
Chapter 3372: The Might Of A Spear Strike

Head to head with the Blood Spirit Tortoise's huge mouth, Zen didn't flinch at all.

He was well aware that it would not be an easy task to kill the Blood Spirit Tortoise, but he could also tell it wasn't good at attacking. It might've ranked first among the top ten ferocious beasts of the chaos, when it came to the defensive power.

If Zen wanted to kill it with a single strike, he'd have to wait for the perfect opportunity.

Combating the tortoise head on made his chances extremely slim, but Zen was never the type to back down in the face of adversity.

Fortunately, Zen's trick to mock the beast had successfully infuriated it, enticing the Blood Spirit Tortoise to devour him.

Zen smiled wryly. Most of the time, an excellent opportunity could only be found in the midst of great danger!

Zen pretended he was incapable of dodging, and allowed himself to be swallowed by the Blood Spirit Tortoise in one gulp without much of a fight.

The eyes of the Blood Spirit Tortoise glowed red. Then, all the lightning flowing through its body streamed through its neck, until it was all gathered in its mouth.

The beast was confident it could kill anyone, once it had them in its mouth — even if it were an Eternal Realm master.

A silence fell over the Oneness Sky Palace as they witnessed Zen being swallowed alive.

Just moments earlier, they had felt a sliver of hope. But now that he had just been devoured by the Blood Spirit Tortoise, everyone fell into the depths of despair.

However, Libby was able to shake off her feelings of hopelessness and snapped back to reality. Pulling her gaze away from the illusion, her eyes landed on Zen's real body. Hope surged within her once more.

Don't worry! Zen is fine!” Libby reminded the others excitedly.

If a warrior's Soul of Light got injured on the Other Shore, their soul in the Source World would be injured similarly.

However, if one's Soul of Light was completely destroyed on the Other Shore, then this creature would lose soul in the Source World, rendering them a simpleton.

Such instances weren't rare.

The same problem existed for those who entered the Other Shore in their physical forms. If their physical forms on the Other Shore were injured, their physical bodies in the Source World would suffer equally.

As Libby had pointed out, Zen's body in the Source World remained unscathed. This meant he was unharmed even from within the Blood Spirit Tortoise's mouth!

With rumbles of thunder, the red bolts of lightning exploded inside the mouth of the Blood Spirit Tortoise.

The red lightning wrapped around Zen tightly, surrounding him with an unimaginable amount of energy.

At this point, the power of the energy flow had already exceeded one hundred thousand divine megatons of force. Not even the Chaotic Source Spirits could withstand this much energy!


The Chaotic Source Spirits in Zen's body were exhausted by this attack, even though it all happened in the blink of an eye.

Without the protection of the Chaotic Source Spirits, the surface of Zen's body was immediately scorched. Gritting his teeth, he felt something he hadn't felt in a long time — pain.

The Chaotic Source Spirits were not completely fused with warriors' physical bodies. In essence, they were like an enchanted barrier or a shield. Once they were exhausted, they would completely lose their effect. Now that Zen's Chaotic Source Spirits were all used up, he had nothing protecting his bare flesh from the red energy flow.

Fortunately, Zen had achieved the Myriad Tribulations Body. Additionally, he had also obtained nine Bone Tribulation Imprints to enhance his body.

Although he was in excruciating pain, his body wasn't completely destroyed. Still, when the people of the Oneness Sky Palace noticed Zen's physical body started to turn black from the injuries incurred on the Other Shore, they felt their hopes fall once more.

If it were any other warrior being swallowed by the Blood Spirit Tortoise, they would have been dead by now.

However, the power of Zen's special Truth of Godly Way quickly rejuvenated his Chaotic Source Spirits. The reverse vortex in his body whirled, continuously transferring the damage he was taking to another space.

By now, the Blood Spirit Tortoise was astounded that Zen was still alive.

When the Element Spirit race entrusted this task to the beast, initially, it had felt nothing but confusion.

Was a young human really worth the trouble? Was there really any need to use the Dragon Thread?

But now, even the Blood Spirit Tortoise had to admit it had underestimated this human!

If this human were to reach Stage Thirty-two on the Other Shore and enter the Eternal Scroll Painting in the future, how powerful would he become?

