
Chapter 248: Gold and Silver

[I will make arrangements as soon as I return to Nambonan City.]

Ramon was very enthusiastic and asked to leave the sunflower field matter to him. He may be trying hard to make up for his sister’s mismanagement as an older brother, but I wanted him to first finish what he has to do at Newnelly before returning home.

[What about you, Mayor?]

[I’m thinking of returning temporarily. I won’t be leaving right away, so I’ll send you a letter summarizing the main points in advance, but…I think it’s safer to communicate this matter verbally in person.]

Why would they build a huge sunflower field? Why would the Nobles go out of their way to invest in the renovation of the port? Why would they demand a refund from the Orville family who had been neglected up until now? It’s not very clear, but it’s hard to convey our intentions just by writing.

Considering that Ramon is the one who best understands what I want to do, it would certainly be better for me to return to Nambonan City.

[Then, once we have made a certain amount of progress, we will return to Newnelly.]

It doesn’t seem like he’s giving up on a tour here. If that’s the case, my honest opinion is that he should do whatever he wants and plan accordingly.

[Okay, I’ll leave that up to you. Well, since it’s my request, I’ll tell Knight Bermakan to arrange a round trip.]

I looked over at Ramon, who shrank back and expressed his gratitude, and I looked at the civil officers. With this, the Bermakan family will provide a means of transportation.

[I will inform Mayor again when I am ready to leave Newnelly…..as for my little sister, please treat her kindly…]

Judging from the way he talked, it seems that Koharii will be left behind in Newnelly City.

If her brother were to be away, that lonely little sister would naturally come to my side. He’ll probably follow up on things as soon as he’s ready, but he may have thought about Koharii’s future and decided that a little rough treatment was necessary.

[If Mayor needs anything else, I’ll handle it.]

When I heard that, it made me want to order various things. Even if I give an order to Nambonan City, it becomes like a message game, so my intentions may be misinterpreted without malicious intent. But if I can request it directly from Ramon, that would be the most reliable option.

[…I want to know the latest situation in Spierzeig territory. This is not urgent.]

There are various reports coming out every day about the Spierzeig family’s current situation. This is a specialty of those who serve Quordenze, and there is usually no omission.

Although that is important and reliable information, I also wanted to know the current situation of the people living in Spierzeig territory.

[Understood. I’ll gather merchants and peddlers who are familiar with the Voistra area to confirm the situation.]

There have been attempts to explore the potential of the territory from a commercial perspective before. Ramon seemed to immediately understand what I was asking for, and with a slight nod to show understanding, he continued speaking.

[…I’m going to investigate this as soon as I get back home. There are some things that I’m a little concerned about.]

[Such as?]

[Just the other day, a wagon arrived from Nambonan for a delivery. There was also a letter addressed to me inside…]

The sender is said to be a Commercial Association in Nambonan City.

[Did something go wrong?]

[Not at all, it’s just a status report.]

According to Ramon, the Commercial Association was voluntarily gathering information about Spierzeig territory. They also regularly provided information to civil officers working at Nambonan City Hall.

Originally, Ramon was asking various questions from merchants in response to my request, but as the questions kept being repeated, they seemed to realize that the Mayor wanted information from the private sector, and before we knew it, the association had started coordinating matters on the side.

[That’s a good thing if they are diligent.]

I feel like if I praise them like this, they will work better. When I think about why they’re going to such trouble, it’s probably to make me remember them better. This evaluation should be conveyed via Ramon.

[So, what is the content of the report?]

[The general outline was not much different from when I was in Nambonan City.]

What’s written on the report was about the current state of the Spierzeig territory becoming less attractive for merchants and the fact that the lives of the people of the territory were becoming more difficult, but this has already become standard after the fall of Reisleaf Castle.

[It’s great that they seem to be still progressing downhill smoothly… So?]

It’s my cue for him to tell me what’s bothering him. Ramon quietly opened his mouth as he caught my gaze.

[It was mentioned as a side note in the report… Recently, it seems that payments in gold coins have been increasing in Spierzeig territory.]

