59 minutes ago

The Great Genetic Era基因大时代

«Old Tang, you activated speed-related Genetic Base Points. What’s the direction of those Base... Read more
«Old Tang, you activated speed-related Genetic Base Points. What’s the direction of those Base Points?»

This question caused Tang Ting to have a melancholic expression.

«It’s… Hand speed…» «And the right hand at that!»

Xu Tui slipped onto a daze.

Hand speed and the right hand. This image…

Didn’t the teacher say that it was easier to activate the Base Points of the areas you use the most?

«Old Tang, just what do you use your hands for?»

«According to that explanation, did I activate the Genetic Base Points in my stomach because I’ve eaten 18 year’s worth of meals?» Cheng Mo, who was on his way to becoming a glutton, looked up and sighed.

Xu Tui stroked his head, «Could it be because I’ve used my brain for 18 years?» Collapse
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Comments 42

  1. Offline
    romance ???
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      Yes there is, though it is not the main focus of the story
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    This MC is a straight up eat ass, I don't mind the china is the best views n what not, which nation doesn't say it's own nation is the best. But this MC is not at all likeable, guys a nut job and not the fun typws
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    The MC is a normal kid who get an awakening serum at 16. The cultivation method in this novel is about awakening genetic points in their bodies to eventually form a chain then a combat system. For example, they are trained in stessful situations with low oxygen and most of them activate the genetic points in their heart, lungs, ect to rely on a lower oxygen level so that they can fight on mars or other planets.

    The world had been in a war with alien invaders and is supposedly united. It is, in the face of alien attacks but peacetime shows how vicious national politics are with them trying to kill each others' geniuses and trying to score more resources for themselves. Mankind is fighting on Mars still, and in the outer solar system and uses some quantum gates to raid other alien planets for resources. They lack the tech the aliens have and are weaker. There are 3 major races enemies with each other, mankind is pretty much regarded as a childish afterthought.

    MC goes to college and discovers his "cheat" which allows him to visualize the genetic points in his body so that he can try to activate them manually. These are genetic points he activated at the start, but needs education to understand. Others have this too, so he's not unique. Very rare, but not unique. Say, take a drug to increase reflexes then uses his cheat to see which points are affected then turn them on with some time in cultivation. Most people have to train in a system to activate theirs.

    I wouldn't say the novel is "racist" which means one race is better than another. Though the novel writes that people from Huaxia (china) are more peaceful, prosperous, and such compared to other areas. Recall the author is chinese and if he doesn't want his book banned, he must be properly patriotic. That is a sad truth, so Indians and Americans are more scheming and devious in the novel, Europeans are wishy washy, Africans are followers, and Russians are reliable allies. Sort of the biases you would expect from a closed chinese indoctrinated society. Biased, not racist technically.

    No harem. Likable MC who is patriotic, selfless, and heroic yet human. Very little of the genre's typical "you're so awesome, I'll follow you to death" stuff because the MC says 2 words to them, but friends after life and death battles.

    The plot is basically is humanity trying to cement their foothold in the solar system and get strong enough to break out into the galaxy. MC is strong, but cannot carry the day alone and humanity relies on its armies and their sacrifices to protect itself.

    A really enjoyable read, there's little sci fi on this site as good.
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      With this... nose
      I've read the whole story
      No need to stress my self bossgif
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    Immortal God
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    A somewhat neutral review

    Some say there is tons of racism and nationalism here, I would say there is nothing more than an average Hollywood production would have. So it is just the pot calling kettle black.

    All this people saying author has a hardon against Hindus, I find it hilarious as it is very gross exaggeration. Between the chapters 200 and 300 where the whole arc with them happened, There was only one line in one chapter that I would consider racist, It was something about generalizing Hindus and saying that that is all you can expect from them. Was not even very offensive.

    Everything else is just people looking at a rock and calling it a donkey, basically just using their own understanding of the world and seeing racism everywhere. Such a sad life they must lead if everything is racist to them, I feel sorry for this.

    I would say what the premise of this novel is that there is earth, very similar to ours with different cultures and they do not mix well and are left with trying to defend earth from invaders. Pretty much a cookie cutter situation where you have 6 or more major interest groups fighting for their own benefits instead of humanity. Even the faction MC belongs is the same and author does not go overboard in trying to justify these actions and paint black into white.

    Now, Cultivation wise this is actually quite good but I feel like sometimes author is not good enough, there are times where you are left wondering like why is MC doing this instead of that , which he wanted to do since the beginning. Sure the story likes to make it look like MC does not have any choice and must go with the other option, but lets face it its all because author realized that he f#cked up and if everyone had same abilities as MC, the story would be over much quicker or MC would loose his charm.

    What is interesting in terms of cultivation is that even tho it starts out scientific, it does incorporate a lot of the "legends & Myths" like Zeus and other gods and the immortals of China. So this gives us fairly good idea of what to expect it is fun to read on how MC would make old legends true again.

    The Setting
    Ill put this into spoiler as I am too lazy to talk in abstract

    Thats about it. What made me mad on this site was that alot of the chapters like around 10 -20 of them when I read up to 500 on this site had content missing, probably because of bad algorithm in script copying or something. Finished reading this on another site. The last chapter around 538 or so had half the first chapter missing and that ticked me off.

    So if you consider reading this I do not recommend reading on this site, go to some other site where they have whole chapters.
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  6. Offline
    Any Chinese novel based on Earth should just be skipped. It's almost guaranteed to be trashy gang novel, or racist/nationalist propaganda.
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    WOW, people are really missing big time because they dropped this novel. I'm right now at chapter 700 and, it is honestly one of the best novels I have ever read. It is just that good, very original and interesting. Some nationalism in the early parts, but let us be honest here, every novel nowadays has nationalism. At least it is not racism.

    I defentily recomand.
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  9. Offline
    I read this to chapter 297 and was just too tired of it to continue. I'll give this novel a 2/5.

    Besides the author hating the entire country of India for around 100 chapters and some nationalism. The author also often explains stuff in extreme detail to the point where they repeat themselves. The author is really good at figuring out ways to create filler paragraphs where nothing happens and irrelevant details are talked about.

    The authors power system is around genetic evolution and the way they explain this at the start is alright but once they get to the school of general senses it becomes a bunch of b*llshit that really kills my immersion.
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  10. Offline
    the hateboner the author has for india is hilarious. the dude is absolutely relentless.

    the whole planet is supposed to be at war with a bunch of nondescript aliens for some unspecified reason, but really compared to the time spent shitting on india it's a footnote
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      exactly. i trried reading, despite all the hate because the system was original. but could not after a while.
      i thought all that hatred and sabotage against other humans was unbelievable in a time where humanity is fighting against other aliens.
      i think if there was not so much in fighting, the aliens would have been defeated before the mc was born.
      one reviewer pointed out that hollywood too had its fair share of racism agaisnt other countries.
      trust me, not even all the cold war era films put together have as much racism as the first 400 chapters of this novel. and even hollywood fics that had humans agaisnt aliens had humans uniting against a common foe.
      not so here.
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