
Book 9: Prologue: Welcoming the Winding Seasons

There was a place filled with boys and girls who all shared a common feeling of liberation at the same time. It was just after the closing ceremony of the third trimester had completed at Hijirigasaka Academy. The facial expressions of most of the students who exited each classroom and started walking down the hallways towards the entrance were bright. Perhaps because the report cards handed to some students by the homeroom teacher weren’t particularly good, some had slightly depressed expressions mixed among them, but that had its own benefits. However, there were some students who didn’t return home at once and instead remained in the classroom, seemingly reluctant. In Hijirigasaka Academy, class changes were made every year. Therefore, when the opening ceremony was held in April, those classmates would not be reunited again.


There was one girl in class 1-B who felt that loneliness, as well as something else. Naruse Mio remained in her seat, bathing in the silence. While her classmates conversed with each other and moved out, Mio remained in the seat that she had spent the third trimester in, as her gaze fell to the desk.

…Today is the last time I’ll sit here, huh?

And then, as she reminisced of the past year…

“…What’s wrong?”

Softly, a quiet voiced asked from beside her — it belonged to Nonaka Yuki. Yuki was beautiful to begin with, but she seemed to have grown in that aspect as of late. Upon seeing Yuki, Mio immediately stood up from her seat and gave her answer to that question

“It’s nothing…I’m just thinking of a few things.”

She shook her head and revealed a reluctant smile.

“…I see.”

Perhaps being able to sympathise with that sentiment, Yuki let her gaze drift away from Mio and to the classroom around them. And so, Mio also allowed herself to indulge in the same scenery as Yuki – the class of 1-B that she belonged to. Once more, Naruse Mio thought back on the past.

—After they returned from the Demon Realm, Naruse Mio was able to spend her days normally. While there had been incidents with Maria and Zest soon after they returned, it had become something that they could laugh at now. Maria had discussed the chores of the Toujou household with Zest, and they had split things up, though it wasn’t strange to see the two of them side by side in the kitchen. …Having said that, there was something that they couldn’t late at lately. After the introduction of the jet bath, Maria had completely brightened up, and was in such perfect form that she had become an inconvenience to other. Although she had argued with Maria about it before…

…That time was seriously the worst.

As a result of seeing the other girls with Basara, Mio fell to a strong effect of the Master-Servant curse, and her whole body was attacked by a burning fever of intoxicating sweet sensations. In the end, her eyelids fluttered over her wet eyes as she said “let me join in too…”. She recalled how Maria looked so proud at the time as she said “if you were honest to begin with, you wouldn’t be in this much pain, you know?” and “if you want to join in, you should plead more lewdly”. Mio hadn’t forgotten those words as they got carried away by the mood.

…Remember it.

One day, she would take it down. That being said, there hadn’t been a point in their lives when they felt anxious at some impending danger. It was what Mio and the others always desired, and wished to attain — a tranquil and peaceful everyday life.

…One year has passed.

Mio earnestly ran through her memories of the last year. Last year in spring, Naruse Mio was alone when she came to Hijirigasaka Academy. It wasn’t as if she didn’t know anyone at all, as there were a few who came from the same middle school as her. However – they did not assertively seek to interact with her, because they knew of the brutal murder of her parents. —Naturally, they weren’t aware of the details of Mio’s upbringing, about how she wasn’t related by blood to her parents, and that she was adopted. They were demons, and so was she. Mio was also the only daughter of the previous Demon Lord Wilbert. Those secrets of her lineage weren’t something known by normal people. So while there were those who kept a respectful distance from Mio taking pity on her, in this high school — there were those who she started to get along with her a little more, bit by bit. And those who came from her middle school also began to talk normally to her in class. However, there were also some people who know of Mio’s lineage in this class, those who understood it as the truth. In other words, Yuki, who was by her side

…And Takigawa too.

Mio took a glance at his seat. However, Takigawa Yahiro was no longer there. As the demon spy named Lars, he had disappeared to some place when homeroom ended. The two of them had known about Mio’s identity ever since the beginning of the second trimester. — And the impetus for that, was a meeting right before summer break. Ever since that meeting, Mio’s circumstances had shifted rapidly. In this one year — she had met many people, and she had faced many fights and dangers that risked her life just as much. Those days of fighting were not something that she could have overcome by herself.


She had found a new family. Those she could trust slowly increased in quantity. That was why Naruse Mio was able to finish the first year of her high school life. She faced this day with a smile.


So, Naruse Mio thought — I, no, we are alright. And so

“Hey~ what are you two doing?”

“We should leave soon.”

Two voices called out to Mio and Yuki. They were friends from class, Aikawa Shiho and Sakaki Chika. Mio and Yuki had promised to go out with them after this. Hence, Mio took her bag and stood from her seat and strode towards Aikawa and Sakaki with Yuki.

“Sorry to keep you waiting.”

As she apologised with both hands clapped together, Aikawa let out a sigh before revealing a mischievous smile.

“Haha~n, you two got all melancholic when you thought about how you want to be in the same class as Toujou next year, huh~?”

Not surprised by how Aikawa was able to hit the bullseye, Mio and Yuki looked at each other.

“Well…I suppose.”

“I won’t deny it.”

Mio laughed uneasily in return, and Yuki replied back smoothly. Those words weren’t lies or misrepresentation. The desire to be in the same class next year rang true for both Mio and Yuki.


Because of that, it wasn’t merely hope. In the future, they would without a doubt be in the same class. The difficulties surrounding Mio, the demon race, and demon realm had only reached the first step of its resolution. The Moderates faction and the Current Demon Lord faction had just started their negotiations, and there were also other forces within the Demon Realm. The situation hadn’t entirely been resolved, and some problems still lingered – it was not known when that would happen. And so, as they didn’t know what would happen next, it was for the best if they stayed in the same class. As such, in the same way Yuki and Takigawa were assigned to the same B class as Mio in the past, plans had been made to put Mio, Yuki and Takigawa in one class again.


They were also plans for Kurumi, who was a year younger than them, to join as a new student in Hijirigasaka Academy. As such, it should be possible to have Aikawa and Sakaki in the same class as well. But for safety, reducing risks and use of magic to be in the same class, and the personal feeling of simply just wanting to be surrounded by people she got along with was different. To force her way through with whatever she wanted was much like betraying those she treasured around her. The moment she did that, it could cause harm to her surroundings. As such, although Mio wanted to be in the same class as Aikawa and Sakaki, that was something she hoped and wished for as she did not want to betray her friends.

“…But, it’s been a while since the four of us went out like this.”

Sakaki said softly as they changed their shoes in front of the lockers, having walked there from the classroom through the hallway.

