
Chapter 3249: The Golden Bow

There hadn't been any time to set up the arrays since the powerful warriors of the six mountains had just arrived in the North Mysterious City.

Now, they could do nothing but resist the nine suns in turns.

However, as the nine suns continued to expand, the heat they released became even more unbearable for the warriors.

Felicity was far stronger than the powerful warrior of the Bright Mountain, but even she faced difficulty in sustaining the enchanted barrier.


The enchanted barrier that had just unfolded continued to twist and turn as it was brought to the brink of collapse.

A warrior from the Ivory Mountain rushed forward.

Let me do it!” he declared before summoning a large, black, silk cloth.

This silk cloth was so big and so dark that it seemed to cover the entire sky and block out all the light.

However, he was only able to hold on for fifteen seconds before the cloth was set aflame.

There was no shortage of warriors who awaited their turn, but they were quickly running out of time.

Zen turned his attention to the transmission array. It hadn't transmitted away many people yet with the Sword Light Palace disciples still waiting in line on the west side of the road.

At this rate, only a third of the people in the North Mysterious City could be evacuated.

Just a few moments ago, the Oneness Generals had been calm. Though the nine suns were powerful, they were confident that they'd be able to withstand them.

Now, though, it was an entirely different story as even the Chaotic Source Realm warriors easily burnt to a crisp under the heat of these formidable nine suns.

Retreat seemed to be the logical option and that was only possible through the transmission array.

Emperor Charm!” Zen called out in desperation. “Is there any way to solve the Nine-Sun World Destruction Theurgy?!

As the emperor of the Sun Crow race, Emperor Charm was bound to know the Nine-Sun World Destruction Theurgy best.

His shadow appeared and stared up at the nine suns in the sky.

A flash of nostalgia crossed his features. “Of course there's a way,” he told Zen. “But I'm afraid you can't use it.

It'll be okay if someone else can use it!” Zen assured him. If it was a matter of strength, then that wasn't going to be a problem! There were multiple mountain leaders present as well as elite warriors like Pearce and Auden.

However, Emperor Charm shook his head.

They can't either.

His words made Zen freeze.

He himself wasn't afraid of the burning flames, but the Other Shore Realm warriors were different.

Zen met eyes with Monica as he swept his gaze across the area.

She knew he was busy, so she only forced him a smile, a silent plea to get through this hurdle with everyone.

To her, hope remained so long as Zen was here with them in this distressful situation.

He reversed the entire battle situation with just his strength, so what more were a few blazing suns?

It wasn't just Monica. Everyone here who had followed Zen before, had unconditional confidence in him. It was because of this blind trust that Monica, Gant, and the Sword Light Palace disciples remained calm despite everything.

Is there really no other way?” Zen asked. So many people were relying on him. There must be a way.

Of course there's a way, but you should not ask me for that way,” Emperor Charm exclaimed with a hint of disgust.

Then who should I ask?!” Zen raised his eyebrows at Emperor Charm. “Should I ask the Primeval Lord of Heaven?!” Emperor Charm was an immense help to Zen during the battle with the Sun Crow race, but the Primeval Lord of Heaven remained to be the strongest master in the Civilization Artifact.

However, Emperor Charm shook his head.

No. It's Houyi.

(*TN: In Chinese mythology, Houyi, whose prowess with a bow earned him undying fame, is said to have shot down 9 of 10 suns (one account says 8 of 9 suns) that were burning up the earth in prehistoric times. ) “Houyi?” Zen repeated. He had seen him in the temple. Houyi was a powerful man who had shot countless stars down with his bow.

Emperor Charm nodded though his expression made it known that he had a bit of doubt. “He once used his magical Sun Shooting Bow to break my Nine-Sun World Destruction Theurgy...

A faint trace of hatred was present in his voice when he spoke of the tale.

It seemed there was a feud between Emperor Charm and Houyi.

That feud would have to be set aside for now since lives were currently at stake. People couldn't die just because of what had happened more than a thousand chaotic eras ago.

All Zen wanted to deal with right now were the nine suns in the sky. He communicated with the Primeval Lord of Heaven who thought highly of Houyi and summoned him out of the Civilization Artifact.


The shadow of a long-haired man rose above Zen's head. If one looked at Zen right now, they would see two human heads floating above him, painting a rather peculiar sight. Of course, due to the current situation, nobody really paid attention to anyone else.

Oh! Nine suns!” Houyi remarked happily as he looked at the blazing suns in the sky.

Emperor Charm replied to his cheerful remark with a ferocious glare. The anger was obvious with the way his eyes twitched.

In the 77th civilization, Emperor Charm had once been invincible.

His Nine-Sun World Destruction Theurgy had been extremely influential since it was his key weapon in winning all his battles, until he met Houyi, of course.

It remained Emperor Charm's greatest shame.

Master Houyi, I would like to know if you have any way of dealing with the suns?” Zen inquired respectfully.

It wasn't difficult asking help from these old masters. The moment they acknowledged Zen, their fates had already been connected.

Houyi chuckled good-naturedly. “That's easy, especially since the Nine Sun World Destruction Theurgy is far weaker than what it used to be.

It's not weaker,” Emperor Charm muttered. “But you are weaker now. There's no way this is going to be easy.

The nine constantly expanding suns before them were definitely not weaker than the ones Emperor Charm once summoned, and Houyi didn't appear personally. He was just an energy soul attached to the Civilization Artifact.

However, Houyi retained his confidence. “You're not afraid of fire, are you, Zen?

I'm not, but I'm wary since the Nine-Sun World Destruction Theurgy might be too powerful for me to bear,” Zen replied.

Houyi stretched out his hand and gave it a gentle wave. Zen felt the Civilization Artifact within his body fluctuate before a golden bow materialized before him. “It's going to be a bit troublesome. My real body cannot come, but I can give you a theurgy. Your strength won't be enough to extinguish the suns from here though. You'll have to get close.

Get close to them...” Zen repeated.

He was very confident in his corporeal body and had never been hurt by any flame. However, these nine suns were no ordinary globes of fire.

These nine suns were Emperor Charm's great theurgy and were entirely different from ordinary divine flame of the Sun Crow race.

Any hesitation disappeared from Zen's face as he strengthened his resolve. “I'll go!” he declared with determination.


He used the back of a Corpse Spirit Sun Crow as a boost and flew straight into the sky.

The sight earned him puzzled looks from onlookers. “What are you doing, Zen?” Pearce asked.

I'm going to extinguish those suns,” Zen casually replied.


There were many powerful warriors from the mountains, yet here was Zen braving the heat and declaring that he was going to extinguish the nine suns that gave them so much trouble.

They knew Zen wasn't afraid of the Sun Crow race's divine flame, but that didn't mean he was invincible against the suns. This theurgy was Emperor Charm's, after all.

Comments 1

  1. Online Offline
    I half expected him to fly up and absorb them
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