
Chapter 401: Battle against a Spirit World Knight & Relief


Around the time when a fierce battle between the spearmaster and his Light Demon Lucival forces, and Queen Sardyne and her demons unfolded in the Sea of Trees…a spirit world knight was in the middle of crashing into the Sea of Trees.

His name was Delhart. Delhart crashed violently against a tree, rebounced from it in exchange for his big frame knocking down the tree, and slammed against the trunk of a tree in front of him. Bouncing back once more, he fell down while snapping off the branches of another tree on his way, before heavily impacting on the ground.

At the time of him rolling across the ground, Delhart’s consciousness recovered as he spat blood. His beloved, violet magic spear also came falling down with a force as if to stab into Delhart. Its spearhead tore off Delhart’s ear before stabbing into the soil next to his head.

The sound of his eardrum being crushed reverberated through his head.


It wasn’t as though his favorite spear Glukinus had stabbed him, but even so, Delhart vomited a large amount of blood. As he kept groaning in pain, he scattered blood and other bodily fluids containing rich magic elements.

Delhart’s armor had been cleaved open. Going by the damage to the armor, the wounds looked terrible, but the shoulder injury caused by Holy Spear Arost’s <Thrust> was already in the process of regenerating.


Delhart’s body spasmed while he breathed out deeply. The spurting of blood came to an end. Getting up and placing a knee on the ground, he shook his head. He felt like the ground was swaying.

Soon he stood up while checking on his magic spear once more. Although Delhart, who possessed an abnormal toughness, got defeated in the battle against the spearmaster, he was a high-ranking practitioner of the demonoid martial arts style and a spirit world knight of the Demonic Moth King. On top of that, he was a warrior strong enough to wield Glukinus and hold the rank of “Ruler,” a rank exceeding the “Extreme” rank. <a href='#easy-footnote-bottom-1-30808' title='The ranks used here 愚烈 (Extreme) and 愚王 (Ruler) contain both as you can see 愚 (Gu). I left it away since it's added as ateji (kanji used for their phonetic element, not their meaning). Since we have already had Ruler and Extreme ranks in this novel, I think the author made a distinction here.'>1</a>

And he had acquired <Martial Spear Style>, a divine protection of Dark God Ardin, an eccentric war god of the Spirit World who only recognized those using the spear as a weapon. <Martial Spear Style> was another secret art of <Magic Spear Techniques>.

Furthermore, he was a mighty fighter who had fought against Mad Spirit World Knight Hazarn on equal terms in the competition for King Demon Denrega’s sacred treasure. During the fierce fight against Hazarn, his body was hit by <Calm Sword – Swift King> and developed an unknown skin disease which resulted in Delhart obtaining the recovery skill <Emperor Body>. That skill came with a resistance against Evil Spirit Sound Wave-based attacks, and was labeled as one of the best recovery skills. It was no match for <Gifted Body>, the Extra Skill which Revenge Goddess Mehlad granted the transferee Yoshiyuki Takebayashi, who fought against the spearmaster in the past, but it was a skill on the same level as evolved recovery skills that had gone through various fusions with many other recovery-based skills.

Because of that, the effect of <Emperor Body> allowed Delhart to barely get away with his life after having his back stabbed by Baldok, and having his body cleaved open by Arost’s slash.

Dark God Ardin, whom Delhart was worshiping, had a connection to Dark God Rivograph. Rivograph liked magic swords while Ardin preferred magic spears.

Dark God Ardin was famous for his magic spear duel with Tyrannous King Boshiad at the Grand Graveyard of Heavenly Magic Mirrors. While they competed with spear techniques at the graveyard, killing each other…they eventually ended up at the Great Plains of Hell, just beyond the graveyard. And as such, they trespassed into the domain of Bad God Desalobia, unfolding into an epic battle against Desalobia on top of it.

