
Chapter 1718: Sounds of Battle.

The world quaked, and then, Rain was suddenly enveloped by absolute darkness.

It was as if an Impenetrable wall rose to surround her from all sides. The deafening cacophony of terrible sounds coming from the outside was muffled and dampened by that wall, and nothing but slight tremors reached her.

For the moment, at least, she was safe.

But those sounds…

Feeling a cold dread grasp her heart, she took a shaky breath and tried to comprehend them.

There was the sound of trees snapping. There were the screams of the air being torn. There was the roar of the ground being upturned.

These were the sounds that she could recognize.

But there were other sounds, as well.

Inhuman howls. Chilling groans that sounded like… like the world itself was weeping. Eerie and revoltingly organic rustling, as if a mountain of flesh was ripping as it expanded while consuming itself.

And many more that Rain simply could not describe, and was afraid to fathom.

The ground was shaking violently, and she was struggling to stay standing.

Her fingers turned white on the hilt of her sword.

«Teacher… be safe. Please…!»

But how could anyone stay safe when facing the Skinwalker? Countless people had fallen to its menace and were consumed, becoming vessels of the abomination's corruption. Mundane humans, Awakened, Masters… even Saints.

Not even the Sovereigns could eradicate this living curse.

Shrouded by darkness, Rain realized how painfully weak and helpless she was.

Just a few moments ago, she had been full of pride, praising herself for slaying an Awakened Demon.

But now, she remembered that in the world of the Nightmare Spell, she was nothing but an ant.

An ant who couldn't even do anything when her teacher was fighting to protect her.

«Strong… I want to be strong.»

She had not changed at all. She was still the same girl who had been powerless to protect herself, let alone anyone else, when the tide of Nightmare Creatures descended on her school.

…The world continued to scream and quake for several minutes.

Then, an eerie silence suddenly enveloped it. The tremors stopped, and the terrible sounds ceased.

Rain remained motionless, keeping her eyes closed.

She didn't dare to think about how the battle had ended. The thought of imagining her teacher… her teacher not being there anymore was too appalling. More appalling than what would happen to her if he was truly gone.

Suddenly, the wall surrounding her disappeared. She knew that it had because light suddenly shone through her eyelids, and cold wind scraped against her face.

The air was permeated by the smell of wet wood and soil.


A moment later, a familiar voice spoke from somewhere near:

«Brat, you can open your eyes now.»

The relief Rain felt at that moment was strong enough to make her sway.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked around, then froze in shock.

«N-no way

The frozen forest… was gone.

It was obliterated entirely, and everywhere she looked, nothing but a barren expanse of flattened and upturned land could be seen. The trees had been reduced to mere splinters, and the ground itself was broken, with dark fissures covering it like bottomless scars.

Here and there, the splinters were wet with blood. Buried under them, broken corpses of the unfortunate Nightmare Creatures who had populated the forest lay, their macabre sight mercifully hidden by the debris.

That scene of devastation stretched as far as the eye could see.

The entire landscape had been drastically changed in a matter of minutes, redrawn by the fury of the harrowing battle.

The scale of the dreadful destruction… was simply unfathomable.

Rain took a trembling breath and finally looked at her teacher.

He was standing a few steps away, as nonchalant as ever.

His hair was ruffled, and there was a smudge of something dark on his check… but other than that, he was the same pale, roguish scoundrel she knew.

Of course, Rain struggled to perceive him in the same light.

She had known that her teacher was a powerful being, of course… but this was the first time she really witnessed his power.

Where were the vessels of the Skinwalker?

Rain tried to compose herself.

«The.., the Skinwalker?»

Her teacher remained silent for a few moments, then silently took a step back.

Behind him, three human corpses were piled on top of each other, each missing the head and with a deep wound where their hearts should have been.

«Three vessels of a Great Nightmare Creature!… Rain swallowed.»

Her teacher had just killed three Great abominations. Just like that.

There was something else. Did she imagine it, or were there tiny shards of a broken mirror glistening on the ground in front of the corpses?

«W-what… how

Trying to comprehend the situation was too disturbing. So, Rain would rather think about its consequences… her teacher had revealed himself, and although they were far away from Ravenheart, such a drastic change of landscape would not escape notice.

