
Chapter 57:

Carrying the graduation certificate given by Mentor Qing Hong, which was an energy stone with special engraved marks, Chen Mo went to the medical cabin area in the square.

The medical area was located next to the square's stone monument teleportation gate. As Chen Mo passed through the crowded square and arrived at the medical area, looking around he saw beams of light falling from the sky. As natural disasters entered this space, these beams of light would envelop them, forming a light curtain capsule. Chen Mo was no exception.

When he entered the medical area, the descending beams of light also enveloped him, forming an independent space.

Prompt: Detecting the Starving Ghost graduation certificate. Would you like to start the promotion?


As Chen Mo responded the energy stone in his hand quickly disintegrated into countless points of light drifting towards the light curtain capsule. The light curtain capsule also refracted countless threads of light scanning Chen Mo in all directions.

Prompt: Identity number confirmed.

Prompt: Promotion of Level 1 Disaster Predator begins.

Prompt: Data create value, Tianhua Quantum Technology, Starving Ghost trial system, the unified welfare system of the Disaster world aimed at promoting outstanding winners to better complete disaster tasks in the future. Starving Ghost students who pass the trial will be rewarded with a unified bonus of +2 to all attributes, covering the evaluation rewards for the task completed during the trial. Would you like to accept?

If he choose "No" according to Chen Mo's disaster trial evaluation for this mission, he will only receive 1 free attribute point, naturally he would not choose that.


After Chen Mo responded a strange pressure appeared on the light curtain capsules around him.

Then strands of colourful light, like floating ribbons gradually flowed into Chen Mo's body, like a warm current moisturizing his limbs and bones making him unable to help but let out a soft hum.

This feeling was almost the same as the one he had two months ago when he advanced to the first level of the Tong Zi.

Prompt: Your speed +2.

Prompt: Your strength +2.

Prompt: Your physique +2.

Prompt: Your spirit +2.

Prompt: Your energy +2.

Prompt: You have been promoted to Disaster Predator.

As the enveloping light curtain gradually disappeared, Chen Mo realized that he had already left the medical area and had appeared at the edge of the square, seemingly transported here by the light curtain.

Chen Mo hurriedly inspected his attribute panel.

Name: Traveler.

Level: Predator.


1. Stone Skin.

2. Traveler’s Talent.

HP: 306.

Defence: 18.

Speed: 15.

Strength: 16.

Physique: 27.

Spirit: 30.

Energy: 17.

Basic Fist Technique: Lv5.

Basic Palm Technique: Lv3.

Basic Finger Technique: Lv6.

Basic Assassination: Lv1.

Basic Chopping: Lv2.

Basic Footwork: Lv7.

Basic Jumping: Lv6.

Basic Body Technique: Lv8.

Basic Blocking: Lv11.

Basic Psychic Power: Lv9.


1. Psychic Ball.

2. Coarse linen clothes.

3. Baron's Coronet.

4. Deer Leather Boots.


1. Psychic Bullet Lv4.

2. Despicable Mind Shield Lv3.

Since Chen Mo broke through to the first level of the Tong Zi and stayed in the Hive World for nearly two months, his Basic Finger Technique, Basic Footwork, and Basic Blocking have all increased by 1 level and the Despicable Mind Shield has been upgraded from Lv2 to Lv3.

However, because the Despicable Mind Shield is a C-level skill, it requires more energy to release and has a longer cooldown time, making it more difficult to improve skill proficiency. It may take quite some time to break through to Lv4.

After being promoted to a Level 1 Disaster Predator, he received the bonus of +2 to all attributes, undoubtedly greatly improving Chen Mo's strength.

Especially the Spirit attribute, which has reached 30 points.

However, compared to the improvement in strength, what Chen Mo is more concerned about now is the power and status of a Level 1 disaster predator in the Disaster world.

When he was still a starving ghost, he learned that only by advancing to a level 1 disaster predator could one gain the basic right to execute disaster missions once a month in the Disaster world.

This also indirectly confirms that once a starving ghost is abandoned by the nurturers, apart from entering the Disaster Academy early and becoming a starving ghost student, there is only one dead end.

After all, in this world without sun, moon, or stars, without the implantation of a light brain data chip starving ghosts don't even have the right to eat free survival meals.