Vampire God Lugnad, who got upset over them picking a fight with Desalobia, kept showering Ardin and Boshiad’s bodies with blood bullets while also attacking Kyulha, who was trying to stop the battle. From there, the battle escalated much further, dragging many more gods into it, and thus having an unfathomable impact on the Spirit World. <a href='#easy-footnote-bottom-2-30808' title='Abbreviated a chunk of pointless lore'>2</a>

The fragments of arms exceeding divine artifacts poured down on the plains of the Spirit World, creating new, large valleys of demonic steel. Moreover, pieces of Mythological-class weapons and armors eroded the already existing Tears, and as a result of them merging with the veil’s mana…new steel-loving kin of darkness came into being. It even affected the planet Sela, which is close to a dimensional junction, but the gods of the Spirit World didn’t really care about all that. But that was yet another outcome of karma.

And Spirit World Knight Delhart didn’t get shaken overly much during battle so as to endure the mental contamination of Magic Halberd Baldok, but there was a reason for him to be shocked after seeing Shuuya’s darkness techniques.

It’s because he thought, 『Is it possible that the spearmaster and the black cat, who are active on the surface of Sela, have acquired the divine protection or blessing from Dark God Rivograph-sama or Dark God Ardin-sama? Even Dark God Astart-sama, who reached godhood from being a spirit world knight after going through a territorial conflict over the Grim Valley near the entrance to the Realm of the Dead, would take a liking to him if he saw the spearmaster’s martial arts. No, it might also be the divine protection of Darkness Spirit Bellard』.

As he pondered about all that, Delhart leaned against a tree and looked up to the night sky. While looking refreshed…he once again entered the world of his thoughts.

‘…The spearmaster and the black, demonic beast. They were truly a mighty warrior and a powerful beast. The agility of his fighting, which combined sword, spear, and a huge demonic beast, is the very definition of a spirit world knight. Even the fact of a spirit world god’s apostle and a part of the demons connected to his kin joining the spearmaster’s side during the melee in the sky is a sign of that.

‘In reality, the gods of the Spirit World seem to have taken notice of the spearmaster, too. Using the disorder in space-time, an illusion of Bad God Desalobia’s huge eyeball had appeared high up in the distant sky.

“Crazy-Eye Togma and Demonoid Martial King Gangis were probably as strong as that man. He was truly remarkable…”

‘I recklessly picked a fight with him, though…

Delhart felt grateful to the spearmaster for honestly answering his demand for a battle. Just like that, he kept gazing at the night sky, but…remembering that he should probably give his report, he pulled on a special string attached to his wrist.

The string separated from his finger and formed a ring above his wrist. A thin, light green membrane expanded inside that ring, which was similar to the three-dimensional display of Shuuya’s portable combat device.

By the way, Shuuya’s item referred to as combat device or portable combat device didn’t originate from Planet Sela. It was something built by a civilization which had spread across the wide universe. Its name was Na Palm Integrated Planetary Military Alliance.

Soon after falling into an inferior position during its space war against the Galactic Empire, it lost a great number of space knight masters and space warriors. As result of that…Space Knight Master Aoro Tohruhmal, who sensed the whole alliance to be in danger, advocated the adoption of the <Fold One Gatrance System>.

He appealed the efficiency of the portable combat device at the Council of Fold One Gatrance Master. And after a long controversy, he received the permission of the heroic space knight masters, leading to him immediately starting on the development.

And then, several years later, during the ongoing devastating battles of the great space war…the space warrior ability-nurturing agency owned by him succeeded in the development (Dr. Hoekaleido was in charge of the main development). Soon after, Aoro Tohruhmal presented a portable combat device, which contained the newly-developed <Fold One Gatrance System>, at the Council of Fold One Gatrance Master.

Being at that meeting, he made an announcement: 『Searching the unknown, outer space, the Fold One Gatrance will detect superb personnel worthy of becoming space knights and space warriors using this portable device』.

This enterprise was called the “Outbound Project.”

And one day, many years after the Outbound Projected started, a portable combat device booted up on planet Sela of a star system that was at the farthest reaches of the galaxy.

