4 years ago

Shura's Wrath网游之天谴修罗

The mysterious boy Ling Chen is saved by a little girl as he lay on the street dying. Years later,... Read more
The mysterious boy Ling Chen is saved by a little girl as he lay on the street dying. Years later, he strikes a deal to save this savior-turned sister and enters the virtual world. In a future Earth where advanced warfare has forced nations to settle issues virtually or else suffer the consequences, Ling Chen bursts into the scene and goes from unknown to legend. Yet all is not as it seems, for Ling Chen has a dark past, and there is a greater mystery at hand behind this virtual world.

To save his terminally ill little sister, Ling Chen enters the newly released virtual game world and joins a small gaming studio comprising entirely of women. From now on walking upon his path towards the pinnacle. An ancient, evil item almost forgotten by history, the «Lunar Scourge» helps forge his unsurpassable legend, and causes him to unknowingly step upon a path that is destined to be punished by the heavens, the way of the Shura. Collapse
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Comments 18

  1. Offline
    Believe me on this. Not a Important spoiler, but many people sometimes dont read novels due to the harem size.

    Its a pretty good novels for starters and those who like Overpowered Protagonists.

    For those who have been on this journey of cultivation of a long time: Daoists hokage sigh , I shall name a few things that you may or may not like.
    If none of the written things bother you, then you will have a nice read. know

    1. Loli(s) (Most of you will leave here) pressure
    2. Mysterious past revealed in ch200 smth
    Virtual world connected to real world

    4. MC be collecting girls like pokemon. monk
    5. Nationalism (Should've started with this)(But also not too much, he even becomes China's Most Wanted Criminal at one point.)
    6. Face-Slapping (Not too much, cause he's overpowered anyway, so nobody underestimates him)
    7. The story is emotional. You'll know what I mean in chap300s

    I myself have read this novel till the very end as I was but a young soul when I first read it. Wrote this review after re-reading it as I have now reached a higher mind cultivation realm.

    P.S. The Grammar is not that great.(Probably should have mentioned this before.

    Anyway, Good Day to All of You!!! satisfied
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    1. Offline
      Thnx for warning. I wanted to read.
      But honestly that size of Harem is not for me.
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  2. Offline
    does the grammar get better or is it all google translate?
    Edit I don't believe It does but one gets used to it.
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    1. Offline
      so I finished it don't know how and I'm missing half a brain. but its good?
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  3. Offline
    It's good. Ending is batshit crazy but that's ok for me. As for the review from BAttle_God , I agree with all the points but at this point I just don't even care about those things. Fellow daoists and gamers, we are reading CHINESE webnovels and light novels. Get with the program. Lol.
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  4. Offline
    Chapter 471 is missing.
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  5. Offline
    1 star rating.
    Why? Two reasons.
    Firstly, because the author treats women like items. I'd long noticed this point in ATG, but there it was a bit better than here i believe. Anyway.

    Secondly, while i've seen a lot of this china-japan racism in other novels, this time the hate was something else.... I have no doubts if this author had a remote controller that could nuke japan he would do it.....

    I mean i get that China-Japan during WW2 were enemies but most of these Chinese are totally brainwashed to hate Japanese, and foreigners as well .

    Plus the war was almost 80 years ago....I cant imagine what Chinese school teach their citizens for their hate to be so strong after such a long time.


    So after reading further i have a few things to add for those who might be interested...Personally i wouldnt even start the novel if i knew them, so anyway here we go.

    First of all, this MC has the biggest plot armor i've ever witnessed in my history of reading LN's. It doesnt even come close to other MC's plot armor. This novel could literally be renamed to something like "PLOT ARMOR MASTER". I think thats more beffiting name.

    Secondly, every female being in this novel, is a beauty that can destroy nations, and every female moving in this novel, falls for our MC...It doesnt have to make sense, but they will fall for him all the same. MC can say to them "SUCK MY ***K, and i bet you they are gonna fall for him...

    Plus MC literally becomes a rapist in this novel. In MarsGRAVITY other novel (ATG) the MC also raped Little Fairy, but that was in order to save her, and she also already had feelings for him at that point so i guess it wasnt that bad..(At least from my point of view). Here though MC rapes women but unfortunately he doesnt have such a nobel reason as in ATG.....

