
Chapter 56: By the Sea

[August 13, 2023]...

Shěn Lí awoke amidst the jolting, and when she saw the scene in front of her, could smell the grass and the wind on the tip of her nose, she didn’t marvel at having regained her sense of touch and smell, but wondered what Fú Shēng was up to. Was this another kind of torture? The illusion in front of her was like the outside world, so fresh and free that she couldn’t help but yearn for it.

It had been a short imprisonment, but to Shěn Lí, the scenes were like things from a lifetime ago. She moved her fingertips, wanting to stretch out her hand and feel the passing wind slip through her fingers.

Suddenly all movement stopped, and Shěn Lí saw she was in a forest. A face, tense and suppressing surprise appeared in front her – Mò Fāng. It turned out it wasn’t an illusion, but Mò Fāng saving her. Why? After betraying the Demon realm, was he now betraying Fú Shēng?

The corners of his lips moved as if he was saying something, but Shěn Lí couldn’t hear, nor could she speak. She shook her head and pushed Mò Fāng away lightly. The black basalt chains on her wrists had not been cut away, and the slight motion made her nearly pass out. She didn’t feel the pain but her body still convulsed on its own.

Mò Fāng hastily put her down and let her sit against a tree before kneeling down on both knees in front of her with his head bowed, as if confessing and apologizing.

Shěn Lí closed her eyes and pretended not to see anything.

Her reaction would be the same even if she could speak because she had nothing to say to Mò Fāng. The coffins filled with dead generals, his own coffin with his broken sword, he had drawn a clear line between them a long time ago. In Shěn Lí’s heart, the brother she marched and fought with died together with the other generals; it was something he destroyed of his own initiative, and this was the result he chose. Shěn Lí respected that.

The person kneeling in front of her now was an enemy who invaded Demon territory and killed the soldiers and citizens there.

If she had her spear, they would have been fighting right now.

Mò Fāng knelt for a long time. He hadn't planned on getting up unless Shěn Lí gave him permission, but the small vibrations in the ground turned his face serious. He knew he couldn’t delay any longer. If he didn’t leave immediately, it would be next to impossible to help Shěn Lí escape. Coming to a decision, he kowtowed fiercely then said, “Your Highness, I have offended you.” He stood up, pulled Shěn Lí to him in a hug, then walked forward.

He walked them through the grove, and as they passed through the last row of trees, a white stone beach came into view. Mò Fāng placed Shěn Lí against two boulders for her to lean against for support. Maybe he had more things to say, but the increased vibrations in the ground made him grit his teeth. He picked up a stone, twisted it and turned it into a copy of Shěn Lí. He held the fake in his arms as he ran away without looking back.

Shěn Lí opened her eyes after he left. She didn’t look in the direction he went, but stared out at the clouds in the sky being blown by the wind from sea. Her eyes were dark.

The sky gradually grew dimmer, and the last rays of daylight sat on the horizon between the sea and sky like something from a dream. Shěn Lí narrowed her eyes slightly as she began to doze off.

She sat motionless, falling deeper asleep as the stars eventually gave way to the morning sun.

Sand squeaked with slow footsteps as a silhouette reached the boulders. The rising sun drew out a shadow and made it long as it passed by where Shěn Lí rested. The person continued walking several more steps out toward the sea, when he suddenly paused, turned around and looked at the figure of Shěn Lí resting against the boulders.

Xíng Zhǐ stood staring blankly at Shěn Lí, unable to move, afraid that if he did, she would disappear.

It wasn’t until Shěn Lí coughed twice in her sleep, swaying the air enough that he felt the movement, that Xíng Zhǐ realized he wasn’t staring at an illusion, but at a living breathing woman.

He stepped forward so hurriedly he nearly tripped on the hem of his robe, only slowing down as he got closer. Half-kneeling in front of her he whispered her name. “Shěn Lí.” He stretched out his hand and touched her cheek lightly with his fingertips. Her skin was so hot, it actually burned him a little. The pain went from the tip of his finger all the way to his heart. He didn’t let go and instead cradled her cheek in the palm of his hand as he rubbed his thumb lightly against her skin. “Shěn Lí.” He called out softly to her as if he’d forgotten every word but her name.

This was Shěn Lí, the king of the Demon realm who was declared “dead in battle”, the woman who never came back – she was alive.

Xíng Zhǐ delighted in the pain as it spread outward, becoming short of breath as he pressed his forehead lightly against hers. He laughed like a delirious man holding his forehead against hers, the heat scalding him.

“You. . .  you’ve saved my life.” He whispered softly in her ear.

Shěn Lí remained asleep, her breathing very weak. Xíng Zhǐ let go of her slightly and considered taking her pulse when his eyes fell on her wrist. The metal post was still pierced through her bone. Stunned, Xíng Zhǐ stared at it for a moment unsure what it was. He glanced at her arms and legs and his breathing hitched once he understood. “You. . .  how are you taking care of yourself?”

