
Chapter 392: Switching Pathways

The digestion of the Pyromaniac potion progressed much faster than Lumian had expected. This quick reaction was likely due to the activation of Blood Emperor Alista Tudor's aura without proper protection, akin to setting a blaze in Trier. The flames burned even the Saint Viève Cathedral and the patriarchal cathedral of the God of Steam and Machinery Church.

Hela watched the flesh and maggots consumed by the crimson flames for a moment before turning to Franca.

"Can we now discuss the clues about transmigration?"

Franca tersely acknowledged her words and gathered her thoughts.

"Ciel had previously attempted a unique summoning ritual, which inadvertently brought forth a shadow suspected to be from my homeland, the one I share with Muggle. He even formed a contract with this entity.

"After discovering this, I had Ciel summon the shadow again to communicate with it.

"The shadow's language is remarkably similar to that of my homeland. When asked about its origin, it said, 'The Blood Son of Heaven disrupted the netherworld, and the Underworld Daoist sacrificed himself to enter the river.'"

Franca translated the last sentence into Intisian.

Hela listened attentively and then turned her gaze to Lumian.

"Could this be the apparition of Blood Emperor Alista Tudor?

"Underworld Daoist was the one who dragged Him back?"

"That's our hypothesis," Lumian replied succinctly, indicating that Franca was also aware of the Samaritan Women's Spring. There was no need for excessive secrecy.

"Underworld Daoist…" Hela murmured the term softly.

Franca continued to recount her and Lumian's theories, suspecting that the illusionary river behind the spring might connect to the original world of her and the Curly-Haired Baboons Research Society members.

Hela remained silent, her dark eyes gleaming with a subtle brilliance, as though concealing a galaxy.

"That covers most of it. Once we've dealt with the traitors in the Research Society, I'll share this information with everyone," Franca said after a brief pause. She also reminded Hela, "Apart from April Fool's, Loki's allies might be lurking in other teams. They tend to participate in activities without playing pranks and only reveal themselves during crucial moments."

Hela nodded slightly and replied, "I'll discuss how to handle this with Gandalf and the others."

The woman then turned her gaze to Lumian.

"If there's nothing else, I'll take you back to the surface."

Lumian withdrew his gaze from the flames and let out a deep breath.

"I'll take care of this."

He crouched down and placed his hands in front of Loki's lifeless body.

Rumble. Accompanied by a muted explosion and a slight tremor in the ground, the earth, carrying flesh, blood, and maggots, suddenly sank into the mire and rocks.

Franca nodded in realization.

This way, any remaining corruption on Loki's corpse wouldn't be exposed to cave adventurers who might pass by later.

She assisted in carrying the corpses of the two marionettes over, contemplating whether to collect the Wraith's teeth and nails.

These were excellent spiritual ingredients that could be used to forge Beyonder weapons.

If the Wraith had lost control and transformed into a monster, Franca wouldn't feel any psychological burden dealing with his corpse. However, he still retained his human form.

Considering that she didn't lack offensive weapons or poison for coating them, Franca simply harvested the powder from the translucent Wraith and absorbed its residual spirituality.

After removing the clothes bestowed by the evil god and checking for any clues, Franca tossed the two corpses into the blazing pit.

Once she had completed this task, she turned to Hela and asked with curiosity,

"Madame Hela, have you advanced to Sequence 4 and become a demigod?"

Otherwise, how could she have subdued Loki so effortlessly?

"Yes," Hela confirmed with a nod.

Franca pondered for a moment and probed further, "You used to follow the Corpse Collector pathway, but this time, you displayed the power of the Evernight pathway. Did you use a mystical item?"

Was it similar to using a Sealed Artifact to enable everyone to enter the Nation of the Evernight in Concealment and participate in the gathering?

The Corpse Collector pathway was also known as the Death pathway.

Hela's voice was icy as she replied, "I've switched to Sequence 4 Nightwatcher of the Evernight pathway."

"Why?" Franca was intrigued by Hela's choice.

While she had once contemplated switching to the neighboring Hunter pathway when advancing to Sequence 4, it was mainly to restore her body to its male form. Under usual circumstances, sticking to a single pathway until the end was generally the better choice. After all, the acting acquired in the earlier Sequences were deeply ingrained in that pathway, making it easier and safer to become a Sequence 4 Beyonder of the same pathway.

Of course, if one couldn't find the Sequence 4 potion formula and main ingredient for their pathway, they might consider switching to a neighboring pathway. It wouldn't necessarily lead to half-madness, and they could gain a mix of unique abilities.

Franca had never seen any indication from Hela of wanting to switch pathways. When they discussed and exchanged information at the Research Society, Hela primarily focused on topics related to the Corpse Collector domain. Most of the materials and items gathered and sold were concentrated in this pathway.

