
Chapter 1712: Icebreaker

Less than a minute later, a vast swath of the frozen swamp had turned into a ravaged scene of devastation. The pure white snow was washed away, the ice was broken and shattered, its shards floating in the black water like dirty glass. The water itself was restless, boiling and rippling from the furious movements of the Huntsman and the escaping gas.

The swamp was trying to swallow the frenzied abomination, but was getting battered by him instead. The demon would sink deeper from time to time, but then tear himself from the insidious embrace of the marsh... even though that struggle allowed Rain to survive so far, it was not enough to grant her victory.

She was breathing laboriously.

Rain had continued to retreat deeper into the swamp, and the demon continued to pursue her like a demented executioner. She had delivered more than a dozen strikes to him, but none dealt any serious damage - even when her javelin pierced the cracks of the Huntsman's armor, it felt as if she was trying to cut wet fur. Rain did do some damage to the hidden flesh of the demon, but not nearly enough to matter.

At the same time, her own body was not faring well, She had not been cut by the dreadful battleaxe again, so there was little blood... relatively speaking... however, there were bruises. In fact, after being tossed around by the furlous power of the demon's blows, Rain felt like her entire body was one glant bruise, by now.

And that was even considering that she fought as cautiously and cowardly as she could.

The Huntsman had much longer limbs, and his battleaxe had much more reach than the black sword her teacher had given her. So, even if Rain was willing to risk clashing with the abomination face-to-face despite being slower and weaker than him, he would have held a great advantage.

Stories like to speak about exalted skill and unbreakable resolve, but in a real fight, the outcome was often decided by the most mundane of things. Reach trumped skill, and weight definitely trumped will.

Well, perhaps it was different for the Awakened, whose power refused to obey common sense. But for someone like Rain, having a longer weapon meant emerging victorious more often than not.

Which was why she did not draw her sword yet, relying instead on the heavy javelin.

'It's alright...'

Her javelin was crafted from the same material as her arrows, and it was not as if a mundane human could not leave a scratch on the body of an Awakened abomination - in fact, it was entirely possible to slay one, just a bit hard.

Things would have been different if Rain was facing a Fallen Nightmare Creature, but then again, she would have never allowed herself to end up in such a situation. Her teacher tasked her with slaying an Awakened Demon precisely because it was not Impossible for her to succeed.

It was just that...

The Huntsman had proven to be much tougher than she had anticipated. Rain had expected to be powerless against his armor, but even when she managed to bypass it, the result was minimal. It as a though there was another layer of protection hiding behind the suit of rusted green armor.

Something had to change.

The demon was just as domineering and frightening as before, his movements just as foreboding... Rain, on the other hand, was starting to feel tired. Not only did she have to attack and dodge the terrible axe, but she also had to be careful about the ice - if she fell under it, then she would die from her own trap.

And with more and more of the ice ending up shattered, staying away from the black swamp was becoming more and more difficult.

Her lungs felt like they were on fire. And not only because she was pushing her resilient body too far - the air reeked, as well, full of foul gasses released when the ice encasing the swamp was broken,

Something had to change soon...

Luckily, a change was coming up.

Not too far behind her, and drawing closer with each frenetic sequence of offense and retreat, was a twisted tree. The tree itself did not mean anything, but the fact that it stood in the middle of a swamp meant that there was enough soll there to support its roots.

There was a tiny Island underneath the tree, which could save Rain, or doom her.

‘To hell with it'

Rain was about to take another step back, but then paused and stood her ground instead. Her body tensed like a powerful spring, and surged with strength. From her feet to her thighs, through her core to her shoulder, and finally into her arm - a powerful force was transferred and multiplied, and as Rain's torso turned, her arm flew forward like a whip.

She let go of the javelin.

The heavy weapon flashed through frigid air, dove under the Huntsman's axe, and plunged deeply into the crack on his rusty breastplate.

The power of her throw was dire enough to give the demon a momentary pause.

...Using that short moment, Rain turned around and dashed toward the distant tree. She knew that the abomination would follow... but it was slowed down by the swamp, sinking deeper the deeper they ventured into it. By now, the dirty water was already above the Huntsman's waist, and his speed had dropped significantly,

Rain ran to the tiny island, pursued by the sound of breaking ice and surging water.

