2 days ago

Interstellar Age by Zentmeister

It is the year 2500, and humanity has expanded its reach beyond the confines of Earth. In a distant... Read more
It is the year 2500, and humanity has expanded its reach beyond the confines of Earth. In a distant sector of the galaxy, a young man named Erich "Silber" Jaeger is born into a dystopian empire that tightly controls the lives of its citizens.

Growing up in a society rife with discrimination, Erich faces an uncertain future as he approaches military conscription. He will spend the next two decades of his life serving in the Armed Forces of the Germanic Star-Empire, fighting against the many enemies of the authoritarian state.

As he navigates the treacherous landscape of interstellar warfare, Erich must grapple with his own ambitions and loyalties. Will he rise through the ranks to become the next dictator of the empire, or will he meet a gruesome end on the battlefield?

Join Erich on his journey through the Interstellar Age, as he confronts the challenges of war, politics, and personal identity in a universe filled with danger and intrigue. Collapse
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Comments 22

  1. Offline
    i like this novel and the other one tyranny of steel because Im a racist and Nazi sympathizer
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  2. Offline
    I feel the other reviews so far don't give this novel justice but they are right and i agree with them... as in my comments in all the early chapters.

    This novel makes every moment impactful and it's a roller-coaster type novel where you first go down and then go up but before you go up people stop reading.

    The novel starts of with the mc being unwanted and later on shellshocked and he goes into crime to earn money for alcohol because of his time in war. - fighter pilot stage

    This is where the other reviews end and this part is not fun too read because what is the point if he just keeps suffering. This happens for the first 60 chapters or so and every 60 or so chapters the mc is starting a new chapter of his life.

    After this fighter pilot stage it gets a lot better and the early chapters get you really invested into the character so they have more impact.

    I would define the stages and rating them as
    (Makes other stages a lot more impactful though and if you ignore the depressing part is is really a 4/5)



    current so hard to rate

    But there are some points i want to mention.

    - DEATH of lovers: This happens only in the first part and his lovers never die for real.

    - Cloning: The body can be cloned but not the conciousness. In case you die then a 'radio' station has to pickup the signal or you stay dead. In war a lot of times a radio station can get jammed or ddossed by a lot of people dying. It is not very well explained but that is how i see it.

    - Plot holes: I had a lot of moments of why, that makes no sense and then 20 chapters later i get an oh now i get it.

    - R18 scenes: They are written but they are half chapters long or glossed over so kinda underwhelming. I wish it was written like in emperor of death novel.
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  3. Offline
    Dolhoz Rudge
    Lol look at the snowflakes in the comments, if you haven't yet go read Tyranny Of Steel, if you can't stomach that then this isn't for you. I'd rate this a 4/5.
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  4. Offline
    Any recommendation for a novel similar to this one or Tyranny of Steel?
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  5. Offline
    Compared to The Tyranny of Steel, which I read almost completely, I liked this novel less for the following reasons:

    1) Unrealistic relationship. The 250-year-old matriarch suddenly falls in love with the main character, and then the addition of other girls to his harem is quite easy. Perhaps I am a sophisticated reader, but I do not believe in the realism of this.

    2) Cloning. This is what eventually killed my interest completely and I dropped the novel. I may not have read to the point where the reasons are explained, but because of this super-cheat, it becomes more difficult to empathize with the characters, because death is not final and everything can be returned back.

    The question also arises why Germany has such high technology, why can't they just clone 1,000 main characters or other important characters along with memories and get a bunch of perfect soldiers, why they need to be grown from scratch. In this case, the value of a human life is equal to the value of the biomaterials spent on creating a clone.

    3) Predictability and cardboard.
    It seemed to me alone, but the characters who must have great intelligence and power are absolute idiots. Such as the oni emperor and the elf empress. All this is too cartoony and not realistic. And the fact that the main character is immediately predetermined by the path of the next supreme leader of his people. Consider the technology of cloning, and its supposed value is immediately called into question.

    Bottom line: not a bad novel for an inexperienced reader who loves harems and fiddling, but for those who find it difficult to get involved without realistic world building and characters, it's better not to waste time. Personally, I recommend instead novel "the mech touch", where everything is much more logical and thoughtful.
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    1. Offline
      Void Progenitor
      Read Rise of the Infinite Sovereign
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  6. Offline
    I'm basing my review on the first 55 chapters which is where I stopped reading. Do not expect a well structured review.

    Firstly, this novel is written by the same guy that writes Tyranny of Steel, a novel that for a multitude of reasons, I am not a fan of. Interstellar age shares some of its downsides but it's somewhat different at the same time.

    Style - the way the author writes is weird imo, or unconventional if you wanna take it as a compliment. Nothing, aside from simple dialogue, actually happens as each scene is always described by the narrator and is not played out withs several dialogues and reactions. The narrator says something happened, the narrator says the mc's reaction, the narrator moves on to a different scene. Most battles are like this too. No dialogue, just a narration of what the MC has done and how, and how it was perceived. It's very strange to read. I apologize if my explanation wasn't clear but this "issue" is easily noticeable if you decide to give the novel a try.

    World - as you can guess by the title, the story takes place in space and it revolves around conflicts and wars between opposing countries and factions. The place the MC is from is basically Nazi germany and the author does not even try to deny it, as jews are even mentioned later on. Technology is as advanced as you can possibly imagine. Ex: in the mc's empire when someone dies, they are simply cloned back into existence with their former selves' memories and go back to living their life.

    MC - somewhat normal, albeit still very much like his compatriots, guy in a nationalistic, fascist, racist empire who is forced to go through a lot of hardships cuz he was born as a mutant/aberrant. Up until chapter 55 where
    you could see his growth as a charater and his flaws were acceptable but after THAT happened in chapter 55 I simply could not enjoy the novel and dropped it right away. He gets walked and shat on by everyone. Every single thing he thinks he's managed to hide, is always out in the open for everyone else to use and he keeps being forced into things he does not wanna do
    and with each passing chapter he was getting further and further away from his original mindset and goals until chapter 55 hit. That's probably the turning point but I'm out.

    There's nothing else to say really 2/5 not recommend.
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  7. Offline
    The last chapters (80-90) just threw me off. What the hell author? I understand you want Mc to suffer but not like a complete imbecile.
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  8. Offline
    This is a pretty good novel I don’t get why the rating is so low. I guess I’m a little off put on how the Germanic empire is basically nazis that went off into space, but if you bothered to read any further it has good explanations and depth. Also the racism for him being a “mutant” gets better as he has personal growth in the military. The writing is good and the author has a good sense of direction for this story 5/5
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  9. Offline
    Although i wouldn't mind reading a novel with German culture but author makes it too nationalist and we can clearly see his obsession with Nazi Germany. If you can ignore all of this racist comments made by author then you can try reading it. But in terms of nationalism this is worse than Tyranny of Steel which still had some compassion towards other cultures
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    1. Offline
      whats wrong with those 2 things?
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  10. Offline
    The author started "tyranny" well, but the further, the worse it was. I gave it up before reaching chapter 500. Here the author even began badly, very badly. Guess I won't waste any more time.
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