Could it be that the Sequence 4 potion formula, main ingredients, or corresponding rituals of the Corpse Collector pathway proved impractical? Franca speculated, drawing on her extensive knowledge of mysticism.

Hela's pale face softened.

She gazed into the darkness beyond the abandoned mine, her voice taking on a contemplative tone.

"If I continued along the Death pathway, the deity I believe in would eventually transform me into a crucial vessel for specific moments."

At this point, Hela wore a rare smile and spoke with a distant look in her eyes.

"It's already a challenge for Her to maintain Her humanity. So, I shouldn't burden Her any further."

Franca was initially perplexed but began to grasp Madame Hela's reasoning for switching pathways.

Hela gave her a brief look and added, "If I can advance to Sequence 3, I should either revert to the Death pathway or switch to the Warrior pathway.

"The upper ranks of the Evernight pathway are facing a severe resource shortage."

"Wow," Franca couldn't help but envision Hela wielding various Sequence abilities from the Evernight, Corpse Collector, and Warrior pathways. She found it both impressive and formidable.

She, too, felt a sense of excitement about the possibility of acquiring the abilities of a Demoness and a Hunter in the future. n)-01n

Meanwhile, Lumian incinerated Loki's mutated remains and filled the pit.

Hela promptly obscured the area in darkness.

When Lumian and Franca regained consciousness, they found themselves outside the abandoned mine near the entrance to Underground Trier on Rue Anarchie.

In the distance, they could hear faint movements coming from Rue des Blouses Blanches.

"Phew, this is the most dangerous situation I've encountered since becoming a Beyonder," Franca said, exhaling deeply and speaking with emotion. "If Loki hadn't used me as bait to lure you here, there's a high chance I would have become a marionette."

Lumian tersely acknowledged her words and remained silent.

He took a step forward and began to walk down the street.

Franca followed him and asked curiously, "Did Loki say anything when he tried to disrupt your mind with his trash talk? Although many of his words may be lies, they might contain valuable information."

For example, the suspicion that every member of the Curly-Haired Baboons Research Society possessed the lingering aura of the Celestial Worthy.

Lumian remained silent for a few moments before responding.

"He recounted how they harmed Aurore, how they repeatedly disclosed her mental state and psychiatric treatment process, and how they shamelessly mocked her…"

His explanation was concise, but the simplicity of his words couldn't mask the anger that rose in him again.

"Huh?" Franca was initially surprised but quickly grasped the gravity of the situation. "That Psychiatrist, I Know Someone?"

Lumian nodded slowly.

Franca contemplated the situation carefully, her anger growing with each passing thought.

"Dammit! How can they be so evil? I fully support you in tearing them apart, dismembering them, skinning them, and stuffing them with grass!" After several seconds of contemplation, she unleashed a curse.

Lumian remained silent, seemingly weighing the feasibility of such actions.

Franca glanced at him and hesitantly suggested, "When you faced the other April Fools' team members earlier, you held back and didn't kill them directly…"

Lumian chuckled.

"Why should I kill those idiots? It's more agonizing, humiliating, and regretful for these individuals who believe they're clever when they realize how Loki and the others manipulated them. It brings me greater satisfaction than killing them.

"In the future, whenever anyone mentions Loki, it will be akin to insulting their intelligence to their faces, and they won't be able to escape it."

Franca breathed a sigh of relief.

She said to Lumian, "Rue des Blouses Blanches seems quite lively. I plan to stay at Jenna's tonight. Heh heh.

"Yes, I'll be informing my Major Arcana card holder briefly about this matter. I'll convey that if Loki isn't completely eliminated within two months, I would like to request a transfer out of the market district. You, too, can apply to take charge of the Iron and Blood Cross Order's branch elsewhere."

"I'll also write to my Major Arcana card holder," Lumian assured her, indicating that he wouldn't underestimate the potential harm Loki could cause.

Lumian had always maintained a clear distinction between personal matters and official matters. Whether dealing with the padre or investigating Loki, he had never considered seeking Madam Magician's assistance. However, this time, his use of the Blood Emperor's aura had caused quite a commotion, and it would be necessary to report it later.

Seeing that Lumian remained rational, Franca felt at ease. She waved farewell and stealthily made her way toward Quartier du Jardin Botanique.

Lumian averted his gaze and entered Auberge du Coq Doré, walking along the still-warm street.

He had no desire to encounter the official Beyonders who might be searching for clues on Rue des Blouses Blanches at this late hour.

As he pushed open the door to Room 207, Lumian spotted a figure inside.

It was Madam Magician, dressed in an orange waist-length dress and holding a wide-brimmed hat adorned with flowers.

"Were you waiting for me?" Lumian inquired almost instinctively.