“That’s true…. Toujou would normally be with us.”

Said Aikawa, thinking about it. After returning from the Demon Realm, there was a risk that some would want to disrupt the negotiations between the Moderates faction and the Current Demon Lord faction. For the purpose of safety, they had been mindful to stay together when they went outside.

“—Oh, what’s up with Toujou?”

Aikawa asked as she tapped her shoes against the floor to fit them on.

“Basara has plans with his friend too.”

Yuki answered before Mio had the chance.

“Oh, would that be with Takigawa-kun then?”

Everyone knew that Basara got along best with Takigawa from class. It wouldn’t have been strange to think that Basara and Takigawa were together. However, Naruse Mio shook her head in disagreement. And then, she explained Basara’s status.

“It seems like he has something to talk about with Tachibana from the class next door.”

The students marched into the hallways from their classrooms, and then to the entrance. There was a place located far from the bustle of their movements. A room which had the duty of representing the students — the student council room. And now, there was a person who stood amidst the chaos in the student council room. It was Toujou Basara. He, who had taken a different path from Mio and the others, placed his hand over his forehead as he asked

“Sorry Tachibana…I don’t think I heard you wrong, but can you say that one more time just to be sure?”

The person who he asked in this place was — his friend, Tachibana Nanao.

“U-Umm…well, so…”

In front of him, Nanao wrapped her hands around her own body as she spoke.

“…My body has stayed as a girl’s body since the beginning of the year.”

Basara had already heard this earlier, so it was his second time.

“So that’s the case…”

“Umm…Toujou-kun, could it be that you realised?”

When Nanao asked with a flushed red face due to embarrassment, Basara nodded to confirm.

…At this rate, it’s probably impossible to turn back to a boy…

Since he came back from the Demon Realm, Nanao’s femininity seemed to have increased from before — of course, Nanao had a cute look from the beginning, but…

…Somehow, she’s gotten cuter since the sports festival…

When he was in the sports festival committee with Nanao, she was still at a “cute like a girl” sort of level, so he wondered what happened. Since Christmas, Nanao had progressed to the level of “definitely a girl”.

—The half-vampire Tachibana Nanao had the special ability of body shifting. Before they turned eighteen, their gender wasn’t set, and so they went back and forth between a male body and a female one. The change happened every month or so, and it seems like the final gender would be one that Nanao herself had a strong affinity with. However, at Christmas, Basara was able to confirm with his own eyes and hands that Nanao had a female body — normally, it meant that from then to today on the last day of school, Nanao should have changed bodies twice.

“Prior to this, have you had a late transformation before?”

“No, this is the first time…”

Nanao shook her head at his question.

“I thought my mother might know something about it so I thought of asking her, but I couldn’t get hold of her…so that’s why I wanted to ask you as you might be familiar with the situation.”

“I see…”

“What should I do? Do I have some sort of illness?”

Nanao’s eyes trembled as she said that. It was a first-time experience and she herself did not know how to react. Naturally, she became worried, so

“…I got it. First let’s think of why your body stopped transforming.”

Toujou Basara rested his hands on Nanao’s shoulders to reassure her.

“Don’t worry so much about it, we don’t know if it’s a bad thing yet. I don’t know much about half- vampires but I’ll think of a solution with you.”

“Toujou-kun…. Yeah, thank you.”

Nanao said that with a happy expression on her face.

“That being said, it’s hard to think of how this could happen with no reason. Tachibana…do you have any ideas of what might have caused this? For instance, if you’ve experienced something for the first time…”


Upon being faced with that question, Nanao’s face turned red, making her embarrassment obvious to him.

“…What is it?”

“It’s…probably that Christmas Eve.”

Nanao mumbled

“Christmas Eve…during the launch of the sports festival?”

“Yeah…after we ate, we played some party game, if you recall?”

“…Yeah, that.”

Basara said dejectedly. It was during the time Basara’s father Jin infiltrated the school as Azuma Takehito, but – it was quite a game.

“At that time, the two of us had to change into a girl’s school uniform in the toilet right?”

“Y-Yeah…that’s right.”

It wasn’t wrong, but there simply wasn’t much to say regarding that.

“On top of that, you kissed the nape of my neck at the time, right? I’ve never done anything like that before…. In the midst of that, I had feelings I didn’t understand.”

“…I see.”

If this was overheard by someone who didn’t know what happened, it would’ve sounded like a story that could end in different ways, but with that, Basara thought of a possibility. With this new experience to her body, the memory of it was engraved deep in Nanao and hence that was probably why her body stayed in this form – in that of a girl. In short, with the intense experience it linked to her spirit and took shape since her body was in a nervous state. Even though this was nothing more than a hypothesis…

…The best method is to erase the memory of that time.

That being said, it was nearly impossible to just erase a small portion of the memory.

…So in that case.

Basara began to wonder if there was another possible approach.

“U-Umm, Toujou-kun.”

Nanao tugged on his sleeve reluctantly, speaking as if scared.

“There…is something I’d like to try.”

A flow of people moved through the gates of Hijirigasaka Academy. It was like a one-shot expulsion of students making their way home. Walking against that wave was a single girl who moved towards the school building.

“…Ah, Kajiura? I thought you went home earlier?”

A puzzled voice called out to her, belonging to a boy. It was Kanou Santa, a boy who worked as the treasurer of the student council this year. In response to Kanou who had called out to her, the vice-president Kajiura Rikka stopped walking, having brushed past Kanou, and said

“Yes… That’s how it should be, but…”

Just earlier, the other executives of the student council had gathered with her. In short, it was a simple meeting. Together with the other members, they met at the student council room.

Kanou Santa, Takei Touko, Tachibana Nanao — the three of them plus Rikka herself made four.

Tachibana Rikka thought Kanou’s question was reasonable. Since school had ended, each of them had made plans with their friends, and it was Rikka herself who announced that they should finish quickly. Rikka too, had plans with her friends after this, but

“I forgot to send the latest data for the school festival to myself.”

“You forgot you say…but if it’s just the data, did you not send it yesterday?”

“Yes, that was up till yesterday. What I forgot was the updated version from today.”

“You’re coming to school tomorrow, so you could do it then…you sure are diligent.”

Indeed. Tomorrow, the student council members including Rikka planned to come to school. On top of summarising the previous year, they had to prepare for the school festival that would begin with the new trimester, and hence they had to work during the spring holiday. Kanou approached this with almost apparent disbelief.

“Well…I thought of that, but…”

As she said that with a small sad smile, Kanou in front of her looked at her in an unexpected way.

“…What is it?”

