2 months ago

Disaster Strikes灾难降临

In the world of “Disaster World,” Chen Mo finds himself reincarnated into a realm devoid of the... Read more
In the world of “Disaster World,” Chen Mo finds himself reincarnated into a realm devoid of the sun, moon, or stars—a world without vitality.

To survive, inhabitants must become calamity wielders, plundering resources from other worlds to sustain themselves.

This dangerous world is a place where beings learn power systems from different worlds and attempt to create power systems unique to themselves to evolve into higher-level lifeforms through the mysterious Tianhua Quantum Technology.

Taking on the name “Traveller,” Chen Mo traverses from one world to another, plundering resources to grow stronger in this ruthless environment. He witnesses the painful self-immolation of bio-reconstructed people in evil laboratories, the wailing of castle wars in the misty Worm Sea, and the despair sealed by ancient cultivators in ruins and he experiences the gaze of monsters that appear once every thousand years in the cycle of day and night.

As terrifying demon gods invade through torn spacetime rifts, they are torn apart by antimatter weapons.

Civilization, born from the smallest dust, launches a great ecological extinction.

Chen Mo realizes that the vast and magnificent wars in every corner are merely epitaphs on the road to self-destruction for the insects that rose later. Collapse
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Comments 25

  1. Offline
    Why bother with criticism? The novel is meant to be read, enjoy and escape from reality not analysis and scrutinizing its political, social, history, skills and logic. Why bother?
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    1. Offline
      Daoist you have become a deviant of the demonic path. Come back to the light. We have cookies
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    2. Online Offline
      MTL Ancestor
      There are three reasons for that, at least i believe so, criticism, the process itself, is enjoyable for a significant number of people as it is a process of deciphering, which is something innate to the nature of humans relating to the areas of curiosity.

      The second reason is that i believe people feel that there time been wasted reading the novel due to the things bought out in their criticism, and not wanting the same to happen to others they try to warn them of the obstacles ahead, it comes from the sense of empathy that humans posses, at least that's what i think.

      Third reason i think is another of joy, particularly they enjoy the reactions that their criticism generates among it's readers.
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      1. Offline
        thats a bit optimistic.. its mostly self centered imo, i believe most think that their opinion is right and that everyone should follow or accept it..
        which is still quite a normal behavior tbh since people live in different cultures and regions.. most people hate china for example XD
        tho i think most are being influenced to that mindset..
        of course i think some doesn't really care after leaving their point, majority doesnt even bother to comment swindler

        anyways another reason would be that some people simply dont want u to read a great novel, maybe because they hate where the mc comes from or anything that can be considered minor to someone else..
        i just experienced this myself on another novel when i found a novel of a genre i like.. but the one on the top comment made me not read it and when i do read it.. what the dude said was a f#cking lie or an exaggeration.. i dont really know why would anyone do that really whoknows
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    3. Offline
      Brother Wang, have you recently went through cultivation deviation?
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    4. Offline
      this is always what i try to do in every novel.. i like to think back of the time before i was introduced to the net where i would watch every movie or tv shows regardless if its good or bad since it's still entertainment anyways..

      just imagine if you try to share these movies and novels to indigenous people, people living in the mountains away from civilization or even undeveloped rural areas.. im pretty sure they will be happy regardless
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  2. Offline
    The start was relatively good and interesting but the author decided to run full speed of the cliff shortly after.

    We are told about a world that needs to plunder other worlds as its way of living. This way its inhabitants are forced to constantly mix and match their skills and professions based on the world's they plunder and what fits them.

    The MC is a thick skinned telekinetic. For some reason only the author knows he apparently can't control telekinetically weapons but he needs a special skill to do so which makes no sense. Like he can move stones, metal fragments and special telekinetic objects but not normal metal weapons?? Bullshit. The author just does this in order to needlessly make eastern style cultivation innately stronger.

    Now we get to the cliff part. Apparently the only world so far introduced that can face off against the disaster world is an eastern cultivation world which makes no sense. An eastern cultivation world has no innate advantage over any other type of power system other than the preference of the author. Another unfair advantage is that for some reason disaster survivors can't loot skills from monks. They can kill people from other worlds to get a chance to acquire their skills but not from monks.

    Anything Western related gets severely shafted or killed soon after and this devolves into a Chinese ego stroking. There is subtle racism from the get go. In the first mission world the western captives get killed for no reason. Like they had escaped from their previous kidnapped state and just because the MC needed to get more rewards they were killed. They could have waited a couple of hours for support and it would have been fine. Then the author forces two high level people take a healing medicine that will destroy their potential just for "revenge". They could have just waited. The Chinese guy was middle aged and most likely not that talented given his age. But the western girl was really young and probably many times more talented. There was no reason to sacrifice her future compared to waiting a couple hours.

