
Chapter 2: Talent Advancement

A virtual selection box appeared before Fang Heng’s eyes.

[1: Draw a new talent and keep the original talent.]

[2: Level up your original talent.]

I can level up my talent?

Fang Heng was surprised.

Wasn’t an S-level talent already the highest level of talent? It could still be upgraded?

After coming back to his senses, Fang Heng quickly assessed the situation in front of him.

At the moment, it was too risky to randomly pick a skill. If he picked a normal skill, his talent level would be very average.

In comparison, the current zombie clone with an S-level talent was not as powerful as he had imagined, but it was still an S-level skill.

If he upgraded it, it might have a miraculous effect.

“I’ll take the bet!” he thought.

Fang Heng reached out his hand and tapped on option two. “I choose to upgrade my talent.”

[Hint: Player chooses to level up his talent, obtained SSS-level skill: enhanced – super zombie clone.]

[Hint: Original talent – zombie clone skill level cleared.]

Talent: Enhanced – super zombie clone

Level: SSS

Talent description: You can now control a more powerful zombie clone. The zombie clone has 50% of the main body’s attributes and an additional 300% of the main body’s HP. The zombie clone can inherit most of the main body’s skills and passive skills.

Additional description: Every time your character’s level increases, you can obtain an additional number of zombie clones at the current character’s level.

Additional description: After the zombie dies, it will automatically resurrect 24 hours later. The resurrection time will be shortened as the player’s level increases.


After reviewing the skill description, Fang Heng could not help but shout out in glee.

The biggest change after a skill upgrade was the number of zombie clones!

Although there was only one at level 1, every time a character levelled up, an additional number of zombie clones will be given and the number would be the same as the current character’s level number.

When the character levelled up to level 2, it would get two more, and when the character levelled up to level 3, it would get three more...


[Hint: Reset completed. Please select the initial game world.]

After selecting his talent, Fang Heng found that he had returned to the King of Gods’ space.

Eh? Even the game progress was reset?

Fang Heng remembered that the original owner of the body was an infrastructure freak. He spent a few years building a single-person shelter in the zombie apocalypse. There were hundreds of storage boxes for basic building materials in the warehouse.

Wait a minute.

Even the survival materials that the original owner of the body had accumulated for so long were gone?

What’s the meaning of this?

[Please choose one of the following initial game worlds (difficulty level):]

[1: Zombie Apocalypse]

[2: Wasteland Apocalypse]

[3: Vampire Apocalypse]

Damn it!

Fang Heng, who thought that he could inherit the legacy, sighed and was forced to accept reality.

When players first entered the King of Gods’ game, they could choose the game background.

The zombie apocalypse corresponded to a zombie-infested apocalyptic world. The setting was that all countries would be destroyed and only a small number of survivors would survive.

The wasteland apocalyptic environment was a world that had been destroyed by nuclear radiation. Humans had built several safety fortresses underground while the surface was filled with mutated monsters. If one left the underground rashly, they would be affected by the radiation.

As for the last vampire apocalypse, it was a world ruled by vampires, and humans became food for them.

Among the three novice worlds, the vampire apocalypse was universally acknowledged to be the easiest one.

As a captive human, as long as one did not seek death in the beginning, it was relatively easy to survive. However, the zombie apocalypse was the most difficult one.

More than 50% of the players would die at the beginning if they were to try to survive on their own.

Fang Heng thought for a while and decided to enter the zombie apocalypse world.

The zombie apocalypse was most compatible with his talent.

Since the zombies in the wild did not have high intelligence and would not attack their own kind, Fang Heng could use the ‘hack’ skill of his zombie clone to quickly gather materials during the apocalypse.

If it was the background of the vampire apocalypse, the zombies that he sent out to ‘hack’ would soon be treated as monsters on the streets and shot by the police.

[Hint: Player has completed his selection – zombie apocalypse, entering the apocalypse...]

Fang Heng’s eyes went soft.

Opening his eyes again, Fang Heng found himself standing in a forest.

[Please begin your journey. In this apocalyptic world, you will have to face all kinds of danger. Please try to survive.]

Fang Heng carefully looked around.

The opening was the forest environment.

After confirming that there were no zombies in his field of vision, Fang Heng first checked his character’s attributes.

Player: Fang Heng

Level: 1

HP: 100/100

Vitality: 100/100

Spirit: 100/100

Energy: 100/100

Strength: 5

Agility: 5

Physique: 5

Will: 5

Perception: 5

Intelligence: 5

Talent skill: Enhanced – super zombie clone.

There was only one mobile survival radio in his backpack, and the character’s attributes had been reset by the King of Gods.

“The system is really a scam!”

The sudden game reset disrupted Fang Heng’s original plan.

He shook his head in disbelief and deliberated on the current situation.

In order to protect the lives of the people, the federal government had established various safe zones in the elementary King of Gods’ game. Ordinary civilian players could receive free protection from the government within the safe zones.

In other words, as long as he reached the safe zone, he would be safe!

Unfortunately, it was very difficult to do this practically.

There were very few federal certified safe zones and the game world was extremely large. In addition, the game world also had a setting that separated the ‘game zones’. Ordinary players would even randomly appear in various corners of the world after entering the game, hence, it was very difficult to find the ‘safe zones’ in the first place.

Usually at this time, after players entered the game, they would choose to look for shelters established by various gaming guilds or gaming companies to temporarily stay in.

This was not free.

After logging off, players would also find the gaming company or guild responsible for setting the shelter and transfer a sum of money over as ‘rent’.