    I could say many other things i didnt enjoy in this novel but then i wouldnt stop writing for a whole day.
    Anyway, this novel has many bad things, but i still somewhat enjoyed it, or else i wouldnt read it until this chapter.... Guess im a sucker for OP hotblooded MC and harems, but thats just me.
    Plot wise i wouldnt really recommend this story.
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    1. Offline
      mano voce viu a novel direito em primeiro lugar nem comenta racismo por que isso e normal em novel chinesa se voce se importar com isso em cada novel entao pode deixar de ver obras chinesas e segundo lugar igualdade é uma ilusão o lado dominante sempre vai rebaixar o lado inferior como aconteçe hoje em dia antes era os homens hoje em dia sao as mulheres criticando os homens por qualquer coisa , terceiro ele era um deus em sua vida passada entao como espera que acontesseçe e as garotas que se apaixona por ele tem motivos vamos pegar a irmã dele por exemplo ele cuidou dela mesmo ela sendo uma alejada e se esforçou muito ate para reviver ela e as outras a ruiva alem de ser amiga de infacia de sua vida passada tambem teve um passado com ele em um organizaçao sobria nem se fala da deusa do fragelo né entao isso ae sao so cometarios de odio ou voce apenas seguindo a multidao em odiar os chineses mano boast sigh oru2x
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    2. Offline
      Dude recommend some of your type. It's fine if they are little bit over the top but just like this one the one you enjoyed. Send some names wiseacre
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    3. Offline
      Marlboro Red
      I dont get why these chinese are brainwashed to hate japanese, koreans and other foreigners too. I mean in most chinese novels I read, they pretend to be the victim and oppressed when their might is powerful. Even claiming an island in Ph to be theirs when its obviously closer to Ph. Tsk if they hate foreigners so much, why are there so many of them in all the countries all over the world?
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  6. Offline
    Good story, with excellent content. quiet satisfied
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  7. Online Offline
    I really enjoyed this book.
    The book conforms to the "MC loses temporarily, but then breaks through his limits and defeats the bad guy," and I think now I realize that this trop is so common for a reason. The MC also has justifiable plot armor, but it's not too over the top so there's still a sense of danger in the reader's mind. +1 star
    Good story, the world-building is really well done, and there while there are a few info-dumps at the beginning, they weren't annoying. +1 star
    The MC has emotions, but is also cold-blooded when needed. He has a tragic backstory, really strong(but not invincible) power, and also really cares for his loved ones and friends. There is a harem, but the characters are well-fleshed out and don't turn out to be a bunch of side-quests for the MC, I like how the author developed the plot and the girls at the same time. +1 star
    The only reason I took a star off was the infamous Japan arc. If you read the other reviews on novelupdates, they all talk about this 50-ish chapter arc. The MC turns unusually cruel and cold-blooded(even for him) and goes on a massacre with a weapon that does 300% pain magnification. Like I get he was angry at being trapped there, but come on author. I just ignored the racism and after the arc ends he goes back to normal.
    -1 Star
    Well done power scaling, the author has levels do something and the MC is put in a lot of bad situations that he has to solve, and the side effects of skills do something(until he gets too powerful for them to do anything, but at that point, skill side effects are the least of his worries). +1 Star
    The MC starts solo-ing everything, and this trend keeps up until the end, but the author throws in some companions that help him out, and I appreciate him not just spamming the same skill to win every fight. For making the MC actually struggle. +1 Star
    The story is about unconditional love, betrayal, and redemption, which are all things that made me enjoy this novel(racism excluded). +1 Star
    Final Star Count: 4 Stars
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    1. Offline
      I love your review. Depicts the novel well
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    2. Offline
      Love your review but I get it to 5/6 stars... constraint
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      1. Online Offline
        You're right lol, just noticed that
        I seem unable to edit the comment though, so I'll just leave it like that
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          Press/Click the three horizontal lines to the right of your comment.
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  8. Offline
    To this day i still wonder why Scorpio orb's 15% for insta death effect never occured sigh
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  9. Offline
    Dre Senpai
    Interesting summary, almost 1k chapters, has harem, fantasy tag with virtual game but no comments...hmmmmmm......somethings fishy about this
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