
Chapter 24

Organizing The Loots! The Announcement Reappears!

Nezario didn’t seem to have had enough fun after killing the Desert Fog Lizard leader.

It flew back into the sky and surveyed the intense battle below. Then, it joined in without hesitation and helped the soldiers deal with the Desert Fog Lizard monsters.

With the addition of a Green Bronze-Tier dragon like Nezario, the soldiers’ morale was boosted, and they fought even harder.

Half an hour later, more than 200 Desert Fog Lizards were killed.

Almost all of the corpses were made up of Desert Fog Lizards. However, there were also scattered corpses of soldiers.

After Zhou Zhou saw the corpses of these soldiers, the feeling of jubilation for defeating the Scarlet Lord faded.

"Zhang Qianjing, heal the wounded soldiers. I’ve already given you the Life Potions. Don’t be stingy when you need to use them. Ask me for more if you need them!” Zhou Zhou said to the Black Iron-Tier Intermediate Grade doctor beside him.

"My Lord is merciful.” Zhang Qianjing bowed respectfully to Zhou Zhou and immediately walked quickly in the direction of the injured.

"My Lord, don’t be too sad. We are mortal enemies with these fog monsters and foreign Lords. They’ll attack us sooner or later even if we don’t attack them.”

"A small number of casualties to avoid greater casualties or even destruction in the future! My Lord, please don’t doubt yourself!”

"None of our soldiers are afraid of war, and all of us agree with the Lord’s decision!” Bai Yi came in front of Zhou Zhou and said seriously.

She was very worried that her Lord would not want to fight again just because he had seen some casualties.

A Lord who dared not fight was no different from a lamb waiting to be slaughtered on the High Continent.

Even though she would still be loyal to her Lord, she did not want her Lord to die at the hands of other Lords or fog monsters one day.

Zhou Zhou said nothing while he looked at the battlefield in front of him.

His eyes gradually became firm.

Only by becoming stronger would there be fewer casualties!

He thought firmly.

If he could bring a million soldiers with him and each of them threw a stone in this battle, he could also bury this territory of the Scarlet Lord.

I’m still not strong enough! eed more soldiers and even more Lord Talents!

He thought.

"Take me to see the corpse of the Scarlet Lord.” Zhou Zhou suddenly said.

"Yes!” Bai Yi heaved a sigh of relief in her heart, and a smile appeared on her face again.

Then, she brought Zhou Zhou to the corpse of the Desert Fog Lizard leader.


Nezario flew in front of Zhou Zhou and rubbed its head against Zhou Zhou’s arm. Then, it looked at Zhou Zhou with sparkling eyes.

[Praise me! Praise me!]

"My Nezario did well! You will take the main credit for this battle!” Zhou Zhou praised.

The casualties would probably be at least 10 times more for this battle if it weren’t for the fact that Nezario had killed this Desert Fog Lizard leader and then helped the soldiers deal with the other Desert Fog Lizards!

Thus, it was no problem for Nezario to take the credit.

Then, Zhou Zhou placed his hand on the corpse of the Desert Fog Lizard leader.

A golden notification appeared.

[Do you want to retrieve the loot?]


[Lord Talent Hint: You have obtained these loots —10 units of Mist Cores (Black Iron-Tier), 100 units of Desert Fog Lizard Leader’s meat (Green Bronze-Tier Elementary Grade), 100 kg water bag, five Sword Shield Soldier Class Change Certificates (No Grade), three Sword Sword Shield Soldier Recruitment Books (Low Bronze), one Sand Trap Skill Book (Black Iron-Tier Elementary Grade), one Alchemy Potion Formula, Blood Eye (Black Iron-Tier Elementary Grade), one Scarlet Lord Talent Sphere (White Silver-Tier Elementary Grade)!]


The huge corpse of the Desert Fog Lizard leader instantly exploded.

There were so many loots that it looked like a small mountain.

Bai Yi was already mentally prepared. However, he could not help but widen his eyes.

Nezario, on the other hand, drooled as it stared at the meat and the Green Bronze-Tier Mist Cores.

Zhou Zhou also checked the loot. The first item he looked at was the Sand Trap Technique skill book.

[Skill Name: Sand Trap Technique]

[Skill Quality: Green Bronze-Tier Elementary Grade]

[Skill Description: Advanced Sand Stealth Skill! Controls the ground, turning the ground within a certain range into a quicksand pit. The area and depth of the quicksand pit depends on the amount of energy output from the user.]