Even a commoner would probably use gold coins when making a big transaction. There are many large merchant houses in Spierzeig territory, and when rural villages do business in units of villages, they should be able to move around gold coins.

[Gold coins, not silver?]


Silver coins are mainly used in the western part of the continent, in other words, in the area of ​​the Zinkaen Empire. The Spierzeig family is an Imperial Noble Duke of Spierzeig, so it’s a little strange that payments using gold coins are increasing in their territory. However, it didn’t particularly bother me.

[In the Imperial territory, silver coins are originally more often used than gold coins. Silver can be mined in the large Fields of Arpeo.]

In the Arpeo region, which is also a territory under the direct control of the Emperor of the Zinkaen Empire, there is a dream-like Field where silver can be harvested in abundance. For this reason, while the Empire also issued gold coins, silver coins were overwhelmingly larger in number, variety, and circulation. The coins issued to commemorate the nation’s founding were also silver coins.

When it comes to Emperor Zinkaen, only spectacular stories of heroism are told, but I personally believe that securing this solid financial base led to his control over the western part of the continent.

[This was a story from a peddler who visited Nambonan City…]

It seems that the peddler stopped by a farming village in Spierzeig territory while transporting goods purchased in another territory. He thought he would do some light business there, and sold some cargo to the village, but he ended up receiving gold coins as payment.

On the day he left the village, the peddler was approached by the village chief to buy some of the village’s products. Thinking it would be a good product, he agreed and offered gold coins as compensation. The village chief then expressed disapproval and asked for payment in silver coins.

[…It seems that the peddler was worried that he might have been forced to grab fake gold coins in the village.]

Indeed, considering the flow of transactions, the structure is such that gold coins go to the peddler, and silver coins go to the village. It is not unreasonable to think that this is a village-wide scam in which fake gold coins are replaced with real silver coins.

[Was it real gold coins?]

[Yes. So, I guess we decided that the village just wanted to exchange money.]

The peddler told everyone else about such a near-miss incident when he visited Nambonan City.

[But, this was the second time the Commercial Association had heard of this case.]

It seemed that there were other peddlers in other towns who had similar experiences. And both of these events happened in Spierzeig territory.

[Then, when we gathered together the peddlers and merchant families who had recently visited Spierzeig territory and checked on them, we found that there seems to be a tendency in some areas to release gold coins and secure silver coins…]

However, it seems that they were unable to obtain enough data to be able to make a definitive conclusion, as there were fewer people passing through Spierzeig territory than before. Ramon said that the conclusion was based on many years of judgment based on the intuition of Nambonan merchants.

[Is it the same for feudal lords who have increased payments using gold coins?]

[It seems like this is just a story limited to the people of the territory.]

It means that it was not the Spierzeig family’s intention. Besides, if they were moving, our military would probably notice something.

I tried thinking about it, but I couldn’t come up with an answer right away. When I turned to Ramon again, he began to continue.

[This is a well-known story in some areas…especially among peddlers who travel between Free Cities in the south and independent Noble houses.]

Then, Ramon took a deep breath before announcing his conclusion.

[We are told that we should quickly withdraw from areas where the number of gold coin payments among the people of the territory has increased rapidly.]

This is my first time hearing this. I checked with the civil officers in the room, but they all said they didn’t know.

[Reason being?]

[This is because there is a high possibility that the feudal lord who rules the area is in an extremely disadvantageous situation in a foreign war. The people of the territory are afraid of having their gold coins confiscated, so it is said that they act sensitively to the atmosphere within the territory.]

If destruction is finally in sight, the Nobles will be desperate, completely ignoring their reputation in the eyes of the commoners and milking them all at once.

[…I don’t really understand. If you consider the risk of having your property confiscated by the lord’s authority, there won’t be much of a difference between gold coins and silver coins. Besides, it’s not like they’ll lose out if the gold coins are confiscated, as they’ll probably be given cash or silver coins as compensation. There is no reason to prioritize gold coins and dispose of them.]

[That’s right…but…]

Ramon seemed to be having a hard time conveying his thoughts to me. When I strongly urged him to continue speaking, he responded in a grave tone.

