
Chapter 193

"Yes, Not Bad."

Dan rubbed his chin with his fingers and looked at the line of words he just left, feeling satisfied with his calligraphy level.

It stands for reason.

Dan successfully transplanted Obito's left eye and was able to use his Kamui to enter this different space. This kind of thing should be kept hidden from Obito.


At the critical moment, he can use this trump card to defeat Obito, and even kill him in one fell swoop.

However, given Dan’s character, that would be too boring.

He didn’t plan to hide it, but he wanted to tell Obito openly——

"I can enter here at any time, you'd better be careful."

The purpose is naturally to intimidate Obito, making the latter live in constant fear and unable to even sleep well.

Mentally torturing Obito is the fun I want.

In the woods on the outskirts of Konoha.


As a vortex-like distortion appeared in the space, the tall figure descended into the real world again.


He looked around and found that the place where he was at the moment was no longer within Nagato's barrier, but had shifted by a certain distance.

Reminiscent of the way Obito uses his Kamui, he also disappears from somewhere, and when he reappears, he often comes to another place.

It seems.

Using kamui, you can also perform some kind of spatial movement in reality, similar to the flying thunder god technique.

Of course, the moving distance of Kamui is limited, and its speed is not as fast as the Flying Thunder God.

But even so, its ability is enough to defy the heavens.

It has to be said that Obito's Mangekyō Sharingan is the most generous gift from God.

A few minutes later.

In the pattering rain, Dan returned to the previous place.

The dozens of meters high paper tree and Nagato were gone, leaving only a dark ground, as if it had been scorched by fire.

Nagato is dead.

But Nagato is not important, what is important is the Rinnegan.

Dan raised his head and looked at the sky in the distance.

Konan took away the Rinnegan and Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki Uzumaki Naruto. Does he want to… chase her immediately?

But when he thought about it, that woman was not a fool. In order to avoid Dan's pursuit, she would definitely not stay in Amegakure and wait foolishly for him to come to her door.

It seems that the trip will be in vain.

Thinking of this, Dan retracted his gaze and turned to look in the direction of Konoha.

At the moment.

What he is more interested in is the ending of Konoha.

Of course you have to watch this good show to the end.

However, Dan is facing a new problem.

Now that he has faked his death, he naturally cannot go back to Konoha with this appearance.

He couldn't just put on a mask and fool around like Obito did.

After all.

Duan's height and body shape are so eye-catching that almost everyone who has seen him has an unforgettable memory, and they can recognize him just by looking at his back.

This unique muscle is Dan’s greatest feature.

It's not that simple to hide it.

Dan's transformation skills are very poor, and it is easy for others to spot his clues, but he also has his own areas of expertise.

Hiss hiss.

With the sound of air leakage, all the muscles in the whole body were like deflated rubber balls, switching from a full state to a sluggish state.

At the same time.

Crack crack.

The bones in his body also made noises one after another, as if they were getting closer together, making his height suddenly shorter.

The high-collared Uchiha robe that Dan was wearing suddenly became looser and looked very ill-fitting, like a child wearing adult clothes.

In the blink of an eye.

Dan changed from a burly man with a height of two meters to a man of medium height and average build.

Not only that, the muscles and bones of his face even shifted, as if he had undergone a plastic surgery, which changed his appearance to a certain extent.

This is Dan’s absolute control over his own body.

He can control all 639 muscles and 206 bones in his body at will.

He took off his Uchiha robe and put on ordinary clothes. He came to the river and looked towards the water.

Still not perfect enough.

Because, the reflected face can still vaguely see some of its original appearance.

After thinking about it for a while, he condensed the Yin Escape chakra and covered his face.

This is an advanced use of illusion using the power of the Mangekyo Sharingan.

Anyone who sees Dan’s face will unconsciously experience illusions and misrecognize his appearance.

Since this kind of illusion is not offensive in any way, it will not arouse people's alertness. Unless it is a person with stronger eyes than Dan, it will be difficult to deceive them.

From physical to mental.