There was just barely enough time.

Reaching the tree, she ignored the quiver of arrows hidden beneath its branches - without a bow, they were all but useless now. Instead, she grabbed something else... a bottle of hard liquor her teacher had procured somewhere the day she turned twenty. Currently, there was a length of cloth dangling from the mouth of the bottle.

His voice suddenly resounded from the shadows:

"W-wait... what are you doing, ungrateful brat? That's my most expensive bottle, you know!"

Rain ignored the startled voice and produced a brass lighter. She wasn't fond of drinking, anyway... no, really, what had he been thinking, gifting a young girl alcohol? What kind of attitude was that for a teacher?

Had her teacher been a delinquent in his youth?

Igniting the cloth, Rain stood up and swiftly turned around.

The Huntsman was barreling toward her like a frenzied icebreaker. He had long torn her javelin from his chest and snapped it in two, leaving the broken pieces far behind.

For a moment, her heart ached for her trusty weapon,

Then, Rain gritted her teeth and tossed the bottle at the demon.

"Catch this, you rusty piece of

The Huntsman did not even bother to move his axe, swiping the bottle away with his gauntlet.

Of course, It shattered instantly, spilling burning alcohol all over his towering figure.

The flammable cocktail was not going to damage an Awakened Demon.

But that stench in the air...

There was a lot of gas trapped beneath the ice, and currently, all of it had been released, surrounding the abomination like an invisible cloud.

And when the bottle shattered, the cloud instantly turned into a sea of raging flame.

Of course, Rain did not see any of it, because she was already diving behind the twisted tree.

Comments 14

  1. Offline
    For me, there are only two paths that Rain's awakening can take, the most obvious is to awaken an aspect related to the shadow just like Sunny, we cannot forget that the lineage of the Shadow God has not yet been claimed. The second would be some aspect related to the God of Storms, as her name suggests, I particularly hope it's the first.
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    1. Offline
      Bom se fosse pelo nome Sunny definitivamente seria do Sol, mas como ele é da sombra pode ter uma pista ai, qual seria o "contrário" da tempestade?
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  2. Offline
    Just imagining rain getting an aspect related to shadow excites me

    But I'm hoping for a plot twist

    Perhaps like rain got injured
    Sunny went berserk
    Enters the fourth nightmare due to some calamity...am guessing the nightmare will be like him returning to the dark city with neph being his master/mistress 🤔

    Hehehehe 🗿🗿😂
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  3. Online Offline
    1713: Fire and Ice.

    Swamps had a natural inclination to produce methane, which often remained trapped beneath the surface, forming voluminous bubbles of putrid gas. And those were only the swamps of the waking world, which were much safer than the marshes of the Dream Realm… well, at least they had been before the Dark Times.

    In times of war, humanity had unleashed all kinds of weaponized horrors upon itself. So, today, there was no telling what kind of buried plagues could be released into the world if someone went around digging in the swamps of Europe or the Northern Quadrant.

    The Dream Realm might have actually been safer, in that regard.

    None of it mattered to Rain, though. What mattered for her was that methane was highly flammable.

    And so, when the Huntsman shattered the liquor bottle, it ignited.


    Diving behind the tree, Rain pressed her body into the ground and covered her ears. In the next moment, she was momentarily blinded by a violent flash.

    Then, she was assaulted by unbearable heat.

    And then, the entire world shuddered.


    Rain was tossed into the air as the tree she had been hiding behind was obliterated.

    That… was not supposed to happen. Marsh gas could ignite and burn, but not explode, and especially not so fiercely — at least not under an open sky.

    Perhaps the flames somehow reached a huge pocket of trapped methane, or perhaps it had something to do with the pockets of gas sticking to the surface of the ice. Perhaps the entire swamp was anomalous, and the gas she had set aflame itself was unnatural.

    In any case, the result of tossing the liquor bottle surpassed Rain's expectations.

    By a lot.

    Crashing into the ground, she felt the wind being knocked out of her and let out a suffocated groan. Rolling in a mess of limbs, Rain fell into shallow water and came to a halt.

    «That… hurt.»

    She was hurt and dazed.

    But there was no time for such frivolous things as pain and disorientation.

    Opening her eyes, Rain pushed air into her lungs, coughed on smoke, and slowly stood up.

