
Chapter Chapter 231: A Futile Attempt

Lin Fan sat on a public bench in a park along the roadside, savoring an ice cream cone and delighting in the serene evening atmosphere at the heart of Tianzhou.

On the tranquil road, the pollution generated was minimal and hardly noticeable. Notably, the majority of vehicles were now powered by eco-friendly electricity.

Beside him, four individuals were engrossed in various activities—some enjoying the evening ambiance, others immersed in their phones, while another indulged in music through earphones.

The atmosphere feels serene, considering not everyone possesses the talent for cultivation. Some don't even consider it and prefer to lead a peaceful life.

A smile adorned Lin Fan's face as he reflected on the positive turn of events today—the herbal concoction to heal dantian blockages.

Certainly, he planned to use it for Jun Li, with the clear objective of verifying whether Jun Li had deceived him or not. If so, he wouldn't administer the remedy and would opt for a path of revenge.

Lost in thought, the more he pondered, the deeper he sank into contemplation. Eventually, he shook his head, momentarily dismissing his suspicions.

With one final lick, the ice cream vanished. As he was about to rise, his intention halted upon hearing a sound from the video playing on the smartphone of the person beside him.

Deciding to sit back down and listen, it turned out to be a video from the TickTack app.

A woman, resembling a journalist, was being filmed, "...The Jun family gathering tomorrow night. Not everyone can attend, but those present will undoubtedly be famous figures. This event marks the 89th birthday celebration of their patriarch, Jun Siazhou. It's sure to be a lavish party..."

Lin Fan listened intently to the video, despite its low volume. However, he still couldn't fully comprehend its contents.

In the end, he tapped the shoulder of the guy next to him and asked, "Excuse me, if I may know, what was that video about?" His tone was friendly, accompanied by a smile.

The man responded, "It's about the Jun family. They're hosting their patriarch's birthday celebration in two days," his tone nonchalant.

"But this might pose a bit of trouble. The Zhang family in the Yuan dynasty holds tremendous power. If we were to compare their strength, it's akin to an ancient family in the Han empire," Liu Qian remarked.

"Don't worry about it. They won't dare to venture here. Even if they did, their influence would be limited. Besides, no one will be aware that Zhang Jun met his demise within this portal," Long Tian replied, a grin playing on his features.

Liu Qian nodded in agreement, finding Long Tian's explanation quite plausible.

"And now, no one will target you when you return to the Yuan dynasty," Long Tian added.

Hearing this, a sultry smile curved on Liu Qian's lips. She leaned in, wrapping her arms sensually around Long Tian's neck.

"I can't fathom what would unfold if we hadn't crossed paths at the school headmaster's office that day. I believe my destiny would have taken a drastic turn, undoubtedly heading in the wrong direction," she teased in her tone.

Long Tian's grin widened, "And I'm fortunate to have encountered the angel in a school uniform that day," he responded.

A subtle blush tinted Liu Qian's cheeks, but her alluring smile persisted. Without hesitation, she plunged into a passionate kiss with Long Tian.

Long Tian gently stroked Liu Qian's back as they kissed, his touch tender as he savored the soft skin beneath the fabric shielding Liu Qian's delicate form.

As their intimacy heightened, Liu Qian took the initiative, skillfully unbuttoning Long Tian's shirt.

Long Tian, in response, cupped Liu Qian's cheek and gently drew back. "Do you want to do this here?" he inquired, raising an enticing eyebrow.

"You don't want to?" Liu Qian retorted, lifting an alluring eyebrow.

"Of course, I do," Long Tian declared with a playful grin.

With that, they resumed their fervent kissing, gradually succumbing to the allure of the moment as they laid down on the unforgiving ground.

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Comments 2

  1. Offline
    seems to be missing in the middle of the chapter
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