
Chapter 23

After Bai Mo reached a consensus with both of them, Bai Mo left the interview room.

“Jin Qu, I didn’t expect a man full of muscles like you to be impressed by a youngster who only does research.” After Bai Mo left, the white-haired old man smiled and said to the middle-aged military officer.

“It’s not his words that impressed me, it’s his power!”

“Really is full of muscle you, I’m old, there is nothing to pursue, rather than the only hope left in that nebulous ”eternal life” inside, in the end, I’m still an old man afraid of death, it is rare to have such If this kid can come up with some results so that this group of old people can also regain their youth, I think old guys like me will probably do whatever it takes.”

“If you can really come up with such results so that the body can return to the appearance of 20 or 30 years old, it is estimated that the world will go crazy, it is estimated that the top will sacrifice a million people for this kind of thing is not a matter, but only a report on the number, how to compare with their own bodies.” The middle-aged military officer said.

“It is better not to think so far ahead, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, first this kid to get something like a high-level health care product to see, then the disappointment will not be so big.” The middle-aged military officer added.

“Your body is fine as can be, you are after all a special military background, how can you understand the mood of an old man like us who is full of minor illnesses and diseases. Empty of boundless power and wealth, but under the ‘care’ of various old people’s diseases, even an extra bite or more of rice has to be deliberate, and most of the time throughout the year can only convalesce.”

“Or maybe in another ten or twenty years I’ll be able to appreciate it, Minister Chen, but for now, let’s go see what we’ve been scheduled to eat at noon.”

The two left the office with the guards escorting them.

On the other side, Bai Mo contacted Hua Tai Shan after leaving the office according to the business card he gave him earlier.

“Duh …… Duh …… Beep ……”

“Hello, hello, is this Hua? This is Bai Mo here.”

“So it’s Brother Bai, what do you need to talk to me about, are you going to start that project?”

“Yes, I would like to find some time to come and check out the situation first.”

“In that case, why don’t you come over here to the association tomorrow morning around ten o’clock, and I’ll make an appointment with a few other old guys this afternoon and have them all come in tomorrow for a talk.”

“Okay, thank you.”

“No, not at all, we can’t wait for this program to start sooner.”

“See you tomorrow.”

“Okay, see you tomorrow.”

Bai Mo, who hung up the phone, began to plan what to do next.

“For the cooperation of the military side will be the method of absorbing the Reiki in the spirit stone to give them a little change, anyway, at this stage I have almost no requirement for the Reiki stone, the efficiency of heating the Reiki stone to absorb the Reiki is no faster than my acceleration with the power of the force, simply as research results sold to them.”

“But it’s not good to give them this method directly, it’s too simple, it doesn’t show that I’m a person with high research level, the next batch of research funding is not good to take. And 60 million to buy ‘heating Reiki stone’ only, it is estimated that the opposite side will have a temper, at this stage I am still too weak, need to play a good relationship with them, to support the next stage of research, or add a little occult packaging, after all, the main object of this thing is the top elderly people.”

“…… Previously also tested the material of Reiki stone, after crushing heated the same can release Reiki and is released at once, although compared to the whole heating method to waste a little, but the better in a burst of a much larger amount. Should be modified here, the Reiki stone powder mixed with some high-priced incense that has a calming effect, and then added to the candle can achieve the effect of releasing Reiki after lighting the candle, while incense also has a certain calming effect, the mental effect should be better.”

“Then this afternoon to buy some materials to make candles, and then run a trip to the place selling incense first buy a little to do a test, try the effect.”

There is no longer the concept of three-meal Bai Mo, after thinking about the plan, go directly to the purchase of raw materials.

“Phew, I ran several places to buy all these small things, really troublesome, it seems that in the future the chores still have to find an assistant to do.”

“Before in Hawaii also picked up some Reiki stones, spare me the trouble of going to the volcano to find stones, this side of the Tian Hai City is not easy to find a volcano.”

Carrying a few bags of materials and tools Bai Mo placed in his dormitory and began to achieve the idea of noon today.

“According to the online tutorial for making handmade candles, the first thing is to install the heating equipment, then chop the beeswax and put it inside to melt, but also control the temperature, the temperature between 145 degrees and 170 degrees, insert a thermometer, and so all melted and then throw the Reiki stone powder and essential oils inside these things ……”

Bai Mo while reading the steps searched online, while doing it methodically, as a long-term stay in the laboratory science students, doing these small experiments very easy to do, no any mistakes to make out the first Reiki stone candle.

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