“You sure have changed.”

Kanou said to the puzzled Rikka.

“You were too diligent before, and you do things by yourself too much.”

“…Sorry for being so painful to look at.”

“No, it’s not like that—”

As Kanou panicked, Kajiura chuckled.

…That’s right.

She wasn’t sure if ‘diligent’ was the correct term, but if what Kanou meant was ‘inflexible’, Rikka thought she was indeed like that before. By working hard and diligently, and by putting in effort where appropriate, what she’d done until now would amount to something. But since the sports festival, she understood that there were times when it was possible to do that. During those unreasonable moments and times when one’s strength wasn’t enough, it was pertinent to rely on others.


If she had changed, she felt that it probably stemmed from that. A while before this, Kajiura Rikka became interested in a boy. A boy one year younger than her who participated in the sports festival committee. Hence at the end of last year, Rikka had invited him to “join the student council activities next year” but, since she asked at the start of winter break, ‘he’ was still mulling over it undecided, having said “please put it on hold a little longer”. When she asked, it seemed that he had a bit of a complicated home life, and surely that meant a lot of difficult things were undecided for him. She was certain that he was giving it serious thought. And his answer…

…That’s right.

Even if it was a no, Rikka felt like she would be able to accept it. There was a slight warmth in Rikka’s chest.

“You’ve really changed after all…”

Kanou said, shrugging his shoulders as he mentioned a name.

“—This is thanks to Toujou too, huh?”

When she suddenly heard ‘his’ name

“W-Why are you suddenly talking about Toujou!?”

Her face heated up at once. Though she was unaware herself due to the absence of a mirror, her face had indeed turned completely red. With that,

“Nah~ don’t worry. Though, people really don’t change that easily after all.”

Having grasped her weakness, Kanou grinned as he spoke.

“It’ll be nice if he joins us next year. Since starting next year, you’ll be president, and you can use your power to make sure you don’t lose to those girls he lives with by coming up with an appealing plan, right?”

“…Stop saying idiotic things, hurry up and go home!”

“Damn, okay, see you tomorrow.”

As Rikka raised her voice without concern for the other students around them, Kanou stepped away from her and towards the school gate with a teasing grin.


Rikka watched as Kanou’s back disappeared from her sight, and taking a deep breath to calm herself down, she turned her heels to head towards the school, walking with her cheeks flushed.

The approach that Nanao wanted to try was the complete opposite of what Basara thought of. In short — a replication of that Christmas Eve. Nanao’s guess was something along the lines of — as her body was stuck in a female form ever since Christmas Eve, that experience must’ve given her a shock, causing her to stay in this form. As such, if she experienced the same shock again, it would be able to get her to change genders once more.

Even if that failed, Basara’s moves on her now might also be able to lessen how vivid that memory was. For Nanao presently, that Christmas Eve was deeply engraved on her. If one reduced that, it could possibly calm her condition down so that she could revert back — that kind of idea.

…But still.

No matter how vivid something was, if it happened again, even if for a little, it could increase her resistance to the vividness of that memory. As such, if they were going to do the same thing to weaken its vividness, then it was important to do it more intensely than the first time. But, if it created a new vivid memory for Nanao, would it instead fix her body as that of a girl? In that case, there was no need for something more intense, all that was needed was something of the same kind to calm her spirit, or so he felt. However, in order to build up resistance, it was necessary to perform the same act over and over. In that case, he decided to try the first idea first, and then adjust if it didn’t work.

…Though it would be good if there’s some other way.

They thought of ways to make Nanao’s masculinity stronger, but they couldn’t think of anything that would fit with the level of femininity she experienced until this point. Moreover, if he got stuck in a male form next, that would cause problems too. More than anything, this was Nanao’s personal problem. It was Basara’s role to lend a hand in what Nanao wanted to try. With that in mind…

“…Umm…so shall we begin?”

Basara asked with apparent reluctance.


Nanao, who was already flushed red had changed into a girl’s sailor-style uniform. Moreover, she had also changed her panties to that of a girl’s. This approach was meant to be an intense experience. In the end, there was no meaning to go about it in the same way as that evening.


There was a possibility of her building up a resistance to it as the experience intensified. Considering that, Basara let out a deep sigh as he prepared himself mentally.


He was about to treat Nanao like Mio and the others when the Master-Servant curse activated on them — he would enforce his absolute dominance over Nanao, forcing her into submission. Hence—


So that she could understand the nature of their relationship, he chose a purposely cold tone. With her name being called by Basara like that, Nanao jolted but still replied with a “yes”.

“First, lift your skirt up with your hand…and show me how you’ve become a woman.”

After Basara said that


Nanao answered that with a nod, embarrassed. And then — with Basara’s instruction, she began to use her left hand to lift her skirt up slowly. With that, her cute red-checkered panties became visible.

“…I-Is this good?”

She asked bravely, as her cheeks flushed bright red. Hence — Basara said

“Yeah…so continue for me.”

“C-Continue…? But I can’t lift it up more than this.”

Replying to her confusion, Basara said

“Did I not say? Show me how you’ve become a woman.”

Basara elaborated on the meaning of his original words.


Astonished, Nanao took a few steps back. Seeing Nanao’s condition and expression, Basara had a moment in which he felt unsure of whether he wanted to continue at this pace.

— We can stop here.

And, if he told Nanao of his aim, she would certainly be assured. But, he wouldn’t be able to use the same method again. Even if he changed things up with the same method, Nanao would still feel assured somewhere inside her. So—

…There’s no meaning to having started this at all.

That was why he continued. Basara breathed out an intentional sigh.

“What are you saying…didn’t you say you that wanted me to do this to you?”

Saying that, Basara closed his distance with Nanao. She took a few steps back in response.

“But, this kind of method…”

Nanao spoke with a trembling voice, concerned by the fact that she could not retreat any further back, and right by her face, Basara placed his hand on the white wall.

“—So should we stop?”

He asked Nanao with a piercing voice.


Nanao wordlessly hung her head down, and for a short while, she remained like that in silence. Then, not long after…


As if she had resolved herself, she slowly inserted her hands underneath her skirt. As she inserted both hands into her skirt, she thought of one thing.

…I have do what Toujou-kun asked of me.

As Basara said, she was the one who asked him to help her with this. If she stepped back now just because she felt embarrassed, it would be a contradiction of her own request. This was also something that Basara had decided to do for her sake, so there was no way she could reject Basara’s generosity. Hence, Nanao brought her hand up to her hips, and used both hands to grasp the panties she wore – she pulled at the rubber waistband with the thumbs of both her hands.


Like that, she pulled it down with her hands, and that private region underneath her skirt was laid bare.

