
Chapter 547: The Twins

A pair of beautiful twins with violet twin tails and matching eyes descended the stairs. While they looked nearly identical, their outfit easily set them apart; one twin chose a simpler white dress while the other went for a more stylish white dress adorned with gold jewels. Despite their similarities, Asahi could tell them apart from their slightly different heights.

The stylish twin was taller than her sister. They both looked young and delicate in spite of their overwhelming life force and particles of Arcanum flowing through their veins. They had even less Arcanum than the Demi Spirits.

"Welcome, Troublemaker."

"We were expecting your arrival, Outlander."

The twins greeted him together, a look of contempt never leaving their faces. Their voices were easily distinguishable, as the stylish twin had a soothing voice while the other one talked in a more dramatic tone.

They then looked at Saeko and Shiori, the twins who looked far older than them.

Asahi rubbed the back of his head. Certainly, he was the troublemaker that caused chaos through the dungeon. "Are you the one controlling the dungeon? The Dungeon Master?"

He didn't expect a pair of goth sisters to be his Dungeon-Chan. They looked nothing like the gritty, violent, and raging Dungeon-chan he had in mind. Then again, it was all his imaginations.

Shiori tugged at his sleeve. "Don't underestimate the goth lolis twins."

"I know."

Loki, who was wrapped in a bubble barrier, grunted, "They can't be. I don't feel any malevolence from them."

"What does a goddess know about us?" The younger twin said, her face contorting in hatred. "Did you enjoy massacring our children as they screamed to be left alone? Did it feed your high and mighty pride? It most certainly did, I can say."

The older twin nudged her sister and placed a hand on her chest. "I'm Euryale. She is Stheno. The owner of this dungeon whom you're referring to as the Dungeon Master is our older sister."

The names gave Asahi a sense of Deja vu. He knew them from a popular Greek tale.

Loki's eyes widened. "Ya are from Gorgon Saga. Is yer older sister Medusa?"

Just like the story of Argonauts, the heroic tale of Perseus was popular throughout Orario. Euryale and Sthena briefly appeared after Persues cut off Medusa's head. Persues escaped their wrath with his winged sandals Talaria.

Asahi rubbed his chin. "Dungeon-chan is Medusa… that does seem like an obvious revenge tale."

"Didn't Gorgon die? How come she is runnin' this dungeon from the depths?"

Stheno visibly gritted her teeth at Loki's question. "Call her Gorgon again, and I will strangle you to death myself."

Her killing intent was real even if she was barely stronger than Loki. The Trickster gave a subtle smile as if amused by Stheno's burning hatred. It only fueled Stheno as she pounced at Loki with her arms stretched, aiming to strange Loki for real.

Rini intervened and grabbed Stheno's head with her gauntlet. Her gauntlet covered Stheno's entire face with room for more. She released Stheno from her squeezing grip and pushed her back. "Do not hurt my Nee-chan."

As much as she empathized with the sisters, she wasn't letting them hurt Loki or anyone from her family. Well, her ignorance regarding the mythos kept her sympathy in check.

"Awww, thanks a bunch." Loki patted Rini's shoulders and winked at Stheno from Rini's shoulders. "I understand yer contempt for gods. Let me tell ya somethin'. I was prolly messin' with Valhalla durin' the whole Perseus saga. Isn't yer hatred for me unwarranted?"

"Shut up! I refuse to listen to a goddess. Sister will devour your kind and wipe them from the face of earth. Prepare for annihilation."

"That's yer end goal?" Loki shook her head, looking disappointed. "Ya need more than these Demi Spirits to kill us in Heaven."

Stheno burst into manic laughter. "We'll first remove your Familia, then wipe out the surface races empowering you with their worship. Why do you think we have so many dragons? We'll fly to heaven and end your reign once and for all."

Asahi took a deep breath. "You are getting on my nerves now. Why don't we get down to business, yeah?"

He was curious but Stheno's visceral hatred for Loki got on his nerves. She had done nothing that deserved this reaction.

Euryale held back her sister and showed a polite smile to Asahi. "Ease up, Stheno. They aren't the source of our hatred and suffering. The hero we abhor has long died."

"But she is a goddess…" Stheno muttered, her voice shaking with frustration. "The divine brought nothing but anguish in our lives."

Feeling Asahi's glare, Stheno shut her mouth and lowered her gaze. She had seen Asahi's power, and it truly gave her a sense of fear. "We're immortal sisters—"

Asahi pulled out Gae Bolg and planted it in the ground. Stheno's throat squeezed shut as Gae Bolg's spine-chilling aura wrapped around her. Still, she didn't apologize for her rudeness and simply averted her gaze. Immortal or not, the god slaying spear would end them all the same.

Asahi crossed his arms and looked past them. "That's where Medusa is hiding?

"She isn't hiding." Euryale calmly shook her head. "She is stuck in a perpetual cycle... come, I'll show you the exact fate that befell a devoted priestess."

Euryale turned around and started ascending, followed by Stheno. Everyone turned to Shiori, who had a hand over her mouth while keeping a straight face. Her shoulders trembled as though she was suppressing her laughter.

(Oh no no no no.)

Saeko rolled her eyes playfully. "You're at it again."

"I have no choice, Saeko. I have to say it." Shiori coughed and assumed a serious expression. "It's finally Asahi-kun's turn to free the stuck sister."

(She said it!)

Asahi pressed his lips together tightly and squeezed his eyes shut. He found it hard to resist and ended up laughing. The joke was so terrible that it made him laugh.

Stheno looked over her shoulder with a grim frown. "How dare they joke about our sister?"

Euryale patted her arm. "He isn't our main target. Let's wait and see his approach to Medusa."

Meanwhile, Asahi yanked Gae Bolg out and beckoned Rini. "Why don't you go home?"

A brutal tragedy was coming if his instincts were right. Rini didn't need to hear the rape story that spurred the tragedy in Medusa's life.

Rini eyed his concerned face and nodded. "Understood, Onii-san."

Asahi hugged her before Klyscha sent her home through teleportation. He didn't like controlling her life but he had to take some measures. She wasn't just his lover; she was also his imouto.

Ruby clapped in awe. "She never questions your decision. Every man's ideal woman."

Aimi smiled with a distant gaze. "She owes everything in her life to Asahi-sama. Her love for Asahi-sama is unconditional like mine."

Loki clicked her tongue. "Reminds me of Ais before her rebellious phase. Guess that's why they became best of friends. Poor Lefiya got left out."

The elf girl Lefiya now spent most of her time to herself, instead of being with Ais.

"I'm gonna train my kid to be unrestrained," Ruby whispered with a smirk. "She'll fly all over the world."

Ruby fantasized about her child even though she had yet to have her first time with Asahi. She was already looking into the far future.

Loki chuckled. "We see eye to eye on one thing."

The two stared at each other for several seconds before their faces lit up like a pair of sunflowers under the sun. They came to some sort of mutual understanding.

Shiori watched them gush about their future child and nudged her sister. "Ne, Saeko, I'm feeling left out."

Saeko's mouth split with a teasing grin. "Do you want to join Saya as a mother?"

"Attending university while pregnant… will be a nightmare." Shiori felt goosebumps all over her body. "I'll pass."

"Coward," Saeko chided. "What do you think about those twins?"

"I don't know. It looks as if they are on the same page." Shiori frowned as she recalled Stheno's rage. "They are close and all."

"They are unable to tackle their troubles and help their older sister."

"Would we be like them if we didn't meet Asahi-kun?"

Saeko sighed. "I don't know. Hypothesizing isn't my specialty. Your imagination is superior."

"Ufufu, I declare every other timeline obsolete with mine authority."


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