Indeed, when Shuuya Kagari was registered with the <Fold One Gatrance System’s> portable combat device, he became an official Gatrance.

Delhart’s magic tool had a similar display. But, its inner workings were completely different as it was a circular membrane formed by a magic string.

A demon with two heads was reflected on that membrane. One head wore a skull helmet with the shape of a moth. The other head was an abnormality modeled after a moth with tongues and fingers. Furthermore, very broad, bulging shoulders could be seen in the display as well.


“Delhart, huh? What’s the reason for you to use the precious magic, space-time string? And why can’t I see the other spirit knights?”

“Forgive me. Emilia is dead and Shuhelia has gone missing.”

“You’re telling me the whereabouts of Demonic Twin-Blade Shuhelia are unknown? I can’t imagine her to have died, but…were the opponents strong warriors related to the divine domain?”

“No, I believe that’d be wrong. Emilia and I were defeated by the spearmaster who rode his huge, black demonic beast. In addition, a chaotic melee between the forces of the divine domain and the kin of the Spirit World gods, including the vanguards of Lugnad as well, started…”

The moth-shaped head’s expression changed into one of rage.

“Weren’t you guys supposed to clean up the vampires nesting in the Bay Coast City Terria and investigate the ruins of Roshmail?”

“…That was the plan. But then, a new dimensional tear, like the one that was created in the Cross of Light Forest, manifested in the skies of the Sea of Trees located east of Benrack. Though it immediately closed up again.”

“Benrack? Did some ancient god, who had been sealed in the underground world or in the Sea of Trees during the strife of gods, manage to revive?”

“Yes. It seems like an ancient god revived. But, they were apparently slain right away.”

“…Is that true?”

“I clearly confirmed a god-slaying flash of light. And when we headed over to affirm the tear in dimension that apparently manifested in the sky…we found not only divine domain forces and spirit world troops fighting, but fellow demons involved in a melee with each other as if to show off each other’s strengths. During that fierce battle, Lugnad’s vanguards got in contact with the famous “spearmaster” of Pelneet. But, as soon as the divine forces gained momentum, Lugnad’s vanguards were dragged into a large-scale battle after receiving attacks by the divine forces. Just when the divine forces started to focus on Lugnad’s vanguards, we confronted the spearmaster, and got defeated in the ensuing battle.”

Delhart continued his report to Demonic Moth King Zebal, just to get harshly insulted by Zebal afterwards and being told to stay away from now on in a frosty, fuming tone. Lastly, after being told, “You’re a useless guy,” and “Participating in a pointless battle…never show your face in front of me again,” and finally receiving an annoyed tongue-clicking, the String of Magic Dimension one-sidedly disappeared.

Delhart vacantly stared at the place where the string vanished as if dispirited and dumbstruck. Strangely, he didn’t look all that disappointed though. He felt calm, even after being dismissed by the master to whom he swore his allegiance.

But, at that moment, he sensed the presence of unnatural magic elements.

He directed his eyes to the place of his own blood pool.

“I came to take a look because of the thick stench of blood, but…”

The one showing up was a black-haired man. He wore an overcoat with a black luster. The pants covering his lower body weren’t visible because of the coat, but the tips of his lame-leathered boots peeked out from underneath.

“Who are you?”

“For now, someone who likes blood and operates in the Sea of Trees.”

“…The Valmask family? You don’t seem to be one of Lugnad’s vanguards who are currently fighting up in the sky, though…”

“You got it totally wrong. Don’t lump me together with lamers who specialize in sneaking around in the shadows.”

“A stray vampire…and moreover, going by the way you handle your mana, one of the progenitors, huh?”

“Indeed. Will you understand if I mention the former Harzelma family?”

“I heard they got destroyed during a battle with the Ancient Wolfmen and the Pylon family, one of the 12 founding families. So there’s still survivors around?”

“Looks like it, no? While repeatedly wandering from place to place, I’ve taken a rest in this Sea of Trees since it’s teeming with wonderful prey, you see?”

