
Side Story 27

If I were the one who shot the crossbow, I might have believed that.

But it wasn't anyone else who just shot the crossbow, it was Ash.

‘Is this a scam?'

It was amazing. No wonder he really loved it when we came this way.

‘Was he happy about the thought of eating our back?' (T/N: <a href="https://www.google.com/search?safe=strict&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ALeKk02RWYAOlLEqRvz0XGD1_ur-b8gnmw:1615947436944&q=%EB%93%B1%EC%B3%90%EB%A8%B9%EB%8A%94+meaning&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjJyMqnobbvAhXDzDgGHVikBVwQ7xYoAHoECAcQNQ">등쳐먹는</a> (eating our back) meaning to steal money or property from someone using improper means.)                       

But that's too much. What the hell did he do to the crossbow?

“You're very strong. Man, you know, it's not about power, it's about technique….….”

Then Ash laughed.

As if he knew.

Perhaps, because of the unexpected reaction, while the merchant paused, the crossbow fired the next arrow from Ash's hand.

And this time, he hit the target right in the centre.


The merchant's eyes grew big as if they were torn apart.

I was surprised too.

“How did you do that?”

It would've been weird if it was just a normal crossbow, but I don't know what it is, isn't that a crossbow that was crafted?

“Well, just because?”

Since then, the arrow shot by Ash has never missed the centre of the target.

Some arrows even split the collar of the arrow which shot first and hit the target.


The task of hitting ten shots was finished before all fifteen shots were even shot.

I watched the process with my mouth slightly open.

The merchant was hardened like a stone at all as if he had no intention of moving.

Ash opened his mouth, stretching his hand with a crossbow.

“Who wants to do it?”


As soon as his words fell, Sir Davery raised his hand.

“I will challenge it too.”

There was a lot of interest in his face that had not been around.

‘He knew it wasn't a normal crossbow.'

I took a step back and watched Sir Davery receive the crossbow from Ash. The merchant was still losing his mind.

Yeah, one gold is too much for one person.

“Let's see……..”

Sir Davery, who seemed to be measuring the target with a crossbow, pulled the launch pad right away.


“Oh, I wonder what the result is.”

Dylan's exclamation followed as if she had waited.

“Great work, Sir Sack.”

The arrow deflected the target to the left and was stuck on the floor.

“Oh, this is it.”

Despite Dylan's admiring jeers, Sir Davery immediately fired the next arrow.


“Deadly accurate is the other thing that you don’t have. As expected from Sir Sack.”


This time, the arrow missed to the right and was plugged in.

Looking at Dylan, who seemed to be enjoying herself somewhere, I wondered for a moment whether I should mobilize pure support at this point.

“After me, Dylan, it's your turn.”

“Yes, I understand, so just shoot the remaining arrows.”

The third arrow, which flew vigorously, finally penetrated the centre of the target, as if supported by Dylan's fervent support (?).

Sir Davery sighed.


“It's too early to be relieved. It's too early.”

“I'll never forget this cheer when it's your turn. Dylan.”

“If you're grateful, tell me the rest after you hit the rest right.”


With strength in his jaw, Sir Davery then loaded and fired the fourth arrow.

And from then on, it was like a bolt out of the blue.

As with Ash, the arrow shot by Sir Davery has never missed the target since then.



“What was that just now? I think I heard a tongue kick.”

“Who? You heard a strange noise. Give me the crossbow.”

Dylan took the crossbow away from Sir Davery, who successfully hit ten arrows on the target.


The result is 10 out of 13 shots.

It was one step behind Sir Davery's performance, which he shot 12 times and got 10 times right.

“What a bloody crossbow! Isn't this a malfunction?”

“Those who lack skills always blame tools.”

“You also barely hit the target one step early with luck and shouts……….”

“What did you say?”

I looked at the merchant while Dylan and Sir Davery were quarrelling familiarly.

I had to approach him and wake him up because he was still mesmerized.


“………oh, no way! What just happened!”

“It's noisy, give me the tickets.”

I stretched out my three fingers and held out my hand.

Since three people succeeded, of course, we should get three prizes as well.


I was so proud that my shoulders felt stiff. As expected from my people, that's what skills are. Morale is useless in terms of skills.

But the merchant hesitated to look at me like that and soon confessed.

“Sorry, I'm sorry.”


“Well, of course, I'll give it to you. Since you succeeded, I should give it to you…but, I only have one ticket.”


I stared at the merchant with absurd eyes. Only one?

“Are you kidding me? What would you do if several were successful?”

“No, no one can succeed in the first place… gasp.”

The merchant quickly covered his mouth.

I don't care. It's a trick anyway. It's not like I didn't know.