…Mmm, the air is…

With the cold air of the student council room wisping against that spot, she grew even more bashful. But

…I need to feel even more embarrassed than this…

Saying that to herself, Nanao dropped her hands. She then bent down as far as she could while still standing — she slipped her panties down her skirt line so that they sat around her thighs. However, wouldn’t end there. After all, Basara told her to show him she had become a woman. Hence — Tachibana Nanao lifted her skirt up with her thumb and index finger, ever so slowly.

“See, Toujou-kun…my body is that of a woman…”

The moment she said that, she looked up to meet Basara’s gaze. Basara’s hands then suddenly, and roughly groped her breasts.


Ignoring how Nanao was dumbfounded by his sudden movement, he pulled down the zipper at the front of the sailor uniform. With that, he removed the front hook of her bra and exposed her breasts. However, his target was not her breasts. Basara traced his hand along Nanao’s exposed collarbone to slip her shirt off. Having done that, the sailor uniform simply hung from her shoulders, and her white nape was presented to him with nothing covering it. Could it be — as she thought that, Basara moved his lips to her nape.

“Ah, Toujou-ku— aaaaaaaaaaaaah ♥”

Though she was about to call his name, it turned into a sweet sound as her throat arched back.

Basara intensely sucked on her nape. With that, Nanao felt a sweet sensation that was incomparable to that of Christmas Eve. But he did not just suck on her nape, he pushed towards her crotch, and even fondled her nipples lewdly. And then — just as she realised that pleasure, she had already reached an intense climax.

“No…fuahh ♥ aaaah….haaaah ♥”

With the waves of pleasure from the depth of her body, she wrapped her arms around Basara’s back and gripped tightly as her body shook. Due to that pleasure—

…Amazing…I…am like Kajiura-senpai at that time…

On that Christmas Eve when Basara sucked on Nanao’s neck, Rikka also had her breasts fondled by Basara. Although the fact that Nanao was a half-vampire had been wiped from everyone else’s memory beside her own and Basara’s, Rikka had climaxed from Basara’s hands more than enough. The always cool-headed vice-president was unbelievably spicy then, and was even more beautiful than usual. Right now, she was experiencing the same thing as Rikka did then. As that thought crossed her mind, Nanao drowned herself in the sensuality of the moment.


From behind Basara’s shoulder, Nanao saw something she could not believe. Unknowingly, the door to the student council room had been opened, and a single girl stood there.


With her very own eyes, she glimpsed at a scene of disbelief. It was precisely the person that Nanao had been thinking of, her senior by one year — Kajiura Rikka. Obviously, Basara was oblivious to this since his back was to the door, but Nanao herself thought of nothing as she was assaulted by Basara and she too, did not notice the door opening. There should’ve been a sound, but it was probably masked under the sounds of Nanao’s pleasure.


Rikka saw them — at that moment, Nanao acted out of reflex. The eyes of a half-vampire gleamed. However, due to the climax that Basara gave her, she was unable to do it well.


It was stronger than Tachibana Nanao intended, and Rikka fell to the ground when it affected her.

“It’s no good, she’s completely unconscious.”

Basara said as he held Rikka in his arms to try and wake her up.

“What should we do…?”

Tachibana Nanao regretted what she had done. On top of the sailor uniform with the zipper that Basara had broken, she had the blazer he lent her draped over her shoulders, and tightly held on to the sleeves with a bitter look. Just in case, Nanao used her half-vampire power, “People Avoidance” to make sure people didn’t come near the student council room area, but as the pleasure Basara dealt was enough to make her pass out, the effect of her abilities seemed to have weakened. Furthermore, Rikka had come by right at that time. In addition, the magic eye that was used on Rikka was something that Nanao had used on her on the spur of the moment. She wanted to cancel its effect, but it was much stronger than she imagined, possibly even more than Nanao could understand.


To begin with, when Rikka lost consciousness and had her eyes closed, there was nothing that Nanao could try.

“I…what should I do…”

As panic began to swell up within her, Nanao started to call out in a heartbroken voice. Basara then said

“Let’s take her to the infirmary.”

“To the infirmary?”

“Yeah, if it’s Hasegawa-sensei, she would be able to do something about this.”

In response to Basara’s words

“If it’s Hasegawa-sensei…ah, so then it’s true, Hasegawa-sensei…is like that too?”

Nanao asked with a surprised expression.

“Yeah…she’s lent me all sorts of powers.”

Those words and his expression gave truth to Nanao’s impression. However, Nanao could not confirm Hasegawa’s true form. Neither Basara nor Hasegawa had said anything to her, and she did not want to pry.

“And then…if it’s okay with you, can you come with me to the infirmary?”

That was most likely to talk about Nanao’s true form with Hasegawa. Vampires had a history of being prosecuted by Heroes. Although Nanao only had half of that blood, as a half-vampire, there had been a misunderstanding at the sports festival and she fought against Basara at the time. Thus, her being a half- vampire was something that she wanted to get away from as much as possible. However…

“—If Toujou-kun says so.”

Nanao replied to Basara with a nod of certainty. She had caught a glimpse of Hasegawa’s true form from Basara. But the way that Nanao had told Basara her secret was evidence of her trust for him. Even as she felt apologetic to the unconscious Rikka, Nanao was happy with that fact.

“Is it alright?”

“Yeah…because I trust you.”

To begin with, Rikka’s present condition was caused by Nanao. It would be odd to just leave it to Basara, and more than that, if Nanao who had used her magic eyes went along, it would be easier for Hasegawa to solve this. Furthermore, for Basara to bring up Hasegawa’s name to overcome this problem, it meant that he trusted her. The decision of Basara was one Tachibana Nanao would not question — she had faith in him.

“Is that so… Then—”

As Basara quickly changed how he held Rikka, Nanaeo said

“Wait. Before that, I haven’t changed to a boy’s uniform yet…”

She wasn’t embarrassed even though the fastener of her sailor outfit was broken, but she wouldn’t be able to make an excuse for what people would think of her in this state as she went with Basara towards Hasegawa who he was intimate with. As to not trouble Basara that much, Nanao reached out for her own blazer that had been folded away, but as she did so—

“No — if you can button my blazer that you have draped around you, just use it that way.”

“Umm — I don’t really mind but…”

From here, they could cover themselves with magic as they walked to the infirmary so that they wouldn’t bump into a crowd, and they’d be able to move without being seen by ordinary people. Basara’s blazer was also a size that could cover Nanao’s top half, so she definitely wouldn’t be embarrassed if seen. However

“But then Hasegawa-sensei might be able to figure out what we did…is that alright?”


