
Chapter 1716: Grain of Sand.

After a while, Rain felt rested enough to move. She rose from the ground with a grimace and went about taking care of her wounds.

Her teacher had made a fire from the splintered remains of the twisted tree, so neither of them had to freeze in the cold. Rain disinfected the cut on her side, then wrapped it tightly in a clean bandage. That would have to do until she returned to Ravenheart and found a healer.

Usually, she would have been lamenting the need to pay one, but there was a sizable reward promised to anyone who managed to slay the Huntsman. Not only could Rain afford a decent Awakened healer, but there would be enough coins left for her to replace the broken javelin, and maybe even upgrade a few pieces of her equipment.

«No, wait… actually, I don't need to worry about that anymore?»

Rain still had hope of Awakening swiftly. Even if she failed to do it before returning to Ravenheart, there would be no more hunts in the next few months — she already had everything she needed to form a soul core, so the best course of action would be to hole up in a safe place and patiently work on becoming an Awakened.

Once she was an Awakened, her mundane equipment would not be of much use. She would be able to draw a much more powerful bow, wear armor crafted from much heavier mystical materials, and even wield Memories.

Her entire arsenal would need to be changed. She would have to purchase a lot of things.

…Suddenly, Rain did not feel rich anymore.

She was so poor!

Full of sorrow, Rain put on her winter coat and approached the remains of the Huntsman. She stared at it for a while, then glanced at her teacher.

«Should we harvest his armor? It should sell for a lot of coins.»

He scratched the back of his head.

«Who's going to carry it all the way back to Ravenheart, though?»

Rain sighed.

«How can a deity be so useless?!»

Yeah. Still, we should take the axe blade, at least. To prove the kill at the town hall.»

That axe blade alone would sell for a hefty amount of coins.

She fished the giant blade from the ground and attached it to her backpack. Her teacher, meanwhile, looked at the remains of the dreadful Chalice Knight and clicked his fingers.

Several shadows suddenly rose from the ground and sliced the carcass apart, cutting the rusted armor like paper.

Raid didn't look at the bestial features of the corpse as she harvested the soul shards and sat down, staring at them solemnly.

There were three of them… the glimmering crystals were not too large, but to her, they meant the world.

«This is it, then.»

She had been striving desperately to reach this moment for four long years. Those years had been full of pain and hardship… but also joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment. And now, the final stretch of the road was right in front of her.

Her teacher sat on the ground across from her and smiled with encouragement.

«Go on. You worked hard to be here.»

Rain looked at him, remained silent for a moment, and smiled back.

«I did.»

With that, she unsheathed her knife and crushed the soul shards one after another with its pommel.

She felt a stream of power flowing into her soul. And then… her soul suddenly surged.

Rain struggled to describe the way she felt with words, It was as though her entire body was suddenly permeated by a cool, vibrant, nurturing flame, However, that flame simply passed through her flesh, unable to touch it.

«W-what… what is happening?»

Her teacher was looking at her with keen interest. The gaze of his onyx eyes was strangely intense.

«I can see it. Your essence is Awakening. It is as though your soul, which had been dim and drowsy, is suddenly coming to life. A soft radiance is spreading, and it is lively.»

He remained silent for a moment, and then spoke in a calming tone:

«Try to control it. Guide it throughout your body, following the roadmap of your major blood vessels. Your blood is circulating because of your heart… but you don't have a soul core, which is like a heart for soul essence. So, for now, you'll have to substitute it with your will.»

Rain took a deep breath and closed her eyes, imagining the map of her body. She could feel her essence flowing freely, chaotically, with no shape or form. So, she slowly extended her will and tried to guide it.

She had never been able to control her essence before. It had always felt like trying to push a boulder to the top of a mountain… the boulder was dead weight, it was cold and reluctant to move. The moment she lost concentration, even a little, it rolled back to where it had come from.