Which meant that they had to get out of here as soon as possible.

Receiving the reward for the Huntsman was also not an option now. Rain would have to keep the fact that she was anywhere near this place a secret… It was a good thing that she had not shared her plans to hunt the demon with anyone.

No one could know that a being who could slay three vessels of the Skinwalker lived in her shadow, She would have to return to Ravenheart and lay low for a few months… luckily, that was what she had wanted to do, anyway…

Her teacher sighed.

«I know what you are thinking about. But, Rain… sadly, you are wrong.»

She tilted her head a little.

«What? Why? Because you defeated the Skinwalker?»

He lingered for a moment, then shook his head and pointed to the three corpses.

«No. Drawing attention to myself is not a good thing, sure. But actually, we have a bigger problem. This guy, Master Sean… I recognize him. He was an Ascended from the House of Night.»

Rain failed to understand what he was trying to say.


Her teacher sighed and rubbed his temples in frustration.

«Right. You don't know. Well… let's just say that members of the House of Night should not be anywhere near the territory of Queen Song right now. And they must have been fairly close to Ravenheart, moving in secret, when the Skinwalker got them. So… I am afraid that you and I have seen something that we were not supposed to see.»

She hesitated for a few moments, remembering everything that her father had mentioned about the House of Night and its relationship with the Song Domain, Was there some problem between the two? It didn't seem that way…

If anything, the Song Domain seemed to be moving toward having a problem with the Sword Domain, while trying hard to maintain a friendly relationship with the weaker House of Night.

All of it was very mysterious.

But, at the same time, Rain understood the underlying meaning of what her teacher had said.

«Something that we were not supposed to see. Got it. Promising that I won't tell anyone is not going to work, I guess? So… just how big of a secret is it?»

Her teacher's face was a little somber.

«Big enough for Clan Song to erase any witness from existence. Well… not any witness. But a mundane girl with no backing? They won't hesitate to silence you even for a split second.»

Rain felt a cold chill run down her spine.

«Damn… the royal clan?»

Why would Clan Song pay attention to someone as small and insignificant as her?

She gritted her teeth and looked at him stubbornly.

«I do have backing, though. My father works for the government… his rank is pretty high now, too. Surely, Clan Song won't want to spoil their relationship with the government because of something like that?»

Her teacher smiled wistfully.

«Ah, the naïveté of youth… first of all, you are overestimating the significance of your father's position. Second of all, you are overestimating the significance of the government. And lastly, you are underestimating Clan Song. Who says that anyone would be able to prove anything after they make you disappear?»

His smile turned colder.

«In fact, they won't even have to make you disappear. Technically. There's a guy among them who is much worse than the Skinwalker. He can destroy your soul and wear your body like a suft, coming to family dinners and gossiping about boys with your mother. No one will suspect a thing.»

Rain shuddered.

Slowly, the magnitude of the trouble she had gotten herself into was starting to dawn on her.

«Crap… crap. Crap!»

Who had made her think all those stupid things earlier? Spend months in absolute safety? Rest and relax while working on Awakening at a leisurely pace? Be pampered at home?

She had been such a fool!

Rain cursed quietly, stared at the three corpses for a while, and then asked her teacher in a hopeful tone:

«So what do we do?»

Her teacher was… whatever it was that he was. He had to have a solution, without a doubt.

Suddenly, she felt a lot calmer.

Her teacher remained silent for a while, then smiled.

«Who to do, Indeed. Well… I am sorry to tell you this, Rain, but you can't show your face in Ravenheart for a while. You'll have to disappear before they can make you disappear. We need to go somewhere where they won't be able to find you quickly, and spent some time there.»

She closed her eyes and asked, her tone turning a little grim:

«Where can I even go? Even if I can survive a solo journey to another Citadel, there is no city in the Song Domain where the royal clan doesn't have eyes. Crossing into the Sword Domain is not an option, not that I would want to leave my family behind. I can't return to the waking world without the help of a Saint, and even if I could, locating me there would be even easier.»

Her teacher scratched the back of his head with a thoughtful expression.

