
Chapter 1: Glossary (Mild Spoilers)

Beware of mild spoilers. ( But nothing too serious)

1. Thesos- A region inhabited by an ethnic group called Thesians. The region is littered with hundreds of various-sized city-states. The two most prominent and powerful ones are Cantagena and Exolas, who share no love for each other.

2. Cantagena- A city-state heading the Cantagenan alliance. Used to be the overlord of Thesos, before being officially overthrown by Exolas in the War of Flowers. Cultural and economical capital of the Thesian world.

3. Sycania- A mid-sized city-state famed in Thesos for possessing the finest cavalry.

3. Exolas- The current hegemon of Thesos and the leader of the Exolas alliance. A city-state that spends its time only going to war, preparing to go to war, or training for war. It's dependent on its sister states for most of its civilian needs like clothes, timber, metal, etc, and doesn't have an economy to speak of.

4. Adhania- Neighbours of the Exolas alliance to the east. Considered the strongest nation of the east, its relation with Exolas is surprisingly good. Supports and finances Exolas to suppress the Cantagenans.

5. Tibias- A rich, fertile country south of Adhania. Mortal enemies of Adhania, who covets its fertile, delta banks. Just a strait of five kilometers separates the two nations. Friend of convenience of Cantagena.

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Comments 3

  1. Offline
    Time to read this cursed book
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    1. Offline
      How was it? 😦
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      1. Offline
        Excellent world building
        Mc does not get cucked
        Good kingdom building
        Author is a civil engineer IRL so he knows what's he talking about

        World has swinging/swapping practices. Mc does not share or swap his wives but he f#cks others wives
        If u are a prude this book has one scene where 2 men f#ck a girl as someone f#cks MC
        If this makes u uncomfortable u can just skip those chapters since they are not plot relevant
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