Magician smiled.

"What else would I be doing?"

"How did you know I would come back here?" Lumian closed the door.

Magician smiled and said, "This is a revelation of fate.

"Now, tell me, why did you unleash the Blood Emperor's aura?"

Comments 41

  1. Offline
    Lady Georgeitte
    I honestly miss Klein ehh
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    1. Offline
      Klein was such a great character sigh

      But I'm invested on Lumian's story now yeah
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  2. Offline
    ASG = First Pillar
    LOTM = Second Pillar
    MGOD = Third Pillar
    Eternal Destruction = fourth pillar .
    MGOD isn't a Pillar anymore becuz of split and we have 2 Pillars already. If evernight became the pillar , then we will have 3 pillars. So my question is if MGOD somehow becomes Pillar again does the world end , as there would be now 4 pillars which is the condition for destruction.
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    1. Offline
      Four Pillars doesn't mean the world would end. Eternal Destruction is the combination of the Above The Sequence of Eternal Darkness + Calamity Of Destruction.

      It doesn't stand on it's own, you have to combine to Great Old Ones together to form that Fourth Pillar, basically Eternal Destruction is the end of the Universe, no one can stop it.
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  3. Offline
    i really took LOTM for granted, reading chapter after chapter until it was done... crybaby now I have to actually wait for chapters instead of bingeing it forwhat
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  4. Offline
    they could gain a mix of unique abilities.
    Hela wielding various Sequence abilities from the Evernight, Corpse Collector, and Warrior pathways

    This is the thing I find most interesting, do you get all of the abilities of the various pathways but just slightly weaker than someone who is dedicated to that pathway? Or does one get a mix of abilities but not all of them? Or does the previously gained ablities mix with the new ones creating a mix of both of them but neither of them at the same time? We know that most sequences makes the abilities of previous sequences within the same pathway stronger (Klein's wind bullet gaining power with each advancement) but how does that work if you switch pathway? Does it just stay that at that strenght or does it weaken/strenghten as one advances on another pathway? And all those are just questions regarding neighboring pathways, what about examples like Roselle? Does he have any powers left from the Savant pathway that he started his journey on? What about from the Mystery Pryer pathway that the swapped to at the angelic level, I mean he did have authority over Knowledge and Information [source: wiki]. Did he lose the authorities or did they mix and mash with the Black Emperor pathway authorities? What about the knowledge he gained while being on the pathways that represent knowledge as a concept, did he lose them or just the abilities he gained while advancing? And if he still remembers everything, why couldn't he use the abilities? They are based on knowledge he has, are they not?

    I'm rambling aren't I...
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    1. Offline
      About the abilities from different Pathways, the author didn't really elaborate on that aspect, am still asking myself questions about that sometimes.

      The Roselle part though, it's not really clear, Alista Tudor did the same thing and he went mad, same thing with Salinger (Death) he also ended up going crazy.

      So, being the Knowledge Emperor he was, maybe he came up with a way to "circumvent" the madness. For example maybe he purged himself of the Beyonder characteristics of both Pathways before starting all over again-ish.....?
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      1. Offline
        Roselle wanted to use the resurrection process of black emperor pathway. When he resurrects he will gain a new body. A body containing 3 seq 1 of Black emperor and uniqueness. The previous beyonder characteristic of savant pathway were taken away by the church.
        This resurrection process was the cause of Alista Tudor becoming Red Priest.
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    2. Offline
      Watermelon Destroyer
      There was a vague mention about it. Let's say you switched from a seer to a marauder in seq 4. In short, you will keep your old abilities until seq 4, but they will not be enhanced, and you will also get the ability to parasitize. Your mythical form will be a combination of spirit and time worms. However, this seems to be an ideal option, but in practice you have a high chance of mutating by acquiring some strange ability. This was actively told in the arch of Insa Zangwill, you can search. As for Rozelle and his seq 0, this genius came up with a plan to get rid of madness and conflict: to die. He will be resurrected as seq 0 Black Emperor, with the appropriate characteristics and without madness. True, his plan has gone into a ditch a little...
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      1. Offline
        Well his plan has gone into a ditch not because he was wrong about anything but because an Outer Deity tricked him. Otherwise, his plan would work out without too much of a problem. Sadge, hope Klein helps him.
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  5. Offline
    "If I continued along the Death pathway, the deity I believe in would eventually transform me into a crucial vessel for specific moments."