He lingered for a while, then glanced at her with a strange expression.

«What about one of those road crews? They are safe enough for you to survive, with more than enough mundane humans for one more to not draw attention, and best of all, far removed from all Citadels, They're lacking manpower, too, so no one would ask any questions. If I were you, I'd get myself hired as a laborer there and hide in the crowd.»

A sly smile appeared on his face.

Her teacher remained silent for a moment, then added with a chuckle:

«In fact, wasn't there a huge crew being assembled to construct a road east? You know, to Godgrave. Why don't you join that one?»

Rain sighed.

«Why not, indeed?»

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    1719: Story Time.

    «Mom… moooom… mommyyyy!»

    Effie patted Little Ling on the head and smiled.

    «What do you want, dumpling?»

    She was sitting in a comfy wooden chair, staring at the wooden ceiling absentmindedly. The little boy cuddled comfortably on her lap, hugging her like a little monkey. He looked up at her with his bright eyes and grinned sheepishly.


    Effie laughed.

    «Story? Which story?»

    Little Ling was suddenly very thoughtful. He remained silent for a while, a comically concentrated expression on his face, and then beamed.

    «Mommy defeating the giant!»

    She hugged him and shifted slightly, then said in a deep voice:

    «Alright, alright. Listen then! A long time ago, in a faraway land, six evil Saints imprisoned Hope in a tall tower. Hope was very lonely in the tower, and cried bitterly. So, your mom and her friends decided to defeat the evil Saints and rescue her.»

    The image of the damp stone cell under the Chalice Temple flashed in her memory. The smell of blood, the whimpers of the other girls the War Maidens, driven to madness by the Demon of Desire, were slowly «training» to death.

    The graveyard of swords surrounding the ancient temple.

    She chased the ghastly memory away and smiled warmly.

    «Noctis, the Wicked Warlock of the East! Uncle Kai, who was a brave warrior from the Ivory City back then! Aunty Cassie, who was a wise priestess of the Night Temple! And, of course… your mom, who was a little girl! These were the four heroes who ventured to rescue Hope. Oh, and there was someone else, as well. A nameless shadow who had escaped its master and became friends with Noctis…»

    Effie only had a vague recollection of the shadow devil who had followed Noctis, but it seemed rude not to mention him.

    Her adorable son giggled.

    «Huh? What's so funny?»

    Ling Ling giggled again.

    «Mommy is not little! How can mommy be little?»

    She smiled.

    «I was a little kid once too, you know! Actually, I was a little kid twice. In any case, after we, the four heroes, met each other and swore to save Hope, the evil Saints learned about it and sent a messenger to scare us. It was a huge giant! As tall as a mountain, with a body made of polished steel… but your mom and her friends weren't afraid at all. That was because the kind priestesses of the Goddess of Life had taught me the secret art of slaying evil giants, you see…»

    Effie continued to tell the fairy-tale version of her Second Nightmare, just as she had done a hundred times before. For some reason, this story was one of Ling Ling's favorites… maybe because the very idea of his mom being a little girl excited him endlessly.

    She had no idea why, but looking back, it had indeed been a bit exciting. Effie had spent her actual childhood either in a hospital bed or in a wheelchair, so getting a little taste of what it meant to be a healthy kid was… special. Even if it was in the depths of a ghastly Nightmare.

    Of course, she had removed all the distasteful parts from the story, replacing them with fantastical and exaggerated adventures. Flying ships, eccentric sorcerers, fire-breathing dragons, and a happy ending. The sugar-coated version of the Nightmare of Hope had everything one needed for a great fairy tale!

    «…And so, Cassie dropped the flying ship right on the evil giant's head! Boom! Crash! Bang! The ship shattered into a thousand pieces, and the giant fell down, making the ground shake. Auntie was perfectly fine, of course — she had jumped away just in the nick of time and glided down with the help of her magical rapier. A huge shadow was still…»

    Just then, the door opened, and a handsome young man walked into the room. Way too handsome, even!

    Effie smiled at her husband and took and exhaled slowly, trying to maintain a relaxed expression.


