
Book 8: Chapter 4: Strange Job

Translator’s note: OMG got a comment on the last chapter! Didn’t think anyone was reading along and life got a little busy. Sorry for the delay, had a few chapters stockpiled. Enjoy!


It had been over three months since Xiao Xia had left the city where she suffered emotional damage, but she had yet to heal. She wanted to forget, but couldn’t do it no matter what she did. Whenever she was idle, that person’s image appeared in her mind.

If men were water, Bao Da Tong would be a flowing stream. He would take his lover on a pleasant journey. Wan Li would be a well; sweet, safe, deep and filled with abundance. Ruan Zhan would be like a lake in the snowy mountains; cool, isolated, deep and immeasurable. The threat of avalanches was always present, and by the time she arduously made her way to the top of the mountain, she discovered the lake was already frozen. Or perhaps it had always been frozen, and had never melted before!

Wan Li was so good. Why hadn’t she fallen in love with Wan Li?! Even Bao Da Tong was an outstanding man. Why did she love the coldest one?!

She didn’t blame him for not loving her. Love was a two-way street and couldn’t be forced. What she hated was that he had accepted her love and then immediately abandoned it. He had panicked as if he felt extreme regret for expressing his feelings towards her. This left her humiliated and upset. She felt as if the most beautiful feelings she had kept hidden for years had been disdained and mocked by him.

Truthfully speaking, she was afraid. She was afraid to see him, to talk to him. She didn’t know how she was supposed to face him in the future, how they should interact. Therefore, she could only escape.

She had left after writing a letter of resignation to Director Pan. She didn’t say anything to her parents. She was mostly away from home anyway, and her family was already used to it. She also believed Wan Li wouldn’t go looking for her at her parents’ place. Wan Li knew she preferred to hide elsewhere instead of back home when she encountered issues. Regardless, a mediocre lawyer like herself leaving the place filled with elites would make things easier for Director Pan, who had always covered for her. Her leaving would allow Ruan Zhan to relax. He would no longer need to hide and avoid her. This was the best outcome for everyone involved, including herself.

However, why did her heart constantly palpitate after leaving? It was as if Ruan Zhan was continuously reaching out to her!

Whenever this happened, she would purposefully distract herself, avoiding their telepathic connection. In her mind, she felt he wouldn’t be missing her. If he did, it would just be out of guilt!

Since that was the case, it was better not to see him until they could remain calm in each other’s presence.

  1. PCTG Chapter 1

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PCTG Chapter 1

She lived paycheck to paycheck and didn’t have much savings. Therefore, she did her best to be frugal. However, by the time she drifted to this county in the southern part of Sichuan, she was already penniless. Because she had left home out of emotional trauma, she had been wandering aimlessly, hoping to find solace in the beauty of nature. How could she be in the mood to earn money? By the time she thought of going to the Yunnan province to see Ah Bai, she discovered she was out of money.

Luckily, she found a job posting in the county newspaper she happened to buy. An investor was looking for a secretary and legal consultant combo. The requirements and salary were practically made for her, and she had been at the end of her rope.  Without any other options, she went straight to Jingshi Town and applied.

“Miss Yue, this job requires frequent travel. Are you up for it?” The employer’s voice snapped Xiao Xia back to the present.

“Absolutely. Please be at ease.” Although it seemed this employer was very satisfied with her education and work experience, Xiao Xia still replied earnestly, hoping she would be hired.

It was clear from this He Fu Gui’s appearance that he had come across a windfall. He was covered in riches, wanting nothing more than to display his wealth. It was incomparably vulgar. His features were dull and ordinary. He was tall and thin, as dry as a withered poplar tree. However, despite his slightly vulgar appearance, he definitely was no pervert. At most he was the type who had the thoughts but dared not act on them. Therefore, as a lone woman she was relatively safe. She didn’t have much confidence in anything else, but she trusted her ability to judge people well. Her intuition had never let her down before.

