
Chapter 65: Acting on Impulse

[November 12, 2023]NSFW - cuddly scenes ahead, some skin. ..... .....

“Yes, we are.” Xíng Zhǐ responded softly, his lips gently rubbed against Shěn Lí’s neck, slowly heading down on their way to bury themselves in the mounds on her chest. He tugged at a nipple with his mouth, teasing her the same way she had teased him earlier, licking the bud with his tongue and arousing her further with his hands.

Shěn Lí’s already tense body became even more tense.

“Xíng Zhǐ.” Shěn Lí hugged his head to her chest where her senses were concentrated. It felt less painful down below; and emboldened, she moved her waist just a bit. There was only a bit of friction where they were joined, but it was enough to make Xíng Zhǐ tense and let out an extremely ambiguous moan.

Xíng Zhǐ chuckled against Shěn Lí’s skin. He was a god, but it turned out gods were nothing special after all. He had tried so hard to restrain himself, but it only took a single movement from Shěn Lí for his defenses to crumble.

Fortunately, Shěn Lí didn’t move any more after that. The single motion had brought enough pain to make her tremble all over. There wasn’t a shred of pleasure to be found.

“I don’t understand. . . ” Shěn Lí’s breath came out haggard. “Why. . . why would anyone be keen on doing this?”

It was worse than being cut with a sword.

They gradually calmed down as their breaths intermingled. Eventually Xíng Zhǐ spoke up, “If it’s so painful, we can stop.”

Shěn Lí gritted her teeth. “Fancy you saying that.” She breathed heavily and her lower abdomen tightened. After the pain passed, a numb tingling spread where they were joined. She gripped Xíng Zhǐ’s back tightly enough for the tips to be white, then bit his shoulder. “Even if this pain kills me, me I will not give up!”

It was their first chance, perhaps the only and last one they had, to surrender completely to each other. Shěn Lí gritted her teeth and used all her will to put the burdens of the three realms out of her heart. All the responsibilities that came with her identity, she tossed them out as far away as she could, just to steal this one moment with Xíng Zhǐ.

She wanted Xíng Zhǐ. Even if she tore herself apart, even if she burned to ashes, even if she fell to the lowest level of hell, she would still want him.

For this one moment, she chose to be just Shěn Lí, surrendering wholeheartedly to the person in her arms, melting together as one. She wouldn’t ask for too much, nor would she dare, but this one moment was enough.

She gyrated up and down, her body trembling as she did so. The movement was extremely painful for her, but it was wonderous for Xíng Zhǐ.

Xíng Zhǐ’s face turned red instantly, and his breathing became uncontrolled and heavy when he saw Shěn Lí’s blood seep out and stain where their bodies were joined. Hugging her, he could feel the tremors of pain shake her body and hear the moans of pain she couldn’t suppress.

The physical pleasure became a crushing pain in his heart. He could feel Shěn Lí’s despair, and it wasn’t hard for him to guess what she was thinking. It was precisely because he understood her so well and could read her mind so easily that he couldn’t control his feelings for her.

She was so feisty and loved to show off how brave she was. How was it that he lost control and ended up falling in love with someone like her?

“Shěn Lí” He called out her name hoarsely. “I will be with you.” And as if swearing an oath said, “Always.”

Shěn Lí’s movements became fiercer, and Xíng Zhǐ could tell she was unhappy. He controlled his arousal and hugged her so tightly she couldn’t move. Patting her back gently he said, “So, don’t be afraid, don’t be scared.”

Shěn Lí sat on him as if she was out of strength and slowly calmed down. She reached forward to touch his face and smiled suddenly. “It’s strange, you’re holding me so tightly; we’re so close together, and yet, somehow, I feel. . .  terrified.”

Xíng Zhǐ placed a kiss on her neck and breathed lightly. “Shěn Lí, please believe in me.”

Shěn Lí didn’t know how to do that, so she didn’t think about it. Instead, she turned her unease into action and lowered her head for a fierce kiss. She would just do what she wanted for now, and deal with the consequences afterwards.

She wanted to take the initiative again, but never expected something below would suddenly move. The unexpected loss of control was unusual for her, but everything was hurting, so she didn’t force it, and instead relied in Xíng Zhǐ to lead.

His movements were extremely relaxed and gentle. Shěn Lí knew this was unusual based on the conversations she overheard from the men in the army when they talked about this kind of thing. Xíng Zhǐ’s body under her was filled with heat, and his breathing was laboriously controlled. Shěn Lí knew Xíng Zhǐ couldn’t possibly be “enjoying himself to the fullest extent”. Despite the situation, he was still exercising consideration for her.

Her heart skipped a beat. Things were already at this point; shouldn’t one of them be having a good time? She reached her arms around Xíng Zhǐ’s back while her lips and tongue worked ruthlessly sucking on the pulse of his neck. She heard him swallow uncontrollably, and though the speed of his movement increased, they were still restrained. Shěn Lí bit his ear, softly saying, “It’s OK. You can hurry up.”

Xíng Zhǐ suddenly smiled, and when he spoke, his voice was hoarse. “Don’t be anxious. You’ll hurt otherwise.”

“I’m fine; I can bear it.” Shěn Lí hugged him.

Xíng Zhǐ stopped moving and sighed. “Why do you still not understand?” He raised his head and bit Shěn Lí’s chin as though to scold her. “I just want to make you. . .  happy.”

