
Side Story 18


Alice reeling in the air with a breathtaking sound.

Ash, who grabbed Alice's wings and hung on to her wings, pulled out his sword and tried to stab her above it this time. Then Alice spun and shook her wings to avoid Ash’s sword.

Ash landed lightly on the floor.

Alice struggled to flap her wings and went up higher than before. Alice's pupils were dilated to shreds.

“Oh, how……. you….. this….. How……!”

Black blood shone from Alice's stomach, which was blocked by her hand.

I watched the scene from a distance.

Not enough to compare with Alice’s feelings, but I was surprised, too.

That easy? As soon as he tried?

The one who wasn't surprised here was Gyerg only.

Gyerg, who was sitting up as if he had recovered some strength during the break, cried out with a pale face.

“Look at that. You’re not that capable of learning. If you've been beaten twice, not once, you should know how to predict the third time.”

“Did you predict it?”

“Of course.”

Gyerg spoke confidently, snorting.

“That's why you should do everything I tell you to do here! Be quiet! Don't you dare! Don’t even make a sound!


Is it something you can say confidently?

In any case, unlike Alice, who was shocked, Gyerg seemed to have predicted the situation.

Alice trembled as she rose so high that I couldn't see her expression clearly.

I couldn't see how nervous she was in detail, but I could see her body shaking and trembling.

No, exactly her wings. Her wings are much bigger than the body, so it's easy to see her body shaking.

“Argh! Argh!”

As if she couldn't stand her anger, Alice waved her hand wildly in the air.

As she did with my body earlier, whenever Alice did that, the ground chapped and exploded.

However, this time, it also had no impact on Ash.

It was amazing. I don't know what's going on, even after seeing it with my own eyes, but one thing I can tell was that Ash was preventing that attack from affecting me, too.

“Oh, come on! That's too much! Why don't you take care of me too…… Ack!”

Gyerg shouted as he bounced around from the seat to avoid the explosion.

I was worried for a moment, so I looked at him without realizing it, but fortunately, it seemed like he was avoiding it well.

“Argh…. Akh….. Cough!”

Alice stopped her hand and suddenly threw up blood, perhaps because she was overworking her power with her stomach hurt.

She soaked her dress so thick that I could see black blood from afar.

“She saw me and said that my blood was dirty or something….. But look at that, that was dirtier. What is that? That’s not even blood from dead people.”

Gyerg grumbled.

Dead people’s blood.

The dark colour that seemed to be mixed with all kinds of paints definitely gave me that feeling.

Alice stopped the attack in the air and breathed. Ash lowered his hand with a sword.

Ash looked up at Alice and glanced at the roof of the mansion.

It seems like he was calculating how to catch her.

Alice felt the same way, so she moved her body further away from the mansion.

“Haaa, haa……. Haha, hahaha. Damn it.”

I observed Alice carefully.

At this point, I would have given up and found a way to run away, but Alice didn't show such a sign.

‘As expected…….'

That's one of the virtues of a famous villain.

The villain never gives up. The end of the last, until she actually stops breathing.

Heung. I was worried about what Alice would do, so I frowned.

It seemed difficult to kill her immediately because she was floating in the air, and it was troublesome in many ways.

At that time, Alice, who seemed to have come up with something as she feared, reached out to the mansion.

To the mansion?

No way. I flinched, but I tried my best not to reveal it.

Fortunately, Alice wasn't paying attention to me and was focusing only on Ash.

“Whoa, that's good. Yeah, I'll admit it. You can't be beaten. How about this instead?”

Alice, who raised her wrist with her palm facing the mansion, continued.

“What about blowing that whole thing up? Huh?”

Alice's words make me worried. I booed inside but I kept a calm expression so that I wouldn't get caught.

Cowardly! Cowardly!

She’s so mean!

“Did I tell you? I put a sleeping spell all over the house. It's only when I die. It's only released when I die. So, if that mansion collapses right now, the humans in there will all die while sleeping. Even though I can't beat you, to the point of blowing up a mansion…….”

“Do it.”


“I said do it.”

Ash replied halfheartedly.

As if still looking for a way to catch Alice, Ash, who was looking around, could not find any signs of being shaken by Alice' words.

No, he didn't seem to have listened to Alice's words at all.

“……now, do I sound like kidding? Didn't you see what I just did? If I just change the direction of the attack right now and pour it into the….”

Ash didn't even answer back at all this time.

He has found a useful tree instead, then he climbed it one after another and leaped toward Alice.

Alice quickly dodged, frightened. But it was a little late.


