
Chapter 238: Holy War Begins

I looked around to see if there were any enemies left. None. They were all eliminated. I took a good look at her and it seems that she's preparing a skill. "Translocation." She disappeared then reappeared from where she was. Translocation is a skill that brings back to that space anyone who leaves it. It seems that she teleported.

"My lord." Afal showed up out of nowhere. "That was amazing swordplay."

"Mhm. Can you interrogate this person? Do whatever you want." I then dispelled the skill and handed her to Afal.

"What the hell even happened here..." Zeraph with Herold just arrived at the scene. "Did you do this?"

"More or less. Dispel." I reverted back to my human form. "Have you seen any other armies near this place?"

"No. We didn't." Herold then said. "We just rushed here. But, I did find some news. Several armies are moving and declaring war on the kingdoms that you overtook." 

"Wha- damn it. Telepathy," I connected to all of the Crimson Knights. "Move quickly, the armies of Ouroboros are moving towards the kingdoms that we all overtook. Just go, in singles. We have a lot of kingdoms, losing one of them will break the morale of the rest. I'll leave it all to you!" That should be enough. From where I'm standing, I could already see all of them moving in split directions.

I was about to go protect one kingdom, but suddenly, knives, spears and swords came flying out of nowhere towards us. Of course we all easily avoided it by jumping away.

We searched where it came from and we didn't notice it, but we're all surrounded.

"People that has gone under my radar. Interesting." Herold then brought out his weapons and armor from his inventory. A meteor then came fall upon us but Herold jumped and absorbed the mana of that skill and made it disappear.

"Archangel Form." A bright light covered Zeraph's body and soon emerged into a white armor, shining brightly. "Come, Holy Sword Arranca!" A small light was then summoned and as soon as he grabbed it, it summoned the Holy Sword. The sword looked like it was pulsing and was emitting light.

"Demon Form." Flames wrapped around my body and soon disappeared changing me into my strongest form. "Come, Demon sword Acabar!" A small flicker of flame appeared and as I grabbed it, it morphed into my weapon.

"Hold up... look at them carefully. The top of their heads." 

I then noticed that they all had the same icons on the top of their heads... "THEY'RE ALL PLAYERS!?" I couldn't help but just be shocked.

He has gathered so much players... Ouroboros is a mysterious man. 

They were all in sync of each other's moves. Good thing I have a bonus skill that lets me steal their status if I kill them, this'll just boost me even further.

"Blinding Light!" Zeraph's skill emitted a bright light that temporarily blinded the enemies. 

I took this chance to rush at them, "Eight Act: Flowing Flames" I began to attack while running blasting through their backline. They were surrounded by barriers so it was difficult blasting through.

It was abnormally tough, but I could understand. They were all players and has been practicing and getting far stronger than the non-players of this world. To break a single barrier, it takes me five seconds.

With my speed, I could care less about strength. I just sliced and sliced but I could only kill three players and there were hundreds or maybe thousands of them here.

I backed off, "Mana Search." And noticed four points and each of those points had several players and there's a high concentrated field of mana there. And they all seem to be connected from a line. I looked up and saw the growing ball of darkness that was growing. "Zeraph, Herold, look up."

"Damn it." Herold immediately jumped up trying to burn the skill, but he was suddenly dragged down to the ground. The players were aware of our every move. 

So I'm going to brute force through it. "Gauntlets of Instability, Boots of the Trickster, Seal of Armor, Berserker Helm, Pants of Eternity. Uncontrollable Power." Armor I summoned was automatically equipped and I took a stance. 

This is a stance that was specifically used for katanas but I just have this gigantic sword by my side so there's no helping it. I lowered my body like I'm going to run and my right foot was a foot away from my left one.

I sheathed my weapon like I'm sheathing a katana on my side. "Sixth Act: Silence of the Flames." Thousands of bodies were then sent flying, their whole bodies cut and the whole ground dug up. I could see my right hand trembling, it seems that it was too much for my body. 

I looked around and all the players were pretty much amazed and are in shock of what I just did.

Zeraph then joined in and rushed at the enemy. He then stopped in front of them which just left the players dumbfounded. "Do you follow Ouroboros?" He suddenly asked.

Which made me and Herold dumbfounded too.

The players then casted hundreds of skills against him.

"So that's a yes?" His sword began to pulse aggressively and started to be covered in light and fire. He swung his sword which cut through their bodies while they were all inside of their barriers. All of their bodies were just flying everywhere. "Justice served." It seems that he'll only attack anyone that brings harm to this world. He's a total crazy dude but I guess he's helpful.

Herold then went on to the other side and I still can't get over how aggressive his style is. Up close while ignoring the skills that are being thrown on him. Because if he detects anything within his range, he immediately burns the mana off of it and destroys the spell itself.

"YARGH!" He begins to destroy barriers and pierce through it with that Brightburn weapon.

Within seconds, he just disappears and reappears in the battlefield killing unsuspecting enemies with a single slice.

And finally, we all split up and destroyed all the mages in the four points to stop whatever they were creating.

It still stayed there but Herold quickly got rid of it with his Brightburn.

"He already gathered that much people? And he's attacking in different locations..? What is he trying to do..." I couldn't help but just be curious on what's going on.

"I don't know about you but the way things are going, he's building up a large army but for what... That's the thing that I'm more curious about." Zeraph added.

"Tartarus. I'm pretty sure. He's building an army for that place." Herold then said. "Since the Tartarus is still standing and far more stronger than before, that can only mean one thing. He failed and didn't clear out the Tartarus before. He wants something from that place. But I don't know what it is."

"Pandora's... Box?" I then said.

"But why would he want that?" Zeraph asked. "Once the Pandora's Box is gone, then all the evil in this world would be gone. But what he's doing is basically the same as that. He's just spreading his villainous activities everywhere."

"Pandora's Box is the amalgamation of evil and there is stored the most evil and the most strongest spirits. Pandora's Box is the seal placed upon them that the gods were even afraid of. So they sealed those evil away. Now that in this world, its open. But the monsters here aren't really matching up to the gods and how powerful they are. Its because its spread throughout the world. So, in theory, if all the evils in the box gets concentrated into a single point, which is Ouroboros himself then..."

"He'll gain power equal or greater than the whole monsters in this world combined and all the evil it has."

"He's weaponizing it... the power that the gods themselves were scared of."

"But why..?"

"I don't know about that but I'm pretty sure its because he wants to kill all gods and... become one himself. So the very key that he needs is more people. So that's why he's attacking us right now."

"This... this is insane! He's trying to go against the system!"

"I am trying to go against it too. But I won't sacrifice this world for it. I have a goal far greater than him. I'll let this world rest. They've been suffering for too long because the gods wanted entertainment."

"So, what do we do now?"

"We strike fast. We no longer have time to just sit here and train to get stronger. Its time to act. All my plans are in order. We just have to do it. Zeraph, Herold, you go find where his base is. The players might know it. Seeing how there's a lot on his side."

Now, the Holy War has BEGUN!

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