“I see. Then, you’re saying, I’m prey as well? Hmm?”

Delhart shifted his gaze from the vampire towards deeper inside the forest. The one arriving from there with a speed as if coiled by a dry wind was a largely-built ancient wolfman.

The leaves on the ground got whirled up. The ancient wolfman was wearing his claw armor. And behind him, the members of an ancient wolfman platoon started to appear.

Of course, those weren’t the wolfmen who lived together with Shuuya and his friends. Higlia, Daon, and Ryokline were stationed at Quiche’s village.

“Oi, oi, you’re a wolf, aren’t you? Then why do you resemble a leopardman so much?” The black noble youth took out his beloved Sickle of the Supreme Ruler from within his overcoat while asking.

He concentrated on his <Blood Mana>, but wavered whether he should invoke his <Blood-Written King Lightning> of his <Blood Path – Open Second Gate>.

This is going to hurt me as well…

I planned to use it on the spearmaster, but I wasn’t aware that he carried holy spears with him. If I got hit by one of those, it’d cost me a ridiculous amount of blood. Of course, I’m confident in my ability to evade by using <Blood-Written King Lightning>, but still…I didn’t cross that dangerous bridge, the noble youth thought.

The <Blood-Written King Lightning> he was currently considering was a technique he had worked out by himself as a derivation of <Blood Path – Open Third Gate>. In short, lightning-based blood letters, which seemed to be connected to the Third Gate, would cover his whole body while transforming into blades. It was a technique combining defense and offense, exclusive to vampires.

Especially, the lightning-speed-like strike of accumulating <Blood-Written King Lightning> in his fingertips and thrusting his arm out like a lightning katana was a deadly attack, nullifying even the defenses of strong, peerless Mythological-class items. This technique was one of the major reasons why he was able to escape the clutches of vampire hunters, and instead turn the tables on them.

And, a special, mystical magic gem that sealed <Blood-Written King Lightning> also existed in this world of Sela. But, the noble youth didn’t know of it.

“Ancient wolfmen, huh? I sure have no luck. Now that I don’t have Mugh…,” Delhart croaked.

He judged that it’d be possible for him to get through this in one piece, if only he had his demonic beast. But, right now, the demonic beast he used to ride was gone.

After all, I’ve been discarded by Demonic Moth King Zebal-sama. It looks like this place here is going to become my final resting ground.

He poured mana into the hand holding his favorite magic spear.

But, there might be meaning in this magic spear having fallen down right next to me. Indeed. I’m being told by Dark God Ardin-sama that he’s blessing my mortal battles, which also includes the fight against the spearmaster.

He might be urging me…Use your <Martial Spear Arts> while waging your combat spirit even more! And offer your soul to me!』, Delhart believed.

In response, the ancient wolfmen exclaimed,

“For a vampire and Spirit World kin to trespass into our turf…”

“Dorcell-sama, are these the masterminds scheming the revival of Demonoid Aranuz?”

“There’s no demonic dog with them, but, you’re right. That eerie mansion isn’t far from here…”

A young wolfman of division-commander class, who came from a precious bloodline, asked Dorcell while staying cautious and thinking, ‘Wolf Commander Dorcell possesses an abundance of experience in the Sea of Tree.’

The eerie mansion was a building existing inside the Sea of Trees, not too far away from the Benrack Village. It was famous among the adventurers who had been continuing their activities at Benrack, which lay at the center of a place that had an extremely thin Veil, going in thinness even beyond that of the Death Butterfly people’s territory.

Huge numbers of monsters had spawned around that mansion. Many of them were species that normally didn’t exist, similar to the demonic dog that had been enslaved by Banabi Ze Kreuz. Even the forces led by the Tree King of Wonders were vigilant of all those sub-species and stayed away from the mansion’s perimeter, if possible.

Several minutes later…

The Divine Warrior Arbalguhd’Lob Buu descended from above, but…at the moment, Shuuya and the others had no knowledge about the mortal battle royale ensuing in that area.