[…..this involved the procuring of forbidden weapons.]

Forbidden weapons. It is a general term for tools used in the war against the Highlords. Weapons used in crushing formations are typical examples of forbidden weapons.

He may have decided that since it was a tool intended to harm the nobility, it should not be mentioned lightly.

[If you are worried about the number of people you have, you will be looked down upon by the surrounding area.If you think about the former territory of Galiana…]

Securing forbidden weapons is quite important for Nobles. If it becomes known that you don’t own it at all, you might be looked down upon.

The former Galliana family is a good example. It is said that the head of the Galiana family at the time was suffering from financial difficulties in his territory and secretly sold off some of their forbidden weapons. Since the Quordenze family switched from the Empire to the Kingdom, they may have decided that they would no longer be involved in the war. However, the great merchant Milord who obtained this information secretly spread rumors. Thus, the exaggerated rumor that “The Galliana family has sold all of their forbidden weapons”.

This greatly irritated the Galliana family. Originally, there weren’t many Lord-class soldiers in the Galliana territory, so they came to be looked down upon by the surrounding Nobles in the Kingdom. This is a major problem that affects the appearance of the Noble family.

In the midst of such a predicament in the Galliana territory, a great merchant, Milord, appeared with an indifferent look and said, [My financial strength is widely known. If you were to adopt me into the Galliana family, the story that I would buy back the forbidden weapons would also be more believable. I can also share my offspring with the daughters of knight families who serve the Galliana family. And I do not seek a Highlord wife. In other words, the blood of my Highlord will not sully yours. The main line of the Galliana family will not change, it is just an exception, temporary adoption to overcome an emergency situation].

…The head of the Galiana family at the time was strongly attracted by such sweet words and decided to welcome him. Although there may be disadvantages to inviting suspicious people into the house, he judged that the advantages of having a large number of births and receiving financial support from Milord more than compensated for it. This was the story of Milord Galiana, a commoner-born turned Noble.

[In the past, the Galliana family had problems not only with finances and forbidden weapons, but also with the soldiers. It wasn’t as simple as money as people say, but… well, that’s a good thing. That’s one factor. It is certain that it was.]

By the way, the reason why Galliana’s finances were so bad was because of the Quordenze family.

The situation between the Royal Noble, the Viscount Galliana family, and the Imperial Noble, the Duke Quordenze family, were simply terrifying. If a war breaks out between the Empire and the Kingdom, it is obvious that the combined forces of the Quordenze-Spierzeig will attack as the spearhead to invade the Kingdom.

This is quite scary, if I say so myself. Galliana territory would’ve been crushed in an instant. The head of the Galiana family at the time must have thought the same thing, as he imposed heavy taxes on the territory and spent most of the tax revenue on military expenses.

If that’s the case, I think it would be a good idea to defect to the Empire, but it’s obvious that if they do that, they’ll be destroyed in the war against the Adellahan family. Hell awaited the Galliana family no matter which way they turned. Honestly, I feel a little sorry for them.

In the end, the worst outcome was avoided with the Quordenze family becoming part of the Kingdom, but the territory’s economy, which was in turmoil, collapsed and never recovered.

[However, it would be better to buy forbidden weapons with silver coins.]

If you don’t have gold coins, you can buy them with silver coins.

[There are many areas in the south that are far more unstable than the Kingdom and the Empire.]

[I know that, but…]

Perhaps because it was a conversation with a noble, Ramon didn’t deny me head on. However, I somehow felt that he was trying to say, [Mayor doesn’t know the actual situation in the south].

[Buying forbidden weapons in the south requires a lot of transportation costs. If you try to avoid dangerous areas, the number of detours you take will increase, and the number of checkpoints you will have to pass will also increase. Many regions impose particularly heavy taxes on the movement of forbidden weapons. Therefore, I think it is possible to purchase it with silver coins, but… I think you need to be prepared that the final price will probably be several or even tens of times higher than if you were to procure it within the Levios Kingdom.]

