with it. This could have 2 possible explanation. First it could be an aspect which can synergies with shadow like nephis, or she will literally have shadow aspect which is why she feels that way. Also it's clear that if a family gets the lineage of a god, then there is high chance of every decedent getting that lineage somehow as well but there is a chance that they might not get. Now sunny isn't rain's father but they share blood. Morgan got the lineage of war god just like her father but mordret didn't get so there is 50/50 but in this case it's leaning more towards the same.
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    1. Offline
      And the fact that she is already familiar with the aspect increases the probability

      I'd say its a 70_30 chance
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    2. Offline
      Shadow was related to his name sunless , what if she gets something related to⛈️🌧️ rain like the bloodline of storm god
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      1. Offline
        And she will not be a spell infected awakened so she will require more time to decent higher levels
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      2. Offline
        There is no real correlation between his name and aspect really it's just speculation while my speculation as well have more ground which could be supported by Morgan and mordret. I'm not saying it's not possible, I'm just saying base on what we see and her experience, it might be shadow aspect or an aspect which could synergies with shadow. Maybe both speculation could be half true as well like she could get shadow aspect which functions like rain idk cus shadow is very versatile. Remember the first shadow aspect holder other than sunny wasn't like sunny's shadow but different way so we will see.
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  5. Offline
    How does he still has flaw without being able to use the spell
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    1. Offline
      His flaw is still a part of who he is, just like his attribute and everything else. He wasn't given the flaw by the spell, just told what it was.
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      1. Online Offline
        but isn't his true name the same then? a part of who he is. but he still lost it.
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        1. Offline
          While definitely something to be explained, I think his true name was tied to his fate (destined for Joe to do x), so removing fate removed his true name. If this is the case he can't get a true name until he gets his fate back/gets a new fate.
          Obvious glaring flaw in this explanation, everyone has a fate, not everyone has a true name.
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          1. Offline
            In fact, everyone has a real name, most simply cannot awaken them, just as many cannot awaken their legacies.
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        2. Offline
          hell 2011
          His true name still belongs to Sunny. But the world itself cannot recognize who "Lost From Light" is, as there's no fate connected to it.

          Or so I presume.
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    2. Offline
      Ancient ppl had flaws while there was no spell. Same goes for the gods as well so it perfectly makes sense that he has flaw cus the spell isn't the one that gives the flaw but it helps u awaken easily unlike ancient ppl
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  6. Offline
    And what if the Rain attribute is this.... Is it raining?
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    1. Offline
      Knowing G3's knack for naming, I tend to agree that it will be at least something related to 'rain'.
      We can take Sunny's shadow attribute as reference for this... after all his real name is Sunless.
      Even more, Nephis is a nephilim, and Cassie resembles Cassandra, the seer from Greek myths. There is definitely a theme going on with the relationship between character names and their abilities or origin.
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    2. Offline
      Well maybe she will become the clan leader of that night clan that controlled the waters
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      1. Offline
        Storm God? Maybe she'll be the first Sovereign in that line. That would be interesting.

        Also, it's raining here.
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      2. Offline
        The version that Rain will become the head of the storm clan is pretty good... Well, we'll see soon
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  7. Offline
    Dragão Preguiçoso
    I keep thinking, could Rain's Attribute be something that would make her completely remember her memories with Sunny?Or some shadow attribute and consequently Sunny gave her the lineage of the Shadow God?So many possibilities
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    1. Offline
      Someone will have to inherit the Shadow God's bloodline, and that will probably be her.
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    2. Offline
      They still coping... like really? really? how much time someone need to understand that There is no way back, Sunny made this decision and will fully suffer from it no matter what, he was erased from FATE and if Cassie can't remember meens that the only thing that has chance to remember will be random Unholy/Cursed creature releted to Fate that probably never seen Sunny in the first place. Part about Shadow God is interesting, but I personaly think that she will not get Shadow like abilities, I don't really have evidence but that will be interesting either way.
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      1. Offline
        Now that you mention it, I'm really having doubts, does Sunny's fate still exist? That bird was just a copy of the real one created by the spell, should it have disappeared after the end of the nightmare, would Sunny's fate also disappear along with it? 🤔
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        1. Offline
          Yeah I had same thoughts, and yes came to conclusion that, Fate is gone and both Mad Prince & Torment knew about it. So if Sunny decided to break Fate there would be no way back "be carefull what you wish for..."
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          1. Offline
            Пустяковая проблема на самом деле, просто надо стать сильнее и сильнее когда законы мира и нити судьбы уже не могут сдержать тебя.
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          2. Online Offline
            your deterministic projection that "there is no way back" sounds pretty much like fate to me. Please, anything can happen. if what you claimed was true, the he wouldn't have met his future self in the nightmare.
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            1. Offline
              Absolutely agree with u. I mean even the favour that nephis has to fulfil has high chance of having something to do with him going back I mean the dots are clear
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  8. Offline
    Rain should awaken in the next chapters, then all that remains is for Sunny to try to invade Revenheart and forge the sword of Nephis for the war to finally begin.
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  9. Offline
    Ok, looks like finaly plot starts to develope. All(or at least like +80%) of Setting is done.

    1. We have small Rain/Shadow story where Rain becomes Awakened(happening rn) and bigger story where Shadow will try to break into Ravenheart and steal whatever there hidden(potential Shadow & Mordret fight/deal/something?).

    2. We have Lord of Shadows and War between Song & Anvil, where Nephis and LoS will try to kill Supremes and create their own Domains.

    2,5. Edit: I forgot one of the most important points about Domains, Sunny need to understand nature of Shadow Element, find out how to revive Shadows from his Soul Sea, and of cource understand what is his Domain and how it works + Supreme battle art thing.

    3. We have Master Sunless creating an agreement between Cassie & Nephis, MS joining Fire keepers + Soul Bound weapon for Neph + potential for Romance.

    4. MS trying to steal something from Bastion with help of Cassie + Cassie trying to remember at least something about Sunless and creating plan on how to destroy Fate(there is 2 options, 1st there is a way in which Sunny can directly destroy Fate, 2nd Sunny need to just exist and Fate will fall apart one day eventually).

    5. Other parts of cohort are working for Government and have their own problems on one of the continents, so without them for few weeks/months.

    6. All this shit is happening on parallel!

    I think thats all, and I doubt there will be something more, but maybe some other clues for later parts of the story.
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    1. Offline
      Queria um encontro de Sunny e (😶 esqueci o nome do dragão), não falam dele a tanto tempo que eu acho que o nome é Kay, não lembro 😭
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