I must admit, I'm surprised you're still alive,” the voice of the Blood Spirit Tortoise echoed in its mouth. “But now that you're trapped in my mouth, you won't be able to escape death. No matter how hard you struggle, it's futile.


As the voice echoed, the red lightning continued zapping at Zen. Soon, Zen's Chaotic Source Spirits were exhausted once again.

A current of energy flow swept past the surface of his body, leaving several deep cuts on his body. Blood spurted out from his wounds, causing Zen to wince in pain.

While his body in the Sanskrit Light Stage bled profusely, so did his body in the Source World.

Rolling on the tongue of the beast, Zen narrowly dodged a string of red bolts of lightning. With a smile, he exclaimed, “Well, I don't think my struggles will be in vain!

The moment he finished speaking, he leapt upward.

As the Chaotic Source Spirits recovered, Zen summoned all the power within his body.

This whole time, he had been on the defense only because he was looking for the right position.

Once he had found it, he hesitated no further, channeling all the power within his inner world to the Celestial Spear.

As the Celestial Stone increased his power by four times, Zen's force reached a terrifying amount of six hundred thousand divine megatons. At this point, the Blood Spirit Tortoise began to sense that something was wrong. 'How does this human possess such a great power?!' it wondered as fear seized every fiber of its being.

It realized with great regret that it should never have devoured this human!

However, it was too late for the Blood Spirit Tortoise to respond.

In the confused eyes of the people of Oneness Sky Palace, they watched as the Blood Spirit Tortoise opened its mouth in a hurry, as though trying to spit out the hot potato it had just swallowed.

However, before it could even fully open its mouth, a formidable beam of spear radiance pierced through its head from inside.

Five to six hundred thousand divine megatons of force was more than enough to pierce through nearly everything!

A large hole with a diameter of several thousand feet appeared in the head of the Blood Spirit Tortoise. Its huge red eyes quickly dimmed, and its head drooped to the side of the turtle shell, lifeless.

After Zen crawled out of the big hole, the Blood Spirit Tortoise fell into the bottom of the space shrouded in clouds, and the projection of the illusion in the Bloom Divine Province also disappeared.


In the Sanskrit Light Stage of the Other Shore, the two threads in the bone cave suddenly disappeared, and Zen, who had been stuck to them, fell to the ground.

Meanwhile, in the sky above the Oneness Sky Palace, the two threads that strung up Zen's body in the air suddenly disappeared, and all at once, Zen's body fell from the sky.

The people below gasped. On the other hand, Athemar acted quickly and flew up to catch Zen. Gently, he placed him on his flying sword.

As for the other powerful warriors of the Oneness Sky Palace, they were still too stunned to react.

So, the Blood Spirit Tortoise was killed by Zen... just like that?” Pearce asked, clearly still bewildered.

I suppose so... Killing it on the Other Shore is the same as killing it in the chaos,” Auden nodded to confirm.

Then, that would make him the new Eternal Realm master of our Oneness Sky Palace!

No, he hasn't reached the Eternal Realm yet. But, he's strong enough to kill one!

Zen's a legend!

The warriors of the Oneness Sky Palace all at once began to cheer loudly.

Since ancient times, the Eternal Realm masters had been the most powerful beings in the chaos.

Every time an Eternal Realm master in the chaos died, it meant one gone in the batch of limited number. However, it had been a well-known fact that only an Eternal Realm master could kill another at the said realm!

Now, Zen had performed an impossible miracle!

Many warriors of the Oneness Sky Palace surrounded Athemar's sword, excitedly waiting for Zen to wake up.

But even after a long while, Zen still showed no signs of consciousness.

Libby, go and have a look!” Athemar demanded. His brows furrowed, he was worried that Zen might've encountered more troubles on the Other Shore.

Libby quickly sat cross-legged on Athemar's huge sword as she activated her Truth of Godly Way and returned to the Other Shore. To her surprise, Zen was holding the Celestial Spear at the spot, with a trace of helplessness on his face.

Since he was in his physical form, Zen had been unable to put away the Celestial Spear. He had been waiting helplessly for Libby to return to the Other Shore and leave the spear in her care before he could leave the Other Shore.

Comments 1

  1. Offline
    There has to be a way to store shit… Can't the civilization artifacts store stuff?!
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