
Chapter 64: Being Together

[October 26, 2023 ]NSFW - cuddly scenes ahead, some skin. ..... .....

Xíng Zhǐ reached from behind and clasped one hand on Shěn Lí’s shoulder then wrapped the other around her waist. Shěn Lí sighed unconsciously when their skins touched as the heat in her body cooled a little at the contact. Xíng Zhǐ arched his back a bit to bite her neck and this caused Shěn Lí to lose some of their contact. She wiggled, trying to press herself deeper against him.

Xíng Zhǐ noticed what she was trying to do, so he gently lifted her up at the waist to get them better aligned. His heartbeat stopped for a moment when their skin touched there.

Shěn Lí. . . 

Xíng Zhǐ held Shěn Lí’s exposed breasts wrapped in his arms. He saw them as soon as he opened his eyes. The two peaks, a different color from the rest of her skin, were like the buds of an enticing flower. He itched to touch them.

Concentrate! He told himself.

He was keenly aware evil thoughts and desires discarded by Lady Jin were gathering around them. Though the evil had no form, it had been gathering for thousands of years, and could easily ensnare victims, exaggerating and amplifying emotions once it entered the heart. He couldn’t afford to be interrupted or make any mistakes while treating Shěn Lí!

He closed his eyes and calmed his mind, trying to let his spiritual power circulate in Shěn Lí’s body. One by the, the conflicts in her body resolved.

The heat in Shěn Lí’s body gradually tempered with Xíng Zhǐ’s spiritual power flowing in her. Soon enough, she regained her senses. She couldn’t see, but her touch was extremely sensitive. She was wrapped up in someone’s arms, and she could feel her back pressed tight against a strong, cool body. It was obvious who was holding her.

Shěn Lí had to admit her mind went blank. After a moment, her rationality returned, and she recognized that Xíng Zhǐ was treating her, but. . . 

Xíng Zhǐ’s head was really close to her ear and he was biting her neck. It was a dangerous position. He would only need to exert a little force to tear her neck and kill her. But the sense of danger and his spiritual power circulating inside her made her more keenly aware of him, and she knew they were. . . 

Stuck together in an undeniably intimate fashion. She could feel the beating of his heart, his breath on her shoulders as he breathed in and out, the slight moisture of his lips as it laid against her neck, and the occasional movement of his Adams apple as he swallowed. Everything became so clear and real. Even though Shěn Lí couldn’t see, she still squeezed her eyes tightly shut and gritted her teeth, hoping to feel less and calm her beating heart, hoping the unfamiliar impulses in her would slowly fade. . . 

But the lewd thoughts persisted!

Why was her dark world filled with the sounds of him? His heartbeat, his breathing, the friction of arms moving against her skin. All of it made her think of. . . 

She couldn’t control herself.

She moved uncomfortably, which made Xíng Zhǐ behind her take a heavy breath in. He gripped her hand tightly, as if warning her not to move; they would be done soon.

Shěn Lí could feel the spiritual forces had already made two complete circuits around her body, only one more circuit and he could stop.

Shěn Lí forced herself to calm down. How could her mind randomly wander off at a time like this? She gently took a deep breath that expanded her chest. And as if he was afraid of squishing her, Xíng Zhǐ loosened his grip for a moment, but when he went back to hold her again, his arms brushed against her nipple.

Shěn Lí felt like an electric shock went through her body. She stiffened and nearly stopped breathing.

She didn’t know what Xíng Zhǐ was thinking, but she knew she would go crazy if they touched like that again. But how could she afford to go crazy now? Even if she did lose control, she couldn’t harm Xíng Zhǐ.

“Why not?”

The sudden voice in her head was like an evil version of herself speaking from a dark corner. “Appetite and lust are a natural part of living. If the two are considered harmful, then aren't all born under Heaven born to harm?”

No, that wasn’t true. Xíng Zhǐ was born a god responsible for the world. He could not allow personal motives to influence him. Shěn Lí tried to argue with herself.

“Why do you have to suppress yourself just because he can’t act? It’s his problem he can’t be moved. What does it have to do with you? You are Shěn Lí; no one said your feelings aren’t allowed to move you. He needs to restrain himself, but isn’t it fine if you force him? This way he won’t be violating any Laws of the Heavenly Dao, and you can satisfy your own selfish desires. . . ”

Shěn Lí was shocked.

“There’s no one in this cave but the two of you.” She heard the tempting voice in her head. “Who in the world would know? You have always repressed your emotions and exercised self control. Of those under the Immortal realm; of those in the Demon realm, which of them are really sincere? While you’re here in this place, just give in. Who would know. . . 

The Laws of the Heavenly Dao will not find fault with Xíng Zhǐ. It is you, Shěn Lí, in your moment of weakness who couldn’t control yourself.”

The voice faded away only to be replaced by a heightened sense of touch. Maybe she was imagining it, but it felt like Xíng Zhǐ’s arms were trembling. The spiritual aura he passed through her completed its final circuit and returned to him.

They should have pulled apart at this point, but Xíng Zhǐ didn’t release her. He pulled his teeth back but kept his lips pressed against Shěn Lí’s skin. He kept it there without speaking or moving, like he was kissing the pulse on her neck. It was an ambiguous position rife with danger.

“Xíng Zhǐ. . . ” Shěn Lí rarely called him by name this way.

