
Chapter 237: The Flaming Battlefield

I let everyone have their own parties and have breaks. I didn't join since I didn't want to ruin the mood. Well... the war is coming anyways.

I was at the top of the tower watching over the people from below having fun. 

"To think that most of them will be dead by our first conflict." Lagrima came out of my body.

"I know." That's all I could say. Since I know what exactly he's saying.

"Are you sure you don't need more time? Once we start this war there's no going back. The balance of this world will shift against you two."

"I know. But the longer this game goes on, the more this world suffers."

"And what you're going to do is going to help that?"


"Even the Crimson Knights... death is a possibility."

"I know."

"This place and the entirety of the world..."

"I know."

"Are you sure you're ready? Because in war... there are casualties."

"I am ready."

"Good. As long as your our leader and you accept all the possibilities of failures and the sorrow that comes with it, we'll be placing all our hopes in you, oh Demon King." Lagrima then disappeared and went back in me.

"Zieglind." Someone then called me from behind. "Is it time?" It was Zeraph.

I looked at him straight in the face, "Yeah. We can't afford to waste anymore time. The impact of the Serpent Union on the world might've helped us, but it did destroy the will of the non-players. If we just continue improving, we'll just take up more time and their suffering will just go on for a much longer time. I'm being forced to fight right now."

"I can understand. I'd like to have revenge on him."

"Revenge? Such a weird thing for a hero to say."

"Demon King and a Hero teaming up, I think that's weirder."

"Heh. Either way, we really need to finish off Ouroboros and the rest of the players."

"I know. I'll be waiting for us at the top."

"KYAAAAAAAA!!!" A loud female voice was then heard in the party. I looked over trying to see what was going on but they seem to be looking in a single direction.

I looked over to where they were looking and I saw hordes of monsters coming their way. "Telepathy, connect me to Precia." A second later, she answered. "Is that ours?"

"No, its not! What should we do?" Precia replied.

"Damn it."

"You've been making a lot of noise by capturing those kingdoms. It seems that Ouroboros knows what you're doing." Zeraph then said.

"So he's starting off with a pre-emptive attack. He's a good one. Precia, listen, ready all units that we have. Use all the traps, we can't afford Izgoy's walls to get tainted by those monsters. We can just replace it. Ready Afal's units on top of the walls and use up all the canons, ballistas and everything that's there."

I jumped down to the ground and I saw that everyone is still panicking. "Sleep." All the non-players in town suddenly fell asleep and the elite soldiers with Afal suddenly got worried. "Don't worry. Your friends and families are fine. I just put them into sleep. Its easier than them panicking and guiding them. Neco, grab all these people and bring them to a safe house.

"Gazer Form." I then flew over to where the elite units are. I was on top of the wall and behind us, Precia and Afal are gathering their entire armies. I could also see Yefa in the distance opening the gates and releasing the monsters from that side.

I looked forward and took a look at the army of the enemy. Even with my increased vision, I can't see the end of the line. Maybe its at hundreds of thousands or millions of enemies. "Demon Form." I changed into my Demon Form and everyone from the elite unit that Afal made didn't even flinch or was shocked. He did raise an amazing group.

"Cataclysm." Hundreds of fireballs appeared from the sky and came hurling down on their army. Hundreds of meteors came falling down again and again until the whole battlefield was filled with smoke. "Dispel. Gazer Form."

But they all emerged harmless.

I then noticed several mages from the back being carried by what seems to be a wagon as they were casting at the same time. Its a unified magic. "I'll be going in first. Back me up."

"Yes!" Without even asking questions, they immediately answered. You really did a great job Afal!

I landed in the middle of their pack and they all immediately hounded on me. "Come, Soul Scythe. Third Act: Relentless Flames." I summoned up flames everywhere and then activated, "Fourth Act: Unwavering Flames." The enemies were catching on fire so I began to teleport everywhere as long as fire exists and then slice of their necks while I'm at it.

"First Act: Calm Rage." Those who dare to go far closer than what I want gets immediately cut down.

My sword was flowing like water and was unleashing power like an uncontrollable fire. It doesn't care what's in front of it, as long as its something, it can be cut. That feeling was just amazing. 

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh... That's all I could hear as the clean cuts was heard. 

A stab from the heart and I could feel their hearts stopping. A slice on their arms and I could see it flying. A beheading and I could see their dumbfounded face before their head falls down to the ground.

"Second Act: Illusions of the Flames." Hundreds of monsters began being cut down. So I had to speed this up. 

Using triple synergy, I imbued my flames with dark and ice magic. Freezing them with ice magic and using the dark and fire magic to slowly kill them. "Ninth Act: Flaming Steps." A trail of fire and combined with my triple synergy, I created a freezing, burning ground from behind me as I move. It was working, but I possibly couldn't pass through the enemies while they're in front of me right?

I could use phase to pass through them but I want to try all of my sword skills. "Eight Act: Flowing Flames." I began to run at full speed and everything that was around me were getting sliced.

Their body parts were flying everywhere. This skill doesn't need accuracy. I just have to run fast and swing fast. And then I had another idea, "Lighten." It was like my body wasn't even there. I blasted through their army in an insane speed and the radius of my blade increased, taking over a single line with a single swing. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"

But I still couldn't see their army thinning. I sliced and I sliced but they just kept coming and coming.

Time to end this. "Dispel, Demon Form. Come, Demon Sword ACABAR!" A small flame emerged and as I grabbed it, it turned into my weapon. 

"Tenth Act: Hell Slice." Flames rose from the ground and cracks appeared from the ground.  Suddenly, the enemies suddenly has wounds open from their body.

One of them suddenly died. And then another.

And I was just standing there, using my absolute focus. Moving faster than I could comprehend, as long as my blade hits something, its enough.

Two enemies died. And then it turned into ten... into hundreds... into thousands until everything around me died and all that was left was a one kilometer gigantic hole that was cleanly sliced.

Everything around me was burning and the cracks on the ground were melting. I stood atop of that battle field alone as I see the bodies of the enemies falling from the hole when the bottom is just lava.

But in the distance, I saw ten people opening up a portal. I won't let them. "Boots of the Trickster. Infinity Ground." Infinity Ground is a spell that allows me to walk everywhere. So using this, I traversed the giant hole that I created and ran over to the ten people in the distance. "Eight Act: Flowing Flames." I began to attack everywhere and the range of my weapon grew larger and larger.

"Tsk. Barrier!" A mage from their side put up a barrier but it only took me two hits to completely destroy it. 

I instantly beheaded the mage who were opening up the portal but a man carrying a huge shield went in front but I easily melted through his shield.

An extremely confident man then jumped behind me. He was fast, but not fast enough. I stopped my technique and swapped for the next one, "First Act: Calm Rage." His body was torn and was sent away flying.

Three more people joined up, "Illusion of the Flames." But I instantly killed them all with just the movement of my blade.

I left one alive and they were incredibly scared. I pointed my sword at them, "Everything you know. Spill it."

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