Transmigrator Meets Reincarnator

All Chu Lian had done was to read a book where the female lead had cheated on her wonderful husband. While wondering why, before she knew it, she was waking up in the body of that very same female lead! Wait, did that mean the handsome husband from the book was hers now? Chu Lian decided to welcome...
Comedy, Drama, Josei, Romance
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  • 16
  • 14 139

Advent of the Archmage

Link was the top Archmage in the entire server. He had just defeated the strongest boss, the Lord of The Deep, Nozama with his party. However, instead of going back to town, he was transported to a secret location with pixelated CG. It sort of felt like a vacuum, and within it came a glorious and...
Fantasy, Harem, Supernatural, Tragedy, Action, Adventure
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  • 33
  • 41 399

The Strongest System

Yours Truly shall have all of you bow down to me! Arriving in this brand-new world, Lin Fan found himself in possession of a system which allows him to level up indefinitely unbounded by the limitations of this world. Upon learning a powerful technique of Monkey Steals Peaches, Lin Fan realises...
Comedy, Martial Arts, Mature, Xuanhuan, Action, Adventure
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  • 27
  • 35 716

Immortal Mortal

Here, only those with spiritual roots can cultivate while those with mortal roots are destined to stay mortal. Mo Wuji only has mortal roots, but will he only remain as a mortal?...
Xianxia, Adventure, Action, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Romance, Sci-fi, Tragedy
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  • 12
  • 31 375

Library of Heaven's Path

Traversing into another world, Zhang Xuan finds himself becoming an honorable teacher. Along with his transcension, a mysterious library appears in his mind. As long as it is something he has seen, regardless of whether it is a human or an object, a book on its weaknesses will be automatically...
Action, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Harem, Martial Arts, Romance, Xuanhuan, Xianxia
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  • 49
  • 48 304

The World Online

Earth Online — a virtual MMORPG that takes place in the future year of 2190 — a game that everyone will bet their futures on. Set in a map that is ten times the size of real-world Earth, players battle for supremacy in the first game to feature personal adventure, territory construction, and grand...
Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Mature, Sci-fi, Game
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  • 43
  • 59 773

My Cold and Elegant CEO Wife

He’s the Wolf King on the battlefield, one that mastered peerless martial arts and the sophisticated art of medicine. He originally wanted to just live a peaceful life, but his wife who’s a CEO thought he’s a loser and wanted a divorce. The cold war between husband and wife began....
Action, Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Martial Arts, Mature, Romance, Xuanhuan
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  • 6
  • 28 867

Ghost Emperor Wild Wife: Dandy Eldest Miss

Yun Luo Feng, Hua Xia Medicial School’s genius, died from an accident and her soul attached to Long Xia mainland’s General family’s useless eldest miss. This waste of an eldest miss not only can’t read or practice martial arts, but is big chested, has no brain, is arrogant and self-willed. Since...
Action, Drama, Josei, Martial Arts, Romance, Shoujo, Xuanhuan
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  • 3
  • 20 932

Hidden Marriage

After five years, Ning Xi has returned and is out to take revenge on the sister who turned her parents against her and the childhood sweetheart who betrayed her for her sister. She aims to fulfill her childhood dream and become a famous actress. However, her sister is still out to get her, and she...
Action, Comedy, Drama, Gender Bender, Josei, Mature, Romance, Slice of Life
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  • 2
  • 18 511

Trial Marriage Husband

On the wedding day, her fiancé and his lover had a love affair and eloped. Her eyes were dim, she seized the man in front of the Civil Affairs Bureau.”To sum it up, your bride is not here, my groom ran off, wouldn’t it be better if we… fight together?”. Before marriage, she said, “Even on the bed,...
Drama, Josei, Romance
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  • 3
  • 19 986