As long as you had money, the chances of survival in the game could be greatly increased.

Unfortunately, Fang Heng now owed a lot of money to others.

However, some shelters also provided some jobs. Fang Heng could try to submit some materials to obtain a few days of rental rights.

“I’ll find a shelter nearby and settle down. Then I’ll think about other things.”

Fang Heng took out the mobile survival radio from his backpack.

The mobile radio could send a message every half an hour. Players within 100 kilometres of others could search for information through the radio.

Similarly, Fang Heng could receive messages from players within 100 kilometres of him through the radio.

Many shelters would advertise every half an hour to attract customers.

Fang Heng had just connected to the radio station when a dense number of messages refreshed.

[It’s over, it’s all over, it’s District 8!]

[God! So unlucky! Is there a party? My talent is predator...]

[Is there a shelter? Urgent! Price is negotiable!]

[F*ck! Why is District 8 open? Why am I so unlucky?]

[Water, I need water! I haven’t had water for seven hours. I can’t hold on much longer. I have wood to trade.]

[Please, we have three people here. We are preparing to build a shelter in seven days. Coordinates (20291*82112). Those who are interested, please come quickly. Only elite players are accepted. Beggars can leave!]

District 8?

A new server?!

Fang Heng was stunned.

Beginner level King of Gods’ game worlds usually had multiple mirrored game worlds at the same time, similar to ‘servers’.

King of Gods would rarely open a new ‘server’. Usually, this situation would only happen when the old server was full, the old server was judged to be a ‘passive game’, or a certain server was cleared.

After opening a new server, many old players who were judged to be ‘passive games’ in the King of Gods’ game would be forced to join the new server.

During the period of time when the new server was opened, everything would start all over again, and the difficulty of surviving would naturally increase by hundreds or even thousands of times!

During this period of time, the death rate of players was the highest!

“Hahaha! I’m rich!”

Although he was facing a crisis, Fang Heng was actually a little excited as he clenched his fists.

Similarly, the crisis also meant an opportunity!

An opportunity to make a lot of money!

The resources in the old server had long been monopolized by the gaming companies and the federal governments. In the new server, everything would start all over again!

Fang Heng raised his hand.

The mud in front of him rumbled.


A light brown palm stretched out from the mud.

The rotting zombies crawled out of the mud with great effort. They stood in front of Fang Heng with a rotten smell.


Fang Heng controlled his zombie clone to open a path in front of him and took a step forward.

There seemed to be a change in plan.

If he could build a shelter in the game first and collect ‘rent’ from the outside....

Comments 14

  1. Offline
    Читать с помощью переводчика очень даже можно. Повезло. Главный герой фермер... И сейчас уже 2к глав. Ну что, я люблю подобные произведения. Великий вор/возвращение небесного вора/ возрождение великого мастера меча/ во всеоружии/легендарный механик/лунный скульптор/пришествие архимага/ и ещё много чего не могу вспомнить
    Read more
  2. Offline
    "Additional description: Every time your character’s level increases, you WILL obtain an additional number of zombie clones EQUAL TO YOUR character’s level. "

    The original skill in no way deserved to be ranked as an S Rank ability imho, at best B rank.

    1. It had maybe a 1/3rd of main body and can only do simple things.
    2. It's cooldown after death is MORE THAN a whole day ffs and that was after leveling it up to whatever level it was in the old game.
    3. ONLY really viable in ONE of the THREE games.
    4. Last but not least, ONLY ONE CLONE.

    Now the upgrade is INSANE, as right off it gets 50% stats. Cooldown after death is only 24h at level 1. Each level with increase your strength SO much.

    For example just one level up will now see him with 3 of them. By Level 5 he will have 15 and by level 10 he will have 55!!!

    Now leveling up the first time will be the toughest but after that it would easily become an avalanche upto a certain point.
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  3. Offline
    What happens if a person is locked up and kept from playing the game?

    Would they die since they aren't able to access the game?
    Read more
    1. Offline
      Actually it mentions that the pods aren't necessary to enter the game and you will be forcibly pulled in wherever you are if you haven't met the required time.

      Not sure when they fully spell this out though as I am starting again after a break.
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  4. Online Offline
    Alright I'll just treat it like Supremacy Games but in Chinese version that's why it's wacky and confusing
    Read more
    1. Offline
      Only, the purpose of the game is not properly explained here. Supremacy games build quite a bit of lord on the game thing. I will see if it's explained in further chapters over here.
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      1. Offline
        The Lord on the games you mentioned is it a novel ?
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  5. Offline
    Bizarre. Why does he know all this
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    1. Offline
      He still has memories of the pro gamer who died
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  6. Offline
    I'll give this a shot. It seems interesting, but the story's being told weirdly. I feel like I'm on chapter 12 instead of 2...
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  7. Offline
    Omnis Ra
    He is in a zombie world, why is he screaming that is how you draw them. That's zombie 101 even young children know that.
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  8. Offline
    The mood is weird. Mc himself is like, "where wind goes I go" type. The world is also feeding him left and right. No ambition, nor something that was explained. What mc knows is also vague. There's lot of explanation on the world but not on mc.
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  9. Offline
    chapter 2 dude, read and have fun
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  10. Offline
    I see... The only little push he got now was the upgrade of his talent [which ig is the point if the novel] and the help of the new server. Either used up all of his luck, wasn't a coincidence, or just happened that the server was full once he joined, and I'm overthinking a bit too nuch
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