    The swamp around her had transformed, It had been a plain of pure white snow once. Then, It turned into a chaotic mess of broken ice and surging black water.

    Now… It was a burning Inferno.

    Ghostly flames danced on the surface of the glistening black water, and the air was full of smoke. The snow had melted, and the shards of ice were swiftly disappearing in the scorching heat. Everywhere Rain looked, darkness was intertwined with a fiery glow, and shadows undulated as they danced among the flames.

    Rain was assaulted both by chilling cold and terrible heat. Her shirt was soaked in icy swamp water and sweat at the same time, which was a terrible combination. The ash she had smeared on herself to mask her scent had been washed away.

    The cut on her side was pulsing with pain. That wound would have to be disinfected… a lot…


    She let out a long sigh.

    At the same time, her sword hissed as it left the scabbard.

    Gripping the black hilt with both hands, Rain took a step forward and left the shallow water behind, returning to the soil of the small island.

    There was no fire where she had stood, and close to no flames where the twisted tree — nor a smoldering stump — had been. However, a fiery wall rose at the opposite edge of the island.

    As Rain assumed a stance, the wall of flame parted, and a lumbering figure emerged from, stepping onto the island in the clangor of metal.

    The Huntsman looked a little haggard. The moss covering his armor had turned to ash, and one of the deer antlers crowning his helmet was broken. There were cinders glowing in the cracks of his breastplate, and Rain's nose was assaulted by the stench of burned fur.

    The abomination had lost his tattered cloak, but the dreadful battleaxe was still held firmly in his iron fist… even if its long shaft seemed charred.

    Almost twice as tall as Rain was, the ancient demon towered above her like a grim reaper. The darkness nestled in the crack of his bestial visor was full of frenzied fury.

    …But she couldn't help but notice that the Huntsman was hunching slightly, as if suffering from grievous wounds.

    Her lips twisted into a dark smile against her will.

    «What a pity. There's nowhere for me to retreat until the flames die… would you mind waiting patiently for a minute or two?»

    Instead of answering, the Huntsman raised his harrowing axe.

    Rain's dark eyes glistened.

    «…Didn't think so. Well then, I'll just have to kill you bastard right here.»

    A split second later, she was already moving.

    Of course, the Huntsman was moving as well.

    And a lot faster than her, despite weighing at least five times as much.

    But Rain knew how he was going to act, and where he was going to move. It was not because she had a prophetic gift or could read the abomination's mind. It was simply because she understood his physical limits from doing her research and observing him in battle, as well as because of her knowledge of combat.

    She knew how to wield a polearm and how one proficient in the use of a great axe would most likely attack. She knew all the elements that comprised such a suit of full-plate armor, how they were fastened to one's body and to each other, and what limitations to one's movements they would cause.

    She knew that the demon would favor his right leg, because his right knee was not damaged, and that he would protect the left side of his chest more, since the breastplate there was cracked, and the flesh beneath had already been pierced by her javelin.

    Most of all, she knew that the Hunstsman was boiling with demented wrath. That mad frenzy clouded his judgement, and made his actions more predictable.

    So, she had a few advantages of her own.

    As the flames danced and the small island quaked from the heavy burden of the demon's footsteps, she dashed forward and met him with a flash of her black sword.

    The harrowing battleaxe would have split her in two if she had not sidestepped at the last moment. Rain had managed to evade the attack, albeit just barely… still, the length of the axe, and the Huntsman's arm length, were too great for her to strike at the towering abomination.

    But she had not aimed at the demon's mighty body.

    Instead, she aimed at the axe.

    Just as the fearsome weapon flashed past her, the black sword fell in pursuit…

    And severed the charred shaft cleanly.

    It had avoided the metal bands reinforcing it and bit into the burned wood, slicing through it as if it was butter.

    The axe blade sunk into the muddy soil, and the Huntsman's balance was suddenly disrupted without its weight.

    Now holding only a severed shaft in his hands, the demon staggered and fell heavily to one knee.

    The ground quaked.

    In that moment… Rain could finally reach his body with her sword.
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      1714: Apex Predator.

      The enemy was in front of her, kneeling, and momentarily vulnerable.

      Who knew how long that vulnerability would last? The demon would most likely regain his bearing a heartbeat later.

