
Chapter 907: Bei Tian Part 1 of 5

How was he still alive?

Bei Tian's lips were cracked dry, his throat also ached as he squinted his eyes towards the sun. How long had it been? He couldn't help but ask himself. A month? Two months? And yet he was still alive. How could a man survive in the desert without water? He glanced at the man scouting next to his body. Was he trying to steal from him? Bei Tian sneered. He came here with nothing but his clothes.

Was this person trying to steal his clothes?

He ignored the teenager and closed his eyes. Maybe a few more months and his body would finally give up. Maybe he would turn into some sort of a mummy? The thought made him chuckle.

A gasp escaped from the youth's lips. "You-You're alive!?" It was a language that Bei Tian recognized. Arabian. Again, he ignored the teen and just continued lying in the desert acting like a statue. Maybe this would be enough to kill him? He heard the youth's steps running away from him.

Which was perfectly understandable considering he was a monster.

Monster. Just the thought of the word was enough to make him depressed. How long had it been since then? Shaking his head, Bei Tian sat down and finally looked at his surroundings. He was sure that the child earlier would get his neighbors to come here.

He needed to leave.

Without any hesitation, Bei Tian stood and let out a sigh. Staying in the desert was useless for him. It was as useless as staying at the bottom of the ocean. With this in mind, he started walking towards the east. Maybe he should just go home? He wondered.

But where was home?

A few tens of years ago… Zhou Jingren and Lily left this world. A few tens of years later, Qin Yuanfeng followed them. His home was not in this world. Bei Tian hastened his steps. Maybe he needed to visit Hong Kong. How long has it been since he left that place?

Twenty-five years? Thirty? He couldn't really remember. He started touring the world to find answers. But in the end, he only found more and more questions. What happened to him? Why did he stop aging? Why did his wound heal in a matter of seconds? How come he was stronger and more agile than normal people?

The only thing that he could think of was the unknown substance that those people injected into him a few tens of years ago. The Order of the Spectre.

The people who changed this world. Bei Tian's changes were not only in his body but also in his mind. Suffice to say, he could now recall everything as if they had just happened a few seconds ago. Right now, Bei Tian's mind took him to the things that happened twenty years ago.

The era that introduced them to the super-powered humans. Teenagers who seemed to develop some sort of genetic mutations just like in the comic books that he used to read all those years ago. After that… the war erupted. 

How could each nation allow such an organization to monopolize all those talented youths? The US wanted the substance that was injected into them when they were born and so were the Russians. Then China chimed in. Slowly… the world wanted their share too. France, Japan, UAE, Britain.

It was chaos— pure chaos caused by the greedy hearts of humans. The war only ended after a few years when they decided to produce this gene changing serum for everyone. Once a child turns five, they would be injected with this serum.

Once a child turns ten another serum would be injected. If they awaken these genes, then each country would take them to study the basics of their ability. The peace soon followed. However, this didn't mean that some countries recovered after the war. In fact, most third world countries perished and became a part of the bigger ones. The ravages of the nuclear war were too much for this world to recover from.

Due to the radiation in the air, the temperature of the world underwent rapid changes. The days became hotter and the nights became colder, prompting a lot of life on earth to die. Soon after, most people now lived in a secured facility developed by scientists that could withstand the heat and the changes In the climate.

Humanity was slowly fading. It was not even fifty years since that gene altering serum was discovered and yet, humanity was already dying. Bei Tian sighed. This should not concern him.

It was not like he would die with them anyway. He had been shot, drowned and stabbed. He had starved himself and even buried himself underground. And yet, he was still here. Even the scorching temperature that would have damaged anyone who stayed under it for more than thirty minutes had no effect on his body.

What a doomed existence.

Bei Tian sighed. He continued walking until he arrived at one of the bases. With his special identification in hand, he immediately went inside and marveled at the technology that man had created to survive under the extreme heat and cold temperatures. He raised his head to look at the dome-like defense system that covered the whole area. 

Shaking his head, Bei Tian continued walking. His eyes soon roamed around the street that was littered with the latest technology in the world. Cars that could fly and withstand the heat, people who were wearing a special type of body suits that would enable them to walk outside to hunt for mutated animals that survived the nuclear war by absorbing radiation.

Times had indeed changed. He lowered his gaze and walked towards a pub. At this time of the day, the pub had no customers. 

"Mr. Bei?" A middle-aged man with a Mohawk hairstyle exclaimed. "You—"

"I didn't die." He said, exhaustion apparent in his voice. 

"Of course… please…" the man immediately grabbed a bottle of expensive wine. "The same?"

"Hmm." He nodded. "News?"

"Well… Someone from the Zhou Clan called for an emergency."

"Zhou?" he frowned. Aside from a few people that worked under him, Kaen, Kher, and Kai knew of his existence. They were the only surviving members of the Zhou Clan that knew who he really was. After all, when Lily and Zhou Jingren knew of his special circumstances, they immediately arranged everything to keep his identity hidden from the government.

All traces of his previous life were made to disappear. His previous pictures were burnt, his name was changed, all of his images online disappeared. Not even his birth certificate remained. Of course, at that time, he was already close to Kaen and Kher. Erasing their memories was not something that Lily and Zhou Jingren could do.

"Yes, Sir. It was Madam Kai. She said it's an emergency. We received the call a week ago." The man answered before he started telling Bei Tian everything that happened so far. Rumors and assassination's, even the new result of the experiments that started to explain all the abilities that those kids had. 

"So… the experimentation is still ongoing." His gaze turned dark. Years ago, he already did his best to ruin all those Russian laboratories. He attacked them and tried to find out everything about their study hoping it would answer his questions.

"Each government started asking people to volunteer. They wanted answers." The man shrugged. Some children had developed different types of abilities that could potentially harm a human being. Because of this, the government needed to study more of them to understand their current situation. 

"Well then… I will go to China as soon as possible." After saving the Zhou Clan from the war, Bei Tian left and started trying to kill himself in various ways. Of course, the result was always a failure. However, before he left, he specifically asked those kids to always call him once a life or death situation arises. 

He finished his drink and stood from his seat. He then went to the second floor of the pub and changed into a suit that would make him look like a normal person walking into the desert. Now dressed in a black suit, Bei Tian walked out of the pub and walked towards the transportation zone of the base.

Soon… he would see them soon.

Comments 1

  1. Offline
    This development is completely unexpected and in my opinion, is really bad writing
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