    Then we are introduced at a medieval Europe fantasy world which is described being at the mercy of the Disaster world. Comparatively the Disaster world is described as being afraid of the monk world. Apparently 15th century European aristocrats with a good upbringing can't solve elementary school level mathematical problems or the Disaster survivors. The problem was as is: there is a barn with servants and horse inside, there are 26 more horses than humans and there are 200 legs in total. The aristocrat was given 2 minutes to answer but paled and panicked instantly. The MC answered after about 30 secs. It seems to me that the author isn't even that well versed in history considering equations were a thing since at least the 5th century BC. It is also described that such a simple mathematical question requires someone to be a genius?? Like what that hell goes with this racism. Not to mention the whole plot for this world was shit. Initially that aristocratic man was described as a useless, impotent and sickly cripple but he suddenly becomes super awesome and strong for the plot's convenience sake. The whole plot of this world is based how his fiancee looked down on him due to his sickly, weak and cowardly appearance and cucks him. The MC is summoned to avenge his shame. This makes no sense when the author later makes the aristocratic man look so awesome. Then this aristocratic man pursues a known intelligent and super awesome beauty that is pursued by too many people in order to make up for the war he started. Apparently this super awesome ,intelligent and beautiful aristocratic lady almost immediately falls in love with this aristocratic man. It needs to be noted that he looks relatively bad. He is super pale, hunched over and in bad health. He only passes legitely three of her tests. Only her first test does he pass based on his capabilities. The second test was one of courage but he had nothing to lose and even dying was better than not being able to succeed in marriage. There was no point of this courage test. The third wisdom test was answered by the MC. The last loyalty test also made no sense since he admitted that he approached her with ulterior motives. Which of her pursuers did not have ulterior motives or have fallen in love with her. Super sloppy plot writing.

    Definitely not recommended.
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    1. Offline
      You western dog...Mah cultured china numba waaan!
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    2. Offline
      it was said in the novel itself that one of the reasons why the immortal world is so powerful is that it has so much resources. And quite frankly when I read the novel I didn't even noticed these things that you pointed out, I just enjoyed it. For you to notice these things I feel like you are purposely looking for trouble, just saying.
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      1. Offline
        It doesn't explain why cultivation techniques can't be dropped as skill scrolls and are exclusive when disaster survivors want to cultivate them. There is also no reasonable explanation on why you would need spiritual roots to use them and other skills having no similar requirements. It is also quite stupid that there are only cultivation techniques that can take advantage of his excess time. Like if I wanted to read a cultivation novel exclusively I might as well go to a better-written book.

        Lastly, I have started hating cultivation culture in general because it is stupid. It is orkz (from Warhammer) levels of stupidity and only using a power similar to the waghh energy can such a mess actually work.

        Maybe you shut off your brain when reading these kinds of things but it is a real eyesore every time I read shit like that.
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      2. Offline
        If "the novel" is substituted with "Mein Kampf", you suddenly sound extremely insensitive.
        But what's wrong? All you did was enjoy it, so why should others point out the xenophobia and racism? Wouldn't that just be looking for trouble?

        Is reading into the novel's undertones and what they suggest of the author's opinions "too troubling" nowadays?
        What are we supposed to do when we are expressing our thoughts then? Self-censor?

        Or I dunno, I could just be purposely looking for trouble, just saying.
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        1. Offline
          HAHA! I guess you're right IF we substitute "the novel" for "Mein Kampf", though I didn't know what that was I had to look it up, and that is a big IF, so as you are entitled to your own opinion in this free world I'll stand by mine, what I said is only for "the novel", I know nothing about a "Mein Kampf".
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    3. Offline
      I stopped reading ur review at the 4th paragraph since it sounds like spoilers from later in the novel, so can't comment on any of that. Will just respond to the paragraph about his telekinesis, since it is mentioned in the translated chapters.

      In terms of his telekinesis, he doesn't need a skill to use it on weapons? It is just easier to use it on actual magic items/items with any colour rarity, vs mundane items. He has no issues using it on the training sphere or the Green quality item he gets in the first mission. He struggles a bit when using it on a mundane sword, but that's just because it had no rarity and was done when he was just starting out with his telekinesis. As far as I remember, he didn't outright fail at controlling it, it was just too difficult to be worth it.

      It makes sense that it'd be easier to use telekinesis on a small sphere vs a whole ass sword - also makes more sense as a weapon for those at lower levels like the MC. When he is more poweful/skilled at using his telekinesis, then he should be able to do things like control multiple items at once and throw around heavy things with ease, but you can't expect that of him at the start.
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      1. Offline
        In terms of his telekinesis, he doesn't need a skill to use it on weapons?