“Hm?” Xíng Zhǐ’s voice came out hoarse and incredibly alluring. It shook Shěn Lí’s already precarious heartstrings. She reached down and used one hand to stroke Xíng Zhǐ’s hand that was hugging her waist, then she used her other hand to gently cradle his head and press it against her, encouraging him. She listened to her own hoarse voice that came out. “Don’t move. . .  just stay like this. Don’t move.”

Xíng Zhǐ obeyed and kept his lips pressed firmly against her neck, feeling her blood pulse against his skin. Because Shěn Lí had moved a bit, blood was seeping from the bite wound. His eyes darkened, and whether intentional or not, he licked at the blood with the tip of his tongue.

The warmth and gentle movement of his tongue undid Shěn Lí. While keeping the grip on his head, she turned around in his arms and gripped his back as she eagerly kissed him.

The smell of coppery blood flowed between their connected lips.

“Xíng Zhǐ,” Shěn Lí’s voice was uncertain, but her next words were firm and sure. “I’m going to force you.”

The lips kissing her quirked upwards, and after a long time a hoarse voice finally replied, “Hm.”

Upon hearing Xíng Zhǐ’s response, Shěn Lí pulled away and fumbled around his neck until she found a spot she liked. She sucked fiercely and left an angry red mark on his skin. “This imprint shows I forced you.” She reiterated it. “I forced you.”

Xíng Zhǐ suddenly spoke up. “Shěn Lí, has no one told you that it’s annoying when a woman repeats herself?” He put one hand around the back of her head and pulled her to him, then without giving her a chance to reply, he kissed her.

Shěn Lí let him kiss her. As they kissed, she reached over and grabbed the hand he had around her waist and placed it on her chest, pressing it against her breasts. She froze for a moment when the palm of his hand touched her, but she adjusted and quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and used all her skills to tease his tongue and lips.

Xíng Zhǐ fondled Shěn Lí’s chest until she was dizzy, then he clumsily touched her nipple. When he saw her freeze up, he touched her again, boldly rubbing the nipple between his fingers. Shěn Lí melted and barely suppressed a moan. Xíng Zhǐ wrapped his arms around her before she collapsed.

“Shěn Lí, I really hope you won’t regret this.”

“If there’s anyone who’ll regret this. . .  it should be you.” Shěn Lí reached down to pull the rest of her clothes out of the way, and in her fumbling, touched something hot. Xíng Zhǐ suddenly straightened up. At this, she abruptly raised her head and kissed him on the lips.

The unexpected kiss caused Xíng Zhǐ to lean back and tumble to the ground. Shěn Lí threw herself down after him. She carefully stroked his bare chest and abs with one hand, eventually stopping at one of his nipples. “You’re not allowed to stop me,” she murmured as she gently leaned down and took the nipple in her mouth. “You won’t be able to,” and with that she softly bit down on the nub.

Xíng Zhǐ frowned at the slight tingling sensation.

“Shěn Lí.”

She heard him call her name but chose to ignore him because one of her hands had already reached the last covered place between them.

If the Laws of the Heavenly Dao really existed, then she hoped it would blame her. She chose to indulge in a moment of lust and pleasure because she couldn’t deny the desires raging in her heart. It was because she wanted to know how the person she admired so much would feel inside her.

If the Laws of the Heavenly Dao really existed, then let it blame her.

Shěn Lí straddled Xíng Zhǐ and calmly buried him in her body. The tearing pain almost stopped her, but it was the kind of pain that only happened once, so even if it tore her apart, she knew she had to continue.

She wanted to be with Xíng Zhǐ so much. She wanted to be together with him always.

The moment she guided him completely inside, her strength deserted her. Panting, she crawled to his chest and laid her head down to listen to his rapid heartbeat; it was beating as hard as hers. She felt him gently touching her and heard the distress in his voice when he asked, “Does it hurt?”

Her eyes instantly became moist. Her voice was hoarse and trembled. “It hurts.” She said, “It hurts Xíng Zhǐ.”

It hurts to leave you, and it hurts to be with you. She was so overwhelmed; she didn’t know what expression to make.

Xíng Zhǐ, who had been caressing her head gently, sat up with them still joined below. He pressed her head into the crook of his neck as he tenderly patted her back. “I am here, and I will always be here. No matter if the world falls apart. Shěn Lí, I will always be by your side.”

Shěn Lí trembled uncontrollably, and unable to suppress the pain any longer, bit his shoulder. In a situation where every touch was acutely felt, Xíng Zhǐ’s muscles jumped and the part of him inside her twitched.

Shěn Lí went limp, and Xíng Zhǐ had to support her.

“Don’t cry, Shěn Lí.” Xíng Zhǐ said as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

Shěn Lí wasn’t actually crying. She didn’t believe tears would change anything and felt they were only for the weak, but upon hearing Xíng Zhǐ’s words, a sense of powerlessness at being defeated by weakness overcame her. The tears erupted and flowed down her cheeks, soaking his shoulders.[notes]

Xíng Zhǐ sighed softly and spoke as if admitting defeat. “It hurts me too.”

She could feel Xíng Zhǐ’s pulse beating inside her. It was too tight and she felt numb, sore, and bloated. Upon thinking about it. . . being strangled like that would make him feel uncomfortable. Shěn Lí hugged him and laughed. The laughter brought tears as well, but she just wiped them away and didn’t stop laughing. “The two of us. . . ” Shěn Lí continued, “are really something.”


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