
Chapter 184

Boom. Boom.

Sixty thousand ninjas from the five major ninja villages started a fierce melee in Konoha Village.

The ordinary villagers of Konoha were hiding in the shelters and shivering, their faces full of fear, as if the end was coming.

Looking down from mid-air.

From Ichiraku Avenue to the Konoha River, from the hot spring street to the ninja school, from the police force to the Hokage Building… there are battles happening in every corner of Konoha, filled with blood and death.

No, there is an exception.

The land of the Uchiha clan.

After the ninja alliance captured Konoha, it was still deserted. There was no one on the street, exuding a strange silence.

Compared with the lively atmosphere outside, it seemed out of place.

That is because.

As for Kumogakure, the Fourth Raikage had already issued an order that Kumo ninjas were strictly prohibited from approaching the Uchiha clan, and any violation would be punished by military law;

On Sunagakure's side, just now, Rasa, the Fourth Kazekage, led a team into the Uchiha clan and almost lost his life. After he returned with lingering fear, he also immediately issued an order to the Suna Ninja to stay away from the Uchiha clan;

The situation with Kirigakure is similar.

Yesterday, the Kirigakure elite troops who sneaked into Konoha to spy on intelligence encountered Uchiha Dan. As a result, three of them, including the captain Ao, were seriously injured, and the rest fled in panic.

After the fourth Mizukage Karatachi Yagura received the news, he immediately made the same decision as the Raikage, and also told his subordinates——

If you encounter Uchiha Dan on the battlefield, run away immediately instead of fighting him.

As for Iwagakure, Tsuchikage Onoki, a cunning guy, had long known that Uchiha Dan was a powerful character who was not easy to mess with.

Before launching the attack, he specifically told Kitsuchi and others to avoid fighting with Uchiha Dan.

In the final analysis.

This time, the four major ninja villages came to destroy Konoha and carve up the Land of Fire, and nothing else.

As long as Dan does not harm their deeds, they will not provoke Dan.

By the way, there is also Amegakure.

Compared with the four major ninja villages, although the number of Amegakure ninjas is not large, no one dares to underestimate them. After all, the man behind Amegakure——


But the strange thing is that the Amegakure troops did not participate in the siege of Konoha, but returned to Amegakure Village midway.

It seems.

Pain was not lying when he said he was not interested in dividing Konoha.

Of course, he also said that what he wanted from Konoha was the Kyuubi.

So far.

Konoha has not yet sent the Nine-Tails to fight. Perhaps, this is the reason why Pain did not show up.

Uchiha clan land, Body reform department building.

On the rooftop.

Tsunade's eyes reflected the burning and riddled Konoha, causing her to clench her fists again, with veins bulging on the back of her hands.

Seeing with her own eyes the destruction of the village that her grandfather had worked so hard to build, she really couldn't sit back and watch.

"What did I say? The fun is about to begin."

Dan stood beside Tsunade and said with a smile.

Tsunade frowned, suppressing her anger, and snorted coldly:

"What is Danzo doing? As the Fifth Hokage, didn't he vow to defeat the ninja coalition and defend the peace of Konoha?"

"Don't worry, Danzo will definitely launch a counterattack. He has never been the kind of person to sit still and wait for death." Dan said decisively to Tsunade.

Don’t worry?

How long has it been? If we don’t hurry, Konoha will be gone.

Tsunade's words made Tsunade feel very tired. She could no longer sit still and immediately wanted to leave the Uchiha clan and enter the battlefield to check the situation.

At this time.

A sound of fighting came from a distance.


Dan and Tsunade looked around and found that on the street outside the clan, more than a dozen Konoha and Kumogakure ninjas were fighting fiercely.

On Kumo side, they were all tall, dark, muscular men. Among them, the person leading the team was none other than Darui, one of the Fourth Raikage Guards.

Obviously, this is an elite combat team of Kumogakure.

In comparison, the Konoha ninjas who fought against them were much weaker. They were almost retreating and were chased down this street.

In the blink of an eye.

There is only one survivor left in Konoha, a purple-haired girl of seventeen or eighteen years old.

She suddenly raised her arms, and venomous snakes flew out of her sleeves and attacked the cloud ninjas, catching them off guard.

"Ah!" Several cloud ninjas were bitten by poisonous snakes and their movements became sluggish.

When Darui saw this scene, he frowned and said calmly:

"Let me."