      Everything inside Rain screamed for her to attack, to throw her body forward and slay the abomination before that happened. After all, she could not be sure that there would be another chance later.

      Adrenalin flooded her bloodstream, and her heart thundered feverishly. Her pupils widened, her mind drowning in excitement, fear, and frenetic urgency.

      But, at the same time, the memory of the teacher's arrogant voice rang in her ears:

      «Bruise? What do you mean, it will leave a bruise? Listen, disciple… you should be grateful to your kind and gentle teacher for educating you so tenderly! The last time I made such a mistake, I was stepped on by a mountain. Not that left a bruise!»

      It was the mark of a skilled warrior to keep a cool head in the middle of the fiercest of battles, And so, she suppressed her excitement, ignored her fear, and cast away her sense of urgency.

      «Don't be greedy… greed will get you killed. It is a sin, and only those strong enough to bear the consequences have the right to be sinful… Rain did not abandon her caution and attacked calmly.»

      The tip of her black sword slid into the seam of the Huntsman's breastplate, plunging deep into his side.

      This time, there was very little resistance. Unlike her javelin, the dark tachi pierced the demon's flesh almost effortlessly.

      But instead of leaning into the thrust or twisting the blade to wreak more damage, Rain immediately pulled it back and jumped away.

      And just in time.

      Although the Huntsman seemed momentarily dazed, and his weapon had been destroyed, his fist was already tearing the air with stunning speed. If Rain had been a split second too slow to disengage, her head would have been turned into bloody pulp. As it was, she had enough time to block with the dark tachi, and received the harrowing blow on its blade.

      She was thrown backward like a rag doll. Which was the intended outcome. If Rain had been stubborn and tried to stand her ground, her body would have received the bulk of the impact. But by allowing her to be carried away, she dissipated the force greatly.

      …It still hurt like hell.

      It felt like every bone in her body was about to burst.

      But they didn't.

      Rain was tossed back into the shallow water once again and skidded in the mud. The ley water washed away her sweat and numbed the pulsing pain in her side, which felt almost pleasant.

      «Ah… I need to stand up…»

      This time, it took her a little longer to gather herself.

      Feeling the mud starting to pull her down, Rain groaned and rolled onto her stomach, then staggered to her feet.

      The black tachi rose into a high stance, sending drops of dirty water flying.

      «How badly did I wound him?»

      It had to be a pretty terrible wound… the black sword created by her teacher was even sharper, deadlier, and much more frightening than she had imagined. If the Huntsman had been a human, he would have been dead by now, his heart pierced by the dark blade.

      But he wasn't… he was a Chalice Knight, a demon from the retinue of an ancient titan that had haunted these lands for thousands of years.

      So, even though the wound Rain had delivered him was ghastly, it was definitely not enough to bring the abomination down.

      She had done something equally important, though.

      She had destroyed his axe, effectively disarming the horrid demon.

      Looking up, Rain stared at the Huntsman

      The abomination was still kneeling, his hands resting in the mud. Fetid blood was spilling from the seams of his scorched armor. The bestial snout of his snarling helmet seemed even more terrifying now, and there was dark liquid flowing from between the green fangs.

      «Come on…»

      Disarming the Huntsman was not that important, in and of itself. Sure, without the great battleaxe, his reach would shrink, allowing her to engage the abomination in melee. But he was more than strong and ferocious enough to tear her apart with his bare hands. Rain could hold out for a few seconds and survive a handful of exchanges, but attempting to fight the demon up close would inevitably result in her death.


      Chalice Knights were not simple abominations. These towering, armored warriors of the bygone era harbored a ghastly secret.

      Rain had not learned that secret from talking to the Awakened who had ventured into the forest and faced its fearsome overlord. Instead, it was something that everyone in Ravenheart knew… that she had known from the day Seishan, Queen Song's daughter, killed the terrifying leader of the Chalice Knights.

      The tales of that battle had spread far and wide in the Song Domain. More than that, detailed Information about the surviving abominations was provided by the town hall when it issued the extermination missions.

      The bestial helmet of the Huntsman was no mere decoration. It hinted at his true nature… because all Chalice Knights were shapeshifters.

      There was a rabid beast living in each of them, and when the ancient warriors faced a powerful enemy or was in danger, that beast came out.