There should be no problem with this kind of double disguise.

Speaking of the most powerful transformation technique in the ninja world, it must be White Zetsu's "disguise technique". Although Dan's disguise is not as good as tat, it is still 70% to 80% effective.


With this new look, he returned to Konoha again.

The center of Konoha Village.

The rain fell from the sky, and the drops hit the tent.

Outside the tent, the ninjas of Konoha and the coalition had different expressions. They were either silent or talking in low voices. They all stood in the rain waiting for the outcome of the peace talks.

Inside the tent.

The Fifth Generation Hokage Danzo, facing the four Kage across the negotiating table alone, did not lose the slightest momentum.

After all, he holds the lives of tens of thousands of people on both sides in his hands.


Danzo acted very tough when he first came up, demanding that the four major ninja villages withdraw their troops immediately and withdraw from the Country of Fire!

Moreover, in order to prevent the coalition forces from going back on their word, Danzo even proposed that the jinchūriki of each village should stay in Konoha as hostages.

When the four figures heard this, they couldn't help but frown.


The fourth generation Raikage with a bad temper even stood up and slammed the table, angrily scolding Danzo on the spot:

"You are wishful thinking. There is no way Kumogakure will agree to your ridiculous conditions!"

"If you are not willing to talk with sincerity, then there is nothing you can do."

Danzo shook his head helplessly, and immediately picked up his crutch, pretending to repeat his old tricks and detonate the detonating talisman buried in the village.

When Raikage saw this, his eyes flickered, and he decisively activated the Thunder Escape Chakra Mode.

He will not spoil Danzo.


For a moment, dazzling lightning filled the entire tent.

"Let's do it and see if you are faster or I am faster. But even if you are faster, I will kill you."

Raikage's fierce eyes were locked on Danzo. If the latter made any change, he would take action without hesitation.

Clang Clang.

A group of Konoha Anbu immediately drew out their ninja swords and weapons, rushed forward to protect him, and stared nervously at the Fourth Raikage.

The atmosphere was tense and on the verge of breaking out.

"Raikage, calm down first."

Onoki couldn't sit still anymore and stood up to break up the fight and stop Raikage's dangerous behavior.

But then, he looked at Danzo with a serious face and said:

"Danzo, don't forget that the prerequisite for us to start peace talks is that there can't be any more explosions or casualties. Once you take action, there will be nothing but death between the four great ninja villages and Konoha."


Danzo heard this, snorted coldly, and put down his crutch.

Whether it was the threat of force from the Fourth Raikage or the verbal warning from Onoki, he would not make any concessions.

He had long seen through the other party's tricks.


The two sides went back and forth on the negotiation table. Basically, you said yours and I said mine, fully exchanging their respective opinions.

Sorry, no agreement can be reached.

The negotiations reached a deadlock.

The atmosphere in the tent became more and more solemn, and the air seemed to be solidified, making it difficult to breathe.

At this time.

"Why don't we take a rest first and then continue talking."

Kazekage Chiyo, Sunagakure's agent, spoke up and made suggestions.


When the Fourth Raikage heard this, he stood up first, flicked his sleeves and strode out of the tent.

The other three figures also stood up and left one after another, returning to the coalition camp to continue discussing negotiation strategies.

Danzo watched the few people leave with an expressionless expression.

He did not go out for air, but still sat firmly at the negotiating table, clutching the crutch in his hand, closing his eyes and concentrating.

A Konoha Anbu hurriedly walked into the tent, knelt down on one knee and reported to Danzo:

"Report to Lord Hokage. Jiraiya broke into the prison half an hour ago and kidnapped the felon Hiruzen Sarutobi. Afterwards, the two of them met with the guards of the Fire Country Daimyo and escaped from Konoha with the Daimyo."


When Danzo heard this, he slowly opened his eyes and frowned.

"Send someone to track them immediately and report their movements to me in a timely manner."

He glanced up and gave a stern order.

"Yes." The Anbu responded and hurriedly retreated.

The rain is getting heavier.

