
Chapter 2

The New Federation of China, a behemoth formed after World War III, where the Celestial Empire united several surrounding Asian countries under its wings. To confront the USA and the EU.

The state of this world had become very severe after World War III as the countries were secretly stabbing each other's backs. Technology development and the cultivation of powerful Espers between countries became a hot topic. But none of this mattered to Lucius.


Lucius walked out of his small house, built on top of a shabby house, in the slum area of the New Federation of China's Wenhan City. As a vampire, he had to hide here as the Church ruled by the Exorcist targeted him to be captured and killed.

How much did the Church offer for his head? 700.000 New Federation Dollars. Even the nation's most vicious criminals' prices were much less beneath his price. He knew exactly what the Church did to vampires caught by the Exorcists. All this time, he had no power and could only cower as he watched his innocent sister was burned at stake by the Church. But now, he had no more reason to hide…

Lucius glanced at the crimson liquid in the vial in his hand. His scarlet eyes glowed in the dark night. I had the power of revenge…

"Cold." Lucius looked at the night city scenery at a distance from the rooftop. He exhaled a white breath against the cold air. Amidst the cold late-winter night, Lucius wore nothing but a white shirt and jeans and went straight out.

Not that he was weak, but as a vampire, Lucius had no body temperature in the first place. His blood was frozen with no body heat.

After being strengthened by the system, Lucius felt that his body had reached an ordinary vampire level. His strength and agility were 3x more than a human.

Lucius lowered his head to look at the three-story high residential house and jumped straight down without any hesitation.

A sickening crack sound was heard on the road where Lucius just landed. The crack centered around Lucius's body.

"Nice power." Lucius felt his strengthened body. "This way, even a D-rank Exorcist can't handle me, right?"

Let's put aside his vengeance with the Church to the side for now. Destroying the world and getting despair points was his goal now.

Lucius looked at the contrast between the brightly light city in the distance and the gloomy slums and slightly recalled the city's structure.

The city was built alongside a river, and there was a dam upstream that provided water for the entire city. The dam was their main water reservoir. And this dam was just within his reach.

He could've just poured the virus into the dam, and soon, this city would become a hell on earth!

Lucius headed towards the dam.

In this dark slum, anything and everything could happen. On this cold winter night, there weren't many passersby seen on the four-way street. The road was silent. So no one noticed Lucius' previous act, even if they did, they wouldn't dare to make a fuss over it.

On this kind of night, passersby didn't see many, and only in the middle of the four-way street, the road seemed a bit silent.

He walked into a dark alley that didn't even have a street lamp and witnessed a delightful scene. A few suspicious young men with short knives in their hands were surrounding a young woman. She dressed like an office worker, she probably had terrible luck and bumped into those guys on her way home.

A robbery? No, that didn't seem like it as she was almost undressed. Lucius glanced at the exposed skin from the woman's disheveled clothes. A strange desire suddenly rose up in Lucius's mind.

"What are you looking at? If you don't want to die, get lost!." One of the tall bald heads holding a shaky knife shook it at Lucius, who was standing there. Gesturing, telling him to leave.

Lucius was going to leave, but he heard the guy shouting. Lowering his head in silence, he walked towards the dark alley.

"Hey, hey, are you telling me you want to save this girl? What era is this? Why do such things, kid?"

Seeing Lucius was looking for death as he walked towards the alley, the tall young men scoffed and took their knives and pointed them at Lucius.

"I'll stab you! Ha… I'll give you a lesson to not play a hero."

"Sorry about that." Lucius raised his head, and the luster in his scarlet eyes stunned the young men, "I hate heroic stuff!"



As they were startled, an intense pain spread through their abdomens. Lucius, relying on his body strength about three times stronger than an ordinary human, kicked each of them hard in the stomach. The tremendous force slammed the man into the wall behind them.

"You kid had a gut!" The tallest bald man that Lucius hadn't taken care of yet, immediately reacted after pulling out his knife and stabbed Lucius's head.

"And…" Lucius cracked his mouth open, revealing a series of shark-like teeth in a scary manner, "I hate being bleeding!"

