
Chapter 178: Announcement!

In the office of the president of Cosmic Umbrella Technology.

Jiang Cheng closed the page of Tengxun News and said with a slight surprise; “I didn’t expect this hacker group to be so famous? It’s really surprising that there will be so many news media reporting on this matter.”

Before, Lucy hacked the other party’s computers and contacted the police to arrest them. By the way, she also discovered the reason for their attack on Jiang Cheng’s computer.

This surprised Jiang Cheng. He instinctively believed that the reason why the other party attacked his computer was the core technology of virtual reality equipment.

However, the real reason was that the other party wanted to study the background of the famous Jiangdao Lord.

Jiang Cheng was obviously not an easy target to provoke, and after a counterattack, they went to jail.

The problem of hacker organizations is just an episode.

Although the arrest of China’s largest hacker organization caused a lot of commotion, and many people have been discussing this matter, no one knows that the person behind this matter is actually Jiang Cheng.

After dealing with the hacker, Lucy also developed advanced encryption protection methods.

Things like encryption must be taken seriously. Whether it is a leak in the manufacturing process or after other people’s research goes public, it is possible for the technology to be cracked. Therefore, Lucy spent a lot of time thinking about the means of encryption. .

The encryption method is very simple, but it is also very effective. It hides the core program and hides the entire program with a code that disturbs the order. Only a specific unlock code can be decrypted.


One day a week later.

On this day, a short one-minute advertisement appeared on the official platforms of major well-known media.

The video website was clicked on a large number of times, and a number of TV stations were broadcast in prime time.

The information shown in this short video instantly shocked the entire Internet and became a topic for everyone to discuss after dinner. For no other reason, the high-tech products thrown out in this advertisement are really jaw-dropping.

Subsequently, more and more people discovered that this advertisement was not only broadcast in China, but also abroad, and was involved all over the world, and immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the world, and even enthusiastic discussion.

Within a day, it caused a sensation all over the world.

After seeing this ad, everyone would stare in disbelief, and then couldn’t help but say, “It’s not true, is it?” Then after careful inspection on the Internet, the authenticity of this message was confirmed.

When the short story of this advertisement revealed that the concept of “virtual reality in the true sense” was thrown out, it caused a sensation and some people began to question it.

These people believe that most of this advertisement is false and is completely impractical!

These people have expressed their opinions one after another on the Internet.

“Virtual reality in the true sense? Soul link? I’m not dreaming, can I still study this matter?”

“This year, it’s really the bull ghost snake that can come out. It’s obviously an advertisement by a liar. So many people believe it! How ridiculous!”

“Obviously this is a bureau. Hell, I really don’t know why such an advertisement can appear decently on a TV station. Can the current TV station go up as long as it has money? Are you not worried about your credibility at all?”

“Those who believe in this advertisement are stupid enough to think that something like this will appear out of thin air-I have been waiting for virtual reality, but I also know it is impossible.”

“This is impossible. This is completely unrealistic. Well, I hope the media can follow up.”

In fact, such views occupy the mainstream, and many people think that this advertisement is a scam.

After all, such a concept appears in movies, animations, and novels. No one would say that they are looking forward to the emergence of this technology, but when it really appears in the real world, more people subconsciously cannot believe it. After all, it is too out of reality!

It involves too much technology!

Such a heated discussion among these people made many people who didn’t know the advertising video start searching on the Internet for this short 60-second advertising video in a while.

Guan Xiaofei is one of them.

In the past few days, she and her good sister Su Qianqian have been on vacation and have nothing to do. They often stay together, which is the laboratory in Jiang Cheng’s villa.

In her spare time, she will also choose to go online to check some of the latest information and some interesting news. After all, it is not good to be completely out of the times.

When she saw all the forums and all the news sections, she was stunned, and then she started searching. She found the short advertisement that everyone was talking about, and she also saw why so many people were talking about it!

This advertisement is called a brand new world.

At the beginning of the advertisement, a handsome man appeared in the photo. He was in a bright room, lying on the sofa, picking up a special pair of glasses.

Then the painting became a man’s perspective.

A little white light began to appear on the glasses. The white light is getting bigger and bigger, and it seems to rotate in the entire field of vision.

Gradually, the whole picture was filled with white.

Then, the picture turned around again, and the man fell asleep.

But this person woke up in another place, this is a medieval European world, he was wearing exquisite armor, walking on the road, people on both sides kept bowing to him.

Obviously, he is very prominent in this fantasy land.

The man glanced at his “taskbar” and said, “We still have three hours. We must act quickly!”

“Teleport Gothic City.” The man said, picking up a purple gemstone. Then the person’s body gradually disappeared and disappeared in place. The pedestrians on both sides did not find this scene strange.

Finally, the picture disappeared and a line of words appeared.

“In the history of mankind, this is the real virtual reality!”

Then, when this line of words became very small, another line of words appeared, and the words kept changing.

“Neural link device.”

“A brand new illusory world.”

“This is the moment of technological innovation in the world.”

“What are you waiting for?”

“Virtual reality equipment, three days later, will be released simultaneously worldwide-Cosmic Umbrella Technology.”

This is the end of the 60-second video.

Guan Xiaofei was completely stunned!

“Virtual reality in the true sense?” True or false… Guan Xiaofei blinked. She was a little confused and in a state of confusion. How could one day, the development of science and technology has reached this level? “Is it too early?Isn’t it possible to create virtual reality, a kind of high-tech, only in movies?”

Since when, in the real world, has there been such a fantasy high-tech?

Cosmic Umbrella Technology, why is it so powerful here?!

Wrong-Cosmic Umbrella Technology? Why is it a little familiar, I always feel that I heard it somewhere… Guan Xiaofei frowned, feeling that the name was familiar, but he always couldn’t remember where he had heard it.

After thinking about it for a long time, I still can’t remember where I heard it.

Guan Xiaofei shook her head, stopped thinking about it, and began to search the Internet for whether the realism of this virtual reality device was true or false.

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  1. Offline
    Wrong chapter …….
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