9 hours ago

I Pioneered Scientific MagicI Created Scientific Magic • 我打造了科学魔法

Lynn embarks on a fantastical journey to a realm reminiscent of medieval Europe, yet infused with... Read more
Lynn embarks on a fantastical journey to a realm reminiscent of medieval Europe, yet infused with extraordinary magical abilities. Here, the very fabric of reality is governed by the enigmatic theory of magic, which harnesses and manipulates fundamental particles.

In this world, wizards, who are essentially scientific spellcasters, find themselves locked in a relentless battle against the oppressive Church.

However, when Linn arrives, a harbinger of an otherworldly Renaissance, the tides of change are set in motion, unveiling a thrilling tale of discovery, intrigue, and the struggle for enlightenment. Collapse
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Comments 62

  1. Offline
    The spelling of mc's name isn't even consistent in the synopsis. I expect that the translation quality is gonna be more of the same.
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  2. Offline
    Meh. Oppressive church trope is old
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  3. Offline
    Does anyone else get AI vibes from the synopsis? It sounds too gaudy... too wordy and without any real substance.
    It might just be me though.
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    1. Offline
      Yeah it's DeepTL Mtl.
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    2. Offline
      Damn now that you point it out! I feel like I could get chatgpt to write this with a fairly simple prompt.
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  4. Offline
    rank B

    I have been following this work for a few months now, the author explains science with magical energy very well, even if you don't know anything about chemistry or physics, the author explains it in a simple way so that you understand, the work is good, but the chps have few words, as the chapters go on the quality of the plot decreases although it will take around 400 to 500 chps for it to get "bad", it's still worth it.
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  5. Offline
    Magic + technology novels either become absolute trash or absolute gold. Now which is this one?
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    1. Offline
      dull gold, or damaged.
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      1. Offline
        At least it ain't fools gold
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    2. Offline
      leprechaun gold
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  6. Offline
    This sounds like a copy of Throne of Magical Arcana which I've already read. Does anyone who has read this story know if it's a straight up rip off or is there some originality and interesting qualities to this story that sets it apart?
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  7. Offline
    The Delicate Art of Jokes: Between the Dark and the Common

    Have you ever stopped to think about the difference between a dark joke and a regular one? After all, humor is a double-edged sword – it can make us laugh, but it also needs to be handled with care.

    Dark jokes are like that friend who always exaggerates stories. They delve into the obscure, dare to cross boundaries, and often catch us off guard. It's like walking on a tightrope – you laugh, but you also get that little thrill.

    Now, regular jokes are like a warm hug. They are familiar, accessible, and usually don't carry the weight of the unexpected. They're like the mac 'n' cheese of humor – everyone loves them.

    But here's the catch: both have their place on the comedy stage, but you need to know when to drop these pearls. Just as you wouldn't wear a raincoat on a sunny beach day, you also wouldn't crack a dark joke in an inappropriate situation.

    Remember, dark jokes are like dark chocolate – delightful when savored in the right amount but can leave a bitter taste if overdone. Regular jokes are like a good old chocolate cake – always pleasing and rarely causing discomfort.

    So, when using humor, be the master of comedic arts who knows how to balance the dark and the common. Because, in the end, laughter is a gift that should unite, not divide. And, as any experienced chef would say, the secret lies in the measure of the ingredients.

    Let jokes bring us laughter, remembering to savor each moment with the respect and sensitivity they deserve. After all, in life's comedy, we all want to be the protagonists of the best joke ever told.

    — Made by the unknown jokester.
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  8. Offline
    Has the potential to be good but it’s not. Author tries to use scientific terms / knowledge to explain the magic, and it is completely nonsensical.

    Also an oppressive church in a western fantasy setting is a *totally* original idea
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  9. Offline
    A hippie gets onto a bus and sits next to a nun in the front seat. The hippie looks over and asks the nun if she would have s*x with him.

    The nun, surprised by the question, politely declines and gets off at the next stop. When the bus starts again, the bus driver says to the hippie, "If you want, I can tell you how you can get that nun to have s*x with you."

    The hippie of course says that he'd love to know, so the bus driver tells him that every Tuesday evening at midnight the nun goes to the cemetery to pray to the lord. "If you went dressed in robes and some glowing powder," says the bus driver, "You could tell her you were God and command her to have s*x with you."

    The hippie decides to try this out. That Tuesday, he goes to the cemetery and waits for the nun. Right on schedule, the nun shows up. While she's in the middle of praying, the hippie walks out from hiding, in robes and glowing with a mask of god. "I am God, I have heard your prayers and I will answer them but you must have s*x with me first," he says.

    The nun agrees but asks for anal sex so she might keep her virginity. The hippie agrees to this and quickly sets about having s*x with the nun.

    After the hippie finishes, he rips off his mask and shouts out, "Ha ha, I'm the hippie! "

    The nun replies by whipping off her mask and shouting, "Ha ha, I'm the bus driver!"
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    1. Offline
      Nice twist
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    2. Offline
      I've seen this story somewhere... How strange.
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    3. Offline
      Welcome to the unexpected station of surprises!
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  10. Offline
    Review below by some poison tester...

    Hope this doesn't go on trash route later

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    1. Offline
      stop spamming your "official" discord server, which isnt official in any shape or form.

      from your dog discord:
      𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍𝕾𝖊𝖊𝖐𝖊𝖗 ☯

      08/20/2023 9:03 AM
      Bro who said we are owners of ranobes... They are panic and red head... We ask them to come here but they are lazy bumbs... They know about this server so we are kinda official and unofficial at the same

      you should look up the word official on a dictionary, but since you're too busy talking with your discord kittens, mr discord mod i'll copy paste a definition for you.

      agreed to or arranged by people in positions of authority:
      the official photos of the president's tour of India
      The Queen will attend the official opening of the theatre in June.
      There is to be an official inquiry into the incident.

      i dont see any discord links on this website to your "official" discord or any messages by admins of this website saying that it is actual official discord. lmfao. especially weird when you guys are starting to rebrand your "official" discord to be more open to many different communities. super official stuff
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