He immediately kicked the tall bald guy to the wall, never to get up again. It looked like his lower half was utterly destroyed.

After finishing his business, Lucius walked to the disheveled woman who was terrified, sitting down against the wall. Although fear instilled on her face, indeed, she was a pretty lady. But under the pale moonlight, she was stunned after seeing Lucius' face. Apart from his pale skin, his physical appearance was indeed a temptation for a human female.

"Thank you for… saving me." The woman seemed to feel that she was safe now, and she straightened her clothes and stood up shakily, "If… if you need anything in return…"

"Of course, I need it."

An eerie shriek rang out in the alley.

Lucius' eyes frightened the woman. He was even more terrifying than those young men.

Lucius stretched out his hand and strangled the woman's neck. Showing his sharp teeth, and bit down without mercy under her fearful gaze. Then the woman's fearful screams were heard throughout the alley. It gradually grew weaker, her eyes began to dilate, and her resistance grew faint.

Blood flowed from her body, spilling out and splattering everywhere. The bone-chilling sound of blood-sucking sound silently echoed throughout the alley.

"Tch..!" After sucking, Lucius threw the woman's body aside, spit out a mouthful of blood. He wiped the corners of his mouth. "How bland her blood was, is she not a virgin?"

Vampires had a fondness of a young girl's blood, Lucius was no exception.

Looking at the fallen human under the pale moonlight, Lucius showed an indifferent expression and continued walking towards the reservoir.

[Gain 1 Despair Point.]

At this time, the system's prompt rang out inside Lucius's ear.

Only 1? How is it possible? Lucius sniffed the air, there wasn't any life left here. Those weak young men were kicked to death by Lucius. But why did he only earn 1 despair point?

Is that because….

Lucius saw the expression of the fallen men, and then at the woman's expression. Tears and never-ending fear spread across her face. Her eyes stared widely as if she was still in disbelief, why all of this happened to her.

So that's how it is?

This so-called ‘despair points'…

Lucius finally understood the meaning of the despair points. If all humans died in despair, then he would become an Elder, right?

No, he would become even stronger.

With high anticipation, Lucius walked towards the dam.

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Comments 15

  1. Offline
    Smiley Crow
    d rank lesser vampire? sounds like trash
    it would've been fine if it was a normal world, but if regular people can become espers and exorcists, why can't he do the same
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  2. Offline
    I know i shouldn't complain about everything but the plain stupidity is making my head hurt.

    It's already 22nd century yet he eats like a mindless vampire from from old movies. Even if you can't eat with poise at least eat while using your brain.
    Firstly, he didn't bother keeping some blood on him for emergency, his actions is like that of a stupid monster who will attack people when he gets hungry, for someone who lives in hiding from an advance society he lacks survival skills, situational awareness and common sense.
    Secondly, did he seriously bit and drank the blood of the woman and left her corpse just like that? Forget about catching transmittable disease let's just say he's immune of diseases sure, but he just left evidences that points that it was victimized by a vampire. He just attacked someone from a walking distance away from his house and left the f#cking evidence there. Why not left your picture, number and address too?! Jesus.

    How the heck did this idiot survive until now?
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  3. Offline
    Omnis Ra
    seriously get an editor or a grammar program
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  4. Offline
    What a weird about face from an attempt at pity because the big bad church is trying to kill him and then he murders a girl because he likes virgin blood lol
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    1. Online Offline
      Immortal God
      Can’t believe you had the audacity to mention that
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    2. Offline
      Extermination of the human race by creating the apocalypses - fine
      Murder - Not ok
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      1. Offline
        Morals are subjective they were all gonna die anyway
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        1. Offline
          What? Massmurder is always worse than murder. No mater what kind of f#cked up moral you have. it is literaly the same thing but multiple times.
          and I really hope you don't really thing the morality of murder or Genozide is subjective.
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          1. Offline
            It is, not that I'm going to do it. If someone wants to kill somebody that's their business not mine, in my opinion morals feelings and all that are subjective you wouldn't think twice before you kill an ant for example. Now you might say that it's just an ant but what gives you the right to decide who's and who's life is more important? You say it's bad but if you were in a situation where you had to do it is it still bad?
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              That is very naive way of thinking about morals. The idea is technically correct. Morals are technically a arbitrary individual perspective. and there are many schools with different ideas.
              But some basic rules are followed by close to all scools. And they are simply based on logic. They are the basis for a societal contract.
              Like not killing each outher. Simply for the very reason that people don't wanna be killed. so of you don't kill others and others don't kill you everyone profits.
              The idea of not killing each other is a essential basis for a society. And this is the basis for a pareto optimization of life.
              Ants have nothing to do with it because they are not human. they do no belong to the same species.
              While I think certant animal protection is important it is not an essential component of a Society.