Although she was confused, Basara nodded.

“Since senpai interrupted us halfway through, we haven’t managed to resolve this for you…but sensei might be able to help not just senpai but your problem too.”

Basara’s words conveyed his that he worried for her difficult problem, but despite that

“If that’s…okay with you, Toujou-kun.”

As Nanao said that, Basara replied

“Then it’s decided.”

So then, the two of them, along with Rikka who was still being held by Basara, left the student council room. When they arrived at the infirmary, Hasegawa grasped the situation as if she had seen everything in person. She then instructed them to carry Rikka to a bed.

“— Tachibana, come here.”


Nanao went over to Hasegawa upon being called, and as she did that, Hasegawa placed her hand on Nanao’s face.

“…Hmm, is that so. That’s enough.”

Saying that after a few seconds, she then approached Rikka on the bed and gently placed her hand on Rikka.


She mumbled words that Nanao didn’t understand. As she did that, there was a high pitched sound—

“Just now—”

She understood that something had happened, but Nanao still let out a surprised voice. —Just earlier, the ability of Nanao’s magic eye that affected Rikka was dispelled. Nanao herself wasn’t able to do anything, but Hasegawa understood everything easily as always, and said

“It’s alright now. She’ll open her eyes by herself in a little bit.”

With that, she gave a calm smile. Seeing Hasegawa’s power right in front of her, Nanao thought

…That was incredible…

Nanao stared on, dumbfounded and surprised. Hasegawa’s power was incomparable to her own. —To begin with, it was a whole dimension of difference in terms of level. Having witnessed how amazing Hasegawa was, Nanao could only drop her head.

…To this person, I’m…

And then within Nanao, a miserable feeling welled up. —At the end of winter break, just a little after third trimester started, there was a time when Nanao went to the infirmary to visit Hasegawa. Being worried as Basara was returning late from the Demon Realm, she had gone to ask Hasegawa if she knew any of the details. At the time, she felt jealousy towards Hasegawa. To hide the fact that she was half-vampire, she wasn’t good at interacting with people, and was able to join the student council thanks to Hasegawa. She still felt that debt towards her, as well as thankfulness — even as she felt that way, she felt insecure since she saw Hasegawa get into the taxi with Basara on Christmas night. Nanao kept thinking about what they had done after that, and during winter break it had stayed in her heart. She didn’t want Hasegawa to take Basara somewhere — that feeling probably existed within Nanao. —However, the difference in power between her and Hasegawa caused riot on that feeling. To say it fell short was an underestimation — there was a definite difference in power. She could feel that Mio and Yuki who just came back from the Demon Realm had a huge increase in power. Most likely, to be with Basara, only people with frightening power could do so. Thinking of that, there seemed to be a large distance that had been generated between her and Basara. As Nanao hung her head down

“–So then, what were you two trying to do?”

As Hasegawa asked that, she closed the curtains around Rikka’s bed. Standing by the side of Nanao, Basara placed a hand on her shoulder.


Nanao looked to the side of Basara’s face in surprise as he gazed at Hasegawa.

“I want to erase her anxieties…so, I want to try what I can do. That is my wish.”


The loneliness within Nanao that she felt from that distance with Basara was calmed down, and she felt as though Basara was unchanged — no, from now on, he would continue to think more of Nanao.


Understanding that, Nanao felt like she was going to cry.

…I can’t…

Basara said he wanted to erase Nanao’s anxieties. If she cried here, she’d further worry him…. Thinking of that, Nanao tried hard to hold back her tears.

“I see…so first, one has to stabilise and fulfil Tachibana’s spirit.”

Said Hasegawa with a gentle smile.

“In order to do that, it’s essential that we stop the origin of the discord between the body and the spirit…Tachibana, do you mind if I say it?”


As Hasegawa suddenly asked her, Nanao replied without thinking. As she did, Basara asked from beside her

“Sensei, do you have a guess?”

“More than a guess, I’m sure of this…well, it’s something Tachibana isn’t really conscious of, so I suppose I should say it.”

Said Hasegawa with a little mischievous smile — and then, she followed with

“—Tachibana, you want to be seen as a woman by Toujou.”

The moment those words left her mouth—

“Me…by Toujou-kun?”

It can’t be, Nanao thought of saying, but after a moment, she was at a loss for words.


It was not that she shut up as the truth was guessed — she just couldn’t say anything.


As Nanao received such a shocking surprise that left her dumbstruck—

“You used your magic eyes to push down the feelings for Toujou inside of you—”

After a pause

“This is all on yourself.”

Hasegawa affirmed.

“Most likely, you used a mirror or something like it. The effect is beyond one of self-suggestion and is more like self-hypnosis, as it’s originally from your own power. You also did not notice that you’re under your own magic…it’s a good technique. However, in the end, your feelings towards Toujou are strong. That’s why the reaction came out on your body in this way.”

“I…my magic eyes on myself.”

“It is all your own doing. You shut down the feelings that might cause trouble for Toujou.”


“—What should we do?”

Hasegawa said to Nanao who hadn’t fully believed it yet.

“You should probably be able to dispel your own magic but…just like what I did for Kajiura, I can erase it for you. I can wipe your feelings for Toujou too. In that case, just like before you’d be going back and forth between your male and female form until your eighteenth birthday. This is your problem, so you should decide for yourself Tachibana. I’m good with it either way, you know?”


Presented with this choice, Nanao stayed quiet, unable to decide right away and so

“—Isn’t it okay?”

Said Basara beside Nanao, looking at her.

“Even if what sensei said is true, if the reason you used the magic eye on yourself is me…then, it wouldn’t be troubling me at all.”


She said in surprise.

“Receiving feelings from anyone is an honour and not at all trouble. Whether it’s love or as friends.”

That’s why Basara continued

“If, like what sensei said…you wish me to see you as a woman, I will do that from now on.”

And a little shyly, he called


Once again, Basara called out to her — upon hearing those words.


Something snapped inside of Tachibana Nanao, and

…This is…

It all rose up in one go, the memory of her being held by Basara — with her condition in this state, Nanao understood. The effect of the magic eye she had applied had just now disappeared. And then, what resurfaced in her memory was herself in front of the dressing room mirror of her house.

“…Toujou-kun, I…”

As tears suddenly well up in Nanao’s eyes, she said

“Could it be, the effect of my magic eyes…”

“Seems like it…most likely, the condition set to dispel the magic eye was for Toujou to accept her feelings.”

The guess that Hasegawa said to the shocked Basara was the truth — and Nanao also nodded as she confirmed it.

