3 years ago

Painting of the Nine Immortals九仙图

Untolerated by heaven, a boy was restricted by the most powerful spell. He accidentally acquired a... Read more
Untolerated by heaven, a boy was restricted by the most powerful spell. He accidentally acquired a painting inhabited by nine souls that claimed to be immortal. Then, the legend of a strong young man who violated heavenly principles against the course of nature began. Collapse
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Comments 8

  1. Offline
    yeah uh it's a bit shit? I read like 10ch. Not horrible I guess, very fast-paced, guy's meeting chicks left and right... seems pretty generic, decent translation, but iunno, doesn't seem worth the time. I feel like I've read this thing a million times already.
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  2. Offline
    Quote: MMA_SirOwlbie
    Dang, that's too bad, but 1003 chapters are 1003 chapters! How can I call myself an addict if I let something like no translation stop me???

    Solutions? 😭
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    1. Offline
      Solutions? Daoist, there are no solutions! First, you soldier through 1003 chapters of easy reading, and then you reach the gaping chasm of no translated chapters- a bottleneck! How you advance and how far is up to your own skills. hokage

      Though I'd recommend looking for an MTL, if you're really into it; and if those don't exist, dig up the graves of the raws and violate them with the ancient device of Google Translate.

      or just suffer. I'd recommend suffering. Nothing is worth MTL. ehh
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        I see a long gray road, a road full of adversity, but it does not matter, I will not give up on my path of knowledge. hokage
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    2. Offline
      Wesley Lima
      If you want to finish this book here is the link but some of the characters' names are different.. https://novelmao.com/painting-of-the-nine-immortals/#tabchapterlist
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  3. Offline
    Sounds interesting. Anyone reading this?
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    1. Offline
      Translation stopped.
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      1. Offline
        Dang, that's too bad, but 1003 chapters are 1003 chapters! How can I call myself an addict if I let something like no translation stop me???
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