So Chen Mo looked at the "Predator" column in the level section of the attribute panel.


1. Predators can receive free survival meals provided by the Disaster world.

2. Predators can qualify for external contract missions from the disaster world.

3. Predators can, at the gathering places in the disaster world rent rooms in the apartment area at the cost of 1 point per month or rent rooms in the residential area at the cost of 10 points per month.

4. Predators can add friends to their address book through the light brain data chip. Both parties can make real-time calls within a one kilometer range in the disaster world or leave messages in the mailbox when outside the communication range.

After obtaining the relevant information, Chen Mo revealed a pensive look. After being promoted to a Level 1 disaster predator, it seemed that Chen Mo had obtained the basic right to survive in the disaster world, officially becoming a member of the disaster world.

Apart from those underage kids and the starving ghost students in the academy, Chen Mo was still at the bottom of this world.

"The apartment area." Having a little nest of his own was more important than anything else!

As for the rooms in the residential area because they required 10 points of contribution per month Chen Mo temporarily did not consider them.

After crossing the bustling square and walking along the bluestone street, Chen Mo arrived at the apartment area marked on the map in his mind.

It was a quaint and heavy high-rise building area, surrounded by a circle of bone fences. People came and went, some gathered in groups of three or five in the corners of the courtyard, discussing things.

It seemed that it was not as warm as Chen Mo had imagined. The eyes of the natural disasters around him were full of vigilance.

This familiar look, back when Chen Mo learned about the danger of the academy training area, anyone who approached would show a similar vigilant look

Looking up at the bone archway. He thought that it would be marked as the River of Sorrow apartment area according to the map, but unexpectedly the blood-red characters on the bone archway were... Predator's Nest.


The mood drop was inevitable.

Keeping a low profile and cautious, Chen Mo came to a light brain machine next to the gate of the Predator's Nest courtyard and chose to rent a room here.

Prompt: Your disaster Contribution Points -1.

Prompt: You have obtained the right to rent apartment F510. Without your permission, no one is allowed to enter. In case of any illegal incidents, please contact the patroller immediately. We will deal with the responsible parties seriously.

After seeing the prompts, Chen Mo couldn't help but chuckle self-deprecatingly. There must be many natural disasters here who have committed suicide, right?

After entering the Predator's Nest, Chen Mo crossed paths with natural disasters of various appearances. The place was filled with grim bone decorations, exuding a dark red tone like blood, filling the atmosphere with a suffocating oppression.

In such an environment. Some people strive to improve themselves in various ways, while others become the "parasites" mentioned by Mentor Qing Hong, eating free survival meals every day, living according to the lowest standard and waiting for death.

Chen Mo soon followed the signs and arrived at his rented room, F510. There was a small identification system on the door of the room. After confirming Chen Mo's identity, the iron gate slowly opened.

Upon seeing the furnishings in the room, Chen Mo couldn't help but furrow his brows slightly. He felt like he was back in the Pig Cage village.

In this cramped room of less than ten square meters there was a skeletal bed covered with animal skins as well as a stone table and two stone stools. That was all. The washing area and bathroom were shared in the hallway.

The floor was covered with a thick layer of dust. Chen Mo came to the window of the room leaving behind a string of footprints behind him. He looked at the hazy sky outside. At this moment, he couldn't help but miss the life in the Pig Cage village.

At least there it was filled with human warmth and worldly flavours. The sky had daily sunrises and sunsets, the market had various cheap delicacies, while here there was only vigilance and dust.

Grumble. His stomach growled with hunger.

"Anyway, let's eat first."

Just rented the apartment, which cost 1 point of contribution. Currently Chen Mo still had 222 points of contribution so he didn't intend to save 1 point and go eat the free meal again.

Compared to the gruel in the disaster world even the water celery vegetables and eye catching dish of the Hive World's dock workers were rare delicacies.

After cleaning up the dust slightly, Chen Mo left the room.

Coincidentally, the neighbour opposite the apartment was also about to leave. Though in such a vigilant and unfamiliar environment Chen Mo did not intend to contact the other party. However, upon seeing Chen Mo, the other party couldn't help but look surprised.