    Little Ling jumped off her lap and ran to hug his dad. Luckily, this time, he remembered to control his strength.

    Picking the boy up, Ling's Dad smiled at him and then glanced at Effie.

    He was hiding it well, but she could see that the smile did not reach his eyes.

    «It's time?»

    Her husband nodded, and then looked at the little boy in his arms.

    «Hey, wolfie. How about you and dad go on a little adventure?»

    Little Ling seemed to be torn.

    «But mommy didn't finish the story…»

    His dad laughed.

    «The evil giant story? I'll finish it for her. Or, how about it? Dad has an evil giant story, too! There are really too many evil giants in the world, now that I think about it. This one was named Goliath, and only had one eye…»

    Effie sighed, then rose from her chair and stretched slowly, Then, she followed her husband out of the room.

    They were currently in their spacious, sunlit cottage. It had been built from natural wood by none other than him, and had a simple, cozy charm to it. The cottage was the centerpiece of the entire farm, which was a rather idyllic place.

    A beautiful view of the emerald meadow opened from the front porch.

    Of course, the meadow had transformed in the last four years. There were fields, vegetable gardens, barns, and livestock corrals. There were also a few other buildings, some of them hidden in the forest.

    Most of these buildings were built of wood, but some included more advanced materials — the latter extended underground, and served a different purpose.

    These buildings included barracks, armories, and all the other essentials of a military base.

    That was because the Beast Farm often moonlighted as a dimensional carrier for the Wolf Army.


    «Boss is here!»


    A scattering of soldiers stood at attention. Most were hidden from sight, but some had gone out to stretch their legs.

    Little Ling waved at them excitedly, causing a wave of smiles.

    «Uncles are funny…»

    Effie nodded at the nearest soldier and said in a quiet tone:

    «Assemble the troops. ETA is one hour, so be ready to be deployed at a moment's notice. We are going to spearhead the breaching maneuver by the Western Quadrant Defense Forces. The mission is just as the briefing said — push the abominations back and establish a fire line. Funnel the civilians, if there are any left, into the designated safe zone.»

    The soldier — a rowdy-looking man who had been under her command from the first days of the deployment to Antarctica — nodded with a roguish smile.

    «What about the big bastards, boss?»

    Effie inhaled slowly.

    «Don't worry about them. The government is sending the entire cavalry this time… we'll take care of the Gate Guardians. And also…»

    She frowned and glared at him.

    «Watch your language in front of Ling Ling, you reprobate, Aren't you already a Master? Why are you still so brainless?»

    The man blinked a couple of times, then gave her a terribly guilty look.

    «Oh… sorry, boss… I forget…»

    He didn't seem too sincere, though, no doubt Itching to accuse her of hypocrisy and double standards.

    Effie shook her head and pushed him away.

    «Go get ready.»

    With that, she turned to her husband and son, putting on a bright smile.

    «Shall we go?»

    She took her husband's hand, and a moment later, the three of them disappeared from the meadow.

    Instead, they appeared in a room with alloy walls, situated in the depths of a government fortress. The furnishings were sparse, but there was a large screen displaying the arid landscape of the Western Quadrant on one of the walls.

    Little Ling looked at the sand dunes with interest.

    «Daddy, what is that?»

    His dad smiled.

    «This is a desert, wolfie. We are in the Western Quadrant… aren't you a lucky kid, to get to travel all around the world and see all kinds of places?»

    The boy was thoughtful for a moment.

    «Daddy… aren't you a little silly? It's a picture. Little Ling has seen a lot of pictures already.»

    Effie's husband laughed.

    «I guess you are right…»

    He glanced at Effie and nodded. She remained silent for a bit, then patted Little Ling on the shoulder and said in her usual carefree tone:

    «Dumpling… mom has to go to work now. Be a good boy and listen to dad, okay?»

    He grinned and waved at her absentmindedly.

    «Bye, mommy! Have fun at work!»

    A second later, Little Ling was already asking his dad about deserts and sand. The handsome young man exchanged a poignant look with her, silently mouthed three words, and then took their son out of the room.

    Outside, a high-ranking government envoy was already waiting for them.

    Left alone, Effie took a deep breath and said quietly:

    «I love you, too.»