      The dreadful demon that she had been fighting so desperately did not even show the true extent of his harrowing power, yet.

      But now… now that his axe was destroyed and his blood was pouring into the mud, he would.

      And that was Rain's best chance to kill him.

      Out of there, in front of her, the kneeling Huntsman let out a husky growl. His limbs flinched, as if struck by a painful convulsion.

      Then, his growl grew into a deafening roar.

      The demon's armor cracked… no, it was his bones cracking underneath it. His spine bent, and dark fur suddenly burst from the seams of the rusted armor.

      Long claws tore through the metal of his gauntlets.

      The transformation had started.

      It seemed gruesome, and gruesomely painful. It was also deeply frightening — not only because Rain knew that the unleashed beast would easily rip her to shreds and devour her, but simply because watching something human-like suddenly change into something Inhuman was terrifyingly appalling.

      None of that mattered to her, though.

      What mattered to Rain was that, from what she knew, the transformation of the Chalice Knights took some time to happen. Even if it was just a couple of seconds… in a battle, those seconds were like an eternity.

      She had been waiting to stake her life on that eternity the whole time.

      As the Huntsman's bestial roar reverberated across the burning swamp, Rain dashed forward.

      Her steps were light and swift.

      Before the demon could assume his true form, before the echo of the roar was swallowed by the shadows…

      She reached the kneeling abomination and brandished her black sword.

      The dark blade hissed coldly as it cut apart the world.

      And also the Huntsman's neck.

      The darkness nestling in the crack of his visor gazed at her silently as his grow abruptly stopped, and the bestial helmet flew into the air, a fountain of dark blood spilling from it in a spiral as it spun.

      It was a clean cut. The horizontal slash was performed with perfect form, thanks to the countless thousands of practice swings she had performed under the watchful guidance of her tutors.

      The Huntsman's severed head fell into the water and sank into the swamp with a ripple.

      His towering body swayed slowly, and then collapsed.

      …Rain swayed, as well, and sprawled in the mud next to it. The tension drained from her body, but so did all her strength.

      She breathed hoarsely, staring at the distant sky.

      The flames were dying down, but she was still surrounded by terrible heat.

      «Well… it's good. I won't freeze to death yet, at least…»

      In the smoky silence that followed, a sudden noise resounded, sounding indescribably misplaced in this hellish scene.

      It was the sound of applause.

      Rain tiredly turned her head and stared at her teacher, who had finally deemed it necessary to crawl out of her shadow.

      His voice was unnecessarily loud.

      «Congratulations! You have slain an Awakened Demon, Chalice Knight!»

      He smiled and added quieter, his tone turning warm:

      «…Well done.»
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      1. Offline
        thanks as always!
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      2. Offline
        Санни так горд за свою сестричку happy-birthday2
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      3. Offline
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      4. Offline
        Thank you as always :)

        Damn she’s almost fighting as desperately as Sunny dies when facing a wildly stronger opponent 😂 but I can see how they are related
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  4. Offline
    Раньше говорили что Рейн недостаточно гибкая для танца теней, но может сейчас она сможет научиться?
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      Там скорее не в гибкости дело а в складе ума, и Санни решил что Рейн не достаточна коварна и ей не хватает чего-то подобного. Но на счёт готова ли она изучить Танец теней, решение остаётся за Санни я хз
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  5. Online Offline
    Her fighting style reminds me of sunny
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    1. Offline
      I mean, he is her teacher and her brother, so it makes sense.
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    2. Offline
      Ofc it does. It's not just sunny being her teacher. Sunny's style stems from when he was basically powerless and had minimal damage and combat abilities when he just awakened. So his style leaned more on guerilla tactics and ambushes to take down his opponents which are usually way stronger than he is, with the least amount of energy and resource usage, while taking the least amount of time and injuries. His style is that way not because he wanted to or is taught so, but because that was most optimal allowed style which he discovered. His situation is basically similar to rain right now. Only difference is that rain now has someone to teach her the minimal amount of knowledge rather than doing it with trial and error by herself which takes time, she also has proper gear despite being mundane equipment as well as knowhow on crafting them, and most importantly she has sunny as a safety net. Even if he doesn't kill the demon, or prevent her from fatal injuries, he at least guatantees her life.
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