I could sense Sardyne’s unique mana from the roots where Sardyne had vanished. But, it disappeared in an instant.

And then I looked at the Baldok which had had its spearhead evolve into a shape similar to a typhoon.

――Just how far are you going to evolve?

Baldok didn’t answer me. While hearing a buzzing in my ears as if experiencing an aftermath of having obtained <Crimson Storm Drill>…I sensed how Helme returned into my left eye.

Suddenly, Rollodeen spat a breath of flame with a “Nyagoaaa.” Though it probably wasn’t meant as celebration over the queen’s defeat.

Next, Rotalz yelled, “I’ll also go on a rampage!! <Focale’s Flame Lance>!”, and attacked the tree demons while brandishing his flame-clad horn from a distance so as to not get basked in Rollodeen’s fire.

Sardyne’s leaders had been blown away after taking on the fierce mana storm of <Crimson Storm Drill>, and had either vanished or evaporated. I didn’t know which, but they were gone either way.

Rollodeen’s fire scorched the trees near the lake’s shore so as to erase the forest where those leaders had crashed into. The remaining tree demons were annihilated in the blink of an eye.

Complete silence returned to the vicinity. I placed Baldok on my shoulder while smelling the scent of smoldered vegetation. Using Grasping Perception, I checked the area.

『Your Excellency, you should have used up a sizable amount of mana. Please suck my mana, just for caution’s sake』

『Thanks, but I’ll be fine since I’m also using <Meditation>』

『Okay. How far is that Magic Halberd going to evolve…don’t tell me, it’s going to become like Destruction Lance Gladopalus』

『<Darkness Drill – Evil Destruction Spear>, huh? Who knows. It’s possible, isn’t it?』

Just when I was having a telepathic conversation with Helme, I could hear the members of 【Sea of Trees Hunt】 from a distance.

“Spearmasteeer, you defeated her! Thanks!

“You have my gratitude!”

“But, we’re going to report this to the Left Leader anyway. Sorry.”

Are we going to be chased by them? Well, I don’t mind beauties being on my tail at all. And it looks like I could also learn quite a few things from the hunk and the dual-spear wielder.

At that point, I sent a blood message to Rebecca.

『Rebecca, we’re almost done over here. We’ll head over to your side in a bit』

『Roger. At dawn, the sky got a bit noisy, but…I’ll get you to tell me aaaall the details later on』

Despite us only talking through blood messages, I felt cold sweat running down my spine.

“Shuuya, you okay? Still, the puff-puff storm was amazing!”

“You allowed us to witness Baldok’s finishing blow technique…it was an incredible attack.”

“A fierce attack befitting this Magic Halberd. However, the sensation of my mana and Spirit being chipped away was just as fierce. It was a feeling yet different from the stomach-twisting I experience with <Sage Art>,” I explained to the two beauties with a smile.

“It is exclusive to you, Shuuya-sama. And it is accompanied by a certain extent of danger…however, it is a deeply impressive technique nonetheless.”

“The ancient dragon-like scales of mana were very pretty. I also saw an Evil Beast though.”

Eva shifted her violet eyes to diagonally above her.

She’s probably remembering the mana storm released by Baldok.

I had also seen a part of that storm, despite holding Baldok. Though I couldn’t gaze at it steadily since I had to focus my Spirit during the attack.

“…Leaving that side, you two worked well together in this emergency situation.”

“Nn, the usual.”

Eva smiled after sticking out her small tongue. Then she imitated my <Thrust> with her tonfa. While making her magic wheelchair race about, she created black traces in the air with her tonfa.

Her forelocks swayed violently, and a nice scent hit my nose.

“Did you possibly acquire <Thrust>?”

“Nn, the other day. I got something called <True Thrust> during my hunts in the Great Prairie.”

No wonder that her technique had evolved into a magnificent display of tonfa skill rather than being a plain old imitation.

