2 years ago

Grasping Evil执魔

Master said, the woman I held in my hands, I must protect for the rest of my life. Master said,... Read more
Master said, the woman I held in my hands, I must protect for the rest of my life. Master said, it’s hard to cultivate as a Demon, and once you enter the Demon Dao, you should never look back.

Master said, Heaven is a Circle and the Earth is a Square; that Circle represents (is) consummate perfection, and that Square represents (is) the edges and corners of one’s Heart, it’s a rebellion against Fate, a Disobedience to Heaven.

My master is named Ning Fan, he’s not a person, he’s merely a Butterfly who has entered Demonhood. He was searching for someone. No one knew who he was searching for. No one knew how long he would search for… Collapse
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Comments 65

  1. Offline
    If you, like me came for an evil protagonist then move on... this garbage has an MC that is antihero at best. He's even a simp

    An example would be: The people around MC drain women of their cultivation whereas mc dual cultivates for slower and mutual benefits which is NOT what I want from an evil protagonist novel.

    what the f#ck is the point of an evil protagonist if everyone around him is even more evil? It really just defeats the whole purpose of writing an evil protagonist in the first place.
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      no one cares you autistic incel. this is an anti hero not your generic as fk "evil" protagonist who appeals to virgin edgelords such as yourself.
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        I just wrote a comment based on my expectations and experience from this novel, so why are you acting so butthurt?

        I understand that the idea that there exists people with different opinions than you can be rather traumatic for a snowflake like yourself, but deal with it.
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  2. Offline
    Hiiiissh...!! 3
    Jujur saja aku sudah mencoba menahan utuk membaca 10 bab awal sudah sangat" membosankan,tapi aku masih optimis dan berharap bab kedepan akan menarik,,tapi,,semakin kedepan semakin terasa lebih membosankan sampai 45 bab dan aku menyerah tidak ada yg menarik,mc terlalu memikirkan diri sendiri, karakter wanitanya seakan hanya pelengkap,,terasa seperti angin untuk hanya memuaskan nafsu mc,hanya dengan beberapa kata dan selesai,tidak ada yg menarik,cerita seakan berjalan di jalan aspal,plot armor yang tidak punya otak,dan 50 bab berikutnya aku sudah kehilangan minat,awalnya aku tidak ingin menyebut novel ini sampah tapi aku benar" tidak tahan novel ini benar" lebih dari sampah,,sudah itu saja,penulis hanya mengetik berdasarkan otak bawahnya cuiiih
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  3. Online Offline
    Man , wtf is wrong with this novel's
    SECTION treat frost
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      it's not for the faint of heart. but for real tho, it's a power fantasy and the mc is almost always in control. read it. it's good.
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  4. Offline
    This review was not done by me, I copied and transcribed it from the novelupdates website, if you disagree with the points spoken by him, do not comment on my comment, go to his.

    The novel's rating on novelupdates:

    Rating(4.3 / 5.0, 606 votes)
    5 72% (435 votes)
    4 7% (45 votes)
    3 6% (34 votes)
    2 6% (36 votes)
    1 9% (56 votes

    Ranting: 5 stars
    Jun 29, 2018
    Status: c1231 (He has read, by the time he wrote the review, 1231 chapters of the novel.)

    Okay ! I guess it's finally time for me to do a BIG and complete review of this Novel after reading it regularly since 2.5 years ago,
    First of all, This story start in a way that might throw off some of the new readers, but as long as someone read past the early 200 chapter, they will surely start to see why this story shine and what make this different than others. Moreover the more u go, even after 700-800 chapter, it become even better with all the revelations and samsara plot getting more developed.
    Now if you want reasons of why early 200 chapter is not so good, and why it's actually good, read the Spoiler:

    Now about Story Overview :
    This is not an story about being Evil, So don't expect a psychopath MC that don't have any emotion or will do evil or annihilate entire clan just coz someone insulted him. But the World of the story itself is quite cruel one.
    This novel is actually a really well made and deep one, You can always see author putting in a lot of effort and care for it, unlike most Chinese novels with their filler and repeatable arcs.
    The story is deep, like there are hints and foreshadowings all over the novels, hints that u only notice they were hints after 200-300 chapter pass and they got revealed ! or foreshadowings that make u think and Speculate what could this mean and be excited for the new chapters to come and the revelations that you been waiting for !
    The Story, specially after you read a few hundred chapters, feel really fresh and unique, it don't have the usual cliche of most novels,
    The world building and Mysteries in this series are Top-notch ! the whole series revolve around getting over hardships and going against fate, not giving up and pushing forward toward your obsessions.
    At many time in the story you are left with some foreshadowings or mysteries that you can't help but stop to speculate and try to guess, even go to groups like discord and discuss it with other fans, It really make ppl excited and hyped for more and keeping you interested, specially at latter chapters.
    Last thing to mention is the later half of the story is WAY more than early, like latest chapter is 4 time bigger than first chapter, it's like the better the story quality the longer the chapters, if you cut chapters into normal Size, then instead of 1231 chapter it would have 3000 chapter right now.
    ================================= End of Short Review =================================
    Now Lets go for a Deep Review :
    This story is not your usual simple and wish fulfilling novel, there is a lot of mysteries and hints all over the story, something neglectable that someone said in chapter 400 and many people would forget, might be a hint about something that will be revealed in chapter 800 ! things like this happens a lot.
    So I gonna explain some stuff a bit more farther and also giving my review on each part of the novel.
    I try to give more of a tease and less of a spoiler to not ruin the fun.
    What's the meaning behind the title :

    How is the World and the Theme of this novel's world :

    How is the MC's goal and back story :

    How is the Romance and Harem in this novel :

    What is the Demon Path that MC is following, does it mean he is Evil or what :

    how are the Side Characters and Story and plot about others (not harem members) :

    Explain what you mean by foreshadowings and hints that get revealed many chapter later ?

    So yeh, There goes my big Review about my most favorite novel,
    I won't tell you to Read it or not, But I believe if you read my review, You will know if this story is for you or not ! So you can decide by yourself.
    Happy Reading ! :D
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    1. Offline
      I agree with what he said, if you think I'm being biased then I recommend going to novelupdates or other review sites and looking at the reviews. For me, I think this novel should have at least a 4.5 rating, I don't know if it deserves a 5, since I never got past 500 chapters, due to lack of translation. Using the way I normally rate novels, this novel is a solid A+

      Now let's go to my evaluation. I won't go into details of the novel, since Pedram's comment basically explained everything. For me, this novel was one of the most controversial things I have ever read in my life, like many others, I hated this novel to the bone in the first 100 chapters. The MC was extremely stupid, the plot armor was like a wall and many events made no sense, I stopped reading the novel many times, I bad mouthed it many times in the comments too, but always came back for some reason lol. In the end, when I passed 150 to 200 chapters, I started to like the novel more and more, several things started to be explained, the MC's philosophy, his thoughts, the past, the cultivation and even the world building got richer and richer. With each chapter I felt more fulfilled and involved, when I went to see, I had already reached the end of the translations and still wanting to read more, unfortunately, until the moment the translations stopped, now there is only the MTL. In the end, I say that the novel is worth reading, you will be irritated by the first 200 chapters, probably, but I tell you that all the suffering you will go through will be worth it. Anyway, whether you will read it or not is your choice, good luck and see you in another story.
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  5. Online Offline
    Beginning of the novel is really shaky, even bad, with a lot of random nonsense. But later it gets pretty interesting, MC's backstory is also really good. He's OP and badass, if you can accept and get past the fact that he rapes his female enemies for their primordial yin and keeps them as cultivation cauldrons. I especially liked dao comprehension parts of the novel. Plot progression is really good, which you wouldn't expect considering the start of the novel. Author really improves his writing skills down the road. Story picks up after he leaves this city to join a sect. Try to struggle past the initial chapters. I recommend it.
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  6. Online Offline
    I haven't read it, but from the reviews and synopsis it gave me the impression of a novel that divides people. For those who think it's good, they just like it and sometimes they don't even know why they thought it was good, but they liked it. For those who thought it was bad, there's at least a list of 10 pages.

    I think it hits the level love it or hate it, I'll take some time to read it later... wiseacre
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      it's only in this site that some people seem to have problems with it. If you look at the negative "reviews" they have massive downvotes showing it's not the majority opinion. From what I've seen from other sites, this novel has overwhelmingly positive reviews.
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  7. Online Offline
    Its good for me....don't really get the hate shown here...its very likeable on other novel platforms. Anyway, their opinions are theirs, mine is mine.

    Here is my take:

    - The MC does not come off as hypocrite compare to other Xianxia novels.
    - Has very few pointless filler chapters.
    - Plot progression is alright.