“I see…”

After saying just that, Basara gently embraced her shoulders. At his kindness, Tachibana thought — in the end, it’s good that she likes this person — that she likes Toujou Basara.

“So then — we have to finish this up.”


While Basara embraced Nanao, he asked by parroting Hasegawa’s words

“Even if the feelings are stabilised, the body isn’t yet. But Tachibana has already decided. Then, truthfully, there’s no need to wait until she turns eighteen. To erase Tachibana’s anxieties, it’s best to resolve this today — about living as a girl.”

“S-Sensei, can you do something like that…?”

As Nanao was surprised by Hasegawa’s proposal

“If it’s related to Toujou-kun…then it’s easy. That’s why I said so earlier. This is a problem of your life. The one who gets to decide is you, Tachibana.”

So then, Hasegawa continued

“Even if you don’t do anything, your feelings towards Toujou are causing you to remain as a girl…if that gets stronger, then your gender will be stable as a girl.”

“Making my feelings stronger…how do we do that?”

If she could become a girl now, Nanao would definitely want that. However, even now she had a lot of feelings for Basara, even to the point of wanting to cry…. So to Nanao who was confused at being told to make it stronger

“You don’t understand it? Then let me demonstrate.”

Hasegawa said with a mischievous smile as she wrapped her arms around Basara’s neck. And then — Hasegawa’s lips met with Basara’s lips. At the sudden, stolen kiss

“Wai—, sensei…?”

Basara quickly took his arms off Nanao, grabbing Hasegawa by her shoulders and parting their kiss.

“What’s wrong? What Tachibana needs now is to have a stronger feeling as girl, so she should be happy for you to see her as a girl…there’s no other method for this.”

Hasegawa said, unruffled.

“Isn’t it cruel to just suddenly let Tachibana who knows nothing to think it up all by herself?”

“…But, because that’s…!”

Basara’s face turned red as he looked at Nanao. At the sudden act, Nanao turned redder than Basara. However, completely ignoring Nanao’s reactions, Hasegawa gently pulled Basara’s hand away from Nanao.

“Within Naruse’s group, there are girls who aren’t used to being honest right? …But how were they? Watching you do that with other girls, don’t they end up wishing the same for themselves?”

She whispered sweetly in his ears.

“That is…”

It was true. Kurumi was guided by Zest to open her heart to him, and when Basara tied his contract to Yuki, Mio had opposed it. Mio too, had asked Basara to do it with her when she saw him with Maria. So in that case — for someone like Nanao, who pushed down her feelings with her magic eyes for so long, in the same way, she needed someone to help push her along.

“You don’t mind continuing do you? What you and I demonstrate is connecting the way for Tachibana’s wish to be a woman from inside of her.”

At those words from Hasegawa, Basara glanced at Nanao.

“…I understand.”

If it was for the sake of Nanao — Basara nodded, and this time, he kissed Hasegawa. As he inserted his tongue, Hasegawa entwined her tongue with his

“Mmm…chuu, haah…mchuu…Toujou…mmm ♥”

With their noses against each other, their kiss rose up in sensuality, and then beyond this was just between a man and a woman. As Basara kissed Hasegawa, they undressed each other. Basara did the blouse underneath Hasegawa’s white coat, while Hasegawa did Basara’s shirt. Both were unbuttoned, and with that, Basara began to lewdly fondle Hasegawa’s large breasts as he took off her bra. Hasegawa removed the belt at Basara’s waist in return. They matched their movements without any hesitation as it was something that they’d done many times before. Just the other day — Basara had spent a year with Hasegawa inside a barrier. While that was to tie the contract with Hasegawa of the Ten Gods — Afureia — within that barrier, for a year they had both reached unspeakable climaxes. And as such, they took off each other’s clothes like it was so easy, and in tens of seconds Basara had Hasegawa in just her panties, with garter belts holding up her stockings, and Hasegawa had Basara in his boxers. And then, in the midst of their clothes being thrown about across the floor, Hasegawa pressed Basara’s enlarged cock against her crotch.

“Aah ♥ mmm…haah, aah…mmm ♥”

Hasegawa wiggled her hips happily with Basara’s cock pressed against her sensitive spot, and even though her panties were still on, a wet sound could be heard. With just kissing and light teasing of her breasts, Hasegawa’s sensitive spot was already overflowing with womanly honey. — The relationship between Hasegawa and Basara was different from the Master-Servant contract he had with Mio and the others. To ensure that a Master-Servant contract with Hasegawa of the Ten Gods could be tied securely, Basara needed to achieve complete submission from Hasegawa, and as a result — Basara had gotten Hasegawa to completely succumb as his sex slave. However, this wasn’t just something Basara forcefully wanted, it was Hasegawa’s wish too — it was a mutual agreement, more than anything. While they still hadn’t crossed that final line, if Basara so wished it, Hasegawa would give him her virginity. But to achieve complete submission from Hasegawa, it would likely be easier if she was still a virgin. Furthermore, tying that would cause them to lose Hasegawa’s ‘weak point’. So without going to the last point, it actually dominated Hasegawa’s mind more. And then, even without going there, there was much she could learn as a sex slave. As Basara stopped kissing and parted away from Hasegawa


Along with a fascinating smile, Hasegawa moved her red tongue down Basara’s neck to his chest, then to his stomach, sliding it downwards. Before long, she reached ‘that place’, and pulling down Basara’s boxers — she placed Basara’s erect rod in her mouth just like that. With his penis wrapped in the soft warmth of Hasegawa’s mouth, she began to service him. Hasegawa knew everything.

“Mmm…*lick*, chuu…haah, nchuu…*lick*…mmm…chuu ♥”

With the way she lewdly used her tongue, indecent sounds of excitement arose, further increasing her submission to Basara, so Basara used one of his hands to pet Hasegawa’s head, as if praising her, while his other hand fondled her breast.

“Mmm…aaah…mchuu…haaaahn….chuu ♥”

While Hasegawa twerked her hips happily, Basara’s cock was sucked on strongly, almost like it was by a vacuum. Furthermore, she pressed her chest lewdly against Basara’s thigh, and as she used her hands to rub against him, Basara received a pleasure that would make a man happy to have been born. And during that — in being able to be a sex slave for Basara again, Hasegawa too received happiness. An impulse came out, unsuppressed.

“—I’m coming.”

Saying it in the tone of a master, Basara cupped Hasegawa’s head with both his hands as he began to thrust his hips assertively. An action, simply for his own pleasure. Each time Basara thrusted his hips, Hasegawa’s long black hair shook, spreading out like wings at the impact. With something so violent, she should be feeling pain, but—

“Nnbu ♥ nnchuu, chuu ♥ hmm, chuu ♥”

The beautiful sex slave accepted the dream-like joy from the rough treatment. Hasegawa further pushed Basara to a peak of excitement and pleasure.