But this time, her essence felt alive and responsive. It followed her guidance, flowing slowly in a complicated cycle, At first, there was a lot of chaos and colliding currents in its flow, but as Rain deepened her concentration, the torrent of her soul essence grew increasingly stable and orderly.

Her teacher chuckled in amazement.

«Wow. On the first try? You're doing great!»

Rain did not open her eyes.

«So… how do I form the core?»

His voice was calm and confident, like an anchor that she could use to keep steady:

«The method is simple. Once you can make the essence circulate freely, increase the speed. Make it rush like a mountain river. Then, increase the speed even more, until it's spinning inside your body like a raging whirlpool. Make it condense under the pressure of its own weight and the pull of the rotation. You don't need to form the entire soul core all at once… one grain of sand is enough. Next time, you will create one more. And then one more. Sooner or later, the density of your essence will reach a critical point, and a soul core will be formed.»

Rain smiled.

She could imagine it vividly… it was a beautiful process. Like stars and planets forming from incandescent stardust.

She concentrated fully, making the essence circulate faster, and faster, and faster. The greater its speed, the more willpower she needed to keep the raging force of the whirlpool under control.

«Come on.., a little more

She could feel a condensed mass of energy slowly forming in the place where her heart would have been. It was not solid yet, but also not as ethereal as the usual state of soul essence. More like… a shimmering liquid.

And at the very heart of that mass, where the pressure was most crushing, something solid was slowly being born.

A tiny crystalline gemstone… so small that it could only be called a grain of sand.


Rain opened her eyes and shuddered, her entire body drenched in sweat. The whirlpool of essence dissipated, and she sprawled on the ground in utter exhaustion. Her chest rose and fell heavily, as if she had just run a marathon.

The mental fatigue was even worse.

Her teacher raised a fist.

«Success! You did great!»

But Rain was full of bitter disappointment.

«A single grain of sand… did I really boast that I'll form the soul core in one try? Ah, so embarrassing! Thank the gods I didn't say it out loud!»

How long would it take her to create enough of these tiny gemstones for them to merge into a core? A month? A year?

Rain wanted to groan.

…But doing that would undoubtedly make her teacher way too happy, She couldn't let the enemy win!

She sighed, and then slowly sat up.

«I'll stay home for an entire month, let mom pamper me, and work on Awakening slowly!»

Disappointed? Who was disappointed? A whole month… or even several months… of doing nothing and being spoiled rotten. No biting cold, no blood and sweat, no hideous abominations and revolting corpses. Just eating well and meditating in peace. It was a dream come true! Wouldn't it be great, to rest for a few months while being absolutely safe, with nothing terrible happening?

«It sure would!»

Her teacher suddenly looked at her with suspicion.

His onyx eyes narrowed.

«What is this… I sense a familiar disturbance. Hey, you didn't just think something stupid in your head, like 'finally, the worst of it is over' or 'that demon is definitely dead, nothing bad will happen… did you?»

Rain raised an eyebrow and put on an innocent expression.

«No? Why would I? Only a complete fool would think something like that in the middle of the Dream Realm.»

He studied her dubiously for a moment, then exhaled slowly.

«Well… good, And, you know, don't use such harsh words. Some people — very smart people — were known to make small mistakes like that in the past. Anyway… time to head back to Ravenheart, then

Comments 31

  1. Offline
    For those who forgot,
    Skinwalker is the Great abomination who that hunted sunny and the cohort, which forced them to enter their 3rd nightmare.
    It has the ability to control dead bodies if i remember correctly.
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  2. Offline
    Next level cliff, chapter stoped mid sentence 💀
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  3. Offline
    Junior young
    Pls who is skinwalker,I cnt remember
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    1. Offline
      Существо(не помню ранг, вроде Верховный) которое появилось перед попаданием Когорты в кошмар(в пустыне) , чтобы стать Святыми, Из-за него Когорта чуть не умерла, но они выжили зайдя в кошмар