Zhou Zhou learned it on the spot.

This was a rare skill that could change the terrain!

Zhou Zhou had already witnessed its power in the battle just now.

In a one-on-one fight, the effect might not seem obvious.

However, if it was used on a battlefield where there were many people, it would definitely produce an astonishing effect that could be worthy of being called a battlefield killing machine!

It would not be impossible to sink a city into quicksand with a wave of his hand when he became stronger in the future.

Next was the alchemy potion formula, Blood Eye.

[Alchemy Potion Formula: Blood Eye]

[Formula Quality: Black Iron-Tier Elementary Grade]

[Formula Effect: After using it, you can master the refining method of the Blood Eye. Apply the Blood Eye on the eyelids and you can observe the warm-blooded creatures within your field of vision. It will also have a certain effect of improving your vision.]

[Material Formula: Blood Pupil Flower (Black Iron-Tier Elementary Grade), Blue Ice Leaf (Black Iron-Tier Elementary Grade), Three Leaf Grass (Common material)]

[Formula Description: Any creature with blood can’t hide from the Blood Eye.]

[Learning Requirement: Can only be learned by alchemists, technicians, doctors, and other herb-related life professions.]

Zhou Zhou looked at the formula thoughtfully.

This Blood Eye seemed to be useful in restraining invisibility skills.

Other than that, Zhou Zhou could not think of any other uses for it.

He did not think too much about it and prepared to get Ashburn to learn it.

Zhou Zhou’s gaze landed on a ball of light that emitted a silver-white halo with a wisp of blood inside.

[Treasure Name: Scarlet Lord Talent Sphere – Unknown]

[Treasure Grade: White Silver-Tier]

[Treasure Effect: After being purified by the Supreme Will, the Lord can absorb it and obtain an unknown White Silver-Tier Lord talent.]

[Treasure Description: A loot that could not be dropped. It was forced to drop under the drive of some mysterious power.]

[Do you want to purify it?]

Zhou Zhou did not purify it immediately.

Who knew what would happen in the process? It was better to return to his territory first.

After that, Zhou Zhou entered the Lord’s wooden house and saw the territory token tablet.

Moreover, it was a Black Iron-Tier Intermediate Grade Token!

"The Scarlet Lord also has a Territory Token Tablet?”

Zhou Zhou clicked his tongue in wonder.

He called five Sword Shield Soldiers over and began to destroy this territory token tablet.

It took them an entire 15 minutes to break the 5,000 points Endurance Tablet to reveal the Territory Token inside.

Zhou Zhou stepped forward and placed his hand on the Territory Order.

[Receive the Territory Order?]

"Yes!” He said.


The Territory Order landed in his hands.

At this moment. A line of golden text suddenly appeared in front of Zhou Zhou.

It also appeared in front of billions of Cerulean Planet Lords.

[Cerulean Planet World Channel Announcement: Congratulations to the Lord of The Blazing Sun, on becoming the first Cerulean Planet Lord to capture the territory of a Scarlet Lord, the reward is a Supreme-Tier treasure box +1, Reputation Rating +1! ]

[Cerulean Planet World Channel Announcement: Congratulations to the Lord of The Blazing Sun…]

[Cerulean Planet World Channel Announcement: Congratulations to the Lord of The Blazing Sun…]

Three announcements rang in the ears of all the Cerulean Planet Lords.

Zhou Zhou was stunned.

I’m the first Cerulean Planet Lord to occupy the territory of a Scarlet Lord?

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Comments 16

  1. Offline
    + 010 -
    and ridiculous how he had deaths in his army.
    600 soldiers vs 200 monsters.
    he still had a f#cking dragon.
    not that I care about the death of minion troops, but that doesn't even make sense, soldiers using shield techniques with a 3x greater number and a dragon that was capable of killing all monsters alone, as it had casualties in this situation, I just think Stupid.
    with the f#cking barrier they killed 1500 monsters at night when they are 500% stronger, but without the barrier it couldn't take 200 and it's really stupid
    Read more
    1. Offline
      + 00 -
      Read more
    2. Offline
      soul crusher
      + 30 -
      behind the barrier they are absolutely protected here they aren't in a chaotic battlefield anything can happen that said I do agree he had at least double the amount of troops (it said more than 200 lizards so it may be less than triple the amount) and should have had injured soldiers at most unless all the monsters are stronger than his troops which considering they're about the same rank that shouldn't be the case tbh
      Read more
    3. Offline
      + 30 -
      There's a difference between small scale battle and a large one. Even if he has more than twice the double soldiers. This is not a video game where there will exactly 3 soldiers fight against a single opponent with no one disturbing each of the fight. Any random stray attack can take a life.
      Read more
    4. Offline
      + 10 -
      im not sure about this.. but i think there was a buff from the scarlet lord as well
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    5. Offline
      isaias Gabriel
      + 00 -
      Nothing to do with it, what does having more soldiers have to do with it?Leonidas won 10,000 soldiers with just 300 people, imagine this world where they fight with monsters that have bodies stronger than humans
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    6. Offline
      + 00 -
      He's inexperienced. He could've done Fabian tactics while his dragon took out the leader, but instead he sent his troops on the assault. He's not a military strategist nor is he well-versed in military history, so the fact he did as well as he did is already a great achievement.

