8 hours ago

Martial God Asura修罗武神

One night a mysterious and unexplained phenomenon occurs in the nine provinces. Five years later... Read more
One night a mysterious and unexplained phenomenon occurs in the nine provinces. Five years later Chu Feng, a regular outer disciple of the Azure Dragon school, awakens one of the mysterious nine lightning beasts. And discovers an egg sealed inside him.

From there we follow Chu Feng on his path of cultivation. Collapse
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Comments 103

  1. Online Offline
    Yo greetings all old and new readers if u wan know to read this or not just read it (source:trust me bro) u won't regret it I'm reading this wile stacking for Shadow Slave so give it a shot u know who u r hihi
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    If you want to die of boredom, then this novel is for you.
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      I'm still alive lol
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  3. Offline
    #panic# missing chapters 5881-5894
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      Thank you! peepo009
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      only we
  4. Offline
    anyone currently reading this novel and are caught up with the chapter release? just wanted to know if it's worth reading.
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      It is
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    Im here to shed light upon the ignorant masses and snowflakes.
    There are thousands of reviews on other websites so i wont be long winded and i'll only point out a couple of things everybody who doesnt like this novel says, just in order to dissuade people from reading it, even though they are absolutely bonkers.
    1) The rape they all say as a reason to not read this novel.
    Sure if you are a karen-feminist go ahead and dont read it.
    He rapes 2 women who both have tortured and tried to kill him multiple times, for no reason other than "I DONT LIKE HIS FACE" . Basically they try to kill him and torture him for absolutely no reason, they are both as evil as they can come. So when MC finally has the upper hand and goes to kill them, he decides why not rape them they will hate that more, and boy do i have to agree.
    Some people deserve no mercy .
    2) Mass killings by MC,
    Author made sure that almost all of his mass killings are done on the vilest of people to exist, and other than a couple of accidents maybe in 5000 chapters were some innocents that may have been implicated, this MC is a fcking saint.
    He is pretty agressive during his "teenage" years but even then he only kills the evilest of scums.
    Anyway as he grows up he only becomes kinder ultimately.

    Thats the two things that most people say in order to dissuade you from reading this novel, and in my opinion they are absolutely horshit, probably written by some self-righteous karrens, who cant stand the sight of they own fat belly and so they spread unnesessary hate for a novel, while having 0 objectivety in their reviews.

    And so while this novel does have a lot of flaws, i'd definetely recommend it to you, especially to newbies liking cultivation novels with op ruthless MC's , you'll probably enjoy it .
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      I'm definitely gonna read it thanks you
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      Let me sign-up
      I cell with no basis for his morals, but I repeat myself
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    Please note this is not my review. I got it from the Novel Updates Page and thought it was .... enlightening so to speak. So i wished to just spread this around onto ranobes.

    Original Review Author: Slants Perpe
    Number of Chapters above review author Read: c3356

    This novel is a profound work of fiction which transcends time itself to deliver a timeless classic that can be enjoyed with all the family.

    The 427 people who gave this novel a one and two star rating simply lack the IQ to comprehend its full depth. This novel draws heavily from authors and philosophers such as Nietzsche and Alex Jones, so it's understandable that the crayon-eaters can't fully comprehend it.

    When thinking of this novel the quote, "He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. " Comes to mind.

    I shall re-quote this into an easier understandable and relatable quote for the Neanderthals out there, "Stick your d*ck in scum, become scum" and of course, "When one's world population is 99% vermin, he too shall become vermin."

    When I see people complain and criticize the r*pe in this novel I can't help but pity them, it just shows how immature and s*upid they truly are. You must understand there are things deeper than your mother's womb in this world, this novel happens to be one of them. The r*pe in this novel is not merely a lustful pandering to prepubescent children, no the r*pe in this novel is much more than that. With each forceful pierce of the MC's wonder rod into these defenseless girls is a pierce into the net covering the truth of our world's society, with each pierce is the authors rebelling at the patriarchy controlling our world, with each pierce he tells the truth of the world, the truth they don't want you to know. Truths such as "the Earth is flat", "vaccinations cause autism", "purple is really called blue" and "Mars is gay, that's why they want us to go there."I recommend you re-read all the r*pe chapters they were truly the deepest and most telling pieces of literature I've yet read.

    Now the r*pe isn't the only insightful thing this novel has to offer. It also has slaughter. Yes, slaughter. Not just plain barbaric slaughter most of these other pedantic authors have to offer, no this slaughter holds a deeper meaning. This slaughter tells the tales of all the discrimination, sexism, h*mophobia, racism, heightism and fat shaming a unfortunate obese-black-lesbian-midget-furry has to face every day. I've got it from a reliable source that the reason why the author could offer such esoteric insight into the lives of these poor creatures was because of his long-term girlfriend being one, "It was hard at first, " Bee says, "but once I saw her undressed it quickly went soft again." That was an excerpt from an interview Bee held, the question the interviewer asked was "Is it hard living with an obese-black-lesbian-midget-furry?"I think with this answer alone Bee has earned himself a spot in the author's Hall of Fame, such a man, a true inspiration.

    All in all Martial God Asura is an intricate look at the true side of society and how it shapes those within it. I don't expect everybody to understand Bee's exceptional writing, but I must ask of everyone to respect it. Hating on something just because you lack the IQ to understand it or because you're too scared to face the reality it presents is an embarrassment and disgrace.

    All in all I give it a Chinese 1/10.

    Not enough r*pe so minus 9 stars.
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      Fallen deity
      Enlightening indeed
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      Lol hahaha
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  7. Offline
    Man... I stopped reading around 3k or something, I don't if I can pick this up because I dont even remember where i left it😭
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      Same situation
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  8. Online Offline
    Lol i can't believe it's still going 😭
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  9. Online Offline
    it's funny how everyone's reaction is how is this still going? lol
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      haha. right?!
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    Gweek Patato
    10 years. That's how long this has been out for. And its not done. How
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