If that’s the case, I think you could make a lot of money just by buying forbidden weapons in the Kingdom and taking them to the south, but it seems that not many Noble families have the financial resources to buy them in large quantities. And Noble families with plenty of money don’t have to worry about securing contraband.

[It ends up being cheaper to collect gold coins, crush them, and manufacture new ones.]

[…I see. So, you’re saying you need gold instead of gold coins?]

Gold is a substance that can transmit magical power very easily. I wonder if it could be expressed as magical power conductivity. As far as I’ve heard, there is no other substance that is more efficient than gold. Forbidden weapons are one of the tools that take advantage of this property.

For example, there is a forbidden weapon shaped like a long spear, but when someone pierces their body with it, their internal magical energy leaks out of their body. The closest image might be of sticking a straw into a bag of water. Magic is something that is manifested by giving a specific movement to the magical power within the body, so it becomes difficult to control it when extra movements that go against the body’s will are added. As a result, the magic misfires or doesn’t produce the desired effect.

Furthermore, the forbidden weapons are never used in battles between Highlords. With Highlord-level magic, it would be faster to just clash with each other and settle the issue than to interfere one by one. Forbidden weapons are simply tools used to thwart the Lord’s magic, which boasts overwhelming firepower.

[Certainly, in that case, silver coins cannot be used as a substitute.]

You can’t make forbidden weapons out of silver.

[Also, it’s simple, but the more people who live in unstable areas prefer silver coins.]

Instead, silver can be used to create weapons for fighting demonic beasts.

I think the principle is probably similar, but silver is said to be a material that allows monstrous power, the energy possessed by monsters, to pass through very easily.

Therefore, silver weapons are extremely effective against monsters. If you successfully hit them with a silver arrow, they will be drained of its monstrous power and die. The important thing is to release monstrous power to the outside, so when using a silver sword, it is necessary to stab rather than slash. If you think about it, the silver arrow might be the most convenient.

However, silver weapons are only effective against immature monsters. When it becomes a mature demon beast, it has no effect at all. No, it might be effective, but the total amount of monstrous power is so huge that it is almost negligible. It’s like draining all the water from a pond with a straw. In the end, the only thing that can deal with mature demon beasts is the Highlord’s magic, which can crush the entire pond.

However, the most familiar and realistic threat to commoners is immature demon beasts. Especially in rural areas far from cities, it is a matter of life and death.

Regardless of whether or not you actually mint silver coins and use them as weapons to annihilate the monsters, having silver on hand seems to give you peace of mind. I guess there is also an element like a talisman.

[Although gold and silver coins are equally distributed in Nambonan City, I have the impression that residents from the south preferred silver coins.]

During the time of the priests, coins called holy coins were in circulation on the Eruo continent. Like ceramics, it is made from clay, and is a nominal currency issued based on the control and trust of the Zeth Church Holy High Society.

However, when the flames of the turbulent era swept across the continent, the value of holy coins fell to nothing more than dirt. People living in a land where war and devastation continue, desperately sought assets to protect their lives.

Nobles sought gold to fight against opposing Nobles, and commoners sought silver to protect themselves from the attacking immature monsters. I think that this kind of history is related to the fact that physical currency such as gold and silver coins are now being used on the Eruo continent.

[…I understand the logic behind this: If the amount of payments made in gold coins increases, the land will be in danger. If the feudal lord were to forcibly take away the gold coins held by the people in order to make up for the shortage of forbidden weapons, it would be at the last moment, and the land would be in danger. The situation is such that they can’t afford to worry about pretending. Other supplies may also be taken, but the gold coins will be targeted first. The people of the territory sensed this and started disposing of the gold coins. If you think about it, it’s dangerous.]

After making sure that Ramon nodded back, I continued.

[However, that is the logic of the southern part of the continent, where they are still having a lot of stupid fights.]

In today’s Kingdom and Empire, gold and silver coins are no longer considered to be just money, and their value as materials is not considered that important. Even copper coins are in circulation.

In that sense, it’s true that I don’t really know the southern part of the continent, as Ramon said. My idea that it’s fine to buy forbidden weapons with silver coins is the idea of ​​a Noble living in the stable region of Levios Kingdom.

