2 years ago

Phantom Kid in the World of American Comics美漫世界的怪盜基德

He is a bastard who tries to trample all American police under his feet-GCPD.

He is like... Read more
He is a bastard who tries to trample all American police under his feet-GCPD.

He is like the 21st century Robin Hood, who can easily disguise himself as the person you are most familiar with. We are not even sure whether he is a «he» or «her» — CIA

We may have to spend a lifetime to hunt him down, but in the end, it is mostly useless — FBI

The magician under the moonlight of. His risk assessment… is very complicated, but we can at least be sure that he is much more skilled than most members of the Avengers-SHIELD,

He is our dream lover-Female fans.

«In this world, treasures, and beauties are the most indispensable» — Mathison Collapse
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Comments 39

  1. Offline
    Any type of same story's.
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  2. Offline
    Half the thing mc do we dpnt know how he do it. One moment he have no idea how to get inside a safe and next moment he is doing a spectacular presentation about already stealing the treasure. I get author dont know how to justify the shit MC do to look cool but as a reader its frustrating to be left clueless and just accept the explaination as he did it "...because he is phantom kid"

    Aside from main story there is also alot of slice of life type interactions, stupid story development like out of everyone in town barbara suspecting MC for no reason and even going so far as sneaking into his house with duplicate keys, catch him slipup etc without any evidence or reason. Just becuase author cant write a proper story development.
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  3. Offline
    One of the few dc marvel fanfic I actually don't dislike, above average character interaction, no gad daym cliche scenes yet (haven't noticed any), the amount of chapters used to complete a mission is much and the process consumes brain cells like running water it's worth it
    Highly recommended if you have many brain cells to spare 29
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  4. Offline
    I think the author's hiatus is because not many people like to take it slow when reading fan fiction. The story is so slow to make MC screen is so reduced it become irrelevant. And to much change of POV that makes 1/2 chapter fighting screen become 10-15 chapter, and make the reader annoyed.

    For me action novel that is good is to make every scene of action so fast not much paragraph taken, and leave the rest to reader imagination. If the word count is so small make it so action after action after action.
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  5. Offline
    Okay story but the mc is terrible, he is a dense Japanese protag who somehow misses when multiple people are obviously deeply in love with him, he acts like Spiderman, hiding his identity from his deeply trusted loved ones for no good reason putting them in much more danger than if they knew. And he constantly acts like an overconfident idiot who only survives by plot armor.

    The Dark Knight rises ark is freakin awful it drags on forever (like a hundred chapters) and is boring as hell to boot.
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  6. Offline
    Is this dropped? The last update was 1 month ago, and I was enjoying this too.... sigh.
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  7. Offline
    I think its dropped cuz i checked the mtl and the status shows its dropped butwhy
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    1. Offline
      that sucks butwhy
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  8. Offline
    Finger-licking good. This is one book I would recommend welldone
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  9. Offline
    #panic# chapters 186 to 190 are missing
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      only we
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  10. Offline
    Kaleab Dubale
    Where is chapter 193 the chapter list goes 192 then 194
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