      Его способностью является контроль павших существ, которых он в разы усиливает и нападает на путников, так же может маскироваться под людей, ведя разговоры (но плохо)
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    2. Offline
      I don't think we are reading the same novel, to forget who the Skinwalker is you must be suffering from memory loss since he was the reason Sunny challenged the third nightmare.
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  4. Offline
    Я не понимаю, скинуотер это же мордред не? Настолько сильным стал что ли?
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    1. Offline
      НЕТ, Скинволкер это та х**нь, которая чуть не убила всю компашку перед кошмаром, Мордред вроде сам чуть от него не сдох
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  5. Offline
    So he's no longer 'fated' but still encounters all sorts of stuff. Coincidences should't work on him either already, but they seem to happen still. Maybe it's not really the problem about others being involved in his fate, but rather sunny HIMSELF being dragged into the fate of others.

    Also, thaaanks for the chapters!
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    1. Offline
      Это слова Рейн о роскошном отдыхе вдали от всех бед подняли флаг смерти
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    1717: Rustle.

    Rain collected her things and holsted the backpack onto her shoulders. The axe blade was terribly heavy, which messed with her balance a little… but she could handle it. The frightful black sword her teacher had given her was already gone, and her tachi regained its shadow. She studied the familiar sword for a few moments, then sighed and sheathed it smoothly.

    Rain was ready to leave.

    …But she didn't.

    «Uh, teacher. We might have a problem.»

    He turned to her and raised an eyebrow in confusion.

    «A problem? What's the matter?»

    She hesitated for a moment, then awkwardly scratched the tip of her nose.

    «Well, you see. That explosion was much more powerful than I had expected. So… all the ice is broken. How am I supposed to get back to shore?»

    He stared at her for a bit, then glanced at the ravaged landscape of the vast swamp.

    Indeed, the little island was surrounded by nothing except mud and black water, with not a single Intact plece of ice in sight. The deadly expanse of treacherous sludge stretched all the way to the distant shore.

    Her teacher lingered for a bit, then sighed and approached her.

    Crouching, he pointed to his back:

    «Climb on, brat.»

    Rain didn't make him ask twice. There were ways to traverse a swamp, but none that were both safe and timely. Not to mention that she had just disinfected her wound and didn't want to get it wet and dirty again.

    Plus, her battered body was exhausted. Why would she refuse a piggyback ride offered by a powerful deity?

    Climbing onto her teacher's back, Rain wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled.

    He lifted her like a feather, not showing any strain at all despite how thin his body looked, and headed for the swamp.

    «Ah… how humiliating… a divine shadow like me being reduced to carrying ungrateful mundane girls… gods are truly dead…»

    Ignoring his grumbling, Rain rested her head on his shoulder and allowed her consciousness to drift into a relaxed state. The familiar sound of her teacher's voice was almost like a lullaby.

    Walking to the edge of the island, he didn't even try to slow down and stepped directly into the muddy water. However, his foot never plunged into the murky sludge — instead, the shadows moved and coalesced into a glossy black plate under it. Then, another plate appeared as he took a step.

    Like that, her teacher walked across the swamp as if he was walking on a paved road, the black plates dissipating behind him after a few moments. The water sloshed and surged, but never managed to touch his leather boots.

    «Huh, that reminds me of that time we fought the Drowned in the lost temple of Fallen Grace… back when I was still wearing the Serpent King's crown… who knew that I would end up becoming a swamp rickshaw one day? Damn, life is sure full of irony…»

    Rain did not know what the words Drowned, Fallen Grace, and Serpent King meant, but they sounded exciting. Was her teacher a king once, in ancient times?

    …No, knowing him, it was more likely that he had stolen a king's crown and wore it to gloat and boast about his nefarious deeds.

    The walk to the shore was both comfortable and uneventful. Rain could have climbed off her teacher's back once they reached solid ground, but he simply continued to carry her without saying anything, and so, she didn't say anything either.

    Perhaps he saw through her bravado and realized that her condition was worse than she was letting on, and that she was too exhausted to hike through the forest while suffering the pain of her wound… Still.