After a while.

The four Kage re-entered the tent and continued the negotiation with Danzo.

This time, Onoki was the first to speak:

"We can agree to your conditions for withdrawal. However, it will only be limited to the fifty kilometers around Konoha, not the entire Fire Country."

In the final conclusion.

What the four major ninja villages and the major countries behind them really want is the vast and fertile land of the Fire Country, not a small area like Konoha.

And after all, there are 20,000 defenders in Konoha. If they really fight to the end, the coalition will suffer heavy losses.

Therefore, after discussion, the Four Kage finally agreed to Danzo’s conditions for withdrawing his troops.

However, some modifications have been made to this condition.

From Onoki's words, Danzo heard the other party's intention, his eyes flashed immediately, he frowned and said:

"You have a huge appetite."

As soon as he finished speaking, Raikage spoke angrily with a very firm attitude:

"It is absolutely impossible to spit out the land of the Country of Fire that has been occupied by each village. Even if we people agree, the daimyo of various countries will not agree. You should understand this."

Chiyo looked at Danzo with burning eyes and said:

"Danzo, we have shown sincerity and made concessions, and you should also make appropriate concessions. Otherwise, there is really no need to continue this negotiation."

The baby-faced Mizukage Karatachi Yagura calmly said the harshest words:

"It doesn't matter if the negotiations break down. The ninjas in the land of blood mist are the least afraid of blood and death. Even if they fight to the last person, Kirigakure will wipe out Konoha from the ninja world."

Faced with the pressure from the four Kage.

Danzo was silent for a long time, and finally spoke and responded:

"Okay, I agree to your terms."


Danzo also knows that at this point, it is completely unrealistic to keep the territory of the Land of Fire.


Now even the Daimyo of the Land of Fire has run away, and he still ran away with the Sandaime and Jiraiya. It can be said that he is standing on the opposite side of Danzo, the Hokage.

Under such circumstances, he had no reason to protect the Daimyo's Fire Country.

Danzo Shimura is the Hokage of Konoha, and he wants to protect this village.

As long as the coalition forces withdraw from Konoha, Danzo will be the undisputed savior of Konoha and will be able to secure his position as the Fifth Hokage.

Thinking of this.

"Then, let's sign a peace contract."

Danzo said in a deep voice, calm on the surface, but very excited inside.


What Danzo didn’t expect was.

Onoki shook his head, leaned back on his chair, folded his arms, and seriously said:

"Still have a question."

"What's the problem?" Danzo frowned, sensing something bad.

Onoki said calmly:

"As far as we know, you took the position of Hokage from the Sandaime by threatening to blow up the entire Konoha. The ninjas in Konoha are not convinced by you, and many even hate you very much. This is a huge hidden danger. "

Chiyo also looked directly at Danzo with sharp eyes and added:

"And we have just received information that the Sandaime and Jiraiya took the Daimyo of the Country of Fire and escaped from Konoha.

Once they find a new stronghold and make a comeback in the name of the daimyo and former Hokage, they will inevitably respond to the call and attract countless Konoha ninjas to seek refuge.

By then, all the ninjas in Konoha will be gone, leaving only an empty frame.

"Do you, Hokage, still have any meaning in your existence?" "

Facing doubts.

A look of displeasure appeared on Danzo's face, and he said coldly:

"These are Konoha's internal affairs, so I don't need you to worry about them. I will take care of them naturally.

You just need to know that I am now conducting peace negotiations with you as the Fifth Hokage, and my will is the will of Konoha. "

Regarding his response, they obviously didn't buy it.

"But we are still worried.

You may be assassinated or overthrown at any time. If the new Hokage takes office and completely tears up this peace agreement, wouldn't it be in vain? "

Mizukage Yagura continued to question Danzo and expressed the concerns of the coalition forces.

"Then what do you want?"

Danzo suppressed his inner irritability and asked in a deep voice.

"Don't be nervous, we just want to help you consolidate your position as Hokage."