He lowered his head and looked at Shěn Lí’s hand again, a little afraid to touch it now. But he wouldn’t understand her injuries if he didn’t.

Xíng Zhǐ lowered his eyes and lightly ran his fingertips across the palm of her limp hand that lay on the ground. Even with that light touch, Shěn Lí unconsciously twitched, which caused her bones to pull at the post. She let out a muffled moan; her teeth clenched and deep furrows appeared on her brow. Xíng Zhǐ’s heart tightened at the clear show of pain. He condensed cold in the palm of his hand and circled it around Shěn Lí’s wrist. The painful expression on her face softened considerably.

Shěn Lí rarely ever cried out pain in front of other people. If she wasn’t unconscious, Xíng Zhǐ doubted she would have shown any signs.

He was angry and really wanted to give her a stern lecture. This Azure Sky king, always trying so hard to look brave. But when he saw her sleeping soundly after so much pain, he just couldn’t utter the words. He felt his heart constrict and pain shot through his limbs, making him sick. For a moment he couldn’t control the tremors in his hand.

She must have been so sad. No one was there to protect her, so she had no choice but to put on a brave front.

“. . . I will protect you.” Xíng Zhǐ stroked Shěn Lí’s cheek gently with great care but his voice was firm when he said, “I will keep you safe in the future, even if the outer heavens collapses and the three realms are destroyed. . . ”

Just as he finished speaking, Xíng Zhǐ felt Shěn Lí breathing heavily.

Shěn Lí turned her head and woke up. It was pitch black and dead silent. She couldn’t see or hear, but her sense of touch told her there was someone in front of her and her sense of smell told her the person smelled strongly of the sea. “I can walk on my own.” Shěn Lí spoke in a cold voice. “You and I are strangers. If we meet on the battlefield again, I, Shěn Lí, won’t show any mercy. You can either kill me today or leave now.”

The person in front of her didn’t answer. Then again, even if there was an answer, it wasn’t like she could hear anyway. Shěn Lí could feel the other person hadn’t moved.

Cold fingers lightly touching her eyes made her frown. She dodged sideways, but that made the hand pinch her ears relentlessly. Angry, Shěn Lí raised her hand, but when she did, piercing pain shot through her body. Her face paled and she gritted her teeth, enduring the wave. The hand holding her finally released. Shěn Lí spoke with restraint, “Mò Fāng, if you still remember even a trace of the mutual affection and friendship we shared, then just leave.”

Shěn Lí had a strong sense of self-esteem. Letting Mò Fāng go was partly because of their position but it was mostly because of her pride.

Her five senses were swapping around again. Moving was impossible and she couldn’t do so without help. It was embarrassing and she didn’t want to be seen in such a wretched condition.

Shěn Lí was startled when, after a long silence, the person reached out to wrap an arm around her back and neck. Before she realized it, another arm wrapped around her knees and she was picked up and hugged against the person’s chest. As the other party began walking, Shěn Lí could feel the metal rubbing against her bones, but that wasn’t as distressing as the posture she found herself in.

She and Mò Fāng had been together on the battlefield many times, and there were occasions when she was injured and Mò Fāng had to help her move. He either supported her, carried her on his back or over his shoulders, but he never carried her in this kind of position. Such a position. . .  She’d only ever seen it when a certain general had carried his wife into the bridal chambers for consummation!

Because of this, the position made her very uncomfortable. It was like she was about to be someone’s wife. She was furious and shouted with the last bit of energy she could muster. “How bold! Let me go this instant!”

The person ignored her and it was at this point that she realized something was wrong. When did Mò Fāng dare behave this way with her? Even after the betrayal, he came and saved her and treated her respectfully, kowtowing to her before saluting and leaving yesterday. How could he become so shameless in just a single day?!

An ominous thought crept into her mind and distress filled her heart. The place Mò Fāng placed her was by the sea. It wasn’t inconceivable human villages and towns could be nearby. The person touching and hugging her today was probably a native of the area. The person who picked her up was probably some yokel mountain village fisherman!

Shěn Lí sniffed the strong ocean smell coming from the person’s body and became even more convinced of the case. Her expression became ugly. From the way the guy was hugging her, did he plan on following through with what husbands did to their wives?!

The more Shěn Lí thought, the more anxious she became. She tried her best to raise her elbow and hit the fisherman in the throat.

The other party stopped and Shěn Lí struggled to escape from his arms, but before she could, pain shot through her limbs, causing her to convulse all over. Though she could mentally bear it, her body was overloaded and could not take it. She kept trembling. Suddenly, she felt the fisherman change his position. It seemed he’d found a place to sit and was positioning her in a seated position on his lap. He hugged her waist with one hand and patted her back gently with the other.

The pity came through the caress, as if telling her it was OK, he intended no harm, and was only there to protect her.

But the way his fingers were trembling. . .  she got the impression he was restraining himself a great deal.


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