13 hours ago

Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan转生眼中的火影世界

The trembling Hyuga Kuroto finally got the treasure that he dreamed of! How exactly will the world... Read more
The trembling Hyuga Kuroto finally got the treasure that he dreamed of! How exactly will the world of Naruto be perceived with his glowing Royal Blue Tenseigan Collapse
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Comments 121

  1. Offline
    quite boring.. until now no important from the series that die :3
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  2. Online Offline
    Starts off really good, Mc seems consistent and makes good and somewhat reasonable decisions. But after 200 or 250 chapters it turn into the dumbest shit I've ever seen
    Fights are prolonged too much and mc be fighting for no reason and his Iq lowers randomly to 0, he fights the enemies like aktsuki but they never take any losses because of him being an idiot. And oh God the cringe in some chapter are unbearable. Had to skip and skim a lot of chapters in a row. I would rate the first couple hundred chapter a solid 3.8+/5 but the the chapters after that barely readable so 2 and below. Very average overall, has some really good moments hence why I'm still reading.
    Edit: I've read a bit more and holy shit it gets even worse. Theres 800 chapters and the stories complete nonsense already how tf did the author squeeze out 1400 total. 1/5 for me now
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  3. Offline
    It's...a readable book. That's as much praise I'm willing to give it.
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  4. Offline
    Can the MTL for this be updated?
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  5. Offline
    Does the translation get better after chapter 1?
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    1. Offline
      Translation is fine
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  6. Offline
    Удивительно мало глав, на русском было переведено полностью, потому ожидал, что и на английском также. Если кому-то хочется прочитать, то можете попробовать найти на русском и с помощью авто-перевода прочитать. Всё еще плохо, но в разы лучше перевода с китайского.
    Ну и как прочитавший полностью фанфик, соглашусь с остальными, он является лучшим в своей отросли.
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  7. Offline
    Are there no more updates? Was this novel dropped?
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    1. Offline
      its updated regularly on author's patreon, hopefully we get it here soon.
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  8. Offline
    Any more Naruto fanfiction with the same quality or better? Kinda new to fanfics
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    1. Offline
      Konoha Hypocrite (One of the best but translation is kinda weak)
      Reborn in konoha as anbu toturer (smart and lowkey MC, very similar to this novel)
      Konoha Kanpu (Kinda goofy in the beginning but i like it)
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      1. Offline
        Thank you, I will check them out. Though I'm not kinda sure about Konoha Hypocrite, since in the description it's described that all MC is doing is betraying everyone every year
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        1. Offline
          dont read second, even dont try. I can say third is good, read it. Read Naruto: the wind calamity, very good
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      2. Offline
        bro can u tell me your top 10 novels and also recommend me 5 xianxia novels pls im so bored its been 1 and a half hours looking for some good books yet here i am feel so lost(just finished RI-ergen), i cant find a good novel at all everything is so sht
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        1. Offline
        2. Offline
          Reverend Insanity. You will not be disappointed
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    2. Offline
      Naruto: The Outsider’s Resolve
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    3. Offline
      Naruto : Wind calamity
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  9. Offline
    The good,
    The first 200~300 chapters were good, plotwise imo
    MC being a Hyuga, and Hyuga clan getting extra lore and exposure is really nice.
    Some of the made up lore is actually good and mixes well with the original

    The bad,
    After those initial 200 chapters, there's so much bullshitting, plotholes, retcons and fillers (repeating already established stuff), some chapters can be skipped entirely and it wouldn't matter.
    The dialogues can get so cringe and childish often times. MC's character is a mess, sometimes he's morally good, sometimes he's an apathetic psycho who'd do anything to get power.
    Power levels for characters are inconsistent and all over the place. A character can be weak or strong if the plot requires them to be.
    The worst thing is that author has violated almost all the original characters, making them arrogant, greedy, ambitious, selfish, dumber, delusional. They're insufferable at times.

    ------------------------- and that's about the translated version here. Then I found something weird.

    The ugly,
    So I read the mtl after around 730, and when I compared those latest ~10 chapters between the two, the mtl of this novel is so different from this translation, it's like the translator wrote a re-imagined version of the novel here after reading the original instead of doing a direct translation. Chapters do not correspond accordingly (734 here is around 673? in the original), some events/scenes are entirely different/reordered as far I checked. And I liked the mtl version more pressure (obviously I'm not talking about the language)...
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    1. Offline
      Some changes between this and the original CN version,
      The original makes more sense and overall consistent (relatively speaking ie)... I have no idea why the translator changed things.
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      1. Offline
        But what happened? Did the translator really rewrite the story?
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        1. Offline
          I read all the chapters here, and then read the mtl (from russian ranobes) from around 650.
          From that, I can say that translator did rewrite the story... there are these minor changes everywhere but the overall plot line and big events remain the same since these minor changes don't really matter.

          Do note that I did not read the earlier, <650 chapters of the mtl so my comparisons are only from the info I got from the 650< chapters
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  10. Offline
    After 200 chapters things got messed up. Overall rating: 4/5
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