Apparently, they were both trying to make each other happy.

Shěn Lí held back the pain and took the initiative to move. “Xíng Zhǐ, you don’t understand; I am happy enough as is.” She moved, and in so doing, caused Xíng Zhǐ to lose his restraint. He pulled her clothes to the side to use as padding before turning over and smoothly flipping Shěn Lí under him, switching their positions.

Though Shěn Lí left countless scratches on his back, she didn’t utter a single cry of pain. Occasionally, his name would rip from her throat, as if he was the only person who existed for her, and they were the only two people in the world lingering on.

“Xíng Zhǐ.” her voice broke as she continued, “You don’t know how much I want to be with you.”

“Then let’s be together.” He leaned down and gently kissed her lips. His breaths came in hard fast bursts and his movements became more urgent. Shěn Lí gritted her teeth as her body convulsed.

The scorching heat dissipated, and their breathing became ragged.

“That’s impossiblenbsp;. . ”

Shěn Lí’s voice was hitched, and she was wheezing, but her words came out crisp and cold. “We can’t.”

Exhausted, Shěn Lí closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Her vison returned when she woke up, and she began looking around the cave. So, this was what it looked like. Her nudity combined with the stagnant air left a lingering ambiguous aura around her and Xíng Zhǐ, whose clothes were being used as a blanket over them. It was like they were sleeping in the same bed. The thought made Shěn Lí smile.

She sat up and reached to tug at her clothes being pinned under Xíng Zhǐ, but Xíng Zhǐ refused to budge. She frowned after pulling for a long time with no luck.

Xíng Zhǐ sighed, then with his eyes still closed he said, “I was waiting for you to call out my name.” When he did open his eyes, they were clear and wide awake.

Shěn Lí stayed silent for a moment before speaking. “Now that you’re awake, let me get my clothes.”

But Xíng Zhǐ still refused to budge. “You’ll need treatment again in another four or five hours.”

Shěn Lí was slow in reacting to his words, but once it hit her, her face became stiff. It was true. She would need treatment again in another few hours! Well, so what? Did he intend to be forced again? Did he want them to sit around naked until then? And, in such a situation, shouldn’t he at least blush at saying such words?

Shěn Lí was silent for a long time, then she yanked hard at her clothes and finally freed them out from under Xíng Zhǐ.

“We’ll deal with it when the time comes.”

She threw Xíng Zhǐ’s robe off, then in a natural and relaxed manner, changed into her own clothes in front of him. By the time she turned around, Xíng Zhǐ was also fully dressed.

“Your Highness is so polite; how could I be rude?”

Shěn Lí nodded, sat down, then with a solemn expression said, “Everything that happened today was my fault. There is no need for High God to take any of the blame.”

Xíng Zhǐ was stunned as he watched her speak so earnestly, but then he shook his head and smiled. “A few things. First, I never blamed myself. Second, what is it that’s your fault exactly? Third, Shěn Lí, how did you force me? And finally. . . ” Xíng Zhǐ abruptly stood up and went to Shěn Lí. He knelt on one knee, and leaned over before lifting her chin. When she didn’t react, he sealed her lips with a kiss, grinding his lips against hers for a few seconds before releasing her.

He stared her in the eyes and smiled a little helplessly. “I know what I’m doing; I’ve been clearheaded the entire time.”

Shěn Lí froze and didn’t know how to react. When she did make a move, it was to shove Xíng Zhǐ away; however, he didn’t move and she was the one who ended up losing her balance and falling to the ground. Covering her lips, she looked at him and said, “You’re crazy.”

Xíng Zhǐ chuckled. “That’s right. I haven’t been sane since you were purportedly buried in the Eastern sea.”

“No.” Shěn Lí looked grave. “No! I can be crazy; other people can be crazy, and even the three realms can go crazy, but you can’t. Their lives are in your hands! You can’t go crazy!”

“Then what can I do? I’ve stepped into an abyss, and though I struggled and denied it, in the end, Heaven refused to let me go. Shěn Lí, what can I do?”

Xíng Zhǐ looked at Shěn Lí, who was silent, for a long time before continuing. “If it was just passion without defiance, then it’s unlikely there will be a Heavenly backlash. Shěn Lí, if you are willing to believe in me. . . ” He smiled. “If you are willing, then let’s be together. We can stay forever in the Celestial realm; there won’t be anyone to bother us there.”

Shěn Lí shook her head as she said, “I can’t do that.”

There were still so many unresolved things. With Fú Shēng around, the Demon realm would always be under threat. On top of that, her own past was becoming impossible to unravel. The Celestial realm would be stable and safe, but stability wasn’t what she wanted. She could pretend to just be Shěn Lí while inside the cave, but once out, she would have to return to being the Azure Sky king. She had a home in the Demon realm and so many subordinates under her command.

Xíng Zhǐ was unrestrained and dared to declare he wouldn’t violate the laws of the Heavenly Dao because of his personal feelings, but Shěn Lí couldn’t let go of her responsibilities.

Besides, even if they were to seriously retire to Celestial realm, with her by his side, who knew what kind of trouble could arise? Would the Immortal realm really tolerate such a precarious Celestial realm? One that could fall down upon their heads at any time?

It was peaceful in there now, but it wouldn’t stay peaceful for long.

Xíng Zhǐ smiled and spoke after a long silent. “Well, all right, whatever we talk about here is influenced anyway; let’s talk after we get out.”


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