    After a while, Rain spoke:

    «We should take down the corpses of the fallen Awakened and give them a burial.»

    Usually, the Queen would have taken the dead. But the Huntsman must have prevented them from leaving on a pilgrimage to her palace, and as a result, their bones had been left unattended.

    Her teacher stopped.

    Rain couldn't see his face, but she felt a subtle change in his mood. Suddenly, the shadows populating the frozen forest seemed much deeper, and the world felt much darker.

    Her breath escaped as a cloud of cold vapor.

    «Does he not want to bother with burying them?»

    «Climb off.»

    He bent his knees, allowing Rain to stand firmly on the ground. She was a little confused.


    But then, she heard it. A branch snapping somewhere behind her.

    Placing her hand on the hilt of her sword, Rain turned around and looked back.

    There, she saw several human figures walking in their direction. They seemed like a cohort of Awakened… no. A Master and his retinue, perhaps? One, two, three people… one of them was waving his hand in a friendly gesture…

    Before Rain could discern any details, though, something strange happened.

    Her teacher's hand appeared from behind and covered her eyes.

    She froze.

    «W-what… what…»

    Something was very wrong.

    His voice sounded very calm… too calm, even, which only made Rain feel more nervous.

    «Hey, brat. Listen to me very carefully. From now on and until I tell you otherwise, no matter what happens, don't open your eyes. Alright?»

    She nodded slowly.

    «Yes, teacher.»

    He remained silent for a moment.

    «Alright. Stand here and don't move.»

    With that, her teacher removed his hand. Rain's eyes were tightly shut, so she couldn't see anything, but she felt him walking past to stand between her and the approaching people.

    Their steps were drawing closer.

    «Wrong, wrong! This is very wrong!»

    Rain was not stunned by the fact that he had covered her eyes. What truly disturbed her… was the fact that her teacher had not retreated into the shadows.

    In all the years that she had known him, he had never, ever shown himself to other people, It was to the point that Rain had considered him a hallucination at first.

    But now, her teacher remained in the open in front of absolute strangers.


    Her silent panic was Interrupted by his bright, carefree voice:

    «Greetings! Who might you be?»

    The sound of steps halted, and a deep baritone answered in a friendly tone:

    «Greetings, greetings! I am Master Sean, and these are my companions, Master Skif and Awakened Ardon. We were on our way back to Ravenheart… are you headed that way, as well?»

    Rain frowned.

    «Master Sean? Master Skif?»

    She had not heard of these Ascended before. Granted, there were thousands of Ascended in the world, but still. Each of the Song Domain's Masters was like a minor celebrity, especially those in Ravenheart.

    There was something else that seemed strange about these people, too. She was standing there, frozen, with her eyes closed… but they did not seem to care enough to react in any way, Wouldn't it be natural to ask what she was doing?

    Her teacher lingered for a few moments.

    «Yeah, we were on our way back to Ravenheart too.»

    Then, there was a long stretch of silence. Eventually, Master Sean asked, his voice sending a chill running down Rain's spine, for some reason:

    «You look a little familiar, young man. Say, have we met before?»

    The tone of his voice was perfectly friendly, and so were his words. But she suddenly felt suffocated, as if there was something eerily, maddeningly wrong with it all.

    Her teacher's answer was a little somber:

    «As a matter of fact, we have indeed met before. Although I doubt that you'll remember. In any case, why don't you and your friends continue onward? Let's part on friendly terms and go our separate ways. How about it?»

    There was another lengthy silence.

    Shivering, Rain heard a strange rustle come from the direction of the three strangers. Their surroundings were slowly turning colder.

    «What was that rustle?»

    «How about it… how about it. How how how about It»

    Master Sean's voice still sounded human, but his speech had turned strangely incoherent.

    Another voice joined, its mannerisms and Intonations too similar to the first:

    «We are on our way back to Ravenheart. These are my companions… Master… we are on our way. How about it?»