“I’ve never been to your city before, but I know the school you graduated from is a famous one. Why would you come to a small place like this?” He Fu Gui couldn’t be more satisfied with this Miss Yue who had come looking for the job. Her charming appearance and her elegant demeanor made it clear she was highly educated from a major city. Having such a secretary by his side would look great. However, his good fortune had arrived too suddenly, and it still felt as if he were dreaming. He couldn’t help but ask for more details.

Xiao Xia felt the expected pain in her heart. She covered it up and said, “No particular reason. I just felt money isn’t that important, and wanted a change of environment.” She spoke generously, but Xiao Xia still felt a bit of greed towards the promised salary. She had already decided to go visit Ah Bai and stay in the secluded mountains for a while. However, she had zero survival skills and also didn’t want to be a burden on the kind Naman villagers. Therefore, she needed money.

Working for this local tycoon shouldn’t be too difficult. It was fine even if she misjudged him. She had practiced the five element spell to some proficiency, and it was also effective against living people. She hadn’t forgotten to take a large stack of talismans from Bao Da Tong before leaving. A few days ago, a man with ill intentions towards her had ended up covered in mud from the spell, almost suffocating. That person was terrified and thought he had encountered a ghost.

He Fu Gui was going to put on airs and interrogate her further. However, Xiao Xia’s steady attitude prevented him from saying much. He merely said, “Since that’s the case, we can confirm things now. The salary and job description will be as agreed. Overtime and vacation will be according to federal law. Like I said, I have to go on frequent business trips, maybe even travel around the country the whole time. Perhaps internationally too. You’ll have to follow along and cannot ask off. Is that fine?”

Xiao Xia nodded. “Yes, but I would like a contract. That way both sides are protected.”

He Fu Gui froze, not having expected this. Two voices of approval sounded by his ears. In this half month or so, he had already gotten used to the two great immortals giving him instructions. He was no longer afraid. At this moment, he knew they were pretty satisfied with Yue Xiao Xia, so he signed an employment agreement on the spot. Xiao Xia thus became the secretary of Jingshi Town’s nouveau riche, He Fu Gui.

Xiao Xia was pretty satisfied with this job. Yet if Director Pan was here, he would have lost his temper at her sloppiness. She had only paid attention to the salary and job description, and hadn’t bothered to check her employer’s history or what the company did. She didn’t even investigate whether it was a legal entity. This might not have been a big deal for a jobseeker, but as a lawyer from a prestigious law firm, such mistakes were too elementary.

Yet regardless, she had become He Fu Gui’s secretary. The very next day, she started accompanying her boss on his “investment journey”.

Within a few days, she realized the entire “Fu Gui Company” only consisted of her boss and four bodyguards. Her job was also extremely idle. Apart from going everywhere with her boss, arranging transportation and his schedule, she had nothing to do. She was a complete ornament. Whenever her boss headed out at night, he was only accompanied by his bodyguards.

She felt a little uneasy about these things. There couldn’t be such easy money in the world. There also seemed to be more than just herself and the bodyguards in Boss He’s vicinity. There seemed to be something hidden behind the scenes. It was a strange feeling, indistinct yet clear…

That night, the six of them arrived in a flourishing southern city. He Fu Gui hurriedly went to admire the scenery at night. As usual, he left with his four bodyguards, leaving Xiao Xia alone in the luxurious presidential suite.

Xiao Xia wasn’t an idiot, and had her doubts about all this. He Fu Gui said he was doing research on his investments, but he wasn’t a government official and had no clear investment goals. He hadn’t earned a penny over the past few days, but his room and board were extremely extravagant. He never frowned at such expenditure, as if the money wasn’t his. Two days ago, they had even encountered an alarming event. A group of people attacked them in the hotel’s underground parking lot. The four bodyguards busied themselves for a while, but the strangest thing was that some of the thugs took themselves out, their expressions manic as if possessed. Xiao Xia had been terrified.

What did He Fu Gui actually do? He couldn’t be doing something illegal, right? Wouldn’t that make her an accomplice? The worst thing she could do was to ask him directly. If he really wasn’t a good person, her questions would expose her doubts. Although she had some magic, her chances of escaping safely was extremely small considering that he seemed to have some secret protections. Yet if she ignored it, she might get caught up in things if trouble came for He Fu Gui.