Only then did Chen Mo turn to look at the other party, also feeling a little stunned.

"Tian Tian?"

Chen Mo really didn't expect that he and Tian Tian would happen to live opposite each other. He remembered being told that the rooms were assigned randomly.

Tian Tian looked Chen Mo up and down unbelievably saying "You live here?"


Tian Tian was so surprised that she couldn't believe it, saying "I didn't expect that we just graduated and we're neighbours again. What a coincidence! Hehe, let's add each other as friends in the address book. Thank you for the help at trial. I'll treat you to a meal."


Prompt: You have added Tian Tian as a friend in your address book.

After adding each other as friends, they left the apartment together and headed towards the cafeteria.

It had to be said that Tian Tian's appearance, coupled with her coquettish personality, was really eye-catching.

Or it could be said that her glamorous and graceful figure was very appealing to the desires of most male natural disaster in the disaster world. Standing next to Tian Tian, Chen Mo could clearly feel that many passing male natural disaster couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

Tian Tian was already used to this.

When they arrived at the cafeteria, Tian Tian ordered two regular meals, which were black bread meat soup and tomato noodles. Compared to most natural disasters who were used to eating survival meals with a spoon or with their hands, Tian Tian noticed that Chen Mo was extremely proficient in using chopsticks when she used a knife and fork, she widened her eyes in surprise.

"You... you even know how to use these?"

Chen Mo was surprised at first then he realized. During his time at the Disaster Academy, he had been eating survival meals all day and he had never had the opportunity to use chopsticks. For natural disaster, using chopsticks was a highly technical activity, no less difficult than upgrading a basic skill to Level 10.

"It's easy to learn. If you want to learn, I can teach you."

Chen Mo originally wanted to brush it off casually, but when Tian Tian heard this, she made a seductive gesture of lightly biting her red lips and coquettishly said "Then later, I'll come to your room and you can teach me hands-on, okay?"

Chen Mo rolled his eyes at her words and didn't reply.

After dinner Chen Mo prepared to return to his room to rest while Tian Tian was going out. They parted ways but halfway through Tian Tian suddenly stopped in her tracks and looked at Chen Mo's gradually disappearing figure.

At this moment, in her eyes the charm value above Chen Mo's head was unexpectedly 0 to 15.

"Weird, the charm value changed again. What has he experienced during his time in the trial world?"

With a pensive expression she watched until Chen Mo disappeared at the end of the street before turning around and leaving.

(End of chapter 57)

(TN - Well, this can be concluded as the first arc, 57 chapters. The author had already divided these chapters into 3 arcs, but I’m gonna count this all as one arc.

Hope you guys can get at least an initial idea about what to expect from this novel. It’s obviously a world-hopping novel, in addition to that, what you can expect is cool fights with unique powers and abilities, a universe with extensive world building with each world having its culture, powers, environment and history, supporting characters having their own stories and depth and you can expect an answer to almost everything that happens in the story, everything happens for a reason, reasons for the system, why skills have cooldowns etc. And the main allure of a Xianxia novel, the adventure of a grassroot mortal becoming one of most powerful beings in the universe. It’s gonna get better and better, I can promise you that.

That’s about the novel, now how is the translation quality? Though not exactly translating, I am just editing MTL chapters here. I have to say I have a newfound respect for others who do full translations, just my editing process alone is so time consuming. I know my first 15 or so chapters may have not been up to the par in quality, I am currently re-editing them, sorry about that. This was my first time doing something like this and I may have gotten hasty with my work, looking for easy ways out.

Still, how are the recent chapters? I hope I have improved. Tell me in the comments, I would love to hear from you guys. It will be a great encouragement for me going forward. If you enjoyed the novel, tell your friends about it too. And also tell me when you spot errors so that I can correct them, I am doing this alone so I may miss some things.

As for the updating schedule, for the next foreseeable future I will update 1 chapter per day, in addition I will try to release 2-3 more chapters weekly as I have time, to release at least 10 chapters weekly and I will try to increase my release output as I go.

And also I am currently looking for solutions for the “next page” “previous page” buttons on the site. I know your pain, will do something about it quickly.

Sorry for the long rant, have a nice day, Thanks!)

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