As he reached his limit, Basara released his semen into Hasegawa’s mouth. At the moment of this violent ejaculation, Basara’s cock jerked around on Hasegawa’s tongue.


However — Hasegawa accepted all of it naturally.

“Mmm, chuu….mmm chuu ♥”

She lovingly drank it up to the last drop, her eyes upturned to look at Basara. Basara carefully drew his hips back, taking his rod out of Hasegawa’s mouth.

“Show me.”

He ordered. At that, Hasegawa took a sitting posture with both of her hands in front of her, and she tilted her head up.

“Mmm…hahh… ♥”

She showed him the plentiful amount of semen that Basara released which sat collected on her tongue. And so

“Good, swallow it.”

“Mmm, mmm…aah…mmm ♥…mmm…aah.”

As her throat gulped with her drinking Basara’s semen, her waist trembled, and as she drank it all up she let out an ecstatic sigh. She then tucked her messed up black hair behind her ears.

“What’s wrong Tachibana…surely you’ve realised our special relationship from a while back?”

She said to Nanao who had sagged down on the floor with a calm smile. In response to Hasegawa’s provocative words, Nanao didn’t move from her stupor.

…They really do things like this…

She had a bit of an idea about the relationship between Hasegawa and Basara — but the reality was completely beyond Nanao’s imagination. Just watching had completely flushed her body, and dubious thoughts floated softly in her mind.

“What are you just waiting there for Tachibana…now, you want to become a woman too, right?”


After Hasegawa spoke, Nanao quickly stood up, and as she did so


Even though she had lifted herself up totally, she could not stand well on her trembling knees. Then


Basara walked over to Nanao — wordlessly, he held out his left hand.


Upon seeing that, Nanao gulped down. Nanao understood what would happen if she took that hand — she would be doing what wouldn’t be far from the actions between Hasegawa and Basara. That’s why she didn’t take it, but to provoke her, Hasegawa looked at Nanao and Basara as she said

“If you’re still not in the mood, we’ll show you a more intense part of our relationship…is that okay?”

The words Hasegawa said to her gave Nanao enough determination and resolution.


Deciding to take Basara’s hand, his blazer which had been around her shoulders fell to the floor. At that moment, the path for Nanao to become a full-fledged woman began. Firstly, Nanao, Basara and Hasegawa moved to the bed next to where Rikka lay asleep…it was the bed next to the window, separated by a single curtain. Nanao was sandwiched by Basara in front of her on the bed, and Hasegawa behind her.

“So, let’s begin with taking off your clothes…come on.”


Nodding in reply to Hasegawa’s words, Nanao took off her sailor uniform easily in front of Basara and Hasegawa. Just like that, she took off her bra too and so Nanao’s top half was completely naked.


Having just noticed something, Nanao let out an embarrassed shriek. Her nipples had perked up lewdly after witnessing the affair between Hasegawa and Basara in front of her.

“No…this is, it’s not like that…I wasn’t planning to…”

Nanao moved quickly to cover her breasts, but Hasegawa behind her spread out her arms and held them.

“Fufu…why are you embarrassed now?”

Instead, she was in a posture that let Basara see her clearly. And then

“—Relax, Tachibana.”

Suddenly, Hasegawa whispered in her ear.

“Embarrassment and all that, there’s no need to hide or falsify yourself. Having feelings for Toujou, you pushed down your wish until your body turned into a girl’s, right? You’ve worked plenty hard. That’s why you should accept and release yourself.”


With Hasegawa’s words deeply dyed into her heart, she let go of the tension from her body. With her pupils glazed, Basara said


With some hints of accusation in his voice, Basara called to Hasegawa, but Hasegawa calmly replied

“It’s alright, leave it to me…come on Tachibana, you understand why your body was flushed hot, right?”

Nanao nodded. A sweet fever swelled from inside her body.

“This is something that has been suppressed by the effect of your magic eyes up until now, your sense as a woman…. From here, that sense for Toujou will be amplified many more times. However, you can’t just be passive about it. You have to seek it for yourself, just like me earlier…can you do that?”


“Good…now, look at Basara in front of you well.”

Following Hasegawa’s words, Nanao faced Basara in front of her once more.


As she did so, the sight of a naked Basara in front of her with his carefully trained body appealed to her eyes, and she could also see how his cock stood erect, aroused.


As she said his name without thinking, a thrill rushed down her spine. It was a little scary…but more than that, she felt good. The embarrassment that was inside of Nanao disappeared, and what remained was a pure, womanly instinct. So

“– Please, come.”

Nanao voiced out her desire. And as she did so

“Yeah…I understand.”

Basara gave her a firm nod in reply.

“—I will make you a woman.”

At that moment — the infirmary bed became the training place Nanao would learn the ways of life as a woman. —But, Basara and Hasegawa did not hold back on the beginner Nanao. Basara sucked her taut nipples shamelessly, and Hasegawa fondled her butt lewdly over her underwear.

“Fuaaah — haah, mmm…no…haah…ah, aaaaah ♥”

It was a different dimension of pleasure from the time with Basara earlier in the student council room, and Nanao quickly experienced an indescribably climax, and the notion of being a woman was carved into her heart and body. Being messed up to reach a climax by two people, every little shred of reason was uprooted from Nanao’s head. And then, she fell to the pleasure of her gender to the point of cruelty.

“Haahn…no, ahaa…mmm ♥”

Without realising, the colour of ecstasy rose on Nanao’s face, and she had completely become a prisoner of the pleasure dealt by Basara and Hasegawa. She didn’t know how many times she came. Naturally, her panties were wet from her womanly honey, and even the bedsheets were lewdly stained. However, disregarding even her pride, Nanao was taught plenty by the two of how she was a woman. Changing positions, Basara fondled her breasts with both hands from behind her, while Nanao was immersed in the happiness of being a woman.

“—That’s not good Tachibana, feeling good by yourself.”

With a teasing tone, Hasegawa poked Nanao’s forehead.

“How long are you going to make Toujou-kun wait?”

With those words, Nanao became aware of the hard thing against her back.

…This is, Toujou-kun’s…

It was, unmistakably, Basara’s penis. As Nanao reached for it

“There’s no way you could’ve forgotten what I demonstrated earlier…so, can you do it?”

Hasegawa said with a smile.


So Nanao nodded, switching from front to back, taking a posture to face Basara.

“I’m sorry it was only me who was feeling good…I want to make Toujou-kun feel good too, is that okay?”