    Then, the smile slowly disappeared from her face, replaced by a grim expression.

    She remained motionless for a while, then nodded and summoned her armor. Soon, her athletic figure was covered by a skintight layer of polished metal, as if she had been dipped in liquid steel. She also summoned the Starlight Shard, shaping it into two strips of white cloth. One was tied around her waist, the other covered her chest.

    Effie was ready for war.

    Well… as much as anyone could be ready for war. Which, in her experience, was not much at all.

    Picking up the Black Beast Locket, she hung it around her neck and walked to the door.

    In the corridor outside, two figures were waiting for her.

    An annoyingly stunning man with auburn hair and green eyes, and a chillingly beautiful woman with pale skin and raven-black hair.

    Effie erased the grim expression from her face and smiled mischievously.

    «Hey there, handsome… oh, and you too, Kai. Guys, you won't believe what I saw in Bastion! Princess found herself a boyfriend! At least I think that she found him… she might have just kidnapped the poor man to do unspeakable things to him. I know…»

    She froze suddenly, looked behind her with a cautious expression, then relaxed visibly and added in a quieter tone:

    «…I know I would, if I wasn't such a prim and proper, virtuous married woman!»
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      1720: Hard day at Work.

      Just a few minutes later, a majestic dragon with scales that resembled the midnight sky was flying over the endless sea of dunes, devouring distance with stunning speed.

      Effie and Jet were on his back, looking south with somber expressions.

      After a while, Effie sighed.

      «The situation has already changed?»

      Jet nodded.

      «Yes. The city wall is breached. Western Quadrant defense forces are on approach, but the Call is wreaking havoc with their tech. The Awakened vanguard was attacked by one of the lesser Gate Guardians and managed to put it down, but their advance was stalled. So, we will arrive first.»

      Soul Reaper maintained a neutral tone, but Effie could see that she was in a grim mood.

      «It's not your fault. Don't beat yourself up too much.»

      Jet glanced at her and smiled.

      «My fault? Of course, it's not my fault. I am not someone who feels bothered by such things, anyway.»

      But despite her tough-girl routine and carefully constructed facade of a cynical salary woman, she was bothered.

      Effie had gotten to know Soul Reaper Jet a bit during the Southern Campaign, but they became really close during the Third Nightmare. And in the four years since, their friendship and comradeship had continued to blossom.

      Jet… was a professional, first and foremost. She wasn't really someone with a bleeding heart — the opposite, actually — but she took her responsibilities very seriously. As such, her cynical loyalty to the mission of preserving humanity was quite ironically much greater than the noble intent of most ardent idealists.

      She had already been doing her very best as a Master. But now that Jet was a Saint — one of the five Saints serving the government — the scale and scope of her responsibilities were much greater.

      While Effie and Kai mostly dealt with military and diplomatic issues, simply executing the orders, Jet was much more knowledgeable and experienced. As such, she was involved in the administration and decision-making process of the government, influencing what orders all of them received.

      The government was in turmoil, too. It was in flux, drifting on the currents of history. Four years ago, the higher echelons of the government had made a decision to throw vast resources into rapidly developing its presence in the Dream Realm… where the future was. That was why Effie was almost permanently stationed in Bastion, while Kai spent most of his time in Ravenheart.

      Jet, however, had been against that strategy. She had insisted on keeping the government Saints in the waking world, spread across the three remaining Quadrants, to lessen the inevitable losses as much as possible… even at the cost of the future inferiority of the government's position in the brave new world of Domains and Sovereigns.

      It was not that she disagreed with the notion that the future of humanity lay in the Dream Realm… it was just that she advocated for a different allocation of resources.

      Sadly, she had failed to turn her opinion into policy.

      If she had, the current disaster could have been avoided, or at least lessened.

      Effie sighed.

      «You're angry. I can smell that you're angry. Well, guess what? There's nothing better for treating anger than a good slaughter. And we'll be drowning in abominations in a few minutes, so… there's no day like today…»

      Jet chuckled.

      «You are right. Sure. But also… let's not use the word 'slaughter, okay? Makes me queasy.»