        It is said that he needs an object control skill to use it for magic weapons but he never really thinks of using something other than a magic weapon to use telekinesis.

        He has no issues using it on the training sphere or the Green quality item he gets in the first mission.

        Which are special telekinesis objects. The training sphere is meant to be used for training telekinesis. The green-quality item was dropped from a telekinetic.

        He struggles a bit when using it on a mundane sword, but that's just because it had no rarity and was done when he was just starting out with his telekinesis.

        And never bothers to try ever again.

        It makes sense that it'd be easier to use telekinesis on a small sphere vs a whole ass sword

        Indeed so why didn't he try to use a dagger or just a sharpened short metal rod? Or just a sharpened metal shard. Or just use mini daggers like King from Seven Deadly Sins.

        A sharp object would be able to do much more damage than a blunt object relying on momentum to deal damage.
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        1. Offline
          It makes sense for him to not bother using anything other than a magic weapon, since magic weapons all have stats. His green quality psychic ball thing had a +25 damage to it, which also applied to his psychic bullet skill too (somehow).

          It makes sense that he hasn't tried again within these translated chapters, since he's just been training/in his first mission, but if he never tries again in the future that is definetly disappointing.

          You're forgetting that those things won't have any damage Bonuses unless they were specifically magic items - a sharp metal shard by itself would do less damage in this scenario than the round ball with +25 to it.

          That's why I feel the HP system is a bit of a weird choice to use here - surely if someone gets shot in the head, that will kill them regardless of their HP level? Provided it bypasses their defenses etc. It seems to be the case given that's how he killed the guy going for him before, but the reasoning given of it being a crit also kinda goes against it...

          I hope if he does get some sharp weapons with a good bonus in the future, like daggers maybe, he at least tries using them.
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  3. Offline
    Have read all available chapters (50). It's honestly pretty decent tbh. The first chapter is pretty much entirely unnecessary, so definetly don't take that as any indication of the actual story.

    The main story so far has covered the pretty short academy arc and then his first actual mission. All of the students get an AI chip implanted which basically acts somewhat like a system, but mostly just as a means to digitise bodily stats, list skills, allow learning of skills via shards and tracking/trading contribution points. There's no shop, titles, achievements, etc. There initially wasn't any assignable stat points, though he gains one as a reward for beating his first mission.

    The HP and game-like mechanics are a bit weird, but make logical sense in how they work for the most part.

    The MC himself is Hardworking, fairly smart and focused on improving himself. He doesn't make any stupid or rash decisions either. He spends majority of the academy section training by himself/with guidance from a teacher, but during the mission he is an active team participant, not a complete loner who avoids others and does everything solo.

    In terms of his path, his main Trait is Stone Skin, which increases his defense and survivability. He makes use of his higher mental stats by choosing to go down the Psychic path - telekinesis etc.

    Initially he doesn't seem to have any cheat, other than an increased mental stat due to his transmigration, but in the last few chapters he awakens a new talent which is pretty interesting. It has 2 aspects - one related to his skills and one that will allow him extra time to grow, similar to the novel 48 Hours a Day.

    Potential minor spoilers for a small aspect of 48 Hours a Day in my explanation below:

    Overall this new talent seems to strike a good balance between giving his skills more utility, as well as allowing him extra time to increase his stats - which he definitely needs as the body he transmigrated to was abandoned because the original owner didn't bother with increasing his stats/skills at all.

    Hopefully it continues, since I will be interested to see how things go on from here. On the NovelUpdates link it is up to Chapter 56, so hopefully they do get uploaded here sooner or later.
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  4. Offline
    In five chapters I only saw stupidity, nothing more, I can summarize each of them in a single sentence: 1- xenophobia/racism 2- transmigration and dumb world 3- game status for no reason 4- I don't remember, even though I just read it 5- who is who?
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  5. Offline
    Taking on the name “Traveller,”

    "Ad Astra Abyssosque!"
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  6. Offline
    I read about 40 hp on the 69shu. My assessment is that the author is probably anti-social. It's an interesting work, it's not rubbish, but it's not a masterpiece either. Rank C+ (has some potential)
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  7. Offline
    Demon kiran
    Not a masterpiece but pretty enjoyable novel.
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  8. Offline
    Awesome hook, I’ll give it a go
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  9. Online Offline
    Hm usually, these novels that do world hopping us either pure gold or garbage, depends on author’s world building and character development and if the plot aint shit
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    1. Offline
      Hello young man, do you have any recommendations for this old man?
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      1. Online Offline
        Hmm what are you looking for? If you are asking about world hopping, I would suggest My Divine Diary you can also check out creating heavenly laws, seems like its going to have world hopping
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  10. Offline
    Poison testers?
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