    Rain was still stuck on her previous thought, unable to throw it out of her head.

    «What… what was that rustle?»

    She had never heard a sound like that before.

    Just at that moment, the disturbing rustle grew louder, and a third voice added amicably:

    «These are my companions.»

    «My companions…»

    «My companions.»

    «That rustle…»

    «How about…»

    «…How about you become my companions, too?»

    Her teacher took a deep breath. Rain could hear his voice turning dangerously cold:

    «Listen here, bastard…»

    She had never heard such coldness in his voice before, and the unfamiliarity scared her.

    «You might have managed to claw your way out of Dread's Tomb, but so did I. You might have survived in the depths of a thousand hells, but so did. So save me the theatrics and be on your way Otherwise, I'll stop being gracious and skin you alive!»

    Rain shuddered.

    «Skin… skin him…»

    Suddenly, a thought flashed in her mind.

    «The Skinwalker!»

    The Great abomination that had been the nightmare of humanity for the past four years!

    A Great… A Great abomination…

    Three of the indescribable horror's vessels, no less!

    Her terror was so vast that she couldn't even move. All Rain could do was keep her eyes closed and tremble.

    «I'm dead, I'm so dead…»

    No, death would be a mercy.

    At that moment, Master Sean — Skinwalker's vessel — spoke with a hint of curiosity in his voice:

    «You… whose companion are you?»

    Her teacher scoffed.

    And then, the world quaked.
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    1. Offline
      1718: Sounds of Battle.

      The world quaked, and then, Rain was suddenly enveloped by absolute darkness.

      It was as if an Impenetrable wall rose to surround her from all sides. The deafening cacophony of terrible sounds coming from the outside was muffled and dampened by that wall, and nothing but slight tremors reached her. For the moment, at least, she was safe.

      But those sounds…

      Feeling a cold dread grasp her heart, she took a shaky breath and tried to comprehend them.

      There was the sound of trees snapping. There were the screams of the air being torn. There was the roar of the ground being upturned.

      These were the sounds that she could recognize.

      But there were other sounds, as well.

      Inhuman howls. Chilling groans that sounded like… like the world itself was weeping. Eerie and revoltingly organic rustling, as if a mountain of flesh was ripping as it expanded while consuming itself.

      And many more that Rain simply could not describe, and was afraid to fathom.

      The ground was shaking violently, and she was struggling to stay standing.

      Her fingers turned white on the hilt of her sword.

      «Teacher… be safe. Please…!»

      But how could anyone stay safe when facing the Skinwalker? Countless people had fallen to its menace and were consumed, becoming vessels of the abomination's corruption. Mundane humans, Awakened, Masters… even Saints.

      Not even the Sovereigns could eradicate this living curse.

      Shrouded by darkness, Rain realized how painfully weak and helpless she was.

      Just a few moments ago, she had been full of pride, praising herself for slaying an Awakened Demon.

      But now, she remembered that in the world of the Nightmare Spell, she was nothing but an ant.

      An ant who couldn't even do anything when her teacher was fighting to protect her.

      «Strong… I want to be strong.»

      She had not changed at all. She was still the same girl who had been powerless to protect herself, let alone anyone else, when the tide of Nightmare Creatures descended on her school.

      …The world continued to scream and quake for several minutes.

      Then, an eerie silence suddenly enveloped it. The tremors stopped, and the terrible sounds ceased.

      Rain remained motionless, keeping her eyes closed.

      She didn't dare to think about how the battle had ended. The thought of imagining her teacher… her teacher not being there anymore was too appalling. More appalling than what would happen to her if he was truly gone.

      Suddenly, the wall surrounding her disappeared. She knew that it had because light suddenly shone through her eyelids, and cold wind scraped against her face.

      The air was permeated by the smell of wet wood and soil.


      A moment later, a familiar voice spoke from somewhere near:

      «Brat, you can open your eyes now.»