[To be clear, the Spierzeig family has not fallen so far that they have to collect and mint gold coins. If that were the case, Mayor’s grandfather would have already celebrated the victory in Othelloria City by now. As for the southern part of the continent, the size of the territory is completely different between the independent Noble families and the Spierzeig family, and the situations in which forbidden weapons are used are limited in the first place. It is unfortunate, but there will be no shortage of forbidden weapons until the day when Spierzeig is destroyed.]

Since this is a military story, the people at Quordenze have thoroughly simulated it. Even though it is in decline, the Spierzeig territory has a solid financial base, so there is no need to work hard to secure forbidden weapons.

[Yes. If the Spierzeig family were to start forcibly collecting money from the people of the territory, I think it would be purely for the purpose of military funding. If the people are willing to pay, either gold or silver coins would be fine. They may also ask for supplies such as food.]

Then, Ramon obediently acknowledged my claim.

[And I don’t think the people of Spierzeig would have the idea of ​​spending the gold coins first.]

That’s certainly true. In the southern part of the continent, gold coins had been confiscated many times in the past for the purpose of manufacturing forbidden weapons, so the local residents had a rule of thumb. It is hard to imagine that a similar phenomenon would occur in the Spierzeig territory, which has had stable governance since the establishment of the Kingdom of Voistra and has never been embroiled in war.

[…I’m starting to get confused. Then, why are payments using gold coins increasing in Spierzeig territory?]

I started to feel like people were just interpreting it as something big even though it was just a coincidence.

[We have an intel about that.]

Ramon declared.

[From a member of the Spierzeig territory militia who was captured during Operation Serpent’s Fang, and stayed in Nambonan City for a while.]

[Does something like this often happen?]

[There are many merchants in the city who are good at peddling in the south, and there are also quite a few mercenaries who have come from the south.]

I was able to read the story little by little.

[It seems that more than one person told the prisoners of war about the south.]

Apparently the prisoners were depressed when they saw the lively city of Nambonan and its lively citizens. Why are these guys having so much fun even though the Spierzeig territory is suffering due to rising taxes? Why are these guys so blessed despite the habit of rebelling against the Quordenze family and losing…

Perhaps because his depression was so severe, many people couldn’t even point at him and laugh, and instead consoled him with sympathy, saying, [It’s probably tough in Spierseig territory, but it’s even worse in the south], or something like that.

[That’s not a story that brings any comfort. Even if the people of the southern territory are miserable, the people of Spierzeig are still miserable.]

[That’s certainly true. In the end, the story ends with praise for Nambonan City and the Mayor.]

That’s a terrible punchline. Well, it’s a negative campaign against Spierzeig’s control, so it’s fine.

[Is that interaction the reason why gold coin payments have increased in Spierzeig territory?]

[Yes. That’s what the report concluded. When the territory is in danger, it’s better to dispose of the gold coins as soon as possible… I think that information alone left a strong impression on the prisoners. I wonder why? …I think it was the result of them not understanding the purpose, only memorizing the method, and taking it home and putting it into practice.]

[Could that possibly be…?]

It seems that the association members briefly interviewed those who had interacted with the POWs. According to the report, people often asked, [What should we do when our hometown loses a war? What happened in the south?] Since Spierzeig territory had not been involved in any wars up until now, the opinion of a professional defeatist may have been sought regarding such defeating gestures. It’s not clear whether this is a positive or backward-looking story.

[Temporary taxes have been imposed several times in the past in Spierzeig territory, but an increase in gold coin payments was unheard of.]

The city of Nambonan and the merchants of Nambonan had been friends with the Spierzeig family for many years. Their past data can be trusted.

I asked the civil servant waiting inside the room.

[Have you confirmed what happened to the Spierzeig soldiers who were taken prisoner?]

[No, not in particular.]

The civil officer replied that he was not even aware of the placement of the soldiers, especially non Lord-class.

[However, I heard that there has been a major change in the soldiers on the front lines.]

