
Chapter 2: The Sin System

As Jake instinctively touched the dark red disk that came in his sight, the disk started spinning. After five seconds, it stopped and he heard the system's notification again.

[Ding! Congratulations, you have unlocked the Sin of Lust!]

At this moment, Erin and Yuuna were confused seeing their master waving his finger at the empty air. They looked at each other and thought that it was some new power master had gained.

''Master, two adventurers have entered the valley!'' Jake jolted as he heard that sudden voice in his left air.

From the entrance of the chamber, a green sprite flew towards him looking worried. She was the dungeon fairy. As long as the dungeon core wasn't destroyed, she would remain alive.

Jake stood up from his seat and placed his feet on the cold black floor below. It was hard and stony. Erin and Yunna, the two girls, slipped from his lap and stood beside him.

Jake had never been this close to girls, much less being so intimate with them. He wanted to savor that moment, however, it seemed there was a more urgent matter at hand.

He still hadn't gone through the new memories he had gained and needed some time to make out this whole situation. Thus, he ordered the succubus and the vampire to go with Lena, the dungeon fairy, to see just who was it that had intruded upon his dungeon.

After they left with their beautiful bodies and sweet smells, Jake couldn't help but take a deep breath. Acting was hard and… holy shit!

''I actually reincarnated!'' Jake started feeling all over his body. He still couldn't believe what just happened.

Jake remembered that there was a mirror in another chamber, thus he went there and saw how he looked at the moment.

''Whoa-'' He wasn't overreacting when he saw that he literally had two black horns like that of a cow's.

He was big, around 6'6'' with a buff body and a scary-looking face. Jake turned to the left and to the right, comparing his biceps and then leaned closer to take a good look of his face.

He had thick eyebrows, a refined jawline, long red hairs, and a roman nose. His eyes were deep black and his pupils seemed to contain a malice that could only be found in a real demon.

Jake clenched his fists, feeling the strength in his body. He was tens or even hundreds of times stronger than a normal human on earth. He felt like he could easily punch through the walls around him. However, he didn't want to test that now.

''What was that Sin System from earlier?'' As he asked that question to seemingly no one, a notification again rang in his mind.

[Please use the 'status' command to view your stats.]

'This magical voice in my mind… it's real.' Jake then said ''status'' and a dark panel appeared before him.

[Name: Jake Farlen]

[Species: Demon]

[Rank: 2nd Circle]

[Title: Demon Baron (+30 Reputation among Demon Nobles, partial command over lesser monsters)]

[Job: Dungeon Master]

[Evil Points: 0]

[Sin(s) Unlocked: Lust]

[Strength: 201 / Agility: 216 / Stamina: 205 / Vitality: 241 / Intelligence: 230 / Mana: 290 / Charisma: 232 / Will: 201]

[Abilities: Fear Aura (Superiorーlvl. 3), Demonic Grasp (Rareーlvl. 1), Mana Communication (Superiorーlvl. 5), Dark Fire (Rareーlvl. 2)]

[Inventory / Shop]

[Sinner's Roulette (Unavailable, Requires 10,000 Evil Points to spin again)]

[Please commit a lustful sin to get Evil Points.]

''So this system is designed to make me the ultimate bad guy…'' Jake couldn't help but laugh nervously.

Then he remembered how powerful other demons or even the humans in this world were. Jake had to be strong to survive. Here, people would come to kill him the moment they found out about his existence. He couldn't be going around being the good guy…

''This system can make me powerful. I would be a fool to not acknowledge its abilities. With the help of it, I might even be able to return to Hell and get back my fiefdom…'' Jake had already accepted that he was a demon now.

From his memories, he remembered that Demon Jake had already sinned a lot. Without knowing, Jake from the earth was getting influenced by the psyche of Jake the demon. The earthling Jake viewed the world to be selfish and Jake the demon WAS selfish.

The end result of their memories clashing changed Jake's beliefs. He suddenly chuckled and thought, 'I have decided. In this life, I won't hold back. I'll be the strongest and take everything that I couldn't get on earth.'

Humans were inherently sinners. If sinning brought him power which brought happiness and freedom in return, even if it was dangerous, why would he back away from such a prospect?

Jake clicked the shop icon on the panel before him. Seeing that everything cost Evil Points, he frowned. The system said he would have to commit a lustful sin. Lust... Lust... how much would a session of sex give him?

Just as Jake thought of this question, he heard a disturbance in the dungeon. A fight was happening!

''Master, a priestess and a swordsman have entered the dungeon. The goblins on the first floor are getting slaughtered!'' Lena's cute voice rang in his left ear.

Hearing her, he quickly headed towards the higher floors with a shrewd look on his face.

Comments 13

  1. Offline
    Jake had already accepted that he was a demon now.

    Corporate slave parents barely meeting ends in previous life ? Fu#k that. Now I've got two bitches to f#ck so ma' life's set !!
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  2. Offline
    A priestess, a swordsman and goblins.
    AKA goblin slayer?
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  3. Offline
    Priest (︶︿︶)
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    1. Offline
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  4. Offline
    Omnis Ra
    Not another one!!!! Authors need to get a dictionary, he didn't reincarnate he died and woke up as someone else, that is TRANSMIGRATION. If he really REINCARNATED he would have been born from his mother into a new world.
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    1. Offline
      The line is a bit blurred when he died and then gets transported. Someone could claim that when you reincarnate you are merely transmigrating to an unborn baby. In my opinion reincarnation has more to do with going through hell/heaven or the six path of reincarnations or something equivalent before acquiring an new body. Though that is just my opinion.
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      1. Online Offline
        dying going through the whole rebirth thing and growing up as a native is what i consider reincarnation
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    2. Offline
      if that difference is so important to you maybe read a theology paper instead of a smut novel?
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      1. Offline
        Get your head out of the gutter since your also reading this 'SMUT NOVEL'.
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        1. Offline
          and that is bad for his argument why?
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        2. Offline
          And this relates to my point exactly how? I just said no one cares about the thoreticaly correct use of a therm in a smut novel. (Not to mention that popular use is how words are defined anyways and his point makes absolutely zero sense, but that is besides the point) as long as you understand what it is said just read it and if you don't just don't.
          When you care more about the correct ethnological use of worlds a paper is just better material.
          All that has absolutely zero to do with me also reading it.
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      2. Offline
        He just has op no need to fret
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    3. Offline
      errr... transmigration is a form of reincarnation... it's literally in the word. Re-incarnate. however you do it, as a new born or as a soul taking over a dead body or swallowing another soul and taking over the body etc. you incarnated again as someone different most commonly where the difference is caused by a new body and life, and new world.
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