      The relief Rain felt at that moment was strong enough to make her sway.

      She slowly opened her eyes and looked around, then froze in shock.

      «N-no way…»

      The frozen forest… was gone.

      It was obliterated entirely, and everywhere she looked, nothing but a barren expanse of flattened and upturned land could be seen. The trees had been reduced to mere splinters, and the ground itself was broken, with dark fissures covering it like bottomless scars.

      Here and there, the splinters were wet with blood. Buried under them, broken corpses of the unfortunate Nightmare Creatures who had populated the forest lay, their macabre sight mercifully hidden by the debris.

      That scene of devastation stretched as far as the eye could see.

      The entire landscape had been drastically changed in a matter of minutes, redrawn by the fury of the harrowing battle.

      The scale of the dreadful destruction… was simply unfathomable.

      Rain took a trembling breath and finally looked at her teacher.

      He was standing a few steps away, as nonchalant as ever.

      His hair was ruffled, and there was a smudge of something dark on his check… but other than that, he was the same pale, roguish scoundrel she knew.

      Of course, Rain struggled to perceive him in the same light.

      She had known that her teacher was a powerful being, of course… but this was the first time she really witnessed his power.

      Where were the vessels of the Skinwalker?

      Rain tried to compose herself.

      «The… the Skinwalker?»

      Her teacher remained silent for a few moments, then silently took a step back.

      Behind him, three human corpses were piled on top of each other, each missing the head and with a deep wound where their hearts should have been.

      «Three vessels of a Great Nightmare Creature…»

      Rain swallowed.

      Her teacher had just killed three Great abominations. Just like that.

      There was something else. Did she imagine it, or were there tiny shards of a broken mirror glistening on the ground in front of the corpses?

      «W-what… how…»

      Trying to comprehend the situation was too disturbing. So, Rain would rather think about its consequences… her teacher had revealed himself, and although they were far away from Ravenheart, such a drastic change of landscape would not escape notice.

      Which meant that they had to get out of here as soon as possible.

      Receiving the reward for the Huntsman was also not an option now. Rain would have to keep the fact that she was anywhere near this place a secret… It was a good thing that she had not shared her plans to hunt the demon with anyone.

      No one could know that a being who could slay three vessels of the Skinwalker lived in her shadow, She would have to return to Ravenheart and lay low for a few months… luckily, that was what she had wanted to do, anyway…

      Her teacher sighed.

      «I know what you are thinking about. But, Rain… sadly, you are wrong.»

      She tilted her head a little.

      «What? Why? Because you defeated the Skinwalker?»

      He lingered for a moment, then shook his head and pointed to the three corpses.

      «No. Drawing attention to myself is not a good thing, sure. But actually, we have a bigger problem. This guy, Master Sean… I recognize him. He was an Ascended from the House of Night.»

      Rain failed to understand what he was trying to say.


      Her teacher sighed and rubbed his temples in frustration.

      «Right. You don't know. Well… let's just say that members of the House of Night should not be anywhere near the territory of Queen Song right now. And they must have been fairly close to Ravenheart, moving in secret, when the Skinwalker got them. So… I am afraid that you and I have seen something that we were not supposed to see.»

      She hesitated for a few moments, remembering everything that her father had mentioned about the House of Night and its relationship with the Song Domain, Was there some problem between the two? It didn't seem that way…

      If anything, the Song Domain seemed to be moving toward having a problem with the Sword Domain, while trying hard to maintain a friendly relationship with the weaker House of Night.

      All of it was very mysterious.

      But, at the same time, Rain understood the underlying meaning of what her teacher had said.

      «Something that we were not supposed to see. Got it. Promising that I won't tell anyone is not going to work, I guess? So… just how big of a secret is it?»

      Her teacher's face was a little somber.

      «Big enough for Clan Song to erase any witness from existence. Well… not any witness. But a mundane girl with no backing? They won't hesitate to silence you even for a split second.»

      Rain felt a cold chill run down her spine.

