
Chapter 102.2 - The General's Daughter Who Eloped with the Lowly Stage Actor (10)

With their belongings in hand, Gu MingYue wasted no time urging Qian YunSheng to carefully select the valuable items and stow them away in a small bag, leaving behind any non-essentials like food and spare clothes. Within the span of a tea ceremony, Qian YunSheng had efficiently packed everything.

Outside, the rain gradually subsided, and Gu MingYue could only assume that it wouldn’t be long before the government authorities were alerted about the train hijacking by the ‘bandits’. 

She had no doubt that local forces would swiftly mobilize their security teams to prevent this incident from becoming an international concern.

Tang YingZhi and his men couldn’t afford to linger here. If anyone discovered this ruse, that they had posed as bandits, it would undoubtedly mark the end of Tang Family’s prosperity and bring forward their downfall.

With a sense of urgency, Gu MingYue and Qian YunSheng joined forces, securely binding Tang YingZhi with strong ropes and firmly silencing him with a fresh, clean handkerchief. Gu MingYue contemplated using the same one he had used on Qian YunSheng, but she quickly dismissed the idea when met with Tang YingZhi’s malicious glare.

“Don’t stare.” The smiling beauty playfully tapped the man, who now resembled a tightly wrapped rice dumpling, and said: “I know we appear rather kind and friendly.”

“Mmpphhhh (Fuck You)!!!”

To ensure Tang YingZhi remained tightly bound and hindered from escaping, Gu MingYue and Qian YunSheng worked together with mischievous glee, fashioning an intricate web of knots and loops that would confound even the most skilled escape artist.

Yet, even as they prepared to jump from the moving train, a nagging dissatisfaction gnawed at Gu MingYue. 

In a sudden act of impulse, she whirled back to Tang YingZhi and unleashed a thunderous slap that sent him into a dazed stupor, leaving him bewildered and questioning her motives.

She instantly felt a lot better after this.

Without Tang YingZhi’s orders, his men dared not enter the room casually, and so, it was until much later that they finally discovered their leader in such a state of disarray. 

Their hasty retreat instantly became a chaotic scramble, furthermore, consumed by the urgency to escape the impending trouble, it had not crossed anyone’s mind to deal with the two.

Hanging precariously from the train’s undercarriage, Gu MingYue and Qian YunSheng exchanged triumphant smiles from a distance. In fact, embarking on such a thrilling adventure reshaped their lives forever.

Luckily, with unwavering determination and martial prowess, they managed to brave the bumpy ride while enduring the torrential rains and wind for nearly 20 gruelling hours beneath the train carriage.

When the dishevelled pair emerged from under the carriage with their bodies aching, hands trembling, and their legs numb, they were taken aback by each other’s appearance. The journey had been a rough one, leaving them covered in mud stains and looking like beggars seeking refuge.

Despite their exhaustion and thirst, Gu MingYue couldn’t help but chuckle at their sorry state. The idea of finding a place to eat and rest while looking like this was sure to get them kicked out as beggars.

Qian YunSheng, observing Gu MingYue quietly, noticed her radiant smile with her teeth shining like pearls. He tried to respond with a smile, but the words eluded him, and he remained silent.

With curious and disdainful glances from onlookers, Gu MingYue and Qian YunSheng boarded a public bus to the prestigious National Hotel, where they managed to secure a room by flaunting some cash. The moment they entered the room, they rushed to clean themselves thoroughly, washing away the filth from their arduous journey. Then, they ordered a hearty meal to be delivered to their room and feasted heartily before collapsing on the bed as they drifted off into a deep slumber.

As the moonlight trickled in through the slender gap in the curtains, Qian YunSheng found himself roused from an uneasy sleep. 

The recent frightful encounter and the peculiar train journey left him thoroughly fatigued, but slumber eluded him.

With the moon now hanging high in the sky, Qian YunSheng’s eyes flickered open. 

The cool, ethereal glow of the moon bathed the room, casting a subtle, frosty ambience. 

His gaze settled on Gu MingYue, her hair gently illuminated by the moon’s tender touch, and her earlobes delicately outlined.

Silhouetted against the moonlight, Gu MingYue exuded tranquillity and grace. Her cherubic lips curved ever so slightly as she breathed peacefully, seemingly wrapped in a sweet dream. The serene sight was enough to captivate Qian YunSheng’s attention, leaving him quietly contemplating the moment.

The woman by his side remained as stunning as ever, peacefully dozing under the ethereal moonlight

However, though within arm’s reach, she seemed like an elusive dream, a captivating enigma just beyond his grasp. 

Qian YunSheng clenched his fist and pressed it against his temple, wincing with a tinge of pain, as he shut his eyes and turned away, silently grinding his teeth.

He had been overly presumptuous.

Convinced that he knew this woman by his side inside out, falsely confident in his familiarity with her. With a bitter chuckle, he now realized that it was all a delusion. 

She carried countless enigmas, an enchanting allure of mysteries waiting to unfold.

When did it all start to change? During their short two-day journey, he uncovered too many unexpected deviations from the woman he thought he knew. 

Perhaps she hadn’t changed; perhaps he had never truly understood her.

Was it joy or resentment that surged through him? Above all, it was just a deep sense of sorrow. 

The person he believed he intimately knew and loved now appeared as a stranger, drifting away from his memories. And the once-familiar connection in his heart was rapidly waning.

He had pledged a lifetime together, yet now it felt like they belonged to different worlds. 

How could she possess such formidable martial skills and boldly threaten the influential young master of the Tang family? 

Qian YunSheng, bound to her fate, had once felt he had her entirely, but now he realized with a heavy heart that he had only glimpsed the tip of her icy demeanour.

Restless, bewildered, and filled with a haunting sense of impending loss, he found himself more terrified than facing death itself. 

In a swift motion, Qian YunSheng sat up, his eyes narrowing in the darkness like a mesmerizing predator ready to strike. Shedding his clothes, he loomed over Gu MingYue, the look in his eyes betraying a mix of urgency and desperation.

Like a hunter pouncing on its prey, he secured her seemingly delicate yet strong wrists with his belt, rendering her powerless to resist. 

“YunSheng? …Ah! Y…You… M…Mmph…” 

Gu MingYue, startled and disoriented, awakened from her slumber to an unexpected intrusion. Her untouched and un-moistured passage was suddenly overwhelmed by the colossal force of his thrusts, causing tingles of pain and pleasure to course through her entire body.

With her hands bound and incapable of breaking free, she attempted to push him away, but his relentless pursuit of something familiar and comforting consumed him. 

At this moment, Qian YunSheng sought in her the elusive sense of security that he desperately needed.

The tender and delicate passage reluctantly bore the weight of the man’s majestic shaft, causing discomfort to both. This moment, meant to be the pinnacle of their physical connection, instead brought profound sadness to Qian YunSheng.

He tightly gripped Gu MingYue’s dainty chin as they engaged in a passionate kiss. Their tongues wrestled and entwined inside their mouths, and unable to contain the excess liquid in her mouth, it trickled from the corners of her rosy lips and left behind a sparkling trail on her chin.

“Young Miss…” He began to say.

“Call me MingYue… E…En… MingYue is my nickname… A…Ahh…” Gu MingYue corrected him amidst gasps. As she spoke, her delicate core was vigorously caressed, eliciting plaintive moans that harmonized with the forceful pressure of his hand, which in turn caused her essence to flow freely.

“MingYue…” Qian YunSheng whispered lowly, his face buried in the pillow beside her ear.

Suddenly, it felt as if… something cool had gently dripped onto her face… Gu MingYue’s thoughts were hazy and uncertain.

Translator’s Note:


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