I said to the merchant.

“Give me something else.”

“Yes, yes?”

“Anyway, there should be a prize. If you don't have a ticket, give me something else.”

This is not extortion but a reasonable request.

However, the merchant still looked troubled.

“There isn't…….”


“Wo, would you like candy or a doll?”

The merchant hurriedly added it, but his voice was small as if he thought it was useless.

I changed my expression instead of answering back.

The merchant immediately fell flat on the spot.

“Well, that's… I'm so sorry! I'm sorry!”


That's a lot of nerve just like that.

You really started your business with just one ticket?

I sighed and turned around with just one ticket taken from the merchant's hand.

I'll let you go. It was fun to watch.

“Are you saving his life?”

Dylan asked. Why is the question so brutal?

“I don't usually kill people with things like this.”

Marrying Ash doesn't make me like Ash.

While I was seriously thinking about it, I heard a careful merchant's voice behind me.

“………excuse me, dear customer sir and ma'am.”

The title was changed from ‘dear customer’ to ‘dear customer sir and ma'am’, perhaps because he heard the words ‘saving and kill’.


“What brings you to Hidden?”

I couldn't understand the intention of the sudden question, so I stared at the merchant.

“Why are you curious about that?”

“Do you have any business with the Hidden Gambling House……no, I don't think you have, but is it only my guess?”

Yeah, but does that matter?

As I tilted my head, the merchant continued.

“Then maybe you don't know.”

“About what?”

“There's a killer going around in Hidden.”


I opened my eyes around. What is he talking about?

“Do you mean there's a wanted criminal?”

Sir Davery stepped forward and received the words. The merchant nodded.

“That's right.”

“It's not uncommon.”

“It's… it's not just a killer.”

The merchant spoke in a dreary voice.

“He’s killing a noble.”

“Who's dead?”

Dylan showed interest. I've felt it for a long time, but Dylan seems to be interested in the topic of dealing with life and death. Especially the latter.

“The former viscount of the territory.”

“If it’s the former viscount then…….”

Dylan's face was distorted when he heard the merchant's answer. I asked out of curiosity.

“Do you know the name?”

“When I was staying here, he was a famous regular at Hidden. Every time there was a game, he didn't miss it and showed his face. And….”

Dylan seemed to be wondering whether to say this or not and then he continued.

“He used to bring a child to a gambling house, but later I heard he was a paedophile.”

“……isn’t it good that he died?”

The word popped out without realizing it.

Isn't it worth that such a human is dead?

Dylan didn't deny it and went for another brutal (?) words.

“Blessed. Whoever the killer is, he did good deeds.”.”

“The former viscount is dead, but the killer hasn't been caught? When did he die?”

Sir Davery asked. The merchant answered right away.

“A week ago. It was the day of the game at Hidden. On my way back from the viewing…….”

“How do we know he's still in Hidden?”

“How do you know that the killer is still in Hidden?”

“Because the killer gave a warning.”


“The killer said he’s going to clean up the trash.”

Dylan immediately admired.

“There are so many people to kill that it's hard to pick with your own hands.”


Sir Davery took a look at me once and called Dylan, but I was fine. Being a noblewoman does not make you feel a sense of belonging.

Anyone who deserves to die should die.

However, the problem may be that the judgment is solely on the subject of the individual.

‘Well, it doesn't matter to me.'

Based on the circumstances, it seems that the goal is to kill gambling house regulars one by one, so no matter what standard the opponent pushes, it would not be a problem for me and Ash.

Sir Davery and Dylan, too.

That's enough. I talked to the merchant.

“Is this information the prize instead of the product?”

“Hehe, you understand. I don’t know if it would be useful to you…….”

“It's not very useful, but since I heard it, I'll take what I got.”

“Tha, thank you.”

I left the merchant behind and left my seat.

“One question has been resolved.”

Dylan said. I answered, looking at the fruit candy of the stall that just caught my eye.

“I know. Now I know why every noble carries escorts around.”

“They wouldn't be interested in festivals, but why do they have to come out and walk around? They don't want to look like they're trying to hide from fear.”

Well, it is.

If a scary killer is going around, then just stay safe at home. Such mysterious psychology.

I don't really want to know even if you tell me.

I stared hard at the fruit candy in the stall and turned my head.

“Who wants to eat? How many?”


Hidden belonged to an estate called Mahill, just a short distance from the village.

The lord of Mahill, Baron Genem, jumped out in his socks and welcomed the visitors.

“Welcome! Welcome!”

He was stopped by Ash when he tried to shake hands with me after shaking hands with Sir Davery and Dylan.

————— For any mistakes errors and issues Please contact me through discord :- https://discord.gg/Q3dStgu

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