      At that moment, Kai's pleasant voice resounded in their heads:

      [Ladies, If you feel queasy and are going to be sick, please wait until I land, at least, Really, don't go around despoiling my scales… I have an image to uphold.]

      Effie grinned.

      «Oh? What about your Image? Who are you trying to Impress, Queen Song's daughters?»

      The dragon didn't respond to her provocation. Instead, he lingered for a while, and then asked:

      [How is Aiko doing?]

      Effie sighed.

      «Come ask her yourself. She's still pretending to be angry. Oh… but she's doing fine, by the way! Her new boss is kind, handsome, and treats her very well.»

      Kai answered nonchalantly:

      [I'm glad. As long as she's doing well.]

      A few seconds later, he asked in the same neutral tone:

      […Just out of curiosity, how handsome are we talking? What about his style? Who makes his clothes?]

      Effie grinned and chose not to answer.

      In front of them, the sea of dunes slowly turned into a desolate plain, with a vast, dried riverbed cutting it like an endless scar. Far away, on the opposite side of the immense chasm, a large city stood where the river's shore had once been, shrouded in haze.

      Their banter abruptly stopped.

      The city was burning, with towering plumes of black smoke rising into the piercing blue sky. Even from that distance, Effie could see the signs of cataclysmic devastation. The toll of human lives must have been terrible.

      Kai, with his incredible sight, could see much more. He didn't say anything, but his silence suddenly seemed sorrowful and forlorn.

      Effie gritted her teeth and looked away.

      «Do you see it, Kai? Was the last transmission accurate?»

      The dragon folded his wings and rushed toward the ground.

      His voice was even.

      [Yes. Seven Gates. Six of them Category Three… one Category Four. The Gate Guardian of the latter seems to be a Great Devil.]

      He paused for a moment, then added:

      [The city is overwhelmed, a horde of abominations is rampaging on the streets. The local garrison seems to have fallen.]

      Jet closed her eyes for a moment.

      «It's good, then.»

      Kai asked quietly, the emotions in his voice suppressed:


      She nodded.

      «Yes. If the abominations are rampaging, it means that there's still someone alive.»

      A moment later, the dragon landed on the ground, raising a cloud of dust. Jet and Effie jumped off his back and approached the edge of the dry riverbed's slope.

      Out there below them, the hastily assembled army of the Western Quadrant was assembling into a formation to assault the fallen city. In front of the mundane soldiers, the battered Awakened vanguard was finishing off a wave of Nightmare Creatures that had wandered away from the burning ruins.

      They had noticed the flamboyant landing of the great dragon, and were now looking back, cheering and waving their heads in the air.

      Kai's fame preceded him.

      Effie cracked her knuckles and asked, her voice uncharacteristically somber:

      «A Great Devil… can we even handle something like that?»

      All three of them had become immensely powerful after Transcending. The battles they had won were beyond count, and the Nightmare Creatures they had killed were beyond measure… and yet, they had never faced a horror like that before.

      Only the Sovereigns had.

      Facing a Great Devil was a first for them… and could very well become the last.

      A relaxed smile appeared on Jet's face.

      «What's the matter? If push comes to shove, we'll Just die. Well… the two of you will die. I'm already dead.»

      Above them, the dragon scoffed. His magnificent voice resounded above the desert, making Effie's heart tingle…

      That was just something Kai's draconic voice did, even if he did not use his Aspect Abilities.

      «Still. We should try to stay alive… well, Effie and I should. You just stay in one piece, Lady Jet.»

      She chuckled.

      «Alright. As we've discussed before, Kai will support the Western Quadrant forces in their advance. Effie and I will spearhead the assault, push back the abominations, and engage the Gate Guardian. There's nothing else to say. Godspeed!»

      The beautiful dragon nodded its great head, then pushed himself off the ground and glided gracefully toward the assembled army.

      Jet looked at Effie, already summoning her scythe.

      She lingered for a moment, and then said in a tone that was a little gentler than usual:

      «But seriously… don't die, Effie, Nightingale and I can die, but you can't. You know why. There are people waiting for you to return.»

      For a moment, Effie felt her heart tremble… just like it did every time she went into battle.