              This basic socal construct requires some few rules like not hurting each outher (or at least binding it
              to certant rules) for it to work.
              So you CAN say that not killing each other is an essential part of human morals.
              Your argument is correct in theory but only applies if you live independent of a society. In wich case it doesn't matte because you have no content to humans anyway.
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              1. Offline
                I see, you have opened my eyes you have my gratitude. ninja
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                Moral is subjective but is also a social construct. You're talking like humans took the most logical conclusion to build societal rule which we call morals. But that's wrong. Morals in this context applies to individual part of "goodness".

                A society can implement rules/morals on personalities. But as long as people have freedom of thought they will have different ideals which will create subjective morals.

                Moral about genocide might also differ. You're whole family was killed, so you went for genocide. That's righteous. This act is unlawful but has high moral ground. People are not mindless law abiders. Law can condemn an act of revenge but morals may praise it. Moral itself is subjective but modern law is not.
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                  Again this is not how it works. I think you have a misunderstanding about the Ida of a social construct. What you call self consist mostly out of social constructs. You are strongly shaped by your (social) expiries. And they are shaped by social constructs. They aren't external rules enforced by force but the very way of human interaction and living. You seam to miss a very key part.
                  If you really wanna know read the french philosopher, historian, sociologist Michel Foucault. The conzept is to komplex for a moment on a novel site.
                  But you can simplfie it like this:
                  You say your decisions come from your personal morals. But where do they come form? They are formed from your expirences. And these (again social) expirences are the incarnation of the social constructs. They aren't static external rules but they are the very nature of human interaction on a bigger scale. And that intern then again creates new morals.wixh is then again handed down to humans. It changes over time but some essentials rules almost always stay the same.

                  And to the other stuff:
                  They aren't create throw a logical Prozess but throw a evelutionarie Prozess. But that is the same outcome wise.
                  "Moral about genocide might also differ. You're whole family was killed, so you went for genocide. That's righteous."
                  No it definitely isn't. That is very f#cked up. While there may be some disagreement if killing the culprit is justified, killing inocent is never justified. And I am pretty sure that a large majority would agree with me. That is how our current society sees morals.
                  In another society this might be accepted. But it still falls in my explanation as I said "or at least binding it to certant rules". It still follows a rule of of action --> Konsequenz. It just has it basis in a coltive instead of the predominant individualistic society we live in today. Social Rules don't have to aligned with law. (Drugs are a good example in our society )
                  You might have a havily different moral ideal than the social norm most people have, but it still falls within the "basline" morals I have outlined.
                  Tldr: almost all moral standards fall in the baseline morals I have outlined. And while there are always outliers, the overall society still very homogonos. Those homogos Ideals are also go way farther than just these baselines as in your example.
                  Don't wonder that this comment is a mess because this topic is literally the entire field of ethics and would onastly at least need a proper thesis to explain because it touches on many different topics including human identy and free will. A comment on a novel site is just not enoth space nor time to properly explain it.
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                  First of all, human nature isn't static. It sounds more convincing when we add author's name and theories. But don't take them as the absolute truth (personally speaking ignoring academic rules).

                  People's emotion vary much more than what is observable. Two different people may take different decision faced with same situation. Coward or brave trait might not even be learned that affects decision. Some people are just born genius, have different emotions, have different outlook on life. Law also doesn't impact the same on every people. The experiences that you mentioned is simply felt differently by different people. So it's not true that experience make the personalities and personalities also do not make the societal rule as a whole.

