
Chapter 167: The More I Long for You, the More Reluctant I Am to Part

“Woaaah…! Amazing! It’s huge!”

“Oh… Indeed, this is something.”

Having explored the aquarium, we were now standing in front of its main attraction, the enormous tank. It was overwhelming. According to the information plaque, it held a volume equivalent to more than ten school swimming pools. Inside, various species of sharks, rays, and even whale sharks swam gracefully. The sheer scale of it made it look like a cross-section of the ocean.

“It feels like a dream… So sparkling and fantastical.”

The large tank, where both giant and small sea creatures coexisted, did indeed seem like something out of a fairy tale. In the dimly lit room, the tank gleamed as if basking in sunlight, creating a world of its own. It was all so mysterious, especially with its colossal size.

“This is truly amazing. They said it opened a few years ago, but I didn’t expect the facilities to be this impressive.”

“Yes! I’ve always wanted to visit an aquarium, so having my dream come true is wonderful!”

“Wait… Is this your first time at an aquarium?”

Surprisingly, it was. One would expect someone to have visited one at least once during their childhood…

“Yes, embarrassingly… I always wanted to visit places like this as a child, but my father was always too busy.”

Haruka seemed momentarily lost in thought, perhaps recalling those days, and she smiled wistfully.

“Of course, I could go with Mother or the housekeeper, but as a child, I really wanted to go with my whole family. In the end, though…”

“Right… That was probably the most crucial time for your father’s company.”

That’s probably why Haruka now revels in events and outings. Still, her pure-heartedness plays a significant role in her enjoyment.

“So today is truly enjoyable for me. Coming to a place I’ve always wanted to visit, with someone I’ve come to love.”

Naturally, I was once again touched by her words.

“I want to experience this wonderful feeling again… I—”

Haruka’s graceful fingers intertwined with mine.

“Then… let’s go again.”

“Be it an aquarium, a zoo, or an amusement park… wherever you want to go.”

“I want to go to many places with you. See various things and share lots of time.”

” What do you say? Will you go with me?”

“Yes! I’ll go, I’ll go…!”

Tears glistened in Haruka’s eyes as she spoke with heartfelt emotion.

“With you, Shinichirou… I’ll go anywhere!”

My girlfriend, holding my hand, beamed with a smile that seemed to bloom like a flower of joy in front of the transparent tank. In that moment, I saw the precious hope for the future in her heart, shining brighter than anything else.

“Sigh… I had quite a blast.”

“Yes! It was really impressive! I could watch the tank with the swirling white jellyfish forever, and the seals were even more dynamic than I imagined!”

“They really put a lot of thought into the presentations. Personally, I was surprised by how big the real capybaras are.”

“Ah, me too! I had imagined them to be about the size of a cat!”

Having conquered all the routes in the aquarium, we strolled through the seaside park outside. As winter drew near, darkness already blanketed the surroundings, and there were hardly any other people walking besides us.

(It was so much fun…)

While the contents of the aquarium were great, it was undoubtedly being with Haruka that made me feel so light-hearted.

Finally understanding, I figured this was why couples in society always seemed eager to go on dates. This happiness of sharing an entire day together was irreplaceable.

(Ah, darn it… I don’t want it to end yet. I want to be together just a bit longer…)

Although it was about time to take Haruka home, I couldn’t help but feel a lingering reluctance. Even though we’d been together since morning, it seemed I still hadn’t had my fill of Haruka’s presence.

“It’s gotten quite dark for only being late afternoon… Are you okay with your curfew, Haruka?”

“Yes, I sent a message to my parents, so I still have some time. So… if you’re okay with it, Shinichirou…”


For some reason, Haruka blushed and looked down, fiddling with her fingers. What could she possibly find so hard to say…

“Just a little bit more… Can we stay together a bit longer…?”


Like a child asking a parent for something, Haruka said it with an upturned gaze, looking too adorable.

“Even though we’ve been together all day… I can’t help but want to be with you just a bit longer. That’s how I feel.”

With an air of longing, Haruka confessed while her cheeks flushed. Her overwhelming adorableness was almost unfair; for a moment, I felt like I might lose consciousness.

“Well, actually…”

Regretting that I let Haruka say it first, I also voiced my feelings.

“I feel the same… I wanted to be with you just a little bit longer. I didn’t want this day to end yet… That’s what I was thinking.”


Realizing that we shared the same sentiment, Haruka smiled happily. Even in the darkness of the night, her smile was incredibly radiant.

“S-So… there’s an observation deck over there. Shall we go check it out?”

“Y-Yes! Of course, I’d love to!”

Even though our date was coming to an end, we were both still fumbling and hesitating.

Oh, we really are still beginners. Reacting to every little thing the other does, and getting flustered over trivial matters.



With a little hesitation, I gently extended my arm towards Haruka, who was walking beside me. Haruka blinked for a moment… but soon seemed to understand the meaning, blushing as she timidly looped her arm through mine.

Walking with our arms linked, my heart pounded even harder than before. With more points of contact, not only could I feel Haruka’s warmth, but also the softness of her body.

And so, with faces that still looked a bit steamed, we began to walk arm in arm. On this day, I just wanted to be together a little while longer.

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