1 year ago

Super Detective in the Fictional World影视世界当神探

Luke has transmigrated to the United States, but eventually realizes that this United States is... Read more
Luke has transmigrated to the United States, but eventually realizes that this United States is different from the United States of his previous life. Here, the superpowers and characters from the movies in his previous life actually exist. How will Luke fare in a world where such terrifying superpowers exist?

Fortunately, he has a cheat — the Super Detective System. Join Luke on his new journey toward becoming a detective. Collapse
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Comments 104

  1. Offline
    I really tried to give this novel a chance, but I still don't understand why people are giving it such positive reviews. No matter how many times I read it, this gives me the impression of a bad novel.

    For example;

    I'll read the novel some more before I stop reading it, but I don't have any hope. If the main character were a criminal suddenly teleported into that world, I would ignore everything even more.

    Edit: I gave it too many chances and it's a really poorly written novel. If you are bored, ask chatgpt to write you a novel. It tells the story of an ordinary office worker who never killed a bug in his old life, but becomes a police officer without any training in his new life and turns into a punisher. Litrpg elements are just as bad. You can't really understand some things while reading this novel.
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  2. Offline
    Can someone help me .
    I read this novel a long while back and forgot the chapter i was on but i remember something like this.
    There was girl who is rude at the beginning . I think her name starts with a "J" or something then she is friendly with luke and i don't know if they make out or something. And i remember luke having difficulty fighting with a knife throwing guy and luke failes to defeat that enemy and the enemy run away . This after his strength level reacher 40 . I know .
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    1. Offline
      that's pretty early so you might as well start from the beginning
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    2. Offline
      Oh it's him fighting bullseye on some building .
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  3. Offline
    Quote: Punit
    Well we cant change trash mentality of people nowdays author enjoy getting raped and recommeneds it further pressure

    For the love of all things, I actually registered for this comment. This line is a reference to this bullshit: "Extract from the instructions for policewomen in England: "If you are attacked by a rapist, you should try to defend yourself with a baton. If this does not help, it is necessary to fire three warning shots into the air from a revolver. If that doesn't help, relax and try to have fun."
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  4. Offline
    The starting few hundred chapters is good.
    But gets boring as there are alot of filler chapters and MC grows stronger too slowly.
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  5. Offline
    MTL Denier
    Every time a movie i haven't watched comes up in this novel, i always go and watch the trailer first 🤣🤣🤣😂
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  6. Offline
    I binged this novel over the past few weeks and it was very good. Although I got tired of it a bit in the middle and I thought I would drop it like any other long-ass novel, it always managed to pull me back in.
    The power system is really thought out, the storyline is amazing, and it does the world it is set in justice.
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  7. Offline
    My first introduction to Chinese fan fiction novels. 12

    It's was great . 6
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    1. Offline
      It was a great introduction... But don't expect every chinese fan fic to be good... More than good you will find trash there... This one though is a Diamond of the highest quality among them all.
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    2. Online Offline
      I've read some and found a couple that I would recommend. "I can control metal" and "daoist cultivator in marvel"
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  8. Offline
    Can anyone reccomend me more really good/decent fanfics like this?
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    1. Offline
      The Ultimate Evolution. It’s an infinity genre where mc goes to different movie worlds to complete missions either solo or with a team. It starts off slow but it gets very good!
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      1. Online Offline
        Fickle as light
        give me something similar except terror infinity and custom made demon king
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        1. Offline
          Reincarnation paradise is pretty good but the translation is kinda ass. The Devil’ cage is a pretty good infinity genre and completed but it’s not fanfic.
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  9. Offline
    Idk if this novel is any good or if it deserves a 4.4 rating, but 1 year ago when I found it in the wild and now seeing it again in this site I just can't read when even before we hit 10 chapters the MC says this: Luke sighed, lowered the seat so that he could sit in a more comfortable position, then said, “There’s a saying that a job is like rape: If you can’t resist it, you might as well shut your eyes and enjoy it.” I'm out, have fun
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    1. Online Offline
      Guess you’ve never worked a shitty job that felt like being raped huh? Your missing out it’s a great novel.
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      1. Offline
        What does that have to do with anything? Have you been ever raped? Thankfully I'm a man and I don't have to fear for my life everytime I go out. Rape is not a joke, that's all. It's a traumatic experience that no one should have to go through and not something to turn into a joke like: "You're being raped? Eh, might aswell enjoy it.", rape shouldn't be downplayed like it is, like it is just another day in life.
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        1. Offline
          You are very green, Bro, if you think that you are not in danger of being raped when you leave the house just because you are a man, you are terribly mistaken. Furthermore, this issue about rape depends a lot on each person's perspective, so it doesn't make much sense to try to argue with people about it, since everyone already has their own opinio and they will not change because of a mere text on the internet.
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          1. Offline
            Smurf hater
            So true. If you don't wanna read a novel just because of a line? Fine, okay. But glazing the whole novel just becasue it offends you? Idk man, the thing I would do is to just back off and leave the novel I don't like to read like a mature person would do. I do understand his insecurities here but some cucks of the author tend to ruin their novel with jokes like these. I would advice everybody to just move on.
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        2. Offline
          Well we cant change trash mentality of people nowdays author enjoy getting raped and recommeneds it further pressure
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    2. Online Offline
      I think that's a rather common saying. The girl I dated before I met my wife said her father told her that saying. This old man has heard it once or twice before in other settings.

      The author isn't making a joke exactly, but showing a rather gloomy mood from what I suspect.
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  10. Offline
    I already gave my review of this, but I just saw a Chinese fanfic where the mc adds his harem to black widow and god THANK YOU to the author for not doing something so f#cking cringe, it's a power fantasy but not a ridiculous self-insertion story where all women regardless of their personality fall in love with the mc and would give up everything for him. SERIOUSLY THANKS.
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