                  Let's convince you a bit, if we look into society's history we will see something different. Societies of the past were highly tyrannical. Only few people grasped power and status. The made rules are for the commoners. It wasn't created by commoners but for commoners.

                  But now we might ask, well, the current world is different and is for the majority. Because we are bimbos that we see it that way. If we look with the eyes of higher status and wealth, we will see a lot of loopholes and advantages focused on us.
                  Life isn't fair. Nor the ability to affect the societal change. From ancient times the powerful changed society on a much larger scale then the majority did. The majority is more like a powerless sheep. The experiences you are talking about may not be unbiased evolution of society.

                  As for my moral values, I wasn't really talking about myself. I was talking with the perspective of the mob mentality, the mentality of the crowd. If there is a rapist, some countries stone them to death. There are things much more gruesome in some other countries. You can't really call the human brutality homogeneous. Some countries are paradise while some are parts of hell.

                  But there's one thing that's homogeneous that is humans are rational beings. But most of us are greedy and insecure. This is my answer to moral.

                  Balance is more like an illusion for the majority while different powers are most important. Wealth, violence, status always breaks the illusion of harmony.

                  You're quite good in the academic field. Your use of theories were very convincing and I would suggest you to try academic writing. I was quite convinced by your outlook on the topic. Most people can't identify intelligence, so if you tell them intelligence comes from a hat, they would believe it. But the thing is, you were to the point with the theories and were closely connected to the topic.
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                  Michel Foucaults Theorie is today more applicable than ever. But it has always been valid. And I don't take it is the absolute truth. Infact that isn't even really what he wrote about. His works focus on the normalising power of institutions and social norms that makes us lose our humanity. His maine point was pretty much the oposit of what I used it for. I just used it because his theory is useful here and this is an implicit consequences of it.

                  You don't seem to have fully understand what I was saying. Humans are different both indidualy and over time. Yes there have been been different control structures over time that have different outcomes and allow for diffrent types of individualism. Democracy has its own flaws but is most definitely better than a dictatorship or a kingdome.
                  But this is not about indidual people but about the mayority and the social cozequenzes of there ideals. And the mayortys ideals are defined by social norms. And these norms are again shaped by history and the social structure. This only works in a macro Perspektive. Micro Perspektive doesn't really help here.

                  But one of the things that stand true no mater what society: killing outhers is and was always iligal. It wasnt always enforced perfectly and there have been small reasons for Wich you could kill someone. BUT IT STILL ALWAYS STOOD TRUE. for the simple reason that a society that dos t do that doesn't really Funktion.
                  And these where always preached and practiced. And they defused into human morals because of that. It doesn't mean that indiduals can't differ from that norm or that out here aren't theoretically possible. But it means that A pareto optimal STABLE SOCITY can only be reached if most follow them. And that is something humans need. as security and human interaction are basic human needs.

                  Yeah the rapist is killed. But that is exactly what I said. This society has a rule by Wich killing is morally aceptet. You rape someone --> you die. You can't just stone someone for no reason. You can't even stone his family . (Althou even that could be different in a collective society that also sees guilt as a collective thing)

                  It is not a out balance, fairness or anything else. It is just a logical truth about stability of a social system. This applies in the worst tyranny as well as in the best democracy. Democracys are just better at it which makes them morally superior. but that also doesn't mean they are perfect at it.

                  Tldr: killing someone else without reason being evile is one of the few universialy accepted moral truths.
                  That has nothing to do with balance or fairness but just with the fact that outerwise a society simply can't function. And therfor can neither provide nor controll anyone effektivly. (That sounds pretty cynical but is actually not it is absicly just a logical argument put on the forming of universal morals and is not all they consist of either. it is just the part that is relevant here)
                  It is not that I say anything you say is wrong er se, it is just that you have to look it universal morals from a universal perspective and can't argue it based on individual people or societies.

                  And no I suck at academic writing.
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