It seemed that the soldiers who had low morale were wiped out, as you can see from the Quordenze side. Nobles and knights don’t really care about the morale of commoners, but it must have been pretty bad that they were so unmotivated that they had to replace them all at once. It seems that the military attaché Quordenze on the front lines was also a little surprised by the response.

[…If that soldier with low morale is the same as the Spierzeig soldier who was taken prisoner, would the timing match?]

If you consider that former POWs who returned to their hometowns after completing their military service took action based on the knowledge they had overheard, the story makes some sense.

[So, even if that reasoning is correct, is there any good to it?]

That’s the important point. There is no point in simply making inferences. If you can’t find some kind of benefit in it, it’s just a mental exercise.

Ramon then prefaced this by saying that it was just speculation and there was no guarantee that it was correct, and then stated his conclusion.

[Maybe we can find out which bases in Spierzeig territory are easy to attack through this?]

At that statement, the gaze of everyone in the room sharpened. Some were interested, some were suspicious, and their reactions varied, but everyone was waiting for Ramon to continue.

[The increase in gold coin payments means that villages and towns are feeling pessimistic about the future of Spierzeig, and are looking for ways to protect their assets…]

Once one or two of the territory’s citizens disposed of their gold coins, the amount was known. Gold coin payments will only increase if many people agree with the former POW’s pessimism of Spierzeig or long-awaited theory of Quordenze and share the etiquette of defeat.

The words of a soldier who has actually experienced the crushing defeat of Spierzeig’s army, the fall of Reisleaf, and the prosperity of Nambonan City in Quordenze territory must be profound.

[I once heard from the Nambonan soldiers about the capture of Reisleaf Castle. The soldiers who were stationed at Reisleaf had low morale.]

[That’s right. I think the main reason was that there were no Nobles on the defending side, so morale was plunged low. The words of the Nambonan soldiers also swayed them.]

It was interesting to watch the Nambonan soldiers yelling at the castle that it was easier to live in Quordenze territory than in Spierzeig territory, and the taxes were cheaper. And the soldiers who seemed to be the people of Spierzeig territory who were swayed by it were even more interesting. It’s literally a cash issue, but I remember it being relatively effective.

[I’m afraid to say something like this in front of Mayor, but I feel like the lord of the fief can be anyone, as long as the people can live in peace.]

[Well, I’ve heard a similar story before. There was a guy who was angry and wanted the Spierzeig to lose quickly. I remember thinking that’s what the people of the territory are like.]

The military officers and civil officers in the room were not particularly concerned about what Ramon said. They had no expectations of loyalty from the people of the territory from the beginning, so it was only natural.

[I’m sure the soldiers who were prisoners of war must have thought the same thing. They can’t help but compare their hometown, where they are heavily taxed, with the city of Nambonan, which is ruled by Mayor.]

Although there are some areas outside of Quordenze territory where life is far from easy, I think the only place the POWs really got to see was the gorgeous city of Nambonan. They may have a bulging image in their minds of a saint-like feudal lord who enacts good government and brings peace to his territory.

[I’m sure they thought a lot. They wanted their hometown to be ruled by Mayor, and they wanted to be saved from these painful days.]

[Huh, that’s interesting. They make me like I’m a liberator from tyranny.]

This is a convenient interpretation. Even if the Quordenze family were to take control of Spierzeig territory, there is no guarantee that heavy taxes would not be imposed on it. Well, it can’t be helped that people in a weak position expect and seek help from the strong.

[As the person who mentioned the mayor said earlier, they may have also wanted the Spierzeig family to be defeated. That’s why their morale didn’t improve even though they were stationed on the front lines.]

At least, Ramon said, experiencing a crushing defeat should have strengthened their feelings of avoiding war.

[When Mayor appears leading his army, will they be willing to fight satisfactorily? Even though I am not familiar with battles, I can easily imagine that the soldiers will have even lower morale than the soldiers at Reisleaf Castle]

In some cases, I feel like they might give up on the fight itself on the spot.

[…If I had gone to the front lines, the enemy army might have been upset.]

If there were as many former POWs as we had guessed, there might have been some trouble. If it was my grandfather, it would not have been difficult for him to notice this and launch a surprise attack to achieve great results. As I was thinking about this, one of the military officers asked for permission to speak.