    Anyone care to enlighten me what she meant by that statement....?
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    1. Offline
      I'm confused too, is she talking about Evernight or someone else? Does she knows the truth and just playing dumb or not...?
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      1. Offline
        She's talking about Evernight, I just don't get the "a crucial vessel for specific moments" part.
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    2. Offline
      since she can't descend directly to earth from astral world like Klein or Adam (they have control over their sefirot), she needs a vessel to descend (remember in LoTM she helps Mr.Azik in his final struggle with death god his father by using grade 0 artifact as a vessel ). Evernight, although she has the authorities still doesn't have control on river of eternal darkness. I believe this poses a significant risk to the vessel since she too is battling madness (ancient death, and other death god) and can't properly control the death pathway. She has full control of evernight pathway, to further proceed she needs to control river of eternal darkness sefirot, only then she can take full control of death and giant pathway as mentioned by adam in lotm.
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      1. Offline
        Interesting. reader Thanks.
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    3. Offline
      She would become an avatar Evernight would Descend into.
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      1. Offline
        Why does she want to descend though...?
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        1. Offline
          No idea
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  6. Offline
    "Now, tell me, why did you unleash the Blood Emperor's aura?"

    Don't worry Mommy he unlocked conquerors haki...
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    1. Offline
      Now lumi has conquerors haki,sun breathing,teleportation scrolls,has a tailess beast sealed in him by his sister's neihbour,and he is also a HUNTER.he also has a jujutsu sorceror trans friend.mainly he has amonphobia a rare disease with 100% infection rate for LOTM readers
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  7. Offline
    Fors finally moved her lazy ass after the commotion he made.
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      1. Offline
        So true. I can imagine Fors worming her way to Lumian. Literally, considering her Mythical Creature form.
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  8. Offline
    Cosmos Corruption
    Hmm if all of 3 of them became ATS wont the world be reset-ed?
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    1. Offline
      The world was destroyed because the original creator woke up. It had nothing to do with Celestial Worthy and God Alimity's demise. An ATS is required to deter an outer god. On Earth, there is one guaranteed ATS, i.e. Klein or Celestial worthy, it doesn't matter who wins the outcome Earth will have an ATS. Evernight and Ancient Sun God have the potential to be an ATS but I wouldn't bet on it. So, 3 ATS for 7 outer gods. I don't see them winning the fight unless they find a way to ask for help from the cosmos or hand over the respected sefirah to their corresponding outer deities and pray for their benvelonce.
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      1. Offline
        speculation: I think a lot of what you said is based on current available info. But there is a whole western continent and its mysteries and sefirot to explore. Author probably spins/creates something over there that gives advantage for the earth survival. i am assuming this because all his previous novels end on optimistic and happy terms.
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        1. Offline
          From what I have gathered so far, in the Western Continent for the 22 Pathway(s) the highest status they can obtain is Sequence 2.

          I don't know if they can get anything useful from the Western Continent except a new batch of Angels.
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      2. Offline
        So, 3 ATS for 7 outer gods. I don't see them winning the fight

        Maybe you didn't get the memo, in book one, from the behaviour of the Outer Deities before and after the Fool's Apotheosis ritual shows that they are scared of the old LOTM. And they don't want a new one to take his place, they prefer if the LOTM throne was empty.

        LOTM & GA are pillars of the Universe, they're more than enough to handle the Outer Deities. Add Eternal Darkness to the mix and it's over kill.
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        1. Offline
          right i forgot about that. So how are the pillars different from the outer gods? do they have any extra authority? i remember they are scared bc old LoTM is crazy mad and he cares for nothing.
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          1. Offline
            How do I put it, constraint Pillars are like the "split personalities" of the Primordial One (Original Creator) while the Outer Deities are like His children, MGOD is the eldest daughter, so she's also a Pillar.

            3 Pillars - LOTM, GA, MGOD.
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            1. Offline
              There is also the 4th piller, Eternal Destruction. But having that in place will end the universe
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              1. Offline
                True, the combination of Eternal Darkness + Calamity Of Destruction.
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      3. Offline
        As stated before LOTM and ASG in ATS are considered pillars although MGOD is also a piller her sefirot has been framented&sealed so the fight isn't too unbalanced with momyevernight
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  9. Offline
    Almost all the main gods (evernight, adam, klein) are on the verge of losing control and humanity.
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    1. Online Offline
      And all three are people of past civilization.
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      1. Offline
        Transmigrators rule the world. whoknows
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    2. Offline
      Cosmos Corruption
      Yep the silver lining is that they need to wait until the apocalipse so the mental imprint/corruption will be washed away.
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      1. Offline
        Watermelon Destroyer
        well, the imprint of the Great Elder will disappear. But the imprints of a Celestial Worthy of ...... and the company should not disappear with the onset of the apocalypse in theory.
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        1. Offline
          The mental imprint of the LOTM will fade too.

          That's why Adam & Amanises are trying to advance Above The Sequence now, the will of the Pillars are fading, this is their chance.
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    3. Offline
      Mr. Stupid man
      Don't forget about the Emperor Roselle...
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