She asked with her pupils melted in pleasure.


Basara nodded as though it were natural. So, feeling happy about that, Nanao said

“It’s my first time, please teach me lots on what could make Toujou-kun feel good.”

With a fascinating smile — Tachibana Nanao began to lewdly suck on Basara’s cock.

“Mmm…chuu, *lick*…chuu, haah…chuu…♥”

Firstly, Nanao used her tongue to carefully lick from the rod to the glans, and she covered Basara’s cock with her saliva until it was slippery. The male scent and pheromone was excessively choking, but more than that—

…I’m licking Toujou’s…

More than anything, that truth gave Nanao an unbelievable excitement. She no longer remembered how she was sucking his cock. Before she realised it, she was already lewdly engaged in the act.

“Mnm…chuu…gahh, mmm…*lick*, chuu…mmm, nfu…chuu ♥”

She sucked on his cock obscenely while slathering it with saliva, and at the same time, clear liquid also overflowed from Basara’s tip to form an obscene cocktail in Nanao’s mouth. From how well she used her tongue, Basara let out a gasp, as if holding back something, and his cock grew somewhat harder and bigger in Nanao’s mouth. As Nanao felt that

…Toujou-kun, is feeling good…

Thinking that, she was no longer able to stop.

“Haah…nfuu…Toujou-kun…hahmmm, chuu…*lick*…chuu…chuu ♥”

She prioritised service with her mouth to the point that breathing was secondary, and it was only when she did have to breathe that she let her mouth leave Basara’s cock. Using her hands too, she wanted to give Basara the utmost pleasure, the best service she could perform. At that time, Hasegawa was able to service Basara with her plentiful breasts, but unfortunately, Nanao didn’t have that size. That was why Nanao desperately thought

…What else can I do? No, what can only I do…

In other words, her own weapon — the moment she thought that


Tachibana Nanao realised what her own ‘weapon’ was.


Not long after she realised it, Nanao put it into action. With Basara’s cock in her mouth — she drew out her teeth a little. Fundamentally, when servicing someone with one’s mouth, using teeth was a big no-no. Acts like biting which intended to give pain to the other party were meant to be avoided on the sensitive male genitalia. But — Tachibana Nanao was a half-vampire. She was from a clan that had special fangs, which, when used to suck blood by impaling skin, the other party would feel pleasure more so than pain. That was why Nanao did it. Precisely as it was something she could do as a half-vampire, she used her fangs to give Basara a supremely sweet pleasure. But the effect of it far exceed Nanao’s estimations.

“…. Aah—”

In a moment, Basara screamed as he thrust his hips, ejaculating a load into Nanao’s mouth.

“Nnnnn, mmm…nuu, haaah ♥”

Although Nanao tried to make sure she did not spill a drop by letting Basara’s semen flow down her throat, due to the intense amount and with Basara drawing his hips back, some cum spilled onto her face and glasses when he removed his tip from Nanao’s mouth.

“Haah…haah…Nanao, that was…?”

Basara asked Nanao as he sat down on the bed.


Nanao trembled with an enormous sense of accomplishment. She was able to give Basara a level of pleasure that even surprised him — with that pride, Nanao received the utmost happiness as a woman.

“It was good right…? I’ll give it to you one more time.”

After saying that, Nanao came close to Basara — and once more began to service him.

From then on, Nanao completely drowned in pleasure through Basara.Gaining confidence in bringing Basara to climax, Nanao turned into an aggressive girl, using her fangs to give fellatio to Basara. However, to Nanao who was still weak to pleasure, she was once gain quickly brought to a climax by Basara. And then — after they’d been in the infirmary for some time.

“—Fufu, you’re making quite a good face now.”

Hasegawa, who watched from the corner of her eye as Nanao continued to be pleasured by Basara gave a ‘seems like fun’ smile. However, Nanao couldn’t look at her. There was something in front of her that she couldn’t take her eyes off. The window of the infirmary had turned into a mirror that reflected Nanao’s own form thanks to Hasegawa’s power — Nanao was now on the bed, learning from Basara that she was a woman. —That form, which should have been naked, wore a girl’s uniform. Hasegawa had decided that in this way, Nanao could develop a stronger sensation of being a girl, and once more she put on the uniform. Basara too, returned to his shirt and uniform trousers. However, while Basara was properly dressed, Nanao was in a half-naked state. Nanao had her sailor uniform draped over her, revealing her breasts since the zippers had completely broken. Her skirt, as well as the over-knee sock on her left leg was left as is. Basara embraced this sensational looking Nanao from the back. Basara’s left hand fondled Nanao’s left breast. And then his right, approached her crotch — slipping in within her panties. Within Nanao’s panties, a lewd, wet sound was formed. Nanao was unable to even discern where Basara’s finger touched her due to the overwhelming pleasure.

“Aah — no, Toujou-ku… fuaah ♥ haan…Toujou-kun, aaah…♥”

As her most sensitive place for a woman was rubbed against, Nanao wriggled her hips lewdly.

“I understand Tachibana…when Toujou touches that place, I feel happy too.”

Hasegawa said those words with a smile, but Nanao had no allowance to listen to her. Although she moved her hips as if to run away from the terrifying pleasure Basara dealt, Basara’s finger was able to reach Nanao’s most sensitive spot anywhere — trapping Nanao in a labyrinth of pleasure. —And then, that time had come around again. Just a little before the wave of climax crashed down—

“No…I’m, again…aaaaaaaah ♥”

On Basara’s lap, Nanao’s lewd voice rose up, her hips bucking up due to the intense pleasure, and at the same time, Basara’s hand which had been inserted into Nanao’s panties became drenched in her womanly shower.

“Ah…aah… ♥ n…o…hah… ♥”

Her uterus quivered in joy as sounds of ecstasy leaked from Nanao. Basara carefully withdrew his hand from her panties, and then

“—Do you get it?”

As he said so, Basara moved his right hand to Nanao’s face to show her. Basara’s hand which had been brought in front of Nanao was drenched lewdly in the womanly substance of her intense climax, and it was so hot that there even faint traces of steam. It was a fever that originated from the climax Nanao received as a woman.

“…Hah…mmm, chuu…*lick*…mmm ♥”

To clean up Basara’s finger, Nanao gently sucked on it with her lips. And then

“That’s completely a woman’s face…in this way, you can’t lose sight of your own gender anymore, can you?”

Hasegawa said, as she chuckled seeing that form of Nanao.

“—Toujou, it’s about time you thrust into Tachibana.”

“Yes…you’re right.”

Saying that, Basara unzipped his trousers, drawing out his cock. Perhap

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