      Yes, he's a bit incompetent! You act like he didn't get randomly thrown into a desert a few days ago.
      Read more
  2. Offline
    + 40 -
    This is from previous chapter
    [Loots: 10 units of Green Bronze-Tier Mist Core (Drop Rate: 100%), one unit to 100 units of Green Bronze-Tier Elementary Grade Desert Fog Lizard Leader’s flesh (Drop Rate: 20% to 0.1%), 100 kg of water bags (Drop Rate: 3%), one Green Bronze-Tier Elementary Grade “Sand Trap Technique” skill book (Drop Rate: 0.1%), five gradeless Sword Shield Warrior Class Change Certificate (Drop Rate: 0.1%), three Green Bronze-Tier Elementary Grade Sword Shield Warrior Recruitment Book (Drop Rate: 0.1%), one Black Iron-Tier Elementary Grade alchemy potion formula “Blood Eye” (Drop Rate: 0.1%), one White Silver-Tier Elementary Grade Scarlet Lord Talent Sphere (Drop Rate: 0%)]

    This is from this chapter
    [Lord Talent Hint: You have obtained these loots —10 units of Mist Cores (Black Iron-Tier), 100 units of Desert Fog Lizard Leader’s meat (Green Bronze-Tier Elementary Grade), 100 kg water bag, five Sword Shield Soldier Class Change Certificates (No Grade), three Sword Sword Shield Soldier Recruitment Books (Low Bronze), one Sand Trap Skill Book (Black Iron-Tier Elementary Grade), one Alchemy Potion Formula, Blood Eye (Black Iron-Tier Elementary Grade), one Scarlet Lord Talent Sphere (White Silver-Tier Elementary Grade)!]

    Instead of green bronze 10 units mist core.... Mc got Black iron eyetwit
    Read more
    1. Offline
      soul crusher
      + 10 -
      it's not the first time that mistakes been made and I wouldn't give it much attention tbh it's a basic tier mix up situation in novels like these it'll occasionally occur
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    2. Offline
      + 00 -
      There was a line in which the Dragon lusted after the Green-bronze cores, so everything is alright, he still got them)
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  3. Offline
    + 52 -
    what is the size of this damn Cerulean Planet?
    Read more
    1. Online Offline
      + 22 -
      Cerulean Planet prob refers to Earth
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      1. Offline
        + 22 -
        no the numbers dosent add up
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        1. Offline
          + 90 -
          Its Chinese novel so
          100000000000000 mm^2
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          1. Offline
            + 00 -
            Quote: LION444
            Its Chinese novel so
            100000000000000 mm^2

            That'd be 100km^2. That's pretty f#cking small...
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      2. Offline
        + 10 -
        "I actually awakened a Legendary-Tier Lord Talent! Isn’t this 100% drop rate too ridiculous?!” Zhou Zhou was pleasantly surprised.

        He was a transmigrator who had lived two very ordinary lives without much luck.

        He did not expect his luck to reverse in this High Continent

        Excerpt taken from first chapte
        Therefore, no, cerulean planet is not Earth
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        1. Offline
          soul crusher
          + 00 -
          that doesn't prove anything he could've lived on another planet then this version of earth after all it never stated his first life was on earth or perhaps both his previous life's were on the same planet
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    2. Offline
      + 20 -
      I think something similar to largest black hole which is:

      It has a mass that equals about 66 billion times that of the Sun.

      Cause billion of people from earth only and the native of this world and territories under them which are few km away from each other
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    3. Offline
      + 10 -
      Cerulean means deep blue sky colour... So, it means Deep blue/ blue planet. Aka Earth is also called Blue Planet...
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