[I heard that less than half of the delinquent soldiers with low morale were replaced. Young Master going to the front may cause some turmoil, but it won’t be the key to a breakthrough. There is enough time for Spierzeig’s commander to rebuild their frontline.]

[Is that so?]

[Yessir. It would have been fine if the bad soldiers had remained on the front lines and lowered the morale of other soldiers, but they have now been replaced.]

The military officer said that if the proportion of delinquent soldiers had been higher, Spierzeig’s army would have had a hard time controlling it. Then, Ramon responded to that answer.

[Can we say that areas with a high proportion of delinquent soldiers are easier to attack?]

[In order to defend the territory, quick military deployment is required, so we often recruit troops from neighboring areas. It will be difficult to lead a defensive battle in an area where there are many lazy people.]

I see, I understand Ramon’s purpose. The military officer continued speaking while looking at Ramon.

[However, the emotions of the commoners are subject to change, and it would be a waste of time to investigate such an area, and above all, there is no way to do so. The first thing we should face is the knight who is the commander, and the subordinate who can be the commander of the unit. He is an attaché. Whether by act or omission, he should not have expectations of commoners.]

That idea is probably correct for a Noble and a knight. Serfs are too vulnerable in this world.

[I understand what you’re saying. Expecting too much from commoners is a recipe for failure.]

For now, let’s put the military officer’s face up.

[After breaking through the front line, I’ll use it as a consideration when deciding which area to attack.]

[But, Young Master, that investigation is too fruitless. If we wanted to know the morale of the people, we would have to infiltrate the Spierzeig territory, but I don’t think they will tell their true feelings to outsiders. If we make a bad move, the Spierzeig family will only raise the alarm. It could also have a negative impact on the original intelligence. In that case, we should focus only on intelligence on the Spierzeig army.]

Of course. You’d be an idiot if you just did a questionnaire on impressions of the feudal lord in enemy territory.

[There is no need for personnel from Quordenze to join Spierzeig in regards to the investigation. However, there is no disadvantage to it even if it fails… Isn’t that so?]

I looked at Ramon. He nodded as if he understood my intention.

[It’s as simple as researching the areas where payments are made in gold coins.]

In a sense, those regions can be considered to have given up on the Spierzeig family. Although they are citizens who are not expected to be loyal, they still hesitate to engage in blatant acts of betrayal to their lord. Despite this, the fact that they are starting to prepare for a loss means that they are not only pessimistic about the future of the Spierzeig family, but must also be quite dissatisfied.

There is a world of difference between feeling dissatisfied and actually taking action. Villages and towns that have moved to gold coin payments have crossed that line in their hearts. Even if the Quordenze army approaches, morale will not improve.

[I will expedite the investigation in Nambonan City. Depending on the situation, I would like to consider asking peddlers to buy and sell in a specific area…]

To investigate areas with little information, you can send a traveling merchant. Since the investigation can be completed simply by asking them to do business and asking them about the type of currency used in the payment, there is no need to worry about raising concerns from Spierzeig.

[Do whatever you like about that. Also, I’ll say it again, it’s not a good idea in the first place. There’s a good chance that the gold coin settlement guess was wrong in the first place. No one will blame you even if you fail.]

I told Ramon that, but my focus was on military officers and civil officers. I didn’t want to stir up excessive expectations just because of the Spierzeig invasion.

[However, if it does bear fruit, we will be able to carry out an efficient invasion after breaking through the front lines.]

My current goal is to destroy Spierzeig as soon as possible. There is no need to worry about having too much information to consider.

If we concentrate our attacks on weakened regions, other regions will also lose their morale. It would be best if we could attack all at once and crush them once and for all.

[I will do my best.]

I felt a strong will in that reply. Even Ramon would like to see the Spierzeig family decline. He doesn’t want Nambonan City to be attacked again. I’m sure they wish that at least the northern half of the Voistra Plains would become Quordenze territory.

Even after Ramon left the room, my mind was filled with the Spierzeig invasion for a while.

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