She had fled to avoid trouble. She definitely couldn’t get involved in more trouble! After thinking things over, the only choice seemed to be to do some spying. Ever since she started having doubts, she had been paying attention.

From the sky outside, Xiao Xia knew He Fu Gui was definitely staying out all night. Therefore, she returned to her own suite and went to bed. As she fell fast asleep, she once again dreamt of the person who had broken her heart. He stood with his back facing her next to a river, silent. In her dream, she wasn’t as rational and acted upon her emotions, running after him.

Xiao Xia called out to Ruan Zhan, but he ignored her. Instead, he left. Although she often had this sort of dream, Xiao Xia still felt heart-rending pain. She couldn’t help but continue her pursuit.

She was on a muddy mountain path, every step incomparably difficult. It was like she couldn’t lift her feet, but she still called and ran after him desperately. Finally, the river ended at a giant waterfall. Ruan Zhan stood at the edge.

For some reason, she felt he was about to die. Terror gripped her, but an invisible force prevented her from getting closer.

“Ruan Zhan, wait for me. I’ll be with you no matter what you do.” She shouted, but only the sound of the wind came from her throat.

Ruan Zhan shifted, slowly turning around.

Xiao Xia was startled, suddenly feeling the urge to flee. On Ruan Zhan’s body was actually He Fu Gui’s face.

“Alright, come with me!” He grinned, his teeth red. They were stained by blood! Xiao Xia looked down and saw that he had plucked out his own heart and was eating it!

“Do you like it too? Then have some!” He still smiled sluggishly as he stretched his hand out towards her.

Xiao Xia wanted to run but she couldn’t move. She watched as He Fu Gui approached, but couldn’t recall how to use the five elements spell. She could only scream. Apart from her voice and He Fu Gui’s sinister laughter, there was only the sound of flowing water.

Right as that claw-like hand reached her tender neck, Xiao Xia finally awoke from her nightmare!

Luckily it was just a dream! But even so, it was still so terrifying! Was the dream an omen or her innermost thoughts? What did it mean?

Also, the sound of flowing water had been too clear. It had been so close, as if…as if it was in her room. Actually, the sound was still there!

Realizing this, Xiao Xia’s body tensed, completely waking from that nightmare. She hid in bed, not daring to move. She tried to see if there was any movement in the dark. At that moment, the sound of water rang out again.

It was coming from the bathroom.

Someone was flushing the toilet…no, was showering!

Despite having encountered so many things, Xiao Xia was still uselessly afraid. However, she forced herself not to avoid it or run. She faced her fears, wanting to rely on herself in the future.

She quietly shifted her arm, taking out a talisman from underneath her pillow. Sensing that it contained the water spell, she silently rehearsed the chant she had been unable to recall in her dream. Then, she focused her attention in the direction of the bathroom.

She thought back and confirmed that she definitely hadn’t left the tap running after showering. The current situation wasn’t like the shower was leaking either, because the sound of water started and then stopped repeatedly, as if someone was inside showering. But why would an intruder enter her room to shower instead of robbing or assaulting her?!

Then who was it?

After confirming the only strangeness was coming from the bathroom, Xiao Xia lifted the covers extremely slowly. She gritted her teeth and forced herself to approach the bathroom. The pure sheepskin rug underfoot prevented her steps from making any noise. As she got closer, she confirmed the paranormal activity was coming from the bathroom, but the lights weren’t on.


Xiao Xia had reached the bathroom door at this point. The door was shut but the sound of flowing water inside suddenly stopped. Only the sound of water dripping on the granite could be heard.

She slowly reached out towards the light switch by the door. Yet before she could press it, the lights suddenly turned on! She sudden glare temporarily blinded her. She subconsciously stepped back, holding the talisman in front of her. When her eyes adjusted, she shoved open the door and burst into the bathroom.

“Exhausting the three rivers, waves overflowing to the skies…”

She shouted, but did not finish the chant out of fear of harming innocents. She merely kept her guard up and looked around the bathroom, but realized it was completely empty.

There was a mirror behind her! She should probably check if there was anything there!

Xiao Xia turned around.

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