After the words fell, the Ninja Sword in his hand was attached with Thunder Release Chakra, and he rushed forward and slashed, cutting all the poisonous snakes into pieces.

The purple-haired girl's expression changed, she didn't dare to fight, and ran away without looking back.

"Hey, that's…"

Tsunade on the rooftop let out a soft sigh after seeing the appearance of the purple-haired girl clearly.

The other party has small and exquisite facial features. She is wearing a beige windbreaker with a black fishnet lining, which highlights her youthful and beautiful figure, giving her a heroic air.

Tsunade remembered.

This girl who fled to the Uchiha territory was Orochimaru's former disciple – Mitarashi Anko.

The Sannin of Konoha each accepted disciples.

Jiraiya's disciple is Namikaze Minato, Tsunade's disciple is Shizune, and Orochimaru has more than one disciple.

In addition to Tsunade's younger brother Nawaki, the only disciple he accepted was Mitarashi Anko.

Anko showed outstanding abilities since she was a child. She was noticed by Orochimaru, who took her with him and trained her carefully. He also taught her the snake ninjutsu.

Tsunade heard.

When Orochimaru defected from Konoha, Anko tried to stop him but failed, and the master and disciple broke up.

Later, although Anko passed the Anbu test and was deemed not to be a threat to the village, her identity as Orochimaru's disciple still caused her to suffer a lot in Konoha.

Tsunade and Anko have only met each other a few times, and their relationship is not deep.

However, this girl's bold and generous personality is very similar to Tsunade's, and she is very fond of her.

At this time.

Seeing Anko being chased and the situation not good, Tsunade's eyes widened.


She jumped off the rooftop of the Body Modification Department.


Anko Mitarashi realized in despair that she had nowhere to escape.

Behind him are Kumo pursuers.

Ahead is the forbidden area for all Konoha ninjas – the Uchiha clan. Once you enter that place, it will be difficult to come out alive.

Because that is Uchiha Dan's territory.

Broken, the most dangerous person in Konoha, had just been dismissed from his position as Hokage's assistant by the daimyo, so he probably wouldn't be in a good mood.

If you break into the Uchiha Dan’s territory at this time, wouldn't you be looking for death?

But Anko also knew that she had no choice.

For a chance of survival.


She gritted her teeth, rushed through the gate of the Uchiha clan, and ran towards the depths of the street.

After running a hundred meters away, Anko suddenly stopped and looked back in surprise before realizing.

Darui and the others did not catch up, but stopped outside the gate of the Uchiha clan. They all looked solemn, and no one dared to step past the gate.

Anko didn't know what he said. Although the Kumo ninjas were unwilling to give in, they could only turn around and retreat quickly.


Anko bent over, holding her knees with both hands, gasping for air, her chest rising and falling violently.


It seems that she is not the only one who is afraid of Uchiha.

The same goes for Kumogakure ninja.

However, she had no choice, so she was more desperate than them.


Tap tap tap.

A sound of footsteps came from behind.

Anko was suddenly shocked, turned around, took out a kunai, and assumed a fighting posture.

However, what surprised her was that the person who came was not the cruel and terrifying Uchiha Dan.

Instead, a beautiful blond woman with big breasts stopped a few meters away from Anko and looked at the latter with her hands on her hips.

"Tsunade-sama, Tsunade-sama."

Anko put away her kunai and stammered.

"You are hurt."

Tsunade noticed that there was a wound on Anko's abdomen, which was oozing blood, staining a large area of the translucent black fishnet lining red.

After her reminder, Anko came back to his senses, felt the pain, and quickly covered the wound with his hands.

"Follow me."

Tsunade said a word, turned around and walked towards the Bo modification department building.

Ten minutes later.

Under Tsunade's superb medical skills, Anko was lying on the bed with her abdominal wound healed and no longer bleeding.

"Thank you, Tsunade-sama."

Anko looked grateful, straightened up, and was about to get out of bed.

As a Konoha ninja, she wants to return to the battlefield and continue fighting.

"Take good care of your injuries."

Tsunade held down Anko's shoulders and said to the latter, "With your power, you can't change anything, right? If you return to the battlefield, you will die in vain."

She couldn't bear to see an eighteen-year-old girl in her prime die like this.

Hearing this, Anko couldn't help but lower his head, his expression gloomy.


Regarding this war, even if she risked her life, what could she do?

Just when Anko was feeling sad.

A shadow suddenly cast down from above her head, blocking the light in the room.