      «Damn… the royal clan?»

      Why would Clan Song pay attention to someone as small and insignificant as her?

      She gritted her teeth and looked at him stubbornly.

      «I do have backing, though. My father works for the government… his rank is pretty high now, too. Surely, Clan Song won't want to spoil their relationship with the government because of something like that?»

      Her teacher smiled wistfully.

      «Ah, the naïveté of youth… first of all, you are overestimating the significance of your father's position. Second of all, you are overestimating the significance of the government. And lastly, you are underestimating Clan Song. Who says that anyone would be able to prove anything after they make you disappear?»

      His smile turned colder.

      «In fact, they won't even have to make you disappear. Technically. There's a guy among them who is much worse than the Skinwalker. He can destroy your soul and wear your body like a suft, coming to family dinners and gossiping about boys with your mother. No one will suspect a thing.»

      Rain shuddered.

      Slowly, the magnitude of the trouble she had gotten herself into was starting to dawn on her.

      «Crap… Crap… Crap!»

      Who had made her think all those stupid things earlier? Spend months in absolute safety? Rest and relax while working on Awakening at a leisurely pace? Be pampered at home?

      She had been such a fool!

      Rain cursed quietly, stared at the three corpses for a while, and then asked her teacher in a hopeful tone:

      «So what do we do?»

      Her teacher was… whatever it was that he was. He had to have a solution, without a doubt.

      Suddenly, she felt a lot calmer.

      Her teacher remained silent for a while, then smiled.

      «Who to do, Indeed. Well… I am sorry to tell you this, Rain, but you can't show your face in Ravenheart for a while. You'll have to disappear before they can make you disappear. We need to go somewhere where they won't be able to find you quickly, and spent some time there.»

      She closed her eyes and asked, her tone turning a little grim:

      «Where can I even go? Even if I can survive a solo journey to another Citadel, there is no city in the Song Domain where the royal clan doesn't have eyes. Crossing into the Sword Domain is not an option, not that I would want to leave my family behind. I can't return to the waking world without the help of a Saint, and even if I could, locating me there would be even easier.»

      Her teacher scratched the back of his head with a thoughtful expression.

      He lingered for a while, then glanced at her with a strange expression.

      «What about one of those road crews? They are safe enough for you to survive, with more than enough mundane humans for one more to not draw attention, and best of all, far removed from all Citadels, They're lacking manpower, too, so no one would ask any questions. If I were you, I'd get myself hired as a laborer there and hide in the crowd.»

      A sly smile appeared on his face.

      Her teacher remained silent for a moment, then added with a chuckle:

      «In fact, wasn't there a huge crew being assembled to construct a road east? You know, to Godgrave. Why don't you join that one?»

      Rain sighed.

      «Why not, indeed?»
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      1. Offline
        The plot thickens. Thanks for the chapter btw
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      2. Offline
        Did I understand correctly that the Song clan is in the process of forming a secret alliance with the house of night?
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    2. Offline
      Аман Алинур
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      Junior young
      Pls, which saint is skinwalker
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        Он не святой, это существо которое появилось в пустыне Демона, перед тем как Когорта зашла в кошмар, Он буквально крошил всех и вся тогда, уничтожив святое эхо Санни в 1 миг.
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    Avirup Chakraborty
    When will be the chapters here, I am refreshing like crazy
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      A few more minutes I guess half an hour at most
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        They're announced on discord but still no peep from telegram
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    Chapters released
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    It feels like the author just punched us in the face. We were so sure Rain will awaken in the next few chapters before, already speculating her Aspect and lineage, then dear author hits us with the "grain of sand" technique. So frustrating gloom
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      Представь, Рейн достигает полного ядра души и спрашивает Санни, чего же он добился
      Солнышко который стал верховным: welldone
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    Wouldn't it be great, to rest for a few months while being absolutely safe, with nothing terrible happening?

    We getting absolutely DOOMED with this one 🗣 🔥
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