      It had been easy to risk her life before, when she was young. But now, she had things to protect, and people whom she did not want to and could not allow herself to leave. Every time death snarled in her face, Effie felt… guilt, and shame.

      And fear.

      What was she doing on the battlefield when her husband and son were somewhere else, waiting for her?

      Why was she being so stupid when she could have remained safe behind a Citadel wall, in their idyllic cottage, allowing someone else to fight, and bleed, and die in her place?

      But then, she remembered.

      It was precisely because of Little Ling and his dad that she was here.

      Because someone had to prevent the world from collapsing on their heads and burying them under the rubble. Effie didn't particularly trust someone else to not mess everything up, so she had to build a world where her son could live a decent life with her own two hands.

      Thankfully, her hands were quite strong.

      If you wanted to do something right, you had to do it yourself.

      Looking at Jet, Effie grinned.

      «Why do you always talk about dying, big sister? Not everyone is like you! I'm not planning on kicking the bucket any time soon. That would be such a tragedy… imagine all the food I would not be able to eat!»

      Laughing lightly, she shook her head… And activate her Transformation Ability.

      …A moment later, a titanic figure clad in polished steel rose from the dust, shining brilliantly under the incandescent sun.
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      1. Offline
        + 20 -
        Thanks as always
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      Аман Алинур
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    3. Online Offline
      + 20 -
      Effie now has Sunny PTSD cheerful
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    Avirup Chakraborty
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    Chapters are out
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      The harbinger of the chapters lol
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    Ergo Proxxy
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    Он с Мордретом имеет договоренности. Отлично вписывается отправка Рейн к Годрейву, дабы собрать все свои тени в одном месте. Уверен, с Неф пойдет основное тело.
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    1. Offline
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      Не думаю, что он оставит Рейн. Рейн же будет строить дорогу к этому региону, а не прям по нему, там Мастерам то непросто выжить, что уж говорить про простых людей. А от границы этого региона до самой цитадели Санни сотни, если не тысячи километров ещё топать. Ему выгоднее шпионить за кланом Song, больше профита в совокупности с безопасностью сестры нежели от прямого буста к силе
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    + 40 -
    Somehow, skinwalker seems like a piggy bank of soul shards for Sunny to me

    Like, imagine, at the end of the vol Sunny slays the real skinwalker, thus killing every vessel of it. And receiving all the soul shards from all the bodies.

    Obviously it's just an assumption, but considering Sunny always got soul shards in large batches, I guess it is possible
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      + 10 -
      The question is: does each individual skinwalker count as a shadow to upgrade his core? I hope so...
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        + 10 -
        That would be an epic jump if they're considered as indiv shadows each just by killing the main
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  5. Offline
    + 30 -
    I also think its skinwalker, If it was Mordred's reflections Sunny would've killed them much faster. Also as someone else pointed, Sunny can't lie and he said that they got caught by the skinwalker to Rain.

    I still don't understand why Rain has to lay low considering nobody knows she met those 3...
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      + 20 -
      It was mentioned that rain noticed what looked like mirror fragments around the corpses and someone theorized that song and night are probs allying with the contact being mordy. If we go with the song-night collusion, skinny would have ambushed the nighties who are holding mordy's mirrors OR who are mordy's vessels, enroute to song, so either way, there may be a chance mordy might have noticed rain
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  6. Offline
    + 10 -
    The Prince of nothing or the skin walker

    Evidences point to modret...skinwalkers can act very human without stress

    But not the souls of whom modret captured..
    They are only able to convey a single action

    Perhaps the house of night captured...ally with song...

    the match to Godgrave huh..😈😈😈 reader ahaa
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    mr Fagotta
    + 90 -
    Quote: Pro100zver25
    I know everyone thinks it was a skinwalker, but it wasn't the Great Abomination, it was reflections of Mordred, and I'll explain:

    Firstly: Sunny made Rain close her eyes for a reason.

    Secondly: The way the cohort of masters behaved is unusual for the way skinwalker behave. Skinwalker portrays people so well that, having taken control of several dozen people, he was able to deceive even Morgana in the desert, but here there are only three of them, and they are not even able to utter one sentence.