Ash, who cut off one of Alice’s wings, landed on the ground.

His expression seemed to be disappointing.


“Yes, the devil is waiting here, I look like a demon, but my name is the devil.”

“Can you make that thing fall?”

“Well, it’s too much for me right now, to make her fall…… I could do that but it’s too hard for now. I need to recover my strength…….”


Gyerg turned his head and looked at me as if he heard the wind sound.

I saved my words while looking at the face of the world's most unfair treated half-demon.

His expression seems like saying ‘because of who this situation is?’

Um……. yes, I understand your feelings.

I'll be nice to you later.

“Hey, crazy… Crazy human! How!”

Alice, who lost one wing, shouted in a distrustful voice.

From the section where her wings were cut off, blood gushing out like raindrops to the ground.

“I said I’m going to blow up the mansion, and I’m going to kill all your people there!”

“Poor thing. Well, there's a limit to the level-headed. You can't tell if that threat is going to work or not?”

While Gyerg laughed at Alice and tried to recover himself, I swept my heart.

Anyway, that's a relief. Ash wasn't at all agitated by that remark.

If he had shown any signs of shaking, Alice would have held on to that threat until the end.

‘At this time, I'm really glad that Ash is a psychopath…….’

While obsessed with the complex sentiment, the amount of black blood that fell from the air and collected on the ground increased.

I raised my head. Alice, who had a hole in her stomach and lost one of her wings, seemed to have reached her limit.

“Tsk tsk, you're the one who is asking for it! You’re the one”

When I looked at Gyerg, the following words continued.

“You wouldn't even have the power to run. Even if he didn't cut your wings while trying to threaten him with a threat that wouldn't work, you would have had the power to run away. Yeah, you should've just given up and run away. You shouldn't have rolled your head, you idiot.”

So that's it?

It seemed that Alice, who was in danger, would fall on her own, soon, even if we left her like that.

Ash, who seemed to be thinking for a moment while looking at Alice, soon fixed his sword.

Then Alice shouted urgently.


“…….did you just call my name?”

Alice's words continued while Gyerg was checking with me whether he heard it right or not.

“I apologize for calling you half dirty, I'll take it back. I mean it, so… So… Listen to me… Get the girl human there right now.”


Gyerg frowned, and Ash, who stopped moving, stared at me.

Gyerg was right next to me. In terms of distance, it was closer than Ash right now.

“You have to help me. Think carefully, Gyerg, you're a demon too.”

“Well, exactly, half-demon.”

“So what? You’re not a human anyway. You're gonna pretend to be human with that horn on your forehead? Nobody's gonna treat you like a human being. You’re just being lucky that you don’t get hunted, really.”

“Oh, what do you want to say? So we're gonna help each other out, as a demon colleague? You tried to kill me, but I'm gonna help you like a worm?”

“Don't you want to get the demon's world back?”


Gyerg's face, which had been sullen all along, first smudged.

Ash stood still, keeping his eyes fixed on me. However, he silently rolled up the handle of his sword.

As if he’s going to move as soon as something happens.

“How about this? Gyerg, if you get that human girl and cooperate with me, I'll get out of here and find a way to brainwash that man, the Duke.”

“What does that have to do with regaining the demon's world….”

“If I succeed in brainwashing, I can use the Duke to deal with the devil.”


“You don't think I can do it? I'm sure I can do it enough. We don't have to face each other. Be vigilant and kill them one by one. You knew it, right? How much disregard the devil has to humans, and they treat humans as insignificant and fewer insects than we do.”

When Gyerg was silent, Alice changed her tone.

She talked in a softer tone like a candy.

“It's as much as it's possible. The fact that we, demons, have been beaten by humans will cause great confusion. If we gather the remaining members and hit them, we can regain the demon's world.”


“How's it sound, Gyerg? Isn't the demon's world your home and your hometown? You don't want to end up with our land was taken away, do you? Rather than hiding amid human beings like now……..”


Gyerg sighed deeply. Alice stopped talking.

Gyerg, who threw his head down to the point where I couldn't see his expression, laughed.

It was a mockery as it has been.

“You commit suicide yourself.”


As soon as Alice hurriedly opened her mouth, she became stiff as if her body were tied up in the air.

Not missing the gap, Ash threw his sword.


The sword was exactly stuck in Alice's left chest.

“Keukhh….. Eighth.”

The body, which was greatly reeling on the air, fell down helplessly.


————— For any mistakes errors and issues Please contact me through discord :- https://discord.gg/Q3dStgu

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