Anko slowly raised her head and saw a tall man who had come to the bedside at some point, looking down at her expressionlessly.

Uchiha Dan.

After recognizing the other party, Anko's face turned pale on the spot.

She once thought that the most terrifying person in the world was her former teacher Orochimaru.

But Orochimaru was said to have died at the hands of the man in front of him.

Dan is an existence that is even more terrifying than Orochimaru.

The next second.

Anko's fear seemed to be verified. Dan's eyes flickered, and he stretched out a big hand and grabbed her on the hospital bed.

"What are you going to do?"

Tsunade frowned, stretched out a hand, grabbed Dan wrist, and said sternly, "Don't even think about touching her."

After hearing this, Dan glanced at Tsunade, telling her to take a good look at Mitarashi Anko.

Tsunade turned around and looked shocked.

As if it was frightened by Dan's actions, a sleeping force quietly awakened in Anko's body.

At this time, a large number of red lines appeared on her face and arms, like burning flames.

At the same time, Anko's chakra aura suddenly surged, and her eyes gradually became irrational, revealing a dangerous and crazy smile.


She went berserk, jumped up from the hospital bed, and launched an attack on Dan.


Dan’s palm instantly expanded and turned into a giant hand, holding Anko in his hand like a figurine.

Partial Multi-Size Technique.

As Dan’s fingers tightened, Anko's expression became painful, and the bones all over her body made strange noises, making it difficult to breathe.


The red lines on her body quickly faded, and her eyes became clear again.

Dan finally let go of his big hand, and Anko fell onto the bed again, her whole body limp and unable to move at all.

"What was that?"

Tsunade, who witnessed this process, was a little confused about the situation.

The answer was finally given.

Dan took a step forward and pulled open the windbreaker that Anko was wearing, revealing the black fishnet underwear underneath. It could be seen that she was well developed.

However, the focus of his eyes was not on Anko's figure, but on her left shoulder.

Over there.

There are three eye-catching black magatama, surrounding each other, and there is a circle of fine black prints on the outside.


Tsunade's pupils shrank and she let out a sound of surprise.

She felt at a glance that the pattern on Anko's shoulders was very similar to Uchiha's three magatama sharingan.

"It's not the Sharingan, it's the curse seal."

Dan corrected Tsunade, looked at Anko, and said calmly, "To be precise, it's the Curse Seal of Heaven, right."

When Anko heard this, her mouth opened wide with a look of disbelief on her face:

"You, how do you know?"

The Curse Seal of Heaven is the biggest secret hidden in her body.

Because it was given to Anko by her teacher Orochimaru himself.

Orochimaru once learned the sage mode in Ryūchi Cave, but failed. After all, the threshold for learning senjutsu was too high, and even a genius like him was ruthlessly shut out.

However, Orochimaru, who thought highly of himself, did not give up just like that.

Instead, after years of research, he found a different approach and developed a curse seal similar to the sage mode.

The Heaven's Curse Seal is the most powerful one among them. It was injected into Anko's body by Orochimaru through the snake's bite.

The curse seal contains part of Orochimaru's soul.

In the original work.

Orochimaru, who was killed by Sasuke, was resurrected through the curse seal of heaven in Anko's body.

Dan became interested in the curse mark on Anko.

Using it, you may be able to get a glimpse of the mysteries of the Sage mode and natural energy.

Natural energy is the energy that is born from all things in nature. It is a high-level energy that is superior to Chakra.

If Dan can absorb this energy and use it to temper his body, his body may become stronger and more perfect.

At this time.

Through perception, Tsunade also noticed the power of Orochimaru hidden in Anko's body, and couldn't help being surprised.

After asking Anko about it, she felt even more angry.

Orochimaru actually used his disciple as a test subject and injected the newly developed Curse Seal of Heaven into Anko's body, causing the latter to suffer continuously.

Fortunately, Anko was very lucky and was the only person who was able to survive after being imprinted with the Heavenly Curse Seal.


This is the reason why Orochimaru did not kill Anko when he defected from Konoha.

Speaking of Orochimaru, Anko's expression turned gloomy again.

"You just have a good rest here and don't go anywhere. Do you understand?"

Tsunade looked serious and gave Anko some instructions.


Anko nodded.

Even if she wanted to leave, she couldn't because Dan’s hold made it impossible for her to get up.

The three of them were chatting.


Outside the window, a terrifying roar suddenly came from far away from the center of Konoha Village.

The nine-tailed demon fox appears again.

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