8 hours ago

I Pioneered Scientific MagicI Created Scientific Magic • 我打造了科学魔法

Lynn embarks on a fantastical journey to a realm reminiscent of medieval Europe, yet infused with... Read more
Lynn embarks on a fantastical journey to a realm reminiscent of medieval Europe, yet infused with extraordinary magical abilities. Here, the very fabric of reality is governed by the enigmatic theory of magic, which harnesses and manipulates fundamental particles.

In this world, wizards, who are essentially scientific spellcasters, find themselves locked in a relentless battle against the oppressive Church.

However, when Linn arrives, a harbinger of an otherworldly Renaissance, the tides of change are set in motion, unveiling a thrilling tale of discovery, intrigue, and the struggle for enlightenment. Collapse
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Comments 62

  1. Offline
    I read the entire novel. this has the most rushed ending where the medieval society turns into a galaxy-dominating society in 2 decades. I felt like I wasted my time.
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  2. Offline
    I see lynn first......and then linn...in the synopsis
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  3. Offline
    Dark Phoenix
    💀💀The Translator Or Author Of This Novel Is An Idiot.....He Never Edited This Novel It Basically Mtl And He Hopes People Will Join His Patreon troll8 It Just Funny troll2
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  4. Offline
    A small spoiler for the end of the novel:
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  5. Offline
    Was great at first but when he go to the wizard kingdom or so and became a teacher it got boring
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  6. Offline
    Actually, this novel is fantastic. Sure, the main character is a bit dull and there's no hint of romance, but that's not really the issue. I stopped at chapter 494 with an edited Epub I made from here. The novel does an excellent job of blending together magic and high-school level science, and it's pretty convincing too. The real issue is the translator, who's almost singlehandedly responsible for the novel's low ratings here. I mean, changing a female character's name from Jenny to Johnny? Great f#cking idea. And even after being called out, they just keep at it!

    The best way to read this novel? Unironically, it's with machine translation. There's less gender confusion and it's on par with what the official translator is offering.
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    1. Offline
      where did you read the mtl
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      1. Offline
        Here, they also offer Ranobes Epub. I downloaded that, fixed it up, and read it.
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        1. Offline
          Thanks! How did you fix it btw?
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          1. Offline
            - Implemented professional book grade epub format, optimized specifically for Text-to-Speech (TTS) functionality to enhance accessibility.

            - Introduced drop cap feature at the beginning of each chapter for a more professional look and feel.

            - Emphasized dialogue using bold tags and used italics for inner thoughts and monologues to distinguish between different narrative elements.

            - Hidden chapter titles within the text to avoid potential spoilers while keeping them visible in the Table of Contents (ToC) for navigation purposes.

            - From what I remember wizard ranking that kept on changing because of translation I fixed them.

            - Unique names such as mathematical arcana was translated into some garbage name I fixed it throughout the novel.

            - Misspelt names fixed and unified.

            - Corrected all identified spelling mistakes throughout the text. Please note that while spelling errors have been addressed, the grammar remains unaltered due to the prohibitive costs of comprehensive grammatical correction software.

            And a few other miscellaneous things like:

            - Removed unnecessary notes: Deleted all annotations related to the translator, editor, author, website ads, etc., For a pure reading experience.

            - Removed redundant and meaningless words: Eliminated unnecessary and insignificant words or phrases that do not contribute to the story

            - Corrected punctuation and quotation mark usage: Added spaces after punctuation marks and ensured proper placement of punctuation within quotation marks to enhance the reading experience.

            - Connected orphaned paragraphs: Identified and connected paragraphs that were incorrectly split into two, improving the flow of the text. (There were a few hundred of these)
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            1. Offline
              Is there any way you can share this?
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              1. Offline
                Of course, just not sure if the mods will remove it or not but [here you go](https://drive.google.com/file/d/12Q8kGWkmpEtaUwGCul4I_FJP1BrK2Oln/view?usp=sharing). If you want to read it on Mobi (Kindle) you'd have to manually convert it.

                If you're reading on Android or iOS I recommend BookFusion and you can use TTS to get the book read to you. Better that way IMO.
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                1. Offline
                  Thanks a lot. Really appreciate it
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                2. Offline
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                3. Offline
                  What program did you use may i ask
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                4. Offline
                  For mass editing I usually use hundreds of scripts that edit grammatically mistakes, I made the scripts myself based on common mistakes I found. I then use Sigil/Calibre epub editors to use their spelling checker to manually go in and edit out mistakes that are nonsensical, website adverts, translators/editor inserts etc.
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  7. Offline
    I've read this in another place and it was good at the beginning but then it became garbage when the author suddenly introduced aliens in the story and all science and kingdom building stuff disapeared
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  8. Offline
    Seems like the "translator" if you can even call them that, passed the raw through DeepL and then published with zero f#cking editing.
    Truly, a "translator", who passes someone else's work as there own, with no modifications whatsoever, and then expects the reader to pay for more chapters translated by what is effectively a free tool.

    It's a scam.

    Go read the MTL. It's about the same quality anyways.
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    1. Offline
      Even the Patreon content is barely edited mtl. Bro's ABOUT PAGE IS MTL. Absolute shame to the TL scene.
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  9. Offline
    The translation often changes the names and spellings of the characters, and it feels like its a coinflip whether the characters use masculine or feminine spellings every chapter
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  10. Offline
    Felt like the author couldnt decide on what name to give for which character. It was confusing to say the least.
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