    Overall I find it better than many typical Xianxia novels out there.
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    1. Offline
      It's a very good take on the cultivation genre. The plot doesn't slow down like it does in 99% of other cultivation novels. The mc's powers are really cool and feel powerful. He also doesn't need to be bailed out from every situation and can take care of himself. The writing and translation is top tier. It's a shame that the translator dropped it after being taken over to webnovel. I hope it gets picked up again and by good translators.
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  8. Offline
    Nona Me
    No need to read tons of comments or reviews. This novel is bad. Don't waste your time.
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        He lied don't trust him, if you read past 200 you will like it
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          You don't need to read past chapter 200 to like it. Either you like this genre or you don't. Reading past a certain point shouldn't be a threshold for liking something. I liked this novel from chapter 1. It only got better as the mc got cooler and cooler powers and explored more of the world and its lore. I know some people get uncomfortable with the first few chapters, but that's on you being a weak minded pussy and not the novel's fault.
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  9. Offline
    Mr. Harem
    #panic# This novel not finished yet, please don't give it a finished novel category, I've read chapters until 1268 and it's not the end of the novel, the novel is still ongoing
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      Where did you read it
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        Mr. Harem
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  10. Offline
    trash novel,stupid protagonist very weak garbage.
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    1. Offline
      I've seen you bash plenty of novels and I'm actually curious what you actually like, lmao. Honestly this is probably the wrong site if you hate most of the series here.
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      1. Offline
        My guess is he likes things with better built characters and plot.

        For instance some novels on this website like The Author's POV and Reverend Insanity are 10 times better though out and written than 90% of the rest of the novels. In particular if someone reads western paper published fantasy novels like those of Brandon Sanderson or Peter V Brett and etc. proper authors they will also notice that 90% of the novels on this website are practically fast food.
        I don't mind fastfood novels cause I enjoy wish fulfilment and a lot of these novels are just that High reward per word count ratio stories which is like dopamine drugs if you can self insert as the MC. My only problem is that most of the MCs of these fast food novels are completely incompatible with my decision making so I have trouble self inserting. Anyways different people different standards is all I am saying so he will probably shit on almost everything here if he is used to well written novels who had proof reader and redaction. (as paper published novels do).
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        1. Offline
          idk wtf you're on about, but this novel has great writing, pacing, translations and character/world building. It hits all the key points of a cultivation novel and does it in an interesting and non boring way. It also has a lot of sexual content so if you don't like that I guess it isn't for you. The writing in this novel is better than 99% of other chinese cultivation novels, and a majority of dogshit korean/japanese fantasy novels. This is a power fantasy. Don't come here expecting shakesphere.
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      2. Offline
        Nona Me
        This novel is trash. The young daoist above stated his judgment very precisely. This elder felt amazed.
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    2. Offline
      Try the following web novels:
      The Author's POV - world setting is an Alternate Earth with mana. It is somwhere between western game world fantasy but the power system is close to eastern cultivation as they have power ranks (alphabet ranks like Korean hunters) but cultivate them slowly like in chinese wuxia and learn martial art manuals and shit but there are western game like "Active skill" books

      Reverend Insanity - Proper Xianxia with somewhat unique cultivation method (cultivation has the halmarks of Dao and heavenly tribulations and all that crap to level up but for battle people raise Gu worms which you can sort of think of as pokemons you collect in the wild and have to feed and take care of but they live inside your own body and use your mana to unleash supernatural moves)

      He Who Fights with monsters - Proper Western Lit RPG set in another world. MC is from Australia on earth and travels there in soul form and quickly learns the ropes of a world that is closer to RPG game and as people level up they lose internal organs and instead have bodies made of pure mana and stuff (author basically made an effort to explain how shit works if you had to have a realistic world that also has RPG ingrained into it)

      Also anything published on paper by Brandon Sanderson, Peter V Brett, Adrian Tchaikovsky or Patric Rothfuss.
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      1. Offline
        I'm just here to say I agree with almost everything you said, but He who fights with monsters has probably the most inconsistent MC i've ever read. The politics is also forced in it and I didn't like how Mc is letting sophie girl roll all over him.

        As for brandon sanderson, I would say some of his works are epic but some works here can definitely compare to what he has written and probably surpass it too. Lord of mysteries and even grasping evil surpass many works of his reckoners being one example. I don't think it has anything to do with novels being published just that this genre itself might not be to the hater's taste. Afterall you can find huge amount of trash even in published novels.
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          Nah published fantasy novels have some relatively boring books but they still average out a much higher quality than webnovels simply because at least 2 people were involved in the making of it. (The author and an Editor to make sure there are no jarring plot holes and inconsistencies which I often discover and get annoyed by in webnovels) Also Reckoners saga was pretty nice man ya crazy if you call it subpar (it's a different taste as it's not classical fantasy but a superpowers one)

          As for "He who fights with monsters" I have not read much past where the MC had that battle of wills with the god in the seed or whatever so I am not up to date with it if it has gone down hill in quality.
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