    Third: If it was a skinwalker, then Sunny would have told Rain to just keep quiet about the fact that they saw them, but Sunny made decisions that they would now have to lie low.

    So I conclude that these were reflections or even most likely people captured by Mordred, like the Soul Reaver did, in Tomb of Ariel. And Rain, not knowing Mordred’s abilities, mistook these three for skinwalker's vessels.

    "And they must have been fairly close to Ravenheart, moving in secret, when the Skinwalker got them" Sunny can't lie, so it was SkinWalker.
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    1. Offline
      + 03 -
      Sunny can perceive mordret ability as skinwalking making it ok for he to call him skinwalker
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        A Hedgehog
        + 10 -
        It's not the same
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        + 00 -
        No, not really
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  8. Offline
    + 50 -
    From what I can infer, Song and Night are friends now and one of mordrets avatar was guiding Night soldeirs into Song domain when they were attacked by skinwalker?

    And who's to say skinwalker can't takeover the control of Mordret's reflections?
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  9. Offline
    + 90 -
    Night cooperates with Song. lol
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  10. Offline
    + 191 -
    I know everyone thinks it was a skinwalker, but it wasn't the Great Abomination, it was reflections of Mordred, and I'll explain:

    Firstly: Sunny made Rain close her eyes for a reason.

    Secondly: The way the cohort of masters behaved is unusual for the way skinwalker behave. Skinwalker portrays people so well that, having taken control of several dozen people, he was able to deceive even Morgana in the desert, but here there are only three of them, and they are not even able to utter one sentence.

    Third: If it was a skinwalker, then Sunny would have told Rain to just keep quiet about the fact that they saw them, but Sunny made decisions that they would now have to lie low.

    So I conclude that these were reflections or even most likely people captured by Mordred, like the Soul Reaver did, in Tomb of Ariel. And Rain, not knowing Mordred’s abilities, mistook these three for skinwalker's vessels.
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      + 76 -
      There was something else. Did she imagine it, or were there tiny shards of a broken mirror glistening on the ground in front of the corpses?

      Absolutely no one thinks they are a skinwalker, just read.
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    2. Offline
      + 130 -
      Whats More likely is that the house of night had allied with song and this group was contacting song through Mordred mirror but they were attacked by skin walker.

      What I think is more probable is that the house of night already has fallen for the skin walker and when song allied with the house of night Mordred know about the skin walker but didn't inform song.

      Or song is now allied with skin walker (the link between them is Mordred the only one that doesn't have a body to be stolen by the skin walker) to take down the other two clans.
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      + 10 -
      Either way it's a bit strange what Sunny said. If Mordred saw her, lying low for a while isn't possible, they'll surely blanket search everything and discover her family. If he didn't, what Sunny decided is pointless...
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    4. Offline
      + 40 -
      He said to them that they crawled out of dread‘s tomb. As I remember, the skinwalker isn’t from the tomb but from the battlefield in front of the tomb. But mordred was in the tomb.
      Or am I wrong?
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        + 10 -
        Вероятно он монстр который вышел из пирамиды, попал в пустыню, а из неё уже в мир
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      + 10 -
      Мне кажется это перевёртыш. Потому что он даже не разговаривал с солнышком что непохоже на Мордрета ведь он видит перед собой святого (У санни вроде не надета накидка) да и зачем мордрету убивать их? То как вели себя те люди это поведение перевёртыша. Великой мерзости может быть уже трудно управлять тысячами людей. И Санни упомянул что они оба выбрались из пустыни кошмаров. Осколки зеркала может быть разбил сам Санни, чтоб привлечь внимание Мордрета, а закрыть глаза Рейн попросил, потому что обычному человеку может быть достаточно взгляда на перевёртыша для контроля. Или это мордрет пытался выставить себя за перевёртышей
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      + 00 -
      My guess is that skinwalker is, in fact, Mordret, but a corrupted one. He was able to b achieve supreme rank in one of the iterations and escape Ariel’s tomb. Sunny even mentions that ‘both of them escaped hell’.
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        + 00 -
        Corrupted modret was soul reaver
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