The Fourth Raikage stood up again, looked at Danzo condescendingly, and finally said, "As long as we introduce the power of the four major ninja villages, deploy people to form a senior advisory group, and jointly govern Konoha, we can resolve the crisis you are currently facing.

In addition, we can also send elite troops to help you hunt down the Sandaime and Jiraiya and get rid of these two scourges…"


Raikage was only halfway through his words when he was sharply rejected by Danzo.

The so-called "good intentions" of the other party were clearly intended to seize the power of him as the Hokage. This was the only thing Danzo could not tolerate, and it was his bottom line.

Hearing this, the four figures looked at each other.

"We have shown so much sincerity, but you still refuse. It seems that there is really no other way."

After Onoki said these words, the four figures present stood up together, locked their eyes on Danzo, and released fierce murderous intent.

Being locked by the killing intent of the four Kage at the same time, one can imagine the great pressure. In the entire ninja world, probably only Pain and Uchiha Dan can bear this pressure calmly.

But those two guys are already dead.

Danzo took two steps back, with cold sweat streaming down his face, and shouted to the four Kage:

"Do you really want to kill the fish and break the net? Once I detonate…"


This time, it was the Fourth Raikage who interrupted Danzo impatiently, "Don't threaten us with this trick. I have said long ago that Konoha must be destroyed, no matter what the cost. In the ninja world, there are four The Great Ninja Village is enough!"

The gazes of the other three figures became more and more sharp, and they all made up their minds.


Danzo swallowed hard, his expression extremely ugly.

He knew that he was in extreme passivity and that the threat of death was close at hand, and his mind began to think rapidly.

Various thoughts flashed through one by one.

Seeing that the four Kage had lost all patience and were about to take action, Danzo's attitude finally softened and he whispered:

"Everyone, for the sake of peace in the ninja world and the lives of tens of thousands of ninjas outside this tent, don't be impulsive. Everything… can be discussed."


This is the only thought in Danzo's mind right now.

Right now, he must protect Konoha, even if he, as the Hokage, has to endure some humiliation and grievance.

Just get through this difficult time.

Danzo believes that under his governance, Konoha will soon get better, and all kinds of talented ninjas will spring up like mushrooms after a rain.

Konoha will have a second White Fang, a second generation Sannin, a second Yellow Flash…

By the time.

Under the command of him, the Fifth Hokage, Konoha will launch a magnificent counterattack, regain its position as the leader of the five great ninja villages, and restore its former glory.

​Even to unify the ninja world.

Danzo swore that one day he would return the shame of today ten times or a hundred times to the four great ninja villages.

But before that, he had to be patient.

Hearing Danzo’s statement.

The four Kage looked at each other again, knowing in their hearts that their strategy was successful.

Danzo is a tough guy who is rough on the inside but strong on the outside.

Although on the surface he has been clamoring to lead Konoha and the ninja alliance to perish together, but in fact, he is very greedy for the power brought by the position of Hokage.

This is Danzo's biggest weakness.

Onoki and others took advantage of this weakness and defeated Danzo at the negotiation table.

Their plan is to support Danzo as the puppet Hokage, thereby controlling Konoha in disguise, and rule and exploit Konoha ninjas.

Compared with directly annihilating Konoha, this approach can obviously bring greater benefits to the four major ninja villages.


It was a long negotiation that lasted for several hours.

During this period, the Four Kage and Danzo signed a series of treaties.

Many of these treaties are beneficial to Danzo himself, but without exception, they are all detrimental to Konoha.

Until the rain outside stopped and it was getting late.

The five Kage then walked out of the tent and jointly announced:

The negotiations have achieved great success. From this moment on, the allied forces of Konoha and the ninja world officially cease the war and embrace peace together!

Hear this exciting news.

The ninjas in Konoha breathed a sigh of relief, and they all felt like they were surviving a disaster.

The village was defended.

They survived.

But everyone in Konoha didn't know what conditions Danzo agreed to in order to secure his position as Hokage.

The nightmare life of Konoha ninja has just begun…

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