“I also have my Heavenly Witch-styled <Combat Stab>――”

Jealous of Eva, Kisara exhibited a splendid stabbing technique while making her boobs sway.

“Nn, the speed of pulling the spear back towards yourself is fast! Are you an Eight Divine Spear Ranker? Your technique looks sharper than Riko’s.”

Eva, who had put her tonfa away, praised Kisara’s spear arts while applauding.

“Spear Ranker? Are you talking about the God Rankers who are said to exceed all I’ve heard about them? I am not such a great martial artist. But, I am happy that you have approved of my Heavenly With Style. Our masters should be delighted as well. Thank you, Eva-san. Also, if you’re speaking of a Great Prairie…”

“It’s an area called the Great Prairie of Oseberia. It’s situated around Labyrinth City Pelneet. Recently, I didn’t go into the labyrinth, so I worked hard at my juggling training and ingredient hunts with Lily’s party members.”

Each and every small gesture of Eva as she explained Southern Mahaheim to Kisara was cute.

Now then, “…You two, you can catch up with each other later on. Surprisingly Rollo seems to have become attached to Sana-san and Hina-san, so let’s join up with them. We must head over to Rebecca and the others. There’s also the matter with the apple orchard.”

“Nn, Rebecca might be angry because she wasn’t able to see Sardyne, Queen of Plants and Destruction, was it?”

“Right. That’s going to be your time to shine then, Eva-san.”

“Nn, will do my best,” answered Eva with an angelic smile.

Today Eva played a big role. She carried the business jet for me. So I guess I’ll rub her shoulders later, if I get some time. It’s not like there’s any metal fatigue, but I also want to massage her bone legs.

It’d be great if I could get my fill of such a peaceful time.

Moreover, I’ll recover Kizeleg’s coffin, too. I’m also worried about Ciel, so it’s time to go back to Rebecca.

『Your Excellency, I want to build fields here and pew-pew water at them』

『Let’s leave that for later, okay?』

After telepathically informing the tiny Helme in my visual field of that, I didn’t forget to also transport the female Spirit World Knight.

We joined up with Sana-san and Hina-san. I dodged the Burning Knights who came at me with as if trying to hug me while screaming, “Your Excellencyyyy!”

Hina-san apparently carried cat food on her. I spotted chicken tender in a compact container. For her to have something like that must mean that she’s quite a cat lover.

Good job!

『Your Excellency, that Hina girl seems to be quite the smart woman』

『Because of her feeding Rollo?』

『Yes. If Rollo-sama becomes her ally, it’s equal to 10,000 soldiers being on her side』

She got a point. But, rather than 10,000, it’d be several tens of thousands, if we’re talking about ordinary soldiers here. Though I think it won’t be that easy to calculate since magic and skills exist in this world.

Given her divine beast form, her eating the small chicken tender doesn’t feel real…but she’s still stretching out on her back in front of Hina-san.

“Anyway, Rollo, get up.”

Rollodeen stood back up in an instant. I dashingly jumped onto the back of her head.


My partner purred cutely, welcoming me with her black fur and tentacles.

“All of you, get on Rollo. We’ll leave the plane’s frame here for the time being. For now, we’re going to hurry up with meeting our friends.”

“Is it okay for me to get on as well? Guaah!”

Everyone laughed when Rotalz earned himself a light elbow blow from Kisara. Through the tentacle rein attached to my neck reacting, I understood that Rollo felt like giving Rotalz a similar retort, but remained silent about it.

“Is it always like this?”

“Visitor woman, those are words very nostalgic to me, you know? Yep, I always receive such retorts. It’s because I’m tough, you see?”

The sight of the Darkness Whale Rotalz talking to Sana-san with a serious expression looked somewhat surreal.

“Now then, we’re going back to the apple orchard and then inform everyone at the village.”


Rollodeen began to move at a slow pace. Rotalz followed a little moment later. While flying, Rollo tried to fall back in order to watch Rotalz’s farts, but I stopped her.

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