
Chapter 112

‘I didn’t know I’d be so happy to see the ring I used to hate.’

There was a time when she wanted to take the ring and destroy it, even if she broke the Regent King’s finger. Even looking at a similar ring, her stomach turned upside down, and she was on fire, and even though it was a popular style, she didn’t even look at it. But now she desperately wanted the ring. It’s a ring that the Regent King would have kept until the end.

‘It will be a clue to where he is sleeping.’

In fact, it was as important for Caitlyn to find out where the ring was found as it was.

Serwin revealed the death of the Regent King but kept his mouth shut about where he was buried. Because of that, some argued that the Regent King survived. 

Caitlyn, on the other hand, abandoned the expectation that he would be alive early on. It was because Hazel also disappeared on the night of Regent King’s death. Caitlyn thought Hazel killed the Regent King. There was no reason to leave like that unless she committed murder. 

People say Serwin killed the regent, but that was a ridiculous claim. There’s no way a seven-year-old kid can kill an adult man. It was impossible without Hazel, the witch.

Anyway, since Regent King never took the ring off his hand, it was highly likely that he was wearing it when he died.

‘Amelie said she didn’t know whose ring it was. She must have picked it up somewhere.’

If Amelie had picked up the ring somewhere, it was highly likely that the Regent King was buried nearby. After waiting a little longer in anticipation, the door to the drawing room opened. Amelie walked into the drawing room. Caitlyn, who was about to get up to say hello, stopped in an uncomfortable position. 

She has obviously never seen her before, but Amelie’s appearance is too familiar.

‘Where did I see it?’

Caitlyn looked into her face. The soft-looking impression was unique, so it was difficult to think of a similar person immediately. There was no one around her with such a gentle impression as Amelie. 

“My name is Amelie Bourbon, Lady.”

Amelie greeted her politely. As she bowed her head slightly and raised her head, she saw bright, mint eyes. In an instant, memories from twenty years ago overlapped on Amelie’s face. 

‘When I went to visit the Regent King, Hazel greeted me with that kind of face…’ 

“H, how…”

Twenty years later, how can she be in the palace? Didn’t she kill the Regent King and leave as if she was running away?


Amelie’s eyes were the same as Hazel’s. Unknowingly, Caitlyn stepped backward from her, tripped, and fell on the sofa.

“Are you okay?”

As Amelie approached, Caitlyn trembled and stepped back. Twenty years have passed, but nothing has changed since then, and she was young and pretty.

“How— Hazel, how are you in the palace?”

Mint-colored pupils as clear as glass grains were enough to remind Caitlyn of fear again. And with fear, long resentment and sadness swept into her heart. Her body trembled, and her eyes warmed. Her eyes turned red. Amelie’s white hands looked red, as if they were stained with blood. 

“You…killed him.”


“You witch! You killed Albert!”

Caitlyn sprang to her feet and put out her nails to tear Amelie’s face.

“Miss Amelie!”

Mrs. Enard jumped to block Amelie’s face. 

“Get out of the way! These wacky witch’s minions! Who else are you trying to kill? Me? My son? It’s not enough to ruin Albert, what are you going to do in the Imperial Palace again!”

“Madam! Please calm down!”

“What the hell are you doing!”

The maids rushed in and stopped Caitlyn. But Caitlyn didn’t stop. Her eyes sparkled with madness. She was completely out of her mind. Amelie was surrounded by maids and backed away. 

‘Hazel? That traitor witch? Why do you look at me and call me Hazel?’

Amelie was very confused.

“You came to kill me! In the end, you were going to kill me!”

“Please calm down!”

“If you do this to Miss Amelie, His Majesty will not stand still!”

When the maids jumped their bodies to block her, Caitlyn turned and threw the teacup. The teacup flew quickly toward Amelie’s head.


Amelie closed her eyes tightly. Mrs. Enard hurriedly tried to block the teacup, but she was a step late. At the moment when everyone’s eyes were on the teacup, an invisible hand hit the teacup narrowly. 


The teacup fell on the floor and made a loud noise. In an unexpected situation, Amelie opened her eyes wide.

“Wow, that was close. She would have fainted right away if she got hit by that, you know?”

“Sir Ruben?”

“Miss Amelie, you owe me again.”

Ruben frowned playfully in one eye. He appeared at the right time, but no one was impressed. It was because only his face was visible while his body was gone.

“Sir R, Ruben. Your body—”

“Huh? The invisibility magic is a bit broken. Tsk.”

Ruben spoke as if it was nothing special, but it was a terrifying disgrace. His head was floating in the air as if his head had been cut off, and it was not easy not to faint as he spoke.

“Kyaa! H, his head is in the air!!”

“It’s a ghost! A ghost!”

The maids screamed in unison. A few weak people fainted without accepting the situation.

“W, witch. Witch’s monster—”

Caitlyn held out a little, but she fainted when Ruben winked at her.

“Sir Ruben—”

“I was just trying to help you.”

Ruben spoke naturally and returned his body to normal.

“Ta-da, it was magic, everyone. It’s not a ghost.”

Amelie pressed her temples because looking at Ruben gave her a headache.

‘I miss Serwin.’

“When will His Majesty come?”

“It’s time for him to come— but I’ll send someone back.”


Amelie sat down on the sofa as if collapsed. Her mind was complicated. Ruben sat across from her and ate the snack they had prepared for Caitlyn. 

“I apologize, Miss Amelie. I apologize on behalf of Caitlyn. Lady Caitlyn has been very sick these days, so it must have been a misunderstanding.”

Caitlyn’s maid bent down and begged for forgiveness from Amelie. 

“Just what kind of rudeness is this? I’ll tell His Majesty everything!”

“Calm down, Milena.”

“She has to stop talking nonsense!”

“That’s true. But I heard a rumor that her mind is a little unstable, so it must be true.”

“Right? She can’t be so rude without that!”

Milena and Mrs. Enard deliberately spoke louder. Because if she makes Caitlyn a strange person, she can clear any doubts she might turn to Amelie. Moreover, rumors of Caitlyn’s instability were not entirely unfounded.  

After the commotion passed, Caitlyn was carried out by the maids. Amelie sent them all out except for Mrs. Enard. Even in the midst of a complicated mind, she had to check why Ruben was alone in the drawing room. 

“Sir Ruben? Why are you here? What about Lira?”

“I ran away because she kept trying to do scary things. She must be sleeping in the attic.” 

Ruben shrugged. Just as Lira was about to touch his memory with hypnosis, Ruben, who woke up from hypnosis, overpowered Lira, regained his jewelry and came to the drawing room. 

“Then why did you use transparent magic?”

“I was curious about the reason why Lady Caitlyn came to see you. Lady Caitlyn made a fuss as soon as she saw you, so I couldn’t find out the details.”

“……so you’ve been around since almost the beginning?”

As Ruben nodded with a big smile, Amelie frowned. She didn’t even know he followed her into the drawing room—. 

“Anyway, listening to Caitlyn, she seems to mistake Miss Amelie for someone named Hazel, but you’re not her, are you?”

“Absolutely not. It can’t be.”

Amelie denied it. 

“Then what’s on your mind?”

Amelie pondered for a moment whether to tell Ruben. If she had not known Ruben’s intentions in the past, she wouldn’t have said it hastily, but she didn’t have to be wary of his purpose anymore.

“…Caitlyn looked at me and called me Hazel. It must have been that Herzel and I looked so similar to her.”


Amelie and Renee were twins, but they didn’t look alike. Because Renee resembled her father, and Amelie resembled her mother. Maybe that’s why her father sometimes looked at Amelie and thought of her mother, and used to look at her vaguely. 

“I look just like my mother. So—Hazel could be my mother.”

Moreover, her father said that the first place he met her mother was in the capital. In other words, the mother and Hazel were the same witch, had similar faces, and were in the capital at the same time.

“So you’re worried that your mother is a woman named Hazel?”


“You don’t want it?”

“Of course!”

Does it mean that her mother is a traitor of her kind? It was a fact she didn’t want to believe.

“My father must know about my mother very well—”

“All right, then let’s go.”


“Why don’t you ask your father directly?”

Ruben put his hand on her shoulder, and Amelie noticed that he was about to teleport.


“Yes. Right now.”

“I’ll tell His Majesty and go—”

Embarrassed by Ruben’s determination, Amelie tried to say something, but Ruben used his magic without even letting her finish her words. Then, as his jewelry necklace turned black, Amelie’s vision was distorted.


When she opened her closed eyes, Amelie was standing in the lobby of Dellahaim’s mansion.

“We’re here. Isn’t it amazing?

“What are you doing? I appreciate your help, but how can you come all of a sudden? His Majesty must be worried.”

“Ah, I forgot that.”

Ruben’s response wasn’t forgotten at all. Amelie opened her axe eyes and looked at him.

“I will go back and tell His Majesty right now. That Miss Amelie will be taking care of her business in the meantime.” 

“So that’s your purpose!”

When it comes to Amelie, Serwin didn’t hesitate. Ruben knew this and used Amelie as bait to prevent Serwin from avoiding him. Realizing that, Amelie’s heart softened. 

“You don’t have to do this. If you want to meet His Majesty, I’ll help you.”

“It’s a nice suggestion, but I’m also determined. I must see His Majesty fretting over me.” 

“If you harass His Majesty, I won’t leave you alone.”

When Amelie gave a stern warning, Ruben smirked.

“His Majesty must be happy. There are people who take care of him like this. Then I will see you later.” 

Leaving that comment, Ruben disappeared. At that moment, the butler appeared in the lobby, led by the sound of the two men. He found Amelie and widened his eyes. The Lady who should be in the Imperial Palace is in the middle of the mansion? Did he even have hallucinations because he was so worried about her? 

The butler rolled his eyes.


“Butler, it’s been a while.”

“Lady, it’s really you! Everyone, come here! Lady Amelie is here!”

The butler cried out with emotion. Then the servants of the mansion buzzed into the lobby.

“Oh, it’s true. It’s Lady Amelie.”

“Lady! How did you come here without contacting us? Wow, you’ve become a capital people!”

“You look like a real noble Lady!”

They welcomed Amelie’s sudden return. Among them, familiar blonde hair appeared